Session 4: Neuromuscular Disorders Vignette • 19 yo athlete has "tingling" in arms & legs for the 3 days with nl strength and coordination. Exam in is normal. • Two days later, he is admitted with rapidly progressive weakness • Exam shows tachycardia, nl pupils, EOM, facial expression with a poor cough & gag. There is proximal weakness, areflexia and nl sensation. Bladder function is good as is rectal tone. Questions • Which motor subsystem: muscle, neuromuscular junction, peripheral nerve, plexus, root, anterior horn cell, spinal cord, or brain is the problem located? • Differential diagnosis? • Tests • CSF findings • Management • Significance of the tachycardia and management • Prognosis • What if symptoms developed over 6 months? Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP) Georges Charles Guillain Jean-Alexandre Barre André Strohl Jean Landry GBS • Causes: In about 80% of the patients, symptoms began about 5 days to 3 weeks after a mild infection, surgery, etc. Some have infection by Campylobacter jejuni • Treatment includes plasmapheresis (plasma exchange, PLEX) and/or highdose immunoglobulin therapy. Prox/distal Sensory Prom fascic Reflexes EOM Dysarth/dysph Bladder Muscle NMJNerveALS P P D/P D/P + + ++ nc + + + + + + + + + - Cord D/P + + + ??? diab neurop CIDP CMT I CMT II Axonal vs Demyelin A or D Sens vs. sensmotor Both Length-dep Yes A or D Muscle Tone: Hypotonia/Atonia: Increased tone Rigidity Reduce or absent tone; associated with LMN or cerebellar lesions or acute UMN insult (e.g., spinal shock) Present bidirectional – associated with basal ganglia/extrapyramidal lesions (when accompanied with tremor there is “cogwheeling”). Changes in tone may be accentuated with contralateral limb activation. Performed by passively moving appendicular or axial structures Spasticity Velocity dependent; unidirectional increase in tone; associated with UMN lesion Paratonia Also known as “gegenhalten”; which is apparent increase in tone due to patient’s inability to relax; often present in individuals with cognitive changes Deltoid Biceps Triceps Finger ext APB FDI Iliopsoas Quadriceps Hamstrings Tibialis ant Gastroc EHL ext Function Sh ab flex C6 ext abd abd Hip flex Leg ext Leg flex Dorsi Plantar Dorsi Root C5 C5/6 Radial C7 C8/T1 C8/T1 L12 L234 S1 L45 S1 L5 Nerve Axillary Musculocutan Radial Median Ulnar Upper plexus Femoral Sciatic Peroneal Tibial Peroneal Axillary Nerve Median Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve Nerve Peroneal Nerve Femoral Nerve Obturator Nerve Tibial Nerve Deltoid C5 Axillary N. Biceps C6 Musculocutaneous N. Triceps C7 Radial N. Brachioradialis C6 Radial N. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris C7 Radial (Posterior Interossious) Extensor Digitorum C7 Radial (Posterior Interossious) First Dorsal Interossious T1 Ulnar Nerve Abductor Pollicis Brevis T1 Median N. Psoas L1,2 Hamstring S1 Sciatic Tibialis Anterior L4,5 Deep Peroneal N. Ext. Hallucis Longus L5 Deep Peroneal N. Extensor Digitorum Brevis L5 Deep Peroneal N. Extensor Digitorum Longus L5 Deep Peroneal N. Gastrocnemious S1 Tibial N. Grading Strength Deep Tendon Reflexes : Adequate Relaxation Stretch Tendon Suddenly Reinforcement Grading 0 to 4 Deep Tendon Reflex Technique: Adequate Relaxation Stretch Tendon Suddenly Reinforcement Grading 0 to 4 Segmental Reflex Innervation: Muscle •Biceps •Triceps •Brachioradialis •Knee •Knee (Alternate techniques) •Ankle Primary Nerve Root •C6 •C7 •C6 •L4 •L4 •S1 Reinforcement •Grading 0 to 4 Reflex Primary Nerve Root Biceps C6 Reflex Primary Nerve Root Triceps C7 Reflex Primary Nerve Root Brachioradialis C6 Reflex Primary Nerve Root Patellar L4 Reflex Primary Nerve Root Patellar L4 Reflex Primary Nerve Root Achilles S1 Abnormal Plantar Response: Extension of the great toe and fanning of other toes implies upper motor neuron dysfunction. Babinski Chaddock Oppenheim Gordon Snout Hoffman Finger Flexors Clonus Definitions • Allodynia: Pain due to a stimulus which does not normally provoke pain. • Dysesthesia: An unpleasant abnormal sensation, whether spontaneous or evoked. • Hyperalgesia: An increased response to a stimulus which is normally painful. • Neuropathic pain: Pain initiated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system. • Paresthesia: An abnormal sensation, whether