DATA RESCUE: REGIONAL TO INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES & CHALLENGES Prof. Rob Allan, International ACRE Project Manager, Climate Monitoring and Attribution Group, Met Office Hadley Centre, UK GLOBAL INITIATIVES • Poorly funded and staffed • Many ‘Grass Roots’ - Climate Science Community - support The international Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) initiative 1: Undertake & facilitate international & regional recovery, imaging & digitisation of global surface terrestrial & marine weather observations over the last 200+ years 3: Global User Community Needs 2: Provide surface data requirements for all reanalyses (weather reconstructions) IRI ICOADS NCAR NOAA ESRL NERSC KNMI 20th Century Reanalysis Project (20CR) global historical reanalysis assimilates only surface variables 56 realisations every 6 hours, 2⁰ x 2⁰ spatial resolution 6th ACRE Workshop – Portugal 2013 Higher Resolution Citizen Science ‘Crowd Sourcing’ (eg. Data rescue@home) MO PRECIS Downscaling ISPD BADC Environmental Assessments Extremes, Impacts & Risks Water resources Agricultural Forestry Energy Marine operations Fisheries Cultural landscapes and built heritage Education Ecological Phenological Health & Disease Reinsurance Climate Monitoring Model Validation Status of Regional Weather Data Recovery, Imaging & Digitisation Foci under ACRE ACRE Chile – initial funding EC FP7 ERA-CLIM ACRE Pacific – via NIWA, NZ; initial French Pacific Fund project ACRE India – British Library-India initiative; AHRC Collaborative Research on the Meteorological and Botanical History of the Indian Ocean, 1600-1900; MoU with Indian Meteorological Department? ACRE Arctic – being developed by the Atmosphere/Climate Working Group (WG) of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) ACRE Africa – link to new Met Office Hadley Centre-UK DfiD Climate Science Research Partnership (CSRP) contract ACRE China – part of the new Met Office MoU with both the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) & Beijing Climate Centre (BCC) plus an AHRC proposal via Bristol University, UK ACRE SE Asia – APN CAPaBLE funding for June 2014 Workshop ACRE Southern Ocean – links to Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) International Project Office (IPO), Tasmania, Australia & Gateway Antarctica, NZ??? US-based, independent 501(C)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization established in 2005: ( Our Activities -International Climate Data Rescue (IC-DARE) Inventory -International Data Rescue News (IDRN). Bi-monthly newsletter. -On-site Training - Data Analysis and Visualization -Climate Data Digitization Tools - Alpha-Numeric Data Entry (workstations and crowdsourcing) - Strip Chart Digitization Application IEDRO recovers at-risk climate data from around the globe that enables meteorological and scientific communities to provide a better understanding of climate change and more accurately predict severe weather. ISTI Overview: Facilitating creation of multiple independent land surface temperature reconstructions with traceability and robust intercomparison Land Meteorological Databank - data rescue, sharing and provenance - free, traceable to origin - consolidated master database Benchmarking – Station Temperature Test Cases - testing homogenisation algorithm ability - realistic synthetic worlds with different error models Data-product portal - user tools - intercomparison tools - visualisation tools ACRE Europe, SEAsia, S-America, W-Africa ICA&D: International Climate Assessment & Data Set and Data Rescue Climate Services across borders Aryan van Engelen – Netherlands Together with the ECA Team, Albert Klein Tank, Gerard van der Schrier, Else van den Besselaar, Robert Leander 10 5th ACRE Workshop, Météo-France, Toulouse, 28-30 Nov. 2012 Concept of ICA&D ET-DARE The ICA&D (International Climate Assessment & Dataset) climate services concept successfully combines the work of WMO’s Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) and WMO’s Data Rescue (DARE) activities ETCCDI The International Comprehensive OceanAtmosphere Data Set— ICOADS Scott Woodruff (NOAA/NCDC & CIRES, USA) Eric Freeman (NOAA/NCDC, USA) Steven Worley (NCAR, USA) Investigate and report on holdings -Names of stations -Time spans -What is recorded (marigram, tabulated?) -Ancillary data (tide staff readings, leveling) -Media (paper, microfiche) -Condition of media (risk of loss?) -Volume of media (how many pages, boxes?) -Where are holdings? (your agency, other?) -Plans for restoration to electronic media? GLOSS Group of