HAEMATOLOGY 3 RD YEAR MBBS SPIRAL II STUDY GUIDE 2014 SHIFA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CONTENTS Introduction ………………………………………………………… 3 Themes of the module ……………………………………… 6 Table of Specification ……………………………………… 7 CASES Theme 1: Pallor ………………………………………………… 10 Theme 2: Infection/Leukemia ………………………. 29 Theme 3: Bleed/Clot ………………………………………… 57 Theme 4: Transfusion Medicine …………………… 66 Resources for learning ………………………………………… 75 People to contact ………………………………………………… 77 Glossary ………………………………………………………………… 78 INTRODUCTION: On behalf of my team, I welcome you on board. This four week module of HAEMATOLOGY & TRANSFUSION MEDICINE is the second level of learning basics of CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY.(Ist level, we have completed in year I).The last & the third part of Haematology undergrad curriculum will be taught during your fourth year clerkship. This last part (4th year) is vertically integrated to the third year part, along all themes but with more emphasis on haematological malignancy, where you would apply this basic knowledge in management including diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. The module works around four basic themes of clinical Haematology( you are already familiar with!!) PALLOR, HAEMATOLOGICAL FEVER, BLEED/CLOT & TRANSFUSION MEDICINE. First Theme Pallor (6 days) would address all causes of clinical anemia, getting into details of the parasitic causes, structural defects of red cells and extracorpuscular causes of anemia. Second Theme of Haematological Fever(5 days) in the module deals with, infectious causes of fever and blood cell variations in detail (your subject of assessment this year: microbiology).It also include an introduction to the malignant causes of febrile illness in order to develop a good differential ability in students for fever with blood cell dyscrasias. The Third Part(4 days) of the module would deal with the concept of clinical bleed & basic clotting problems. The concept of DVT you have already learnt in CVS module, so here we would learn details of common clotting problems & basics of “THROMBOPHILIA” Fourth Section of the module is related to basic knowledge of Transfusion Medicine(4 days).It was especially included in undergrad curriculum, considering the clinical problems faced by young doctors working independently/in a setup where still some accountability exists in medical care!. Availability & use of alternate blood groups & picking up immediate transfusion reactions are two main objectives addressed in this part of the module. We will have our feedback in the middle and at the end of the module.My team and I, are all the time available to you (your study guide has our e-mails!!) during and even after the module for any assistance in your learning and we expect you to behave and show maximum interest throughout the module. I hope and pray that you would make best use of the learning aids available to you. Happy learning & good luck!! THEMES: HAEMATOLOGY PALLOR FEVER (INFECTION, LEUKEMIA) BLEED/CLOT TRANSFUSION MEDICINE (TRANSFUSION REACTIONS) TABLE OF SPECIFICATION ASSESSMENT DAYS MCQ 70% SAQ 30% IPE 30% ALLOCATION 19 DAYS THEMES • PALLOR 6 DAYS • HAEMATOLOGICAL FEVER 5 DAYS • BLEED & CLOT 4 DAYS • TRANSFUSION MEDICINE 4 DAYS TABLE OF SPECIFICATION Pallor 25% Haematological Fever 45% Bleed /Clot 15% Transfusion Medicine 15% OBJECTIVES PALLOR Formulate differential diagnosis of anemia on the basis of history and physical examination Order appropriate & specific laboratory tests (after Interpreting peripheral film & CBC results) for defining the etiology of anemia Manage different types of anemia in emergency Describe iron, folate & Vit B12, preparations (hematinics) with regard to Clinical use, Cost effectiveness, MOA & drug interactions Advise parents/patients appropriately for long term management of inherited types of anemias & Counsel about genetic inheritance Haematological Fever Infection/leukemia Describe haematological aspects of infectious fever(Malaria, Visceral Leishmaniasis, Typhoid fever, Viral haemorrhagic fever, Dengue Fever with regard to pathogenesis, clinical features laboratory diagnosis prevention Counsel about the prevention of Malaria & Leishmania Describe haematological aspects of infectious fever(Malaria,Visceral Leishmaniasis, Typhoid fever, Viral haemorrhagic fever, Dengue Fever with regard to pathogenesis, clinical features laboratory diagnosis Prevention Counsel about the prevention of Malaria, & Leishmania • Suspect hematological malignancy on the basis of history and physical examination For fourth year level(vertical integration) Describe various types of leukemias/lymphoma • Order and interpret appropriate tests for precise diagnosis (morphology, immunophenotyping, cytochemistry & cytogenetics) • Order and interpret appropriate staging work-up (lymphoma, MPD & MDS) • Describe the chemotherapeutic agents and their disfiguring side effects BLEED/CLOT Counsel patients/ parents about the mode of inheritance & advise long term management of Haemophilia • Diagnose & Manage a case of snake bite • Diagnose, counsel & manage a case of thrombophilia • Prescribe basic drugs for a bleeding and thrombophilic patient Transfusion medicine Describe clinical application of blood group compatibility State Judicious & appropriate use of blood components & products State standardized screening tests for blood State the process of safe storage and transport of blood and blood products Describe hazards of blood transfusion Appreciate the clinical presentation of immediate transfusion reactions (hemolytic, allergic & anaphylactic types) Show ethical & Social awareness about blood donation (voluntary/ paid, donor deferral, cost of products) CASES THEME: PALLOR IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIA THALASSEMIA MAJOR SICKLE CELL ANEMIA. APLASTIC ANEMIA THEME: INFECTION/LEUKEMIA MALARIA VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS TYPHOID& PARATYPHOID FEVER DENGUE HAEMORRHAGIC FEVER HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRAL INFECTION THEME: IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA (ITP) HAEMOPHILIA A HAEMOPHILIA B VON WILLEBRAND DISEASE TTP/HUS DIC THEME: BLOOD GROUPING & CROSS MATCH VOLUNTARY & SAFE TRANSFUSION ACUTE ALLERGIC TRANSFUSION REACTION ACUTE HEMOLYTIC TRANSFUSION REACTION THEME : PALLOR (CASE 1) IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA PRESENTING COMPLAINTS A 15 month old boy has presented in Pediatric OPD with C/O lethargy and pallor. He is less playful and inactive for few months. HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT The mother brings the toddler, as a visiting relative, who has not seen the child for 5 months told his mother that the boy appears very pale. He used to be an active & playful child but now appears lethargic. There is no change in his sleeping habits. Upon enquiry, his mother told that he never had blood on his diapers and no black or tarry stools. He is a picky eater, taking small amounts of chicken, and some vegetables, but loves milk and drinks six to eight bottles of whole milk per day. