All Sorts of Interesting Information and Updates

Lancer Connections
Issue No. 28, June 6, 2013
As always, the last month of the school year is a sprint to the finish. We are all busy
wrapping up this year, and at the same time, looking ahead and working to make
sure we have things in place to be the best we can be next year. In addition to
normal end of the year activities, we had three unique experiences these last few
weeks that allowed us to reflect, learn together and sharpen our focus moving forward. La Follette hosted
another successful session of Instructional Rounds on May 14, completed an all-day site visit and artifact
review to maintain AVID certification on May 28, and lastly, Superintendent Cheatham spent all of last
Thursday learning about our work.
Thank you again to the many Lancers who participated in our latest session of Instructional Rounds. As I
mentioned at our staff meeting, visitors pushed us to continue on our path to make critical thinking visible for all
students in every classroom. Themes arose about instructional pacing, school-wide strategies and more
frequent connections to students’ background knowledge to allow more access to rigorous content for every
Congratulations to the AVID/TOPS site team and students for another successful certification visit! A special
thank you to each site team member who helped document La Follette’s work in planning for the day. Lindsay
Simonson and Lauren Cabalka worked tirelessly to plan a productive and fulfilling experience. The
certification process left us with wonderings and action items similar to Rounds themes. We’ll use this
feedback to make our AVID/TOPS program and school even stronger.
It was wonderful to have Dr. Jennifer Cheatham dedicate an entire day to learning about our school and
community. I can say with all certainty that she left here impressed with the collaborative, student-centered
culture she witnessed. Dr. Cheatham also left us with some guidance regarding where we are going
next. Every school in our district must get better at measuring student achievement resulting from our adult
actions. Developing standards-based systems of data collection, followed by adult reflection and instructional
refinement will ground our work going forward. Feedback from accreditation, Rounds and AVID certification
affirmed this cycle of improvement.
In closing, I look forward to our final staff meeting on Thursday beginning at 10:45 in C17. I wish all of you a
healthy, restful and re-energizing summer. I am excited about our future collective work.
With purpose and pride,
Professional Learning Spotlights
Collaborative Classroom Visits (CCVs) & Weekly Walkthroughs: Staff at LHS have
prioritized learning with and from each other and our students about how our theory of action
is being brought to life in classrooms, specifically focused on multiple opportunities and
supports for critical thinking, reading and writing and making thinking and learning visible. Thank you very
much to Superintendent Jennifer Cheatham and teachers who have participated in CCVs as hosts or visitors
in May and June for their thoughtful conversations about the instructional core: Shane Adams, Marie Brown,
Mike Brown, Mark Buffat, Mike Corbett, Doug Eubanks, Kelly Ferguson, Brad Harrison, Joan Jacobson,
Phil Neppl, Andrew Poquette, Carol Samuel, Phonekeo Siharath, Tyler Smith, Agnes Valley.
Thank you very much to teachers and staff members for their thoughtful conversations focused on the
instructional core and welcome into their classrooms for Weekly Walkthroughs in May and June: Julie
Badlwin, Ann Cassell, Janice Chan, Kristan Kliminski, Matt Krall, Ben Loritz, Steve Palmiter, Andrew
Poquette, Jim Reichling, Amy Schwab, Julia Sherwood, Mary Alice Sicard, Lindsay Simonson, Berit
Stevens, Ginny Theisen, Michael Tollefson, Leane Tyska, Agnes Valley, Richard Wagner, Heidi WaltersKhan, Barb Washa, Bill Whitish
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Book Club: Lancer staff from 7 departments have been sharing their thinking about the gradual
release of responsibility as introduced by Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey in Better Learning
through Structured Teaching by means of a google discussion and a lunch meeting. Andrea
Anderson, Anna D'Amelio, Lisa Endicott, Scott Fernholz, Karl Hasman, Jennifer Jindrich,
Arlene Krueger, Darcy Poqeutte, Jim Reichling, Phonekeo Siharath, Beth Steffen, Hector
Valdivia, Serena Yu, and Janet Zintel have been all-in book club participants! Over the summer, Lancer staff
will continue to consider Fisher's and Frey's ideas, as they further our La Follette Theory of Action.
Curriculum Alignment to Standards: Working to align Math curriculum units to Common Core State
Standards (CCSS) is a complex task. For five days between April 18 and May 30, Matt Krall and Ted Ryan
attended district-led meetings to learn more about district expectations for curriculum alignment and to begin
the work.