Experts Paris, November 2011 Historic Sea Level Data Rescue Questionnaire Sent to - GLOSS national points of contact - International Hydrographic Organization member contacts *Report to Deadline April 1, 2012, extended to Aug 1 GLOSS Questionnaire Results - 18 replies from 14 countries - 169 tide gauge stations identified (23 GLOSS sites) - Time spans:1800s-1900s - 4,103 Total years (~3,259 excluding gaps) - If digitized: add 2,824 years to JASL (324 GLOSS sites) Why no NTC response? - much data exists REGIONAL PROJECTS/INITIATIVES • 3 - 5 year funding (e.g. EU, ESF) • Legacy of data collected, digitised and processed?? The MEditerranean DAta REscue (MEDARE) Initiative The MEDARE metadata on-line Infrastructure Climate records being developed under EURO4M effort linked to MEDARE ACRE SE ASIA: Linking Data Rescue Activities NOAA Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) Data Rescue Activities in Vietnam ACRE – South China Sea Data Digitisation Mean Sea Level Pressure 1873-1932 (Source: Met Office Archives & NOAA Central Library Scanned images) Daily data keyed for 30 covering 1890’s -1920’s 6092 station months. Data incorporated into GHCN. stations total of will be KNMI & BMKG Digitisasi Data Historis (DiDaH) Digitization of high-resolution historical climate data from Indonesia over the period 1850-present Southeast Asian Climate Assessment & Dataset (SACA&D) project aims to be the data portal and climate monitoring tool for the Southeast Asian region. SACA&D is receiving data from 18 participants for 9 countries from this region Data feed => the International Surface Pressure Databank (ISPD) => All Reanalyses especially the ACRE-facilitated 20th Century Reanalysis (20CR) National Archives of Mauritius THE MAURITIUS PROJECT Recovering, imaging, digitising, archiving and preserving of old weather observations extracted from ship logbooks in 188 volumes of Charles Meldrum's 'anemological' journals from 1853 to 1914 and terrestrial weather observations for Mauritius (including data from Colonel Lloyd's Colonial Observatory at Port Louis) from the late 18th to the early years of the 20th century held by the Mauritius Meteorological Services (MMS). Old weather data records in Mauritius Meteorological Service (MSS) HISTORICAL DAILY INDIAN OCEAN CHARTS: 1st January 1861: Sir Charles Todd Weather folios covering the 31 year period 1879-1909 Work of the Volunteer Unit (South Australia) Australian Meteorological Association working with the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Weather Data: Clement Wragge’s abstracts from ship logbooks: 1889-1903 (Jan 1892 - Sep 1892) The Australasian United Steam Navigation (AUSN) Company islandtrading steamer S.S. Birksgate: Sailed between Sydney, Suva and Noumea [also New Hebrides] The French liner S.S. Australien was one of a quartet of vessels with which the Messageries Maritimes developed its Australian trade in 1889-1891. For 25 years the ship was a regular caller at Australian ports and despite the rivalry of newer vessels kept up her popularity over this long stretch of time. All being scanned for ACRE from hard copies discovered in the Queensland State Archives, Brisbane French Mail Ship S.S. Australien (Mails for Australia, Mauritius, Mahe, Madagascar, Reunion, Seychelles, Aden, Suez, Port Said, France, Mediterranean ports, Continent of Europe and the United Kingdom, via Marseilles) 3/3/1893 – 17/4/1893 German Patrol Crusier S.M.S. Sperber: 10/10/1892-29/11/1892 (Built specifically for the German Foreign Service, S.M.S. Sperber was one of the German patrol cruisers on the Australian Station, charged with showing the German flag on routine visits to various ports in the South Pacific, enabling the German administrators to travel their islands territories on law enforcement missions and to be on stand-by for any military conflict) H.I.M.S Austrian Corvette Saida: 15/7/1893-31/7/1893 The Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 3 July 1893, Page 4: ‘An Austrian wooden built corvette launched at Pola in 1878……… making a cruise round the principal ports of India, China, Japan and Australia. Since leaving Pola several months ago she has called at Port Said, Suez, Aden, Bombay, Colombo, Calcutta, Singapore, Bangkok, Batavia, Albany, and Melbourne. She will remain here a few weeks. From Sydney she will proceed to New Zealand Tahiti, HonoIulu, Japan and China, returning to Austria by way of the Suez Canal.’ National Meteorological Archive, Exeter United Kingdom 9-10K marine meteorological Logbooks SS Kaikoura 20 Circumnavigations 1885-1893