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant MEDICATIONS: No known allergy to any medicine BIRTH HISTORY; normal vaginal delivery, born in a district hospital, Fully vaccinated FAMILY HISTORY Elder and only sibling(boy) had the same complaints in his age of being pale & lethargic GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITAL SIGNS: TEMP 37.50C, BP 90/52, PULSE 145/min, RR 16/min Pale appearing, inactive toddler, holding a bottle, tearing and eating paper Eyes: No scleral icterus. Pale conjunctiva. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerve deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Mild tachycardia , grade II systolic ejection murmur heard best over the upper left sternal border. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly. Rectal examination: Dark brown, soft stool, negative for occult blood. INVESTIGATIONS: Laboratory investigations: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: WBC: 6,100/ul, Hgb: 6.2 g/dl, Hct: 19.8%, Plt : 589,000/ul, MCV: 64 fl, RDW 17%. RETICULOCYTE COUNT is 1.0%. PERIPHERAL FILM: microcytosis, hypochromia, mild anisocytosis and polychromasia. There is no basophilic stippling. Radiology : NOT REQUIRED Special investigations: Serum Iron: 15ug/dl ( Male: 59-158 ug/dl, female: 37-145 ug/dl) TIBC: Serum ferritin: 450ug/dl 4.25ng/ml ( 228-428 ug/dl) (Male: 22.0-275.0ng/ml, female : 5.0-204.0ng/ml) Transferrin receptor study : Normal Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 What measures can you take to prevent parasitic infestation in Pakistani rural children? Q.2 How can you ensure appropriate Iron intake in low socioeconomic groups in your society? (CASE: 2) MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIA PRESENTING COMPLAINTS A 52 year old female presents with pallor, tingling in hands and feet and decrease sensation in feet. HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT Presents with pallor and tingling sensation in both feet. She is a strict fad dieter.The complaints were progressive in onset and were not accompanied by any fever or h/o seizures or vertigo . No Hx of trauma and any transfusion. No H x of unconsciousness or vomiting PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant Medications,allergy; nil Hospitalization/surgery; nil Birth history; normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY Two brothers, one sister Cardiac problem runs in the family Sexual/ social hx; Nothing significant GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP 38C, BP 120/80mm, PULSE 100/min, RR 18/min Eyes: No scleral icterus. Pale conjunctiva. Mouth: No Dental caries. Satisfactory oral hygiene CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. Motor system: Gait with sensory ataxia. Knee reflex Normal Ankle jerk Absent Upgoing planters bilateral Sensory exam: impaired position and vibration sense in both lower limbs. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Normal heart sounds. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly. Rectal Examination: Dark brown, soft stool, negative for occult blood. INVESTIGATIONS; Laboratory investigations: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: WBC 35,00/ul,100, Hgb 6.2 g/dl, Hct 27%, Plt 139000/ul PERIPHERAL FILM: Pancytopenia, Hypersegmented neutrophils, Radiology: Not Applicable Special investigations: Serum folate: Red Cell folate: 10.0ng/ml 617/32ng/ml Serum B12: Schilling test: Serum Bilirubin: LDH level : 150.0pg/ml (3.0-17 ng/ml) (263-1028ng/ml) (243-894pg/ml) Positive Raised Raised Intrinsic factor antibodies: Present Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 How can you preserve folates in diet? Q.2 What are the common causes of megaloblastic anemia in Pakistan? (CASE: 3) THALASSEMIA MAJOR PRESENTING COMPLAINTS A 08 month old boy presents with lethargy, marked pallor, inactivity and abdominal distension. HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT 08 month old infant presents with the marked pallor and growth failure. There is also Hx of change in facial appearance. Initially symptoms were less marked. But now they have progressed further. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant Medications, allergy; nil Hospitalization/surgery; nil Birth history; normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY H/O of death of sibling at the age of 15 months diagnosed as deficiency of blood Sexual/ social hx; Not Applicable GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP: 37.5C, BP 90/52, PULSE 140/min, RR 19/min Pale appearing, inactive toddler, Eyes: No scleral icterus. Markedly Pale Conjunctiva. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Mild tachycardia as above, grade II/VI systolic ejection murmur heard best over the upper left sternal border. