An easy way to remember the bureaucracy All of the component pieces to the Cabinet Departments and Independent Agencies of the Federal Government (All branches). For a listing of all Federal Government Components, please go here: encies/index.shtml A similar structure exists at the State Level. Just those component agencies of the President’s Cabinet… It is made up of many parts… ◦ Departments and their component pieces ◦ Independent Executive Agencies ◦ Government corporations ◦ This is where we begin the ABCD’S (and other letters) of Government Agencies, such as the CIA and EPA Administrations, such as the General Services Administration and NASA Authorities, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority Boards, such as the National Transportation Safety Board and the Railroad Retirement Board. Bureaus such as the FBI and the Bureau of Indian Affairs Commissions, like the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, or the Federal Elections Commission Corporations, like the FDIC and Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) Committees, such as the Federal Geographic Data Committee Councils, such as the Council of Economic Advisors Centers: ex: CDC Combatant Commands: ex: NorthCOM, USAFRICOM, CENTCOM, PACCOM, etc. Departments, like the Cabinet Departments, or the components of the Department of Defense Divisions Directorates – ex: Director of National Intelligence Systems – example: The Selective Service System Services – the Public Health Service, the National Park Service, etc. ◦ If it’s a Service, its personnel most likely wear a uniform. Institutes or Institutions, such as the National Institutes of Health or the Smithsonian Institution Offices, like the Office of National Drug Control Policy OTUS: of the United States ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ POTUS: President of the United States VPOTUS: Vice President of the United States FLOTUS: First Lady of the United States SCOTUS: Supreme Court of the United States COM: Command (normally used in the military) (Joint Service Combatant Command) Ex: CENTCOM, PACCOM, USAFRICOM, SOUTHCOM, TRANSCOM AG vs. Ag. ◦ Attorney General vs. Agriculture DHS vs. DHHS Department of Homeland Security vs. Department of Health and Human Services SEC vs. FEC vs. FCC vs. ICC Securities and Exchange Commission Federal Elections Commission Federal Communications Interstate Commerce Commission Comm. Cmte. COM Cmdr. Comm’r. There are those that are just funny… Like the White House Military Office (WHMO) ◦ Pronounced “Whammo.” There are also those that just make sense, too! SecDef, SecState, etc. Can you name the 8 uniformed services? ◦ I know you can name at least 5!! ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Ranks and pay grades are abbreviated Unit structures are abbreviated Operational units are abbreviated Classifications of equipment are abbreviated Name these agencies Agency: NARA Hint: Keeper of the Records Bureau: BPE Hint: Dollar Bills Department: DOC Hint: Trade Place: WH, HOB, FCI, Combatant Commander: CINCPAC, SACEURCOM Office (generalized to all Cabinet Dept.): OIG Uniformed Service: USPHS Administration (the weather people): NOAA Place (military, generalized): NAS, AFB, FOB Bureau: ATF, BJS, BLM Cabinet Department: DOL, DOJ, DOE, USDA, DOT Person: SecEd, SecAF, SecTrans Geographic Regions: NCR and CONUS USPS (Independent Government Corporation) USMS (there are two) (One law enforcement, one uniformed service) USSS (law enforcement) CBP (law enforcement) ICE (law enforcement) FSIS (formerly in Ag., now DHS) USS vs. USNS USMA, USNA, USAFA, USCGA, USMMA See…the bureaucracy can be fun!!