The Aeneid Book Thre..

The Aeneid
Presented By:
Paige Vacante
Alexandra Jayne
Rachel Holena
Taryn Talacka
Aeneas continues reminiscing, therefore he continues telling
about his journey back from Troy. He sales to Thrace and he
names a city Aeneade. There he sees a copse of bushes and
figures he can take some to eat. He felt that it was a bad omen,
but he pulled the branches anyway. Black blood drips down and
stains the ground. He pulled more, which bled again. He hears a
groan, and Polydorus is under the bushes. He tells his story of
how he was killed by Agamemnon and buried there.
Aeneas and his men leave Thrace and they pray to his father,
Anchises, for help. Anchises tells them to go to Crete.
They settle on an island called Pergamum. This island is not
good for crops so they pray to the gods for help. Apollo sends
messengers to Aeneas; they tell him this is not where they should
live. They are instructed to go to Italy.
Summary Continued…
 They leave the island, and on the 4th day at sea Aeneas’ men spot a
different land. It is the home of the Harpies. Aeneas prays to
the gods for food, and when they have their feast the Harpies
attack. The ugly birds ruin their feast
 They set sail for Italy again, and this time they land on an island
called Actium. They give their proper sacrifices to Jupiter and
then they start the Trojan games.
 Next, they land at the island of Chaonia and stop at the city of
Buthrotum. Here, he goes with Andromache to Hector’s empty
tomb. She is crying and telling of all things Hector has done. She
is very upset about Hector being dead and she wants to know
where his corpse is at.
 They make the proper sacrifices and pray to Phoebus to know the
way to Italy. He tells him all of the obstacles and how to get
Summary Continued…
 New people are added to the crew and they sail off. They were
told to beware of Scylla and Charybdis.
 On the way they fall asleep, and Aeneas wakes up and sees the
stars and aurora.
 They see horses on the island, which gives them a good sign. They
arrive on the beach of the Cyclops island. They are very tired and
go to sleep. The next morning a Greek approaches him. His name
is Achaemenides. He was from Ithaca and was left in the cave of
the Cyclops by Odysseus and his men. He tells how he was left and
all that had happened to him. He tells Aeneas to either take him
with him or kill him, do whatever to get him off the island. Aeneas
needs to decide if he wants to kill the man or bring him with him.
 The Cyclops that Odysseus stabbed in the eye came running down
the hill so Aeneas flees. They jump on ship with Achaemenides and
safely leave the bay.
 They land on the unhappy island of Drepanum and Anchises tells
Aeneas of his destinies. Anchises dies.
Most Significant Event
•Page 80
•When Aeneas and his crew reach the island of
Drepanum, Aeneas ends up loosing his father,
•This is the most significant event because even
though his father has passed, him and his crew still
go on.
•They don’t really have him showing emotion, so we
get the feeling that he doesn’t really have a heart or
really cared for his father.
•However, he explains how good of a man his father
was, and said that he would miss him.
•Page 60
•Said by : A Voice
Spoken to: Aeneas
•“For there Aeneas’ house will rule all coasts, as will his sons’ sons and
those born of them.”
•Importance- Foreshadows that Aeneas and his family will one day
•Page 77
•Said by: Achaemenides Spoken to: Aeneas and his crew
•“…My name is Achaemenides…My comrades left me, forgotten in the
great cave of the Cyclops…”
•Importance-When Achaemenides introduces himself, the crew
decides to keep him and he tells of what is out there on the sea.
•Page 80
•Said by: Aeneas
Spoken to: Everyone
•“It is here that- after all the tempests of the sea- I lose my father,
Anchises, stay in every care and crisis.”
•Importance- Aeneas loses his father and it shows that he will miss
•No interventions or quarrels of
the gods.
Character List
•Syclla and
Character Analysis
•Aeneas’ friend from the war who was grown in a tree. Polydorus
was a Trojan, and made Aeneas have memories of the war.
•Leader of the Harpies; this feminine bird tried to warn Aeneas of
the fears ahead of him.
•The prophet who spoke Phoebus’ words which gave Aeneas
advice and warnings on his journey.
•Scylla & Charybdis
•Two sea monsters who got in the way of Aeneas’ journey. This was
what Celaeno and Helenus were warning Aeneas of.
•A stranger on the island of the Cyclops who asked to stay worth
Aeneas and his crew, he was a Greek Soldier.
→Page 58
→“I try tear a green branch from the coil to serve as leafy cover for
our altars—but see an awful omen, terrible to tell.
→When Aeneas sees the tree he wants to take a leafy cover, but
he has an awful feeling something bad is going to happen.
→The bush was growing on a person, and when he ripped a
branch off it started to bleed.
→Page 60
→“For there Aeneas’ house will rule all coasts, as will his sons’ sons
and those born of them.”
→It shows that Aeneas’ family will one day rule the whole coast.
→Throughout Book 3
→They tell that they will get to Italy, but right now they are far off of
their destination.
Figurative Language
 Page 57
 “…signs to sail in search.”
 Page 58
 “…from that first tree’s severed roots drops of black blood drip down.”
 Page 58
 “My blood is frozen now with terror.”
 Page 61
 “…the wind wakes…”
 Page 62
 “…an ancient wind with strong and fat soil.”
 Page 78
 …enormous, like an Argive shield or like the lamp of Phoebus…”
Sacrifices to the Gods
•Page 58
Sacrifice to Venus
oThey want to stay safe on their journey.
•Page 69
Sacrifice steers
oThey make a sacrifice in order to get Phoebus to tell
them the way to Italy.
•Page 68
oTelling of all the places Hector and she have
gone, and what happened to them there.
•Delian Apollo-Apollo
•Saturnian Juno- Hera
•Father Mars- Ares
•founding of cities, Aeneas founds the city Aeneadae
•The tree, a.k.a-Polyduras
•White Horse
•Good omen, war
•Bad omen
•Stars and Aurora
•Good omen
In the story, Aeneas and his crew land on the
island of Cyclops, where they come across a
Greek soldier named Achaemenides. If you
were Achaemenides would have the same
amount of courage as he did to talk to
Aeneas and his Trojan Crew? And if you
were Aeneas would you accept him on your
crew or kill him?