Using Course Transferability Rates Data for Curricular and Organizational Planning and Review Kelly Perez-Vergara, Director of Curriculum Research & Operations Dawn Perkowski, Research Assistant Martin Orlowski, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness Oakland Community College November 2014 Purpose of Measuring Course Transfer Rates Known need to increase transferability of courses, but we don’t know the extent of the problem. The data is available, but the analysis is missing. Without analysis, our interventions are based on intuition rather than evidence. 2 Today we’ll cover 1. Data uses 2. Changes in transferability 2013 to 2014 3. Future directions Methods Overview • Coded OCC course transferability using institutional websites: • Equivalent credit (one for one course match) • General credit (departmental, elective, etc.) • No credit (no information, requires exam, true no credit) Perez-Vergara, K. and Orlowski, M. (in press). A Methodology for Determining the Transferability Rate of Courses. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. DOI:10.1080/10668926.2013.879376 Data Uses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Program/Discipline Review (Faculty) Community Need Profile (Deans) Institutional Effectiveness Indicators (Board) New Course Proposals- Evaluation of Community Need Transfer Initiatives (Articulations, letters to Registrars) Guidance for MTA course selection Program/Discipline Review- Faculty Level Table X. Transferability of Courses Summary Percent of Institutions Accepting as Equivalent Credit Equivalent Credit (E) Total General Credit (G) Total No Credit (N) Total Detail by Institution Baker College* Central Michigan University Davenport University Eastern Michigan University Madonna University Michigan State University Oakland University University of Detroit Mercy University of Michigan- Ann Arbor University of Michigan-Dearborn University of Michigan-Flint University of Phoenix Walsh College Wayne State University Western Michigan University *No data available ANT1520 ANT1540 ANT2510 ANT2750 47% 73% 27% 20% 7 5 3 11 3 1 4 9 2 3 10 2 N E G E N E E G E E G G E N G N E G E G E E E E E E G E E E N G G G N E G G G G G G E E E N G G G N E E G G G G G E G G Program/Discipline Review- Faculty Level 1. 2. What factors impact the transferability of courses? Are action strategies needed to address the issues covered in the above question? Program/Discipline Review Sample Faculty Responses- Gerontology 1. 2. None of the GRN courses meet the benchmark for transferability to the most popular transfer institutions – only two (GRN 1510 and 2550) transfer 20% of the time for equivalent credit which is 30% less than the benchmark. The actions that would need to be taken to increase transferability is to survey transfer institutions to determine why these courses do not transfer and what is needed from Oakland Community College to increase the probability that the courses would be accepted for full credit. Madonna University is one of the transfer institutions that accept GRN courses (with the exception of GRN 2550) for equivalent credit. The institution has a Gerontology program and submitted written support as part of OCC’s GRN program review to advocate for a certificate program for students completing the courses. Yes – inquire of transferring institutions why GRN courses are not readily accepted for equivalent credit. Program/Discipline Review Sample Faculty Responses- Psychology 1. Transferability of courses depends on the fact that some four year schools may not accept courses because the curriculum is not standard. Also, some four year schools only want students to take their upper level psychology courses. Colleges that do not have course equivalency tables may not be transfer friendly. Many colleges limit the number of transfer credits that they will accept. Some courses may transfer as electives and not count towards a major in psychology. Older credits do not transfer as easily as newer credit. 2. An action strategy would be to contact the institutions that do not accept a particular course and ascertain why and what we can do to facilitate a seamless transfer process. Program/Discipline Review Sample Faculty Responses- Chemistry 1. The chemistry curriculum is very traditional. The American Chemical Society (ACS) has a subdivision called the Exam Institute. The ACS Exam Institute creates standardized exams for General Chemistry 1, General Chemistry II, Organic Chemistry 1, Organic Chemistry II, and many more courses. Traditionally chemistry courses cover the topics that the corresponding exams cover. The course content at the schools that follow the traditional ACS guidelines are equivalent and thus should transfer. 