Instructional Rounds: LHS hosted our fourth Instructional Rounds on May 14, 2013. On behalf of the 18
Lancers and 14 district and UW-Madison colleagues who visited classrooms, thank you to the 13 teachers who
welcomed us! The data (in the form of noticings) we gathered from our visits was the basis for much reflection
about our own educational practices. It also revealed new and deeper connections to La Follette’s theory of
action, specifically critical thinking, reading and writing and purposeful collaboration - for us as staff and for our
students. Our noticings formed the foundation of our collective wonderings and also the themes about our
school-wide work. We considered those themes as a staff at the May 20 PCT session.
Teachers who welcomed guests: Mike Brown, Mike Corbett, Doug Eubanks, Terry Fargen, Todd
Faulhaber, Jennifer Jindrich, Donna Kennedy, Ben Loritz, Andrew McCuaig, Phil Neppl, Carol Samuel,
Leane Tyska, Janet Zintel
La Follette staff who visited classrooms: Andrea Anderson, Marie Brown, Julie Evert, Darrin Graham,
Bryan Grau, Denisse Guerrero-Harvey, Kit Laibly, Terry Meissen, Matt Nelson, Emily Offerdahl, Carrie
Rohde, Beth Steffen, Tom Theisen, Michael Tollefson, Heidi Walters-Khan, Liz Weller, Chad Wiese,
Serena Yu.
La Follette will host its fall session of Instructional Rounds on October 3, 2013. This experience will be part of
our continued commitment to reflecting about our work, specifically what is happening in our classrooms
focused on the instructional core.
Lancer PRIDE Team: On Friday, May 31, the Lancer PRIDE team had a combined meeting with students from
the Imagine club. Students presented original, powerful skits that depicted realistic dignity violations. Team
members are planning to incorporate the students and their performances into Lancer Lessons next year.
During the second half of the meeting, participants reviewed 2012-13 school-wide behavior data and noticed a
decrease in overall office discipline referrals. Disaggregated data showed a disproportionately high number of
referrals for African American students and for students receiving free/reduced lunch. There is more work to
do. Team members who were present included Andrea Anderson, Kelly Ferguson, Bryan Grau, Terry
Meissen, Carol Samuel, Julia Sherwood, Beth Steffen, Agnes Valley. Please contact Terry if you are
interested in joining this team and continuing to focus on connections between behaviors and achievement.
RTI-focused School Based Leadership Team (SBLT): La Follette's SBLT met on June 3 and was joined by
the district's data guru Andrew Statz. Focused on scheduling all students to promote their growth, monitoring
progress within their courses and supporting staff and students to succeed, the SBLT has been focusing on
scheduling ~80 9th-grade students into Extended Literacy and ~80 9th-grade students into Extended Math for
the coming year. The team also considered third-term grade data in order to begin clarifying how Lancer staff
assesses student success systematically. Team members present included Jena Acker, Andrea Anderson,
Colette Bina, Patrice Hutchins, Wendy Johnson, Laura McCormick, Phonekeo Siharath, Beth Steffen,
Kurt VanSomeren, Amy Wederath and Chad Wiese.
Welcome Back Conference (WBC) Planning: All Lancer Staff are invited to help plan the professional
learning we will do as a staff when we return in August. Extended employment compensation accompanies this
work which will take place in the LLC on June 20, 12:30-3:30; July 11 & 31 and Aug 6 from 9-Noon. Please
Increase academic achievement * Strengthen relationships * Improve post-secondary outcomes
contact Andrea Anderson or Beth Steffen if you have questions or are interested in being part of this
important planning.
All Sorts of Interesting Information and Updates
8th Grade Transition Night: On Tuesday evening, June 4, ~100 future Lancers and their
families attended sessions focused on making a successful transition to high school. All
participants dined together and then had the opportunity to talk informally with representatives
from various LHS clubs and extracurricular activities and shop in the Lancer Zone. Next,
students participated in stress challenge activities and interacted with current Lancer students
while parents learned about EPAS from Phil Daniel, the WI state ACT representative. They focused on their
child’s Explore 8 scores related to benchmarks and how LHS is using students’ EPAS data as part of its action
plan. The night wrapped up with everyone together in the commons where staff panelists answered questions.