spontaneous or evoked. Management • Neuropathic pain – Tricyclic antidepressants – Carbamazepine (tegretol)/trileptal – Gabapentin (Neurontin) – Opioids – Other Location Ulnar at elbow Radial at SG Median at wrist Peroneal at FH Strength Reflex Sensation ULNAR ENTRAPMENT AT ELBOW SENSORY CHANGES: numbness along the little and ulnar half of the ring finger and corresponding area of the palm and dorsum of the hand. MOTOR: weakness of the grip, particularly in activities like using a tool. Patients with more severe neuropathy would present with wasting of the intrinsic muscles of the hand (Fig 7). They may have the classic Froment’s sign (Fig 8). Weakness of the deep flexors to ring and little fingers as well as weakness of the flexor carpi ulnaris also point to proximal ulnar nerve entrapment. REFLEXES: no change Fig 7; right FDI/ADM weakness Fig 8; L thumb flexor weakness (right side of picture) Ulnar Nerve Lesion With an ulnar nerve injury at the medial epicondyle of the humerus the muscles paralyzed are the flexor carpi ulnaris, medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus, medial two lumbricals, all interossei and the adductor pollicis. The appearance of the hand is indicative of the muscles involved. The thumb is abducted and extended with the distal phalanx flexed. The first two fingers are fully extended with a slight flexion of the distal phalanges. The medial two fingers are hyperextended at the metacarpophalangeal joints but flexed at the distal phalangeal joints. The hand resembles a "claw" and is called a claw hand. Radial nerve injury above the elbow => the patient cannot extend the wrist, but he can minimally (passively) extend the fingers by markedly flexing the wrist => therefore always test the radial nerve by asking the patient to extend the wrist + fingers simultaneously Wrist Drop The radial nerve may be injured as it passes along the spiral groove of the humerus following factures of the humerus. The nerve has also been known to be injured due to prolonged pressure of the back of the arm on the edge of an operating table. Findings: The branches to the triceps are spared in this injury so that extension of the elbow is possible. The long extensors of the forearm are paralyzed and this will result in a "wrist drop". There is a small loss of sensation over the dorsal surface of the hand and the dorsla sufaces of the roots of the lateral three fingers. MEDIAN NERVE ENTRAPMENT AT THE WRIST 1. Commonly bilaterally and the dominant hand is often affected first and more severely. 2. Numbness over radial three and a half fingers; nocturnal numbness, improves with shaking of hand; may be seen with pregnancy, acromegaly, etc. 3. Clumsiness/weakness of thumb; wasting/weakness of thenar muscles (Fig. 3) 4. Consider testing if appropriate for a systemic causes if there are features of a neuropathy elsewhere, e.g. renal function, blood sugar, thyroid function test. If history of trauma consider xray of carpal tunnel. Electrophysiological studies to determine terminal motor latency, sensory nerve conduction velocity, abnormal wave form or amplitude of thenar muscle EMG. 5. Treatment: if the compression is mild, the motor function is preserved and the numbness is not severe, adjustment of hand and wrist movements in work and activity of daily living will help improve symptoms. Resting splint during sleep in neutral or in slightly dorsiflexion will improve numbness. Some patients may respond to ultrasound treatment or diuretics. Others need surgery. Fig 3; thenar atrophy of superior hand The radial nerve may be injured in the axilla, in the spiral groove and in the posterior compartment of the forearm. •In the axilla the nerve can be compressed (by a crutch, or by a chair-back), or stretched by dislocation of the shoulder joint. In this case the elbow extensors and extensors of the wrist and digits are paralysed, resulting in wristdrop. There is a sensory loss to a narrow strip of skin on the back of the forearm and on the dorsum of the hand and lateral three and one half digits. •Injury to the radial nerve in the spiral groove presents a different picture. Injury at this site is either due to compression against the humerus or fracture of the humerus. Injury most commonly occurs distal to the origin of the nerve supply to the elbow