2. [plus ~1000 words on other standards that should be maintained to ensure transferability] Program/Discipline Review- Faculty Level Action Strategies 1. What is the issue that needs to be addressed? • The issue is to examine reasons why institutions currently do not accept OCC Psychology Courses for credit transfer. 2. What action will be taken to address this issue? • Institutions that currently do not accept OCC Psychology Courses for credit transfer will be contacted to discuss plans for a seamless transfer process. These courses include….. Community Need Profile- Dean Level In the annual program plan, note that transferability is not of concern for this transfer program at this time because credit evaluation is likely portfolio based….. But when the faculty reviews and makes course changes this fall, ensure 4year institutions are consulted on transferability. Institutional Effectiveness Indicators Example Institution Student Transfer Readiness % courses accepted as equivalent to at least 50% % credits retained upon transfer Employment Readiness % programs meeting “community need” % students meeting learning outcome benchmarks College Readiness % DE placed students with option to enroll in DE courses % DE students enrolled in college-level courses Transfer Initiatives Community Need Profile & Program/Discipline Review: 1. Articulations 2. Course level equivalencies- letter to Registrar? Institutional Effectiveness: 1. Creates data-driven argument for additional funding, positions, or resources devoted to transfer. New Course Proposals: Evaluation of Community Need Data Uses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Program/Discipline Review (Faculty) Community Need Profile (Deans) Institutional Effectiveness Indicators (Board) New Course Proposals- Evaluation of Community Need Transfer Initiatives (Articulations, letters to Registrars) Guidance for MTA course selection Better understand current transferability patterns by discipline, institution, course, etc. Comparison 2013 to 2014: Overall Results Table 1. Difference in Equivalent Credit 2013 to 2014 Number of courses Status No change 162 Decreased 75 Increased 59 Total Courses 296 CAUTION! 3 New Data Sources Used Davenport, Madonna, UD Mercy Comparison 2013 to 2014: Institution Level Results Institution Walsh College** Western Michigan University Wayne State University Central Michigan University Eastern Michigan University Michigan State University Oakland University*** Madonna University University Of Detroit Mercy University Of Michigan-Flint University Of Michigan-Dearborn Davenport University University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor University Of Phoenix * *All general credit **All equivalent credit ***New understanding interpretation of data 2013 100% 64% 54% 54% 51% 40% 54% 30% 34% 32% 28% 21% 23% 0% 2014 100% 65% 55% 51% 50% 42% 42% 35% 34% 33% 29% 23% 20% 0% Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Summary Decreased No Change Increased One institution change status: 67 courses 162 courses One institution change status: 52 courses Two institutions: 8 courses Two institutions: 7 courses Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU CMU Status Improved Improved Improved Improved Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Course BIO2640 BIO2710 ENG2720 SOC2620 ENG2880 HIS1520 MAT1140 PER1730 PER1732 PER1743 PER1748 PER1790 PER1880 PHI1710 THE1580 Title Human Anatomy & Physiology II Microbiology Advanced Non-Fiction Writing Sociology of Diversity Advanced Screenwriting World Civ From Modern Era Plane Geometry Karate Karate II Aqua Fitness Group Exercise Self Defense Yoga Introduction to Informal Logic Acting II Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU EMU Status Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Course ART2535 ART2670 ENG2880 GEO1510 PER1654 THE1581 ENG2650 ENG2780 ENG2800 ENG2820 PHY1031 RUS1530 Title Advanced Figure Painting Stained Glass II Advanced Screenwriting Physical Geography Dance - Ballet Voice for the Actor Children's Literature Intro Playwrtg & Screenwrtg Creative Writing Advanced Creative Writing Concepts in Physics Beginning Russian II Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU MSU Status Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Course BIO1530 BIO1580 BIO2830 BIO2860 CHI1530 MAT1580 PER1620 PER1653 PER1744 PHY1031 SOC2510 SOC2550 SOC2620 SSC2610 ART2510 ART2520 GEO1520 GSC1620 Title Biology I: Molecular/Cellular Bioethics Biotechnology I: Intro Seminars in Biotechnology Beginning Chinese II Statistics Basketball Dance - Modern Aqua Aerobics Concepts in Physics Sociology Sociology of the Aging Sociology of Diversity Marriage and Family Fundamentals of Figure Drawing Advanced Drawing World Geography Intro to Environmental Geology Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA UMAA Status Improved Improved Improved Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Course BIO2640 MAT1630 PER1654 MAT1540 MAT1560 MAT2530 MAT2540 MAT2810 POL2520 PSC1560 PSY2630 PSY2710 PSY2810 SSC2610 Title Human Anatomy & Physiology II College Algebra/Trigonometry Dance - Ballet College Algebra Trigonometry Math for Elementary Teachers I Math Elementary Teachers II Differential Equations Urban and State Politics Physical Science I Psych Organizational Behavior Child Development Psychology of Adjustment Marriage and Family Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD UMD Status Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Reduced Course ART1810 ART1900 ART2530 ART2535 ART2680 ART2810 BIO1512 BIO2660 BIO2850 COM2290 COM2610 COM2640 ENG2720 ENG2880 MUS1680 MUS1730 MUS1740 PHO1800 PHO2800 SOC2620 THE1590 THE1601 EDU1600 Title Animation Drawing I 2D Digital Animation Figure Painting Advanced Figure Painting Advanced Figurative Sculpture Animation Drawing II Biology of Global Health Pathophysiology Biotech III: Mammalian Cell Intercultural Communication Persuasion Leadership and Small Groups Advanced Non-Fiction Writing Advanced Screenwriting Music Theory: Jazz OCC Chorale OCC Chorale Fundamentals of Digital Video Advanced Digital Video Sociology of Diversity Improvisation Theatre Production/Tech Introduction to Education Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF UMF Status Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Course BIO1511 CHI1530 COM1600 COM2620 ENG2760 MUS1810 PER1880 SPA1511 THE1583 THE1601 BIO1530 ITA1510 MAT1500 PHI1520 Title Life Science Beginning Chinese II Fundamentals of Speech Oral Interpretation of Lit Intro to Shakespeare Voice I Yoga Beg Spanish I for Healthcare Movement for the Actor Theatre Production/Tech Biology I: Molecular/Cellular Beginning Italian I Finite Mathematics History of Modern Philosophy Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution WMU WMU WMU WMU WMU WMU WMU Status Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Reduced Course BIO2570 ENG1610 ENG1700 ENG2650 PER1748 THE2560 THE1601 Title Molecular Biology of Cancer Women in Literature Reading in Areas of Interest Children's Literature Group Exercise Play Production/Events Mgmt Theatre Production/Tech Comparison 2013 to 2014: Course Change Detail Institution WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU Status Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Improved Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Course ART2630 ART2640 BIO2570 MHA1500 MHA1510 PER1658 PHO1500 PHY2500 SOC2510 ART2535 ENG2520 JOR1710 JOR1720 JOR1730 JOR1740 Title Advanced Oil Painting Advanced Watercolor Painting Molecular Biology of Cancer Fund of Alcohol/Drug Abuse Substance Abuse Treatments Jazz Dance II Advanced Photography Engineering Physics II Sociology Advanced Figure Painting American Lit Since Civil War Journalism Laboratory Journalism Laboratory Journalism Laboratory Journalism Laboratory Number of Transfer Status Changes (across all courses & institutions) Disciplines with no changes: • Anthropology • Foundational Studies- Humanities • Foundational Studies- Natural Science • Gerontology Discipline Biology Art Physical Education English Sociology Theatre Communication Music Photography Spanish Chinese Mathematics Mental Health Physics Geography Social Science Education General Science History Humanities Italian Journalism Philosophy Political Science Physical Science Psychology Russian Grand Total Improved 14 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 83 Reduced 1 3 6 6 1 2 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 3 1 47 Thoughts • It’s hard to draw conclusions about transferability of credits based on this data, but…. This tells us that students are also getting inconsistent information depending on the source used and when they check the websites. Future Directions • New paper from National Center for Education Statistics: • Credit loss upon transfer best for 2yr 4yr • Worse for 4yr 2yr & 2yr 2yr • Need to code transferability from OCC to other MI CC’s. • Need to evaluate transfer credit acceptance at our institution (i.e., what % of courses from 4yr do we accept as equivalent?) Discussion How can OCC get feedback from colleges when a course doesn’t transfer as equivalent? That way, we can change our courses to align with others. Questions? (248) 522-3884