Thanks to the 9th grade team of Julie Evert, Gretchen Kelley, Calvin Taylor, Nate Verhage and Amy
Wederath for their planning and leadership and to staff participants throughout the evening: Andrea
Anderson, Darrin Graham, Patrice Hutchins, Wendy Johnson, Natalie Kaminsky, Jane Leussler, Terry
Meissen, Emily Offerdahl, Jim Reichling, Julia Sherwood, Beth Steffen, Hector Valdivia, Chad Wiese
Aristos: Lancer staff made a strong showing at the end-of-year Aristos Banquet on May 22. As an outgoing
scholar, Beth Steffen shared remarks on behalf of her cohort with ~50 attendees. Amy Wederath
accompanied Andrea Anderson and Lisa Endicott who joined Shane Adams and Brian Webb as Aristos
Scholars. During their 3-year term, they will think and learn collaboratively with district colleagues about
educational issues in MMSD and in the Madison community.
AVID/TOPS: The LHS AVID/TOPS program was certified again this year. We continue to show evidence that
the work we are doing with kids is making a difference in narrowing the achievement gap and helping students
become more college and career ready. Our first graduating class of LHS AVID/TOPS students was honored
at a district banquet this month. It was exciting to see the program’s growth and the pride on our students’
faces as they were recognized for their efforts. Additionally, on June 6 we will welcome 75 incoming 9th grade
students (and their families) into the program at a contract signing ceremony and celebration.
Many of our students are also accessing exciting opportunities this summer through our partnership with the
Boys and Girls Club of Dane County. Thirteen sophomores will be participating in a career exploration program
where they will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of careers including those in the fields of health
care and law. Seven juniors were chosen from a pool of district applicants to receive paid internships for the
summer! Business partners include: BMO Harris Bank, Fiskars, Overture Center, Saris Cycling Group, United
Way of Dane County, UW Hospitals and Clinics and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.
Finally, we have a number of opportunities for staff to learn more about AVID instructional strategies. On June
17 and 18 the district is offering two courses: Critical Reading and Critical Writing. These courses are available
for 1 credit. Please email site team coordinator Lindsay Simonson for more information if you are
interested. Additional team members include: Jena Acker, Jamie Ames, Andrea Anderson, Lauren
Cabalka, Layla Coleman, Anna D’Amelio, Kim Griffin, Matt Nelson, Emily Offerdahl, Michelle Olson,
Darcy Poquette, Meg Randel, Beth Steffen, Brian Webb, Chad Wiese and Serena Yu
Community Learning Center (CLC), Kit Laibly: It has been a busy year in the CLC! As of May 1, 823
unduplicated Lancers accessed CLC programming for homework help, reading intervention with AmeriCorps
members, volunteer service, recreation league sports, and a variety of special interest clubs. Huge thanks to
Lancer staff who either led clubs or worked at homework club this year: Andrea Anderson, Barb Berling,
Janice Chan, Jennifer Jindrich, Monique Karlen, John Massey, Peter Opps, Andrew Poquette, Meg
Randel, Jim Reichling, Michelle Roe and Tom Theisen,
On June 6, ten Lancer students finished a six-week ACT Workshop, sponsored by the CLC. Gearing up for
the ACT on Saturday, June 8, students flexed their critical thinking, reading and writing muscles, supported by
Ted Ryan, Beth Steffen and frequent MMSD guest and collaborator Denise Kalscheur. Andrea Anderson
taught several sessions, and Superintendent Cheatham visited the class.
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Looking ahead to summer, we will offer CLC programming throughout the building. The CLC will be open to
assist summer school students with their learning. Check in the CLC for a complete listing of activities. Please
encourage students to sign up. Additionally, we will again offer Lancer 101 for incoming freshmen during the
first 2 weeks of August. Please stop by the CLC if you are in the building and meet our newest Lancers!
Lancer Fifty Fest: Please join us on Saturday, July 20, 2013, to celebrate La Follette's 50th Anniversary.
Doors will open at 11:00 AM. The celebration includes a Wall of Honor ceremony, choir concert, Battle of the
Bands, building tours, clubs/activities demos, and food from the Booster Club. The LMC/Archives/Art Gallery
will be open, and folks will have an opportunity to share their La Follette stories using the StoryCorps format. At
5 PM, the Battle of the Bands competition will move to the East Side Club. Everyone is welcome. Please
consider opening up your classroom for the Classroom Showcase to highlight instruction at La Follette. See
Joan Jacobson for details on the classroom showcase. See for complete information.