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: Moderate Hepatosplenomegaly. No ascites, Normal Bowel sounds Rectal Examination : Dark brown, soft stool, negative for occult blood. LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: Hb: 5gm/dl, TLC: 18,000/ul Platelet count of 150,000/ul. RETICULOCYTE COUNT: 10%. Peripheral Film: Marked poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, microcytosis, hypochromia, polychromasia target cells, many fragmented red cells, many NRBC. Radiology : X-ray skull show crew cut appearance and maxillary prominence Special investigations: HPLC : HbF: 90% HbA: 08% HbA2:02% Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 What is the pathogenesis of Thalassemia? Q.2 How is the disease prevalence related to socialcultural background of Pakistan? Q.3 What can you do about poor children affected by the disease? CASE: 4 SICKLE CELL ANEMIA. PRESENTING COMPLAINTS: A 10-year-old male child presents in ER with C/O severe pain "all over his body especially in his legs HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT: His mother brought him into the ED at 4 pm .She reported that the pain began early that morning and had "gotten worse." She reported that it was not relieved by his usual doses of ibuprofen. He was given with strong IM pain killer. He got only minimal pain relief after receiving the medication. He reported that the slight relief was short-lived, and he continued to complain of unbearable pain through the night. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: His past history is significant with many such hospital admissions and h/o repeated chest infections and a non healing ulcer on his right ankle. Medications, allergy; nil Birth history; normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY H/O of similar episodes of pain crisis and chest infection in two of the 5 siblings. Sexual/ social hx; Not Applicable GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP: 37.5C, BP: 110/70mm, PULSE: 140/min, RR 19/min Pale appearing child in agony oriented in time, space and person having a chronic ulcer on right ankle. Eyes: No scleral icterus. Markedly Pale Conjunctiva. Mouth: Dental caries. Satisfactory Hygiene CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Moderate tachycardia , grade II/VI systolic murmur heard best over the upper left sternal border. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal Vesicular Breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: Moderate Hepatosplenomegaly. No ascites, Normal Bowel sounds Rectal: Dark brown, soft stool, negative for occult blood. LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: Hb: 5gm/dl, TLC: 12,000/ul Platelet count of 150,000/ul. Reticulocyte Count: 12%. Peripheral Film: Moderate poikilocytosis, anisocytosis,, hypochromia, polychromasia target cells, many fragemented and sickle red cells, many NRBC. Radiology : Special investigations: Sickle Screening test: Positive HPLC: HbS 70% HbF: 13% HbA: 17% Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 Why does sickling occur at time of stress/infection? Q.2 What is the confirmatory test for establishing sickle trait? CASE: 5 APLASTIC ANEMIA PRESENTING COMPLAINT: Bleeding from nose for past 2 hours HISTORY OF PRESENTING COMPLAINT: A previously healthy 3 year old girl presented to emergency department with the complaint of severe bleeding from nose for past 2 hours, which is poorly controlled by application of pressure. There is no other associated complaint. PAST MEDICAL/DRUGS HISTORY: Patient had otitis media 3 months ago that improved after treatment with chloramphenicol. GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Patient is well-oriented in time place and person. All vital signs are within normal limits. However, examination is remarkable for marked pallor, and numerous petechiae and ecchymoses on her body.SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Apex beat localized in left fifth intercostals space in midclavicular line. No abnormal sounds heard on auscultation. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Normal vesicular breathing. No rhonchi / crepitations. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: No tenderness. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds normal. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: No sensory, motor or cognitive deficit. Laboratory Investigations Complete Blood Count: Hemoglobin 4.5 g/dL Hematocrit 15% MCV 80 fl Total Leukocyte Count 2000/mm3 Reticulocyte Count 0.2% Platelet Count 12,000/mm3 Bone Marrow Biopsy Shows a hypocellular marrow, replaced by large amounts of adipose tissue. Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 What are the common causes of Aplastic anemia in Pakistan? Q.2 What is the curative treatment for this disease & how can every aplastic patient one get an access to this Curative modality Q.3 What are the side effects/hazards of Bone Marrow transplant? LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this theme of pallor, students should be able to 1. formulate differential diagnosis of anemia on the basis of history and physical examination 2. order appropriate & specific laboratory tests after Interpreting peripheral film& CBC results, for defining the etiology of anemia 3. describe iron, folate & Vit B12, preparations (hematinics) regarding clinical use,cost effectiveness,MOA & drug interactions 4. perform Complete Blood Counts(K,S) 5. manage different types of anemia in emergency & in OPD(K,S) 6. diagnose and manage acute and chronic toxicity of iron(K,S) 7. advise parents/patients appropriately for long term management of inherited types of anemias & Counsel about their genetic inheritance (Community Health Advocate) 8. counsel & educate patients of deficiency anemia (diet in anemia) 9. communicates professionally with patients, parents/ caretakers and with paramedical staff regarding treatment and care of the patient,especially suffering from genetic disorders. THEME: 2 INFECTION (HAEMATOLOGICAL FEVER) CASE 6 MALARIA I PRESENTING COMPLAINT Fever- 1week Headache- 1 week Myalgia- 1 week HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT Patient was in usual state of health one week back when he started having complaints of high grade intermittent fever associated with rigor and chills, headache and bodyaches. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant Medications, allergy: nil Hospitalization/surgery: nil Birth history: normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY Nothing significant Sexual/ social hx: Nothing significant TRAVELING HISTORY History of travelling from Nigeria 2 weeks back GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP 1020F, BP 120/75mmHg, PULSE 90/min, RR 16/min Patient febrile, appears lethargic. . Eyes: No scleral icterus; Conjunctiva pale Mouth: NAD CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Normal heart sounds. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT INVESTIGATIONS: Laboratory investigations:COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: WBC: 3,000/ul; Lymphocytes: 44%; Hb: 9.8 g/dl; Platelets: 62,000 ESR: mm/hr LIVER FUNCTION TESTS: Within normal limits. PROTHROMBIN TIME: 19 seconds TOTAL SERUM PROTEINS: 93 g/L SERUM UREA, CREATININE AND ELECTROLYTES: SERUM LDH: 505 IU/L Radiology: ULTRASOUND ABDOMEN: Hepatosplenomegaly Special investigations: BLOOD CULTURES: Negative WIDAL TEST: Negative THICK AND THIN BLOOD FILMS FOR MALARIA: CASE 7: VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS PRESENTING COMPLAINT A 33 year old male presents with remittent fever and weakness. HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT A 33 year old previously healthy male from Kashmir presents in ER with history of remittent fever for the past 2 months. Fever usually comes in the evenings, and at times is accompanied by sweating and chills. Patient also experiences weakness, as well as slight discomfort in his upper abdomen. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant Medications, allergy: nil Hospitalization/surgery: nil Birth history: normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY Nothing significant Sexual/ social hx: Nothing significant GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP 38.5oC, BP 120/75mmHg, PULSE 90/min, RR 16/min Patient febrile, appears lethargic. . Eyes: No scleral icterus; Conjunctiva pale Mouth: NAD CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Normal heart sounds. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: Liver palpable 1 cm below costal margin; Spleen palpable 3 cm below costal margin. Rectal: Soft, brown stool seen in rectum. No bleeding or melena. INVESTIGATIONS: Laboratory investigations:COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: WBC: 3,000/ul; Lymphocytes: 44%; Hb: 9.8 g/dl; Platelets: 62,000 ESR: 98 mm/hr LIVER FUNCTION TESTS: Within normal limits. PROTHROMBIN TIME: 19 seconds TOTAL SERUM PROTEINS: 93 g/L SERUM UREA, CREATININE AND ELECTROLYTES: Within normal limits. SERUM LDH: 505 IU/L Radiology: ULTRASOUND ABDOMEN: Hepatosplenomegaly Special investigations: BLOOD CULTURES: Negative WIDAL TEST: Negative THICK AND THIN BLOOD FILMS FOR MALARIA: Negative BONE MARROW CYTOLOGY: SPLENIC ASPIRATE: Showed Leishmania amastigotes. IMMUNOFLOURESCENT ASSAY FOR LEISHMANIA: Positive (IgG titre of 1:2560) FORMOL GEL RECTION: Positive POST-HOSPITALISATION COURSE: Treatment was started with Pentostam ( pentavelent antimony derivative), 850mg/day for 21 days. On the third day of therapy patients fever came down and he started to improve. Patient left the hospital after 3 weeks, feeling very well and being afebrile, along with much improved laboratory findings. Follow-up was done in OPD, which registered complete recovery of the patient. Critical questions/ study questions How would you prevent Dengue Epidemic in a city of 10,00,000 population? What would you do to prevent MALARIA in your community? What is your concept of ABSOLUTE NEUTROPENIA? Why is it important to label a patient as NEUTROPENIC? CASE: 9 TYPHOID FEVER PRESENTING COMPLAINT A 18 year old female presents with fever and fatigue. HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT An 18 year old previously healthy female from Islamabad presents in OPD with history of fever and fatigue for the past 15 days. This was accompanied by headache, weakness, palpitations, abdominal pain and diarrhea a week later. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant Medications, allergy: nil Hospitalization/surgery: nil Birth history: normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY Nothing significant Sexual/ social hx: Nothing significant GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP 39oC, BP 100/60mmHg, PULSE 92/min, RR 24/min Apathic, pale young girl, appearing to be ill. Eyes: No scleral icterus; Pale conjunctiva Mouth: Dry lips; Dry, coated tongue. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: Intact Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Normal heart sounds. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: Painful hepatomegaly (liver palpable 1 cm below costal margin) Rectal: No blood or melena. LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: WBC: 2,500; Lymphocytes: 47%; Neutrophils: 43%; Monocytes: 10%; Hb: 9.9 g/dl; Hematocrit: 27.8%; Platelets: 31,000 ESR: 30 mm/hr CRP: 75 mg/dL LIVER FUNCTION TESTS: AST: 161 IU/dl; ALT: 67 IU/dl; Total Bilirubin: 2.05 mg/dl; Direct Bilirubin: 1.65 mg/dl PROTHROMBIN TIME: 16 seconds SERUM UREA, CREATININE AND ELECTROLYTES: Within normal limits ANTI-HAV: Negative ANTI-HCV: Negative HBSAg: Negative STOOL FOR OCCULT BLOOD: Positive Radiology: ULTRASOUND ABDOMEN: Hepatomegaly SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS: WIDAL TEST: Positive BLOOD CULTURE: Salmonella typhi colonies grown. BIOCHEMICAL TESTS: Glucose fermentation; Negative urease reaction; Negative indole test; H2S production. POST-HOSPITALISATION COURSE: Patient was started on oral Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day. This was accompanied adequate hydration by intravenous fluids and symptomatic management. Fever disappeared at the third day of hospital admission, and her labs also began to improve. After two weeks of antibiotic treatment, the patient was discharged with full recovery. Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 How is food handling directly related to spread of the disease? Q.2 What is the concept of chronic carrier in typhoid infection? CASE 10 DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER PRESENTING COMPLAINT A 25 year old male presents with fever, headache and bleeding from nose. HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT A 25 year old previously healthy male from Islamabad presents in ER with history of fever for the past 6 days. This was accompanied by severe headache and generalized body aches and pains, especially in both legs. Patient also had dry cough. Six hours ago, he started having bleeding from both sides of his nose. There was no history of trauma to nose. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant Medications, allergy: nil Hospitalization/surgery: nil Birth history: normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY Nothing significant Sexual/ social hx: Nothing significant GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP 38oC, BP 90/50mmHg, PULSE 110/min, RR 20/min Anxious-looking, pale young man, slightly dyspneic, with ecchymoses over his arms and abdomen. Eyes: No scleral icterus; Pale conjunctiva Mouth: NAD CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: Intact Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Mild tachycardia as above. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing. Mild tacypnea GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly. Rectal: No blood or melena. INVESTIGATIONS: Laboratory investigations:COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: WBC: 4,100; Hb: 8.1 g/dl; Hematocrit: 23.5%; Platelets: 5,000 LIVER FUNCTION TESTS: AST: 30 IU/dL; ALT: 40 IU/dl; Alk. Phosph: 200 U/L PROTHROMBIN TIME: 16.6 seconds SERUM UREA, CREATININE AND ELECTROLYTES: Within normal limits ANTI-HAV: Negative ANTI-HCV: Negative HBsAg: Negative Radiology: Not Required Special Investigations: Dengue IgM: Positive CCVF PCR: Negative POST-HOSPITALISATION COURSE: Patient was put in strict isolation and was managed aggressively with intravenous fluids, platelets and blood transfusions. However, patient developed pulmonary hemorrhage and hemoptysis as well. This progressed to shock, respiratory acidosis and renal failure, and patient died 6 days after admission. Critical questions/ study questions ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA PRESENTING COMPLAINTS A 4 year old boy presents with fever, fatigue and petechial hemorrhages. HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT A young child was brought to pediatric clinic by his mother with the complaint of fever for past 7 days. Fever was high grade, and not accompanied by rigors or chills. However, the boy was very lethargic, and got tired very easily. His mother also noticed a rash on his body. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Nothing significant Medications,allergy; nil Hospitalization/surgery; nil Birth history; normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY No significant family history. Sexual/ social hx; N.A GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP 100oF, BP 90/52, PULSE 145/min, RR 16/min Pale appearing, lethargic child, appears to be unwell. Petechial rash seen on the body. Eyes: No scleral icterus. Pale conjunctiva. Mouth: Nothing significant. Lymph Nodes: Palpable cervical, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Normal heart sounds. No added sound or murmur. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal vesicular breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: Mild hepatosplenomegaly. Rectal: Dark brown, soft stool, negative for occult blood. LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: WBC 30,000/ul, Hb 7.5 g/dl, Platelet 15x109/ul. PERIPHERAL FILM: 70% blasts. Radiology : Ultrasound abdomen: Mild hepatosplenomegaly with abdominal lymphadenopathy. Special investigations: Bone marrow biopsy: Hypercellularity & suppression of normal hemopoiesis by monomorphic blasts having high N:C ratio & condensed chromatin. Cytochemistry: SBB negativity & granular positivity for PAS stain by the blasts. Bone marrow cytogenetics: Positive for t(9:22). Immunophenotyping: Blasts positive for TdT, and negative for CD 3, 5 and 7. Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 How is lymphadenopathy of malignancy differs from that of infection? Q.2 which signs/symptoms would raise the suspension of leukemia in a febrile child CASE 12: HODGKIN’S DISEASE CHIEF COMPLAINT “I have had swollen glands with ‘knots’ in my neck for one year. Each doctor’s visit I was given another antibiotic. I developed bronchitis and pneumonia and the x-ray showed a mass.” HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Forty-four year old white female presents to a medical center with a history of enlarged cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes on the right side of her neck for approximately one year. Several courses of antibiotics were given for what was thought to be an upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, or sinus infection. The fatigue and swollen lymph nodes continued to be a problem and several more courses of antibiotics were given. Her neck continued to be swollen and sore on the right side. The left side of her neck also became enlarged and tender. She reports intermittent hoarseness for the past 3 months. a chest x-ray revealed a mediastinal mass. She then underwent CT scan of the chest. A biopsy of the right supraclavicular lymph node is done. CURRENT HEALTH HABITS Does not smoke or use recreational drugs. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICATIONS Zoloft 50 mg once a day for depression. Cozaar 50 mg once a day for hypertension. Estrogen 1.25 mg for hormone replacement therapy. Allergies. States that Demerol and Morphine caused her arm to swell and she felt like a truck was sitting on her chest. Instructed by medical personnel to never take those medications again. Family History. Her maternal grandfather died from cancer. Doesn’t know what type of cancer. Paternal aunt died from stomach cancer around age 60. Another paternal aunt died from breast cancer around the age of 40. PERSONAL/SOCIAL HISTORY 44 year-old white female that teaches school and loves her job. PHYSICAL EXAM General. Well-developed, well-nourished, well dressed woman who appears anxious. Hair is nicely groomed and she is wearing make-up. Vital signs: T-36.2 C., P-62, R-16, BP-122/84, Wt.78.4 kg., Ht.