extensors and the cutaneous supply to the forearm. The loss therefore results in wristdrop and a small area of sensory loss on the dorsum of the hand and digits. •The radial nerve may also be injured in fractures of the proximal radius, resulting in loss of the extensons of the digits. Extensor carpi radialis will be undamaged and may be able to extend the wrist. The Common Peroneal Nerve The common peroneal nerve leaves the popliteal fossa between the tendon of biceps femoris and the lateral head of gastrocnemius. It crosses behind the head of the fibula and passes laterally around the neck of the fibula (where it may be palpated). The nerve gives of the sural communicating branch to the sural nerve, and the lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf. The nerve pierces the peroneus longus muscle to divide into deep and superficial branches. The deep peroneal nerve supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment - the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus tertius and extensor digitorum brevis. The deep peroneal nerve supplies cutaneous branches to the cleft between the big toe and the second toe. The superficial peroneal nerve supplies the muscles in the lateral compartment (peroneus longus and brevis) and the skin over the anterior lower leg and dorsum of the foot “Sciatica” typical history: • Sharp, burning, stabbing pain radiating down the posterior or lateral aspect of the leg, to below the knee. Pain is generally superficial and localized, and is often associated with numbness or tingling. • In more advanced cases, motor deficit, diminished reflexes or weakness may occur. • The relatively uncommon central disc herniation provokes low back pain and saddle pain in the S1 and S2 distributions. • A central herniated disc may also compress nerve roots of the cauda equina, resulting in difficult urination, incontinence or impotence. In such cases, emergency surgery is needed to prevent permanent loss of function. • Pain caused by low back strain is exacerbated during standing and twisting motions, whereas pain caused by central disc herniation is worse in positions (such as sitting) that produce increased pressure on the anular fibers. Questions about whether the patient's pain became worse while driving to the appointment and sitting in the waiting room may be revealing. The pressure on the intervertebral disc is increased during sitting and bending postures, as opposed to standing or recumbent positions. Intervertebral disc herniation The lumbar roots emerge from below their respective vertebrae. These roots are vulnerable just above their exit foramina, as they are then the most ventral (anterior) and most lateral root in the vertebral canal and lie in the immediate path of a lateral disc herniation (L5 in the drawing on the right below). The intervertebral disc lying between vertebrae L4 and L5 is called the L4/5 disc. The disc between the L5 vertebrae and the sacrum is the L5/S1 disc. Since the L4 root emerges above the L4/5 disc, a lateral herniation of the L4/5 disc damages the L5 root. Moreover, a lateral herniation of the L5/S1 disc damages the S1 root. KNOW THIS COLD!! o l a t e r a l t h i g h L 3 4 P a i n i n p o s t e r o l a t e r a l t h i g h a n d r i c e p s ; d i m i n i s h e d p a t e l l a r o r s u p rM a o p t a o tr e d le lf a i rc ri e t f l e x Location of Pain, Sensory & Motor Deficits with Lumbosacral Nerve Root Involvement Disc level Location of pain Motor deficit T12-L1 Pain in inguinal region and medial thigh None L1-2 Pain in anterior and medial aspect of upper thigh Slight weakness in quadriceps; slightly diminished suprapatellar reflex L2-3 Pain in anterolateral thigh Weakened quadriceps; diminished patellar or suprapatellar reflex L3-4 Pain in posterolateral thigh and anterior tibial area Weakened quadriceps; diminished patellar reflex L4-5 Pain in dorsum of foot Extensor weakness of big toe and foot L5-S1 Pain in lateral aspect of foot Diminished or absent Achilles reflex W e a k e n e d q u a d r i c e p s ; d i m i n i s h Sensory Changes PAIN: lines, circles and gray areas SENSORY: dots Findings in a L5 root: Motor: ankle dorsiflexion foot eversion foot inversion* hip abductors* Reflexes: none Normal heel walking Sensory L5 = dorsum big toe S1 = lateral foot *Preserved in a peroneal Neuropathy vs. L5 root This patient was asked to dorsiflex his feet. There was loss of sensation in the dorsum of the left foot and the lateral aspect of the left shin. Findings in a S1 root: Motor: ankle plantar flexion + hip extensors Reflexes: Achilles; S1, 2 Sensory L5 = dorsum big toe S1 = lateral foot Normal toe walking Potential Emergencies • Consider a fracture – Major trauma (motor vehicle accident, fall from height) – Minor trauma or strenuous lifting in an older or osteoporotic patient • Consider infection/tumor – – – – – – Age >50 years or <20 years History of cancer Constitutional symptoms (fever, chills, unexplained weight loss) Recent bacterial infection Intravenous drug use Immunosuppression (corticosteroid use, transplant recipient, HIV infection) – Pain worse at night or in the supine position • Consider cauda equina syndrome – Saddle anesthesia – Recent onset of bladder dysfunction – Severe or progressive neurologic deficit in lower extremity Radiculopathy Practice question 1 Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding compression radiculopathy? the most common cause is vascular in origin only dorsal roots are involved only ventral roots are involved they occur only near the intervertebral canal intervertebral disc herniation is the most common cause* Radiculopathy Practice question 2 Which of the following is the hallmark deficit resulting from root compression? anesthesia analgesia Pain* spasticity rootbeer Questions • Clinical findings in Bell’s palsy • How is it distinguished from a stroke? • Treatment of Bell’s palsy Peripheral Seventh Nerve Lesions CENTRAL LESION PERIPHERAL LESION Rt peripheral VII Rt peripheral VII Rt hemifacial spasm Abnl vol central Rt facial weakness Nl invol central Rt facial control Sl Abnl vol central Lt facial weakness Markedly abnl invol central Lt facial control Gilden, D. H. N Engl J Med 2004;351:1323-1331 Gilden, D. H. N Engl J Med 2004;351:1323-1331 Treatment of Bell Palsy Eye care. This is the primary concern in Bell palsy. Lubricating eye drops during the day and an ointment-like petrolatum at night are usually effective. Taping the eye closed when sleeping, or using an eye patch that will not abrade the cornea may be required. Rarely, a temporary tarsorrhaphy may be used to protect the globe. Prednisone. Prednisone therapy is probably of value in the treatment of Bell palsy (Grogan and Gronseth 2001). Most quoted studies have agreed with these findings, and although the benefit of steroids is modest, early intervention is valuable in preventing denervation and, thus, disability. A reasonable protocol is to use 1 mg/kg prednisone per day (up to 60 mg) for 5 days and if the paralysis is incomplete, taper the prednisone over 5 days. If the paralysis is complete then treatment is continued for 10 days and then tapered over a further 5 days. Prednisone treatment should not be stopped abruptly because of the possible risk of rebound edema and clinical worsening. To be of any value, it should be started within 7 days of clinical onset, ie, before neuronal denervation is established. Acyclovir treatment. This treatment is possibly of value in the early stages of Bell palsy (Grogan and Gronseth 2001). Combination acyclovir (2000 mg/day in divided doses) and prednisone has been shown in a single, small, double-blinded, controlled study to be superior to prednisone alone. Thus, although early use of prednisone is indicated, and combination acyclovir and prednisone may prove superior to prednisone alone, at this time further pivotal combination studies are warranted. Laboratory Testing • How are nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG; i.e., needle examination) performed? • What information is provided by them? DEFINITION OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY (EMG)/NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES (NCS) The EMG/NCS examines nerves from just outside the spinal cord to the skin. Nerves have long projections called axons that carry electrical signals. Axons are surrounded by supporting cells called schwann cells, which produce myelin. Myelin acts like an insulator for the axons and makes nerve signals travel faster. In addition, because nerves go into muscles and give signals to muscles causing muscle