Many thanks to our hardworking planning committee: Chad Wiese, Terry Meissen, Chuck Chvala, Celeste
Richards-Gannon, Heidi Wied, Victoria Straughn, Kevin Porter, Joan Jacobson and Hal Rebholz. The
next 50th event will take place during Homecoming 2013.
Latino Parent Meeting: Latino Lancer families celebrated the end of the school year with a potluck style meal
followed by an award ceremony and senior recognitions. OLa Club graduating officers were recognized for
their accomplishments. Each shared a few words about their experiences at La Follette and gave thanks
to those who supported them along the way. Students received awards for Academic Excellence,
Exceptional Attendance and OLa Club membership. Scholarship recipients were also
recognized. Latino Parent Night coordinators Emily Offerdahl and Hector Valdivia were
pleased to see such a great turnout of families, students and staff members including, Chad
Wiese, Darcy Poquette, Denisse Guerrero-Harvey, Monique Karlen, Catherine Russo,
and Agnes Valley who came to help celebrate the achievements of our proud students.
Peer Tutoring, Andrea Anderson: The LLC was a busy place during lunch throughout the 2012-13 school
year. A total of 25 students served as tutors, and 315 students sought help or a space to work productively.
Thanks very much to Clifford Burch, Patrice Hutchins, Natalie Kaminsky, Natalie Moore, Ginny Theisen,
Brian Webb and Julie White for their support of the program.
Read-a-latte, Peggy Ellerkamp: Our annual Read-a-latte reading celebration was held on Friday, May 24 in
the LMC. This year’s theme, Time Keeps on Slipping into the Future, coordinated nicely with La Follette’s
upcoming 50th anniversary. Decorations made by Rosemarie Konen included past and present pictures of
many staff. New LMC materials were displayed by Sue Ela for browsing, and the “stage” area was awash with
the likes of Mark Cyra’s Jazz Band, piano and guitar solos, poetry and Spoken Word performances. Other
happenings included talented Art teacher Catherine Russo creating Blind Contour Drawings for students and
staff, Arlene Krueger’s Health Occupations students selling hot beverages and confections to help raise funds
to support students heading to Nationals in Nashville, TN, this summer and the Asian Club, led by Darcy
Poquette, selling delicious egg rolls throughout the day. Youth Services Librarians from the Pinney and South
Central Madison Branches were on hand to promote MPL’s Summer Teen Reading Program. A fun literacylaced day was had by all.
Applause, Applause
 A tickled pink thank you, along with a hug, to Michele Guyette for her quarterly efforts all year to help us
share our appreciation for one another and for keeping the Leading Lancer program going strong.
 A super thank you to Ben Loritz, Michelle Roe and Phonekeo Siharath for welcoming visitors from the
superintendent’s transition team into their 2nd block classes and to Matt Nelson for coordinating the visits on
Friday, May 28.
 Artistic thanks to Karl Hasman, Monique Karlen, Tom Mohr, Brady Nichols, Catherine Russo and
Richard Wagner for their collaboration on the Geswerk Art Fair. $750 was raised and contributed to support
a new medical facility at the Vilas Zoo.
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 Big-city thanks to Ted Ryan for coordinating and chaperoning 63 National Honor Society members on their
annual trip to Chicago! Thanks also to Jessica Garvey and Terry Meissen for chaperoning.
 Congratulations to Arlene Krueger for all her work this year that has led to 21 students earning their
certification as nursing assistants. The group’s CNA pinning ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 11.
 Thank you to Darcy Poquette and congratulations to her students in Advanced ESL English for sharing their
writing through their autobiography book projects. Thinking, learning and Lancer PRIDE made visible! A
heartfelt thank you to the many staff who took time to congratulate students and read their work.
 Best wishes to Michelle Olson as she will be taking a leave of absence during the 2013-14 school year to
work with youth in the Bahamas and to spend time with her Mom who also resides there.
 All the best to Eric Franco as he transitions to his post-secondary teaching career at Waldorf College in
Forest City, IA. Students’ career and college readiness will be formative assessment for Dr. Franco!
 A trillium, ginger and hosta bouquet of thanks to Jennifer Jindrich for keeping the F-wing entrance to our
school spruced up and for coordinating the recent plant sale. Contact Jennifer if you still need plants
 Once a Lancer, always a Lancer … Best wishes to the 20+ LHS student teachers!