-162 cm. Mental Status. Good spirits although clearly anxious and mentions several times throughout the exam that she wants us to cure her. Skin, Hair, and Nails. Erythematous rash present on the back of thighs with multiple scabbed areas. Rash is more extensive on the left posterior thigh and extends across the entire width of the thigh to the outer medial area beneath the buttocks. Right thigh rash is smaller and extends to the right outer posterior portion of the thigh beneath the buttocks. Hair is dyed black and well groomed. No other rashes noted on her body. Head and Neck. Neck is swollen bilaterally and tender especially at the site of the biopsy. Supraclavicular biopsy site is healing well and the incision edges are pink with minimal swelling. Bilateral supraclavicular lymphadenopathy present on exam, the largest measuring 2.0 cm in diameter. Throat and Mouth. No lesions. Oral mucosa is pink with adequate saliva. Teeth are in good repair. Respiratory. Breath sounds are clear and equal bilaterally. Cardiac. Apical and radial pulses are equal bilaterally. S1 and S2 with regular rhythm auscultated. Dorsalis pedis pulses and posterior tibial pulses are strong bilaterally. Good capillary refill present at less than two seconds. No murmurs noted. Abdomen. Abdomen soft and flat with hypoactive bowel sounds. Unable to palpate spleen or liver. No masses felt upon palpation. Musculoskeletal. Moves all extremities without difficulty. Small fat pad present posterior to right medial malleolus. Strong bilateral hand grips. Neurological. Bilateral facial symmetry present. No drooping of the eyelids or mouth. Tongue protrudes at midline. Symmetrical smile present. Alert and oriented x 3. Cranial nerves II-XII are intact. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Hodgkins disease Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Malignancy of the mediastinum Differential Diagnosis DIAGNOSTIC Complete blood count: Hb 11g/dl Hematocrit 15% TLC 2000/mm3 Microscopic examination of lymph node biopsy Microscopic examination of lymph node biopsy reveals complete or partial effacement of lymph node architecture by scattered large malignant cells known as Reed Sternberg cells admixed with reactive cell infiltrate composed of variable proportions of lymphocytes, histiocytes, Eosinophils and plasma cells. Adviced CT scans of chest, abdomen, pelvis & bone marrow biopsy for staging of lymphoma CASE 13: NON HODGKINS LYMHOMA CHIEF COMPLAINT Painless Swelling in neck for one month. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS A 46 year old male presented to OPD with complaint of swelling in front of neck for 6 months. It has enlarged rapidly and now he also complaints of difficulty in swallowing and hoarseness. Patient also has a small palpable nodule in groin. He is know hypertensive and is taking medications regularly. Biopsy of the neck swelling is taken and sent for histopathology. PERSONAL HISTORY Does not smoke or use recreational drugs. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICATIONS Patient is on Anti hypertensive medicatication. Allergies. None Family History. Father died of cardiac arrest. PHYSICAL EXAM General. Well-developed, well-nourished, well dressed man . Vital signs: T-36.2 C., P-62, R-16, BP-122/84, Wt.-90 kg., Ht.210 cm. Mental Status. Alert Skin, Hair, and Nails. Normal Head and Neck. A firm 6x8cm swelling in front of neck along anterior cervical lymph node chain. Swelling is firm and rubbery. Overlying skin is normal.A 2x2cm swelling in right arm groin is palpated. Swelling is non tender and mobile. Throat and Mouth. No lesions . Respiratory. Breath sounds are clear and equal bilaterally. Cardiac. Apical and radial pulses are equal bilaterally. Abdomen. Abdomen soft and flat with normal bowel sounds. Musculoskeletal. Normal Neurological. Normal DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Hodgkin’s disease Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Thyroid enlargement Causes of Cervical Lymphadenopathy DIAGNOSTIC Complete blood count: Hb 11g/dl Hematocrit 15% TLC 2000/mm3 BIOPSY CERVICAL LYMPH NODE: . • FINDINGS OF BIOPSY: Nodes are replaced by sheets of large atypical lymphoid cells,starry sky appearance on low power. • ADVICED: CT scan chest,abdomen and pelvis • Excision biopsy of swelling in groin Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 What is the most common clinical presentation of Burkitt Lymphoma Q.2 How would you stage the disease? Q.3 Why is it important to differentiate Hodgkin’s from Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma? At the end of this theme of Haematological fever, students should be able to 1. describe haematological aspects of infectious fever(Malaria, Visceral Leishmaniasis, Typhoid fever, Viral haemorrhagic fever,Dengue Fever) with regard the cause,pathogenesis,clinical features & laboratory diagnosis & Prevention 2. suspect hematological malignancy on history and physical examination 3. describe various types of leukemias/ lymphoma 4. identify various blood cells in peripheral blood smear (K & S) 5. perform, interpret and correlate differential counts with various clinical conditions (K & S) 6.counsel about Leishmania the prevention of Malaria, Dengue & 7. counsel in detail the medical, social and financial aspects of the disease & discuss multidisciplinary approach/problems faced in the management of chronic ailment 8. refer patient to an appropriate center for management of leukemia 9. communicates professionally with patients, parents/ caretakers and with paramedical staff regarding treatment and care of the patient ,especially suffering from malignant disorders THEME: 3 CLOT & BLEED CASE 14: HAEMOPHILIA A PRESENTING COMPLAINTS: A one and a half year old boy presented in paeds OPD with several small bruises on legs for 1 week and swelling in right knee joint for last 3 days HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT: Patient was alright 1 week back when his mother noticed that he has small bruises on his legs. Bruises were in different stages of healing evident by different colors. Some were blue and some were yellowish. Three days back he fell on the floor which was followed by swelling in the knee joints. Knees were painful on touching. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Excessive bleeding occurred at the time of umbilical cord separation. His mother also gives H/O prolonged bleed after minor trauma Medications,allergy; nil Birth history; normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY One maternal uncle has some bleeding disorder. Two elder sisters of the patient never had any H/O excessive bleeding . Sexual/ social hx; Not Applicable GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP: 37.5C, BP: 110/70mm, PULSE: 100/min, RR 19/min A pale looking male infant, sitting comfortably in mothers lap, showing several small bruises on legs and swollen right knee Eyes: No scleral icterus. Markedly Pale Conjunctiva. Mouth: Dental caries. Satisfactory Hygiene CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM S1 S2 O ( normal heart sounds) RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal Vesicular Breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: Moderate Hepatosplenomegaly. No ascites, Normal Bowel sounds Rectal: Dark brown, soft stool, negative for occult blood. RHEUMATOLOGIC EXAMINATION Tender Swollen right knee joint. Over lying skin is normal in appearance but the temperature of the skin is raised. LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: Hb: 5gm/dl, TLC: 12,000/ul Platelet count of 150,000/ul. Reticulocyte Count: 12%. Peripheral Film: Moderate poikilocytosis, anisocytosis,, hypochromia, polychromasia target cells, many fragemented and sickle red cells, many NRBC. Bleeding time……. Prolonged Activated Partial thromboplastin time (APTT) prolonged Prothrombin time(PT) Radiology : 12 Sec (normal) No lytic lesion found in bones , synovium not clear (blood in joint space) Special investigations: Factor VIII antigen Factor VIII activity Decreased Decreased (1%) Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 What are different types of clinical bleed? Q.2 How do you differentiate between Hemophilia A & B? Q.3 What are microangiopathic hemolytic anemia(MAHA)? Q.4 How do you clinically differentiate two different types? CASE 15: IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA (ITP) PRESENTING COMPLAINTS: A 4 year old girl presented in paeds OPD with generalized petechiae for 3 to 4 days and nasal bleed for one day HISTORY OF PRESENT COMPLAINT: Patient was alright 13 days back when she developed fever with flu which her family physician diagnosed as viral. She was not given any antibiotics for that and she almost completely recovered when her mother noticed that he has developed small red spots all over her legs which soon progressed to generalized lesions. She also noticed few bruises on her back. But Now she had one episode of epistaxis from her nose. The blood was fresh red in color and was about half cup in quantity. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Nothing Significant Medications,allergy; nil Birth history; normal vaginal birth FAMILY HISTORY: Nothing significant Sexual/ social hx; Not Applicable GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION; VITAL SIGNS: TEMP: 37.5C, BP: 110/70mm, PULSE: 100/min, RR 14/min A pale looking, thin built female child, sitting comfortably , showing several small bruises on her back and legs covered with petechiae Eyes: No scleral icterus. Pale Conjunctiva. Mouth: Dental caries. Satisfactory Hygiene CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Higher Mental Function: intact. Motor and sensory system: intact. No cranial nerves deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM S1 S2 O RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Normal Vesicular Breathing GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Abdomen: No Hepatosplenomegaly. No ascites, Normal Bowel sounds Rectal: Unremarkable,Negative for occult blood. RHEUMATOLOGIC EXAMINATION NORMAL INVESTIGATIONS: LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS: COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT: Hb: 10.5 gm/dl 30,000/ul. Reticulocyte Count: TLC: 14,000/ul Platelet count 02%. Peripheral Film: Moderate poikilocytosis, anisocytosis,, hypochromia present on film Bleeding time…….(15 minutes) PROLONGED Activated Partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 32 seconds Prothrombin time(PT) 11 seconds NORMAL NORMAL Radiology : NOT APPLICABLE Special investigations: BONE MARROW EXAMINATION: Bone marrow shows increased megakaryocytes and many young forms seen on smear(peripheral blood & bone marrow findings are consistent with peripheral destruction of platelets) PT, APTT, Peripheral destruction of Platelets Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 How would you differentiate clinically between bleed due to coagulopathy & Thrombopathy Q.2 How does ITP in children differ from that in adults? LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this theme of Bleed/clot the students should be able to 1. formulate Differential diagnosis of thrombopathic/coagulopathic bleed on the basis of history and physical examination. 2. select & interpret laboratory tests to define thrombopathic / & coagulopathic cause of generalised bleed 3. diagnose & Manage a case of snake bite 4. diagnose, counsel & manage a case of thrombophilia 5. manage a bleeding patient with coagulation defect (hereditary/acquired)in emergency & in OPD setting (K,S) 6. advise parents/patients appropriately for long term management of inherited coagulopathy & platelet functional defects & Counsel about their genetic inheritance 7. provide guidance& advise for their long term management 8. communicates professionally with patients, parents/ caretakers and with paramedical staff regarding treatment and care of the patient ,especially suffering from genetic disorders THEME:4 TRANSFUSION MEDICINE CASE:16 ACUTE ALLERGIC TRANSFUSION REACTION CASE .1 A diagnosed case of acute myeloid leukemia presented with hemoglobin of 6.0gm/dl after induction therapy. Oncologist ordered two packs of red cell concentrate. After transfusion of 2nd pack of RCC the patient started shivering and started having itching ist around I/V line & then all over his body. CASE.2 A 50 years old male was admitted in hospital with fracture left femur, for which open reduction and internal fixation was done. Patient lost considerable amount of blood during his surgery, for which he was advised to be transfused whole blood by the surgeon. His CBC showed Hb of 7.0g/l with normochromic normocytic picture. Blood was typed and crossmatched, and the donor blood group was checked for compatibility by the blood bank. His BP and pulse were recorded before starting the transfusion.Patient had no complaints at the time of starting the transfusion. Ten minutes after starting the transfusion, patient started complaining of chills, headache, generalized itching and difficulty in breathing. GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Patient was conscious and alert, well-oriented in time place and person. Febrile, with Temperature of 101oF, and respiratory rate of 30/min. Rest of the vital signs were within normal limits. (BP: 110/80mm of Hg) There were SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Apprehensive, anxious looking while no sensory, motor or cognitive deficit. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Normal heart sounds S1 and S2. No added sounds or murmurs. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Normal vesicular breathing. However respiratory rate increased. No rhonchi or crepitations. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: No abdominal pain or distension. No vomiting or diarrhea. No blood in stools. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: Normal urine output. No blood in urine. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Generalised shivering seen. No other abnormality. LABORATORY FINDINGS His Complete Blood count was done, which did not show any further drop of Hemoglobin (6g/dl).His Serum Bilirubin was 1mg/dl(post transfusion)Donor blood was typed again, which was found to be the same as the recipient and repeat crossmatch was compatible. Acute transfusion reaction Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 Which clinical features would differentiate allergic transfusion reaction from hemolytic one? CASE: 17 ACUTE HEMOLYTIC TRANSFUSION REACTION HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS A 25 year old primigravida presented in emergency in labor. Because of poor progress of labor with fetal distress, she was taken for emergency Cesarean section. Post-operatively her Hb was 7.5g, for which her obstetrician advised blood transfusion. Blood was typed, cross-matched and sent to her ward. The doctor on duty was not present to cross-check the donor blood group, so the nurse decided to start the transfusion by herself, since she had a lot of other work to do. Patient had no complaint at the time of starting the transfusion. However, 15 minutes later, patient started complaining of generalized discomfort, chills, headache, nausea and pain in her back. General Physical Examination Young patient lying on bed, shivering,looking pale and anxious, with flushed cheeks. Vital signs are remarkable for a temperature of 102oF, pulse 110/min and BP 90/60mmHg. SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION Central Nervous System: Patient apparently anxious and restless. However, no sensory or motor deficit present. Cardio Vascular System: Increased heart rate. No added sounds or murmur. Respiratory System: Increased respiratory rate, with difficulty in breathing. GastroIntestinal System: Pain in lumbar region of abdomen, with nausea. Urinary System: Blood seen in urine coming out from the catheter. Musculoskeletal System: Generalized shivering present. No other abnormality Laboratory Findings Complete Blood Count: Hemoglobin 6g/dl Hematocrit 30% RBCs 3 million/ul Blood Group A negative Indirect Coomb’s Test: Positive Serum Bilirubin: 2.5mg/dl Urine Routine Analysis: Positive for RBCs and hemoglobin. Post Transfusion Cross Match & Grouping Of Donor & Recipient The donor blood was typed again, and it was found to be B positive & repeat cross match was incompatible Post Transfusion shivering, Coomb’s test, cross match Critical questions/ study questions Q.1 What is your concept of “safe transfusion?” Q.2 What do you think about “ voluntary blood donation” Q.3 What are different blood groups & what is their importance in clinical medicine? Q.4 What are transfusion reactions? How do you categorize them? Q.5At which hemoglobin level we “MUST TRANSFUSE RCC?” LEARNING OBJECTIVES TASKS: In 2nd spiral: At the end of this section the students should be able to describe clinical application of blood grouping system Comprehend compatibility testing for two basic blood grouping systems(ABO,RH system) Comprehend standardized screening tests for blood State the process of safe storage & transport of blood and blood Components Describe hazards of blood transfusion(immediate & delayed) State Judicious & appropriate use of blood components & products Identify the clinical presentation of immediate transfusion reactions (hemolytic, allergic & anaphylactic types) (K,S) Demonstrate ethical & Social awareness about blood donation (voluntary/ paid, donor deferral, cost of products) Asking PICO related to common problems in clinical transfusion practice. Learning Basic search principles on internet Resource for learning including online web links Book reference Iron deficiency anemia Davidson pg no.1012 to 1013,1025 to 1027 Robbins and cotran pg 643----646 Review of medical microbiology & virology by Warren Levinson (edition 10) Hook worm pg 389-390 Megaloblastic anemia :PJ Komar pg 397—403 Davidson pg 1027—29 Robbins and Cotran 7th edition pg 638----643 Aplastic anemia Robbins and Cotran pg 647----649 PJ Kumar pg 402----403 Davidson pg 1054 Thalassemia Robbins and Cotran pg 632----638 Infection,Leukemias and lymphomas Review of medical microbiology & virology by Warren Levinson(edition 10) Malaria pg360-363 Leishmania pg368-369 Salmonella(typhoid) pg 140-142 Dengue fever pg306 Acute lymphocytic leukemia Robbins and Cotran pg 690—700 Acute and chronic myeloid Robbins and Cotran pg 92----702 Lymphoma Robbins and Cotran pg 600----690 Bleeding disorders (HA,HB, ITP,DIC) Robbins and Cotran pg 649----658 Wintrobe’s clinical Haematology pg1379-1425 Faculty Facilitating Contacts: Dr Ayesha Junaid ayesha_junaid497@hotmail.com Dr. Riffat Nadeem rifatnahmad@yahoo.com Dr.Zubaida Zain zubaida.zain@yahoo.com Dr. Abida Shaheen abidashaheen97@yahoo.com Dr. Tasneem Akhtar doctasak@hotmail.com Dr. Munir Malik drmunir_iqbal@yahoo.com Dr. Syeda Hanaa Fatima backbone.chill@gmail.com Dr. Kainat Nazir drkainat01@hotmail.com Dr. Muhammad Umer Farooq umer.farooq150@yahoo.com Dr. Ali Azeem alinaqvi101@yahoo.com Dr. Qurrat-Ul-Ain Kashif pinkperal09@hotmail.com Dr. Farhat Fatima farhat.fatima19@live.com Dr. Rayya Nadeem rayyanadeem100@gmail.com Dr. Arooj Anthoney aroojpeter@gmail.com Dr. Imran Khan Jahangir imrankhanjahangir@yahoo.com Dr. Shazia Irum dr.shazia.irum@gmail.com Dr. Munazza Ather munazza.athar786@gmail.com Dr. Sidra Mehmood SidraMehmood@hotmail.com Dr. Shumaila Hanif shumailahanif54@yahoo.com Dr. Ahmed Zameer ahmedzamir73@yahoo.com Dr. Umer Farooq umer.farooq150@yahoo.com Dr.Zubiya Aqib zubia.aqib@gmail.com GLOSSARY www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/mplusdictioary.html www.online-medical-dictionary.org www.medterms.com