4.1 Sunshine Yates

Food & Beverage Sector
Organic Waste Project
Food & Beverage Sector Group
Enterprising Manukau
Sustainable Management Fund
Organic waste in NZ
Environmental Report Card (July 2009) - MfE
Organic waste 28% of
waste to landfill
About 40% of organic
waste (or 208,000 tonnes
per annum) is from
commercial & industrial
The NZ Waste Strategy
The NZ Waste Strategy 2002:
“By December 2010, the diversion of commercial organic
wastes from landfill to beneficial use will have exceeded 95
Review of The NZ Waste Strategy, 2006:
“There is only limited data on amount of commercial organic
waste diverted from landfill, so a comprehensive assessment of
commercial organic wastes diverted from landfill is not
currently possible.”
“A better understanding of diversion rates and flows for
industrial organic waste is critical if improvements are to be
made in organic diversion rates.”
Food & Beverage Sector Group
The Food & Beverage Sector Group
Managed and facilitated by Enterprising Manukau
(A Regional Economic Development Agency)
Includes 124 F&B manufacturers - representing 35% of
F&B manufacturers in Auckland region
Generates 69% of F&B revenue for Auckland region
Employs 52% of F&B labour force in the Auckland region
Generates $945 million in export revenue
Food & Beverage Sector Group
Sector Group interested in alternative organic waste
disposal options to:
Meet the objectives of The “NZ Waste Strategy”;
Lower environmental impacts;
Ensure sustainable business practices.
Project aims
Interview F&B Sector businesses
Interview organic waste processors
Determine types and quantities of organic wastes
generated and how these are disposed of
Determine availability of disposal options for organic (food)
Facilitate linkages between the two groups
Investigate disposal of food waste from hospitality and
institutional facilities
Determine the potential for diversion of this organic waste
F&B Sector Interviews
65 businesses surveyed
Combined annual turn over of $5.4 billion, representing
69% of the region’s food & beverage industry by revenue
Asked series of questions about their organic waste
generation and disposal, and their attitudes towards
F&B Sector Survey Results
Surveyed businesses
were generating
approximately 4,000
tonnes of organic
waste per month, or
48,000 tonnes per
Current disposal of organic waste
94 T/mth
98 T/mth
220 T/mth
201 T/mth
237 T/mth
276 T/mth
Only 6% to landfill
Stock feed
2874 T/mth
Organic waste to landfill
Half of surveyed businesses sending some organic waste
to landfill. Reasons included:
Organic waste
organic waste
Organic waste
Organic waste
Organic waste
could not be kept separate from other nonrequired safe (certified) disposal
was packaged
contained contaminants
35% from one business – most other businesses sending
small quantities
97% of waste “Sometimes landfilled” from one business:
usually to feed stock – sometimes to landfill
Barriers and Opportunities
Barriers to diverting organic waste
Assistance required to divert organic waste
Lack of disposal options
Resources required to implement a separate food waste
Lack of information on alternatives
Assistance with linking up with potential solution providers
Information on alternative disposal methods
Financial support to find alternatives
88% of businesses have implemented waste
minimisation practices
Organic waste processors
Definition - businesses that accept organic waste for the
purpose of using it in a beneficial manner, including:
Companies with on-site processing of organic waste
Companies that act as organic waste brokers, accepting
various types of organic wastes and on-selling them, either
directly or after some form of processing, to end users
(such as farmers)
Survey results
Aimed to identify companies able to process food waste
Nine currently processing food waste in Auckland region
(plus number of pig farmers), and two about to start
Variation in types of food waste accepted
Most willing to accept larger quantities
Economics vary greatly
Post-consumer food waste
Interviews with:
A selection of hotels
A selection of restaurants & cafes
Supermarkets (through Foodstuffs and Progressive)
Two airport caterers
A hospital
The Department of Corrections
All food waste landfilled (with some minor exceptions)
Willingness to find alternative, more sustainable disposal
Most organic waste generated by F&B Sector is currently
diverted from landfill
However, business desire for more information on, and
assistance linking up with, organic waste processors
Number of food waste processors available – providing
range of different types of processing
Currently very little processing of post-consumer food
Planned initiatives
Forum to introduce F&B Sector to processors
Generation of database of organic waste processors for
Enterprising Manukau (and other?) websites
Post-consumer food waste collection and processing
pilot, being organised with Hotel Association
Thank you!