contraction, the EMG/NCS also tests muscles. Abnormalities with the peripheral nervous system (all nerve tissue outside the brain and spinal cord), including the insulating myelin and muscles, can all be evaluated with EMG/NCS. While EMG/NCS can detect many different problems with nerves or muscles, some of the more common are covered below. Cervical or Lumbar Radiculopathy A radiculopathy is the term used for pain radiating from the neck (cervical) or low back (lumbar). There are many causes for radiculopathy; one is herniated discs. The intervertebral discs are one of the weight bearing structures in the neck and back. These discs can become degenerated and can herniate, pressing on nearby nerves and causing the radiating pain. Often, herniated discs squeeze nearby nerves as they pass causing damage. An EMG/NCS can evaluate the severity of the nerve damage due to discs. Peripheral Neuropathy Many common medical conditions like diabetes can cause nerve damage. In such cases, the longest nerves are usually affected first; hence the name peripheral neuropathy. Whether the diabetes is controlled with diet, oral or injectable medications, there is often nerve damage. An EMG/NCS can evaluate the severity and monitor any progression of a peripheral neuropathy. Myopathy A myopathy is a disease that is localized to the muscle and muscle supporting structures. Myopathies are hereditary (inherited from a mother or father) or acquired (from infection or underlying medical condiction). A patient will usually present with proximal muscle weakness and perhaps myalgias (muscle aches). An EMG/NCS can localize the disease process in such cases and aid diagnosis. Focal Neuropathies A focal neuropathy is when a single nerve suffers damage at a specific site along the its course. There are an infinite number of possible focal neuropathies in the body, but the most common example is carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is when the nerve to the hand is squeezed at the wrist causing numbness, tingling and pain. An EMG/NCS evaluates the severity and location of such focal neuropathies. Nerve Conduction Studies Ulnar sensory / Vth Distance = 11 cm Stim points: Elbow/Wrist ELECTROMYOGRAPHY: NEEDLE EXAMINATION; SOME EXAMPLES Vignette • 7 yo boy with 1 yr of progressive walking problems; • Older brother died of progressive weakness five years ago • Exam: moderate quadriparesis, preserved but diminished reflexes, calf hypertrophy and intact sensation. Duchenne muscular dystrophy Gower’s sign Chromosome Xp21; Recessive; Genotype: Dystrophin DMD: Hypertrophic leg muscle Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy • • • • • • • Onset 3 to 5 yrs Weakness: Proximal > Distal’ Symmetric; Legs & Arms; Most involved muscles: Adductor magnus in legs; relatively spared muscles: Gracilis & Sartorius Course: Reduced motor function by 2 to 3 years; steady decline in strength: After 6 to 11 years ; Gowers sign: Standing up with the aid of hands pushing on knees; failure to walk: 9 - 13 years; Later with steroid treatment Features; muscle hypertrophy; epecially calves; contractures of the ankles, hips and knees; scoliosis; dilated cardiomyopathy; mental retardation and night blindness Course: death between 15-25 yrs due to respiratory or cardiac failure Laboratory findings: very high CK; elevated troponin I, AST and ALT Diagnostic testing – Muscle: Staining for dystrophin protein absent – Genetic: Deletion, Duplication, Small mutation, Point mutation Vignette • 23 yo woman with fluctuating ptosis, diplopia, dysarthria, and walking difficulty without sensory symptoms. Repetitive nerve stimulation: Decrement Ptosis Ocular Manifestations of Myasthenia Gravis MG: Limitation of adduction MG: Ptosis Vignette: 59 yo man with 9 month h/o progressive gait difficulty. Exam demonstrates mod-severe weakness, atrophy, fasciculations in the LE s but more severe on the right, crossed adductor reflexes, 4 beats of ankle clonus and intact sensation. A normal spinal cord is shown compared to the cord of a patient with ALS to highlight the difference in size of the nerve roots. The atrophy is apparent in the ALS cord. Vignette: 52 yo woman with 1 yr h/o burning pain & allodynia in the feet. Exam demonstrates decreased pp and temp in both forefeet. Bilateral foot drop from neuropathy