We started with a word problem for Majority Vote process. This majority vote machine was designed for four people, a president, vice president, secretary, and a treasurer. The vote would be registered by a switch where 0 = No and 1 = Yes. Also for simplification purposes the president was abbreviated : P The Vice president : V Secretary : S and Treasurer : T. To pass a vote either the president with one other person must vote yes or the vice president, secretary, and the treasurer must all vote yes. First I began by creating a truth table from the word problem by showing the possible solutions where correct. A truth table shows all possible voting combinations with all the possible outcomes. My Original truth table had 16 possible voting combinations with only half or 8 of them passing. Next I created an un-simplified sketch only using 2 input gates. This sketch was very large and contained only 2 – input And gates, 2 – input or gates and inverters. This made it complex, hard to follow, and easy to mess up. Next I designed an AOL logic circuit in multisim. This logic circuit I created in multisim followed my sketch. After testing my AOL logic circuit in multisim to make sure the voting machine was working properly, I documented it with a photo and a signature from my teacher. Then I used Boolean algebra to create a more simplified truth table logic expression. Using Boolean logic I can algebraically simplify logic expressions. With the simplified logic expression I had a simplified logic gate that required much less chips and less wiring. This results in an easier circuit with less chance for error. Boolean logic consists of 12 theorems that make our logic expression simplified. Next, I had to make a new sketch in my note book that fit the new combination logic. This new sketch was much simpler using less gates and wires. My original sketch was built of 35 gates and many wires and my second gate after Boolean logic was built of only 6 gates but it functioned exactly the same was and was much easier to build. Next I entered or built my new sketch in multisim. Then I tested the circuit to make sure everything still worked the same way it had before in the larger circuit. After I proved it functioned properly I documented it with a photo and a signature from my teacher. Once I was ready to move on I had to wire this circuit on my breadboard. When I began I needed nine chips, but after I simplified things with Boolean logic I only needed 2 chips. I wired this circuit to my bread board companion. Each voter was represented with a switch. Switch 1 represented the president, switch 2 represented the vice president, switch 3 represents the secretary, and switch 4 represents the treasurer. The way I wired the circuit my first led light would light when a vote is passed or be UN light when it did not pass. Finished circuit on bread board below.