 Thanks so much to Joan Jacobson for her top-notch coordination of this year’s
really fun and memorable Retirement Bash! Best wishes to Barb Berling, Ann
Cassell, Peggy Ellerkamp, Cecelia Gredell, David Harris, Celeste RichardsGannon, Rick Rogness and Ginny Theisen whose service was celebrated.
Barb Berling will be missed by many at La Follette High School in the classroom, cafeteria, and after school
homework club! Barb began as a student teacher at La Follette and is finishing her time in the school district
as a Cross Categorical Teacher supporting ninth graders. Her students appreciate the efforts she puts in to
making connections and note her caring, nurturing demeanor. Best wishes Barb!! Amy Wederath
Best wishes to Ann Cassell who has taught American Sign Language at LHS for 11 years. Her kindness and
commitment to students and an unwillingness to let them give up have inspired her colleagues in the world
language department. Michele Guyette and Kathie Johnson
Best wishes to Peggy Ellerkamp who is retiring after 22 years as La Follette’s librarian. During this time,
Peggy has helped countless teachers and students with their reading and research projects. Peggy has also
been our head MTI representative for the past 12 years and her strong advocacy for La Follette staff will be
missed. Carl Horstmeyer
Best wishes in retirement to our social studies colleague, Cecelia Gredell who strongly believes in high
standards, shares her passion and knowledge of history with her students and embraces working with the AP
curriculum. She will be missed. Joan Jacobson
David Harris has partnered with MMSD for 42 years. He takes pride in the connections he has made with atrisk youth and relationships he has built with students. In addition, David has impacted many student
athletes as a respected soccer coach for the district. We know that he will enjoy family time with his wife,
children, and grandchildren at his cabin in Montello. Best Wishes, David! Amy Wederath
Celeste Richards-Gannon’s commitment to La Follette High School and the community is apparent in her
daily actions. She has a quiet and reserved presence and is well respected by her colleagues. New staff
members are quick to acknowledge her mentoring and support. We are appreciative of the leadership that she
has brought to the special education department and look forward to continuing our relationship with Celeste
in the future! Amy Wederath
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All the best to my close friend and colleague Rick Rogness as he retires. Rick dedicated 33 years of his
career to East High School, where he was a teacher, coach, guidance counselor and assistant principal. We
were lucky enough to get Rick the last 4 years here at La Follette. You will not find a more professional,
dedicated, ethical and caring individual. I look forward to updates from his garden, an area trout stream or
a golf course. Congratulations! Chad Wiese
The math department would like to thank Ginny Theisen for her superior work and congratulate her on her
impending retirement. Upon her return from correcting the national AP Calculus exam, we hope she enjoys
time with her grandchildren and baking delicious cake and rhubarb pie:) Good luck Ginny! Ted Ryan
 Congratulations to Lancers whose faces will be in new places at LHS next year: Kit Laibly as Coordinator
of Student Engagement, Terry Meissen as interim Assistant Principal and Matt Nelson as Math Teacher!
 Here’s hoping for hole-in-one weather to shine on Darrin Graham and help with all the details of
coordinating the Spring Social Golf Scramble. Thanks Darrin and good luck to all golfers!
Up and Coming
1) AVID Contract Signing & Celebration Thurs June 6, 6:00pm C17
2) Grades 9-11 Awards Fri June 7, 12:30pm Auditorium
3) Spring Social Golf Scramble Fri June 7, 4:30pm Yahara Hills
4) Term 4 Exams Blocks 1 & 2 11:55 Student Dismissal Tues June 11
5) Senior Potluck Tues June 11, 12:00pm Courtyard (Café if weather concerns)
6) Term 4 Exams Blocks 3 & 4 11:55am Student Dismissal Wed June 12
7) Cap & Gown Pick up, Grad Picture and Rehearsal Wed June 12, 12:45pm Café & Spec Gym
8) Staff Meeting Thurs June 13, 10:45am C17
9) Staff Appreciation Lunch!! Thurs June 13 following staff meeting until 2:00pm Pizza Oven
10) Graduation Fri June 14, 7:30pm Kohl Center (line up 6:45pm)
11) AVID Critical Reading & Critical Writing Strand Training Mon & Tues June 17 & 18 8-4 Memorial
12) Welcome Back Conference Planning June 20, 12:30-3:30; July 11 & 31 and Aug 6, 9-12:00 LLC
13) Lancer Fifty Fest Sat July 20 11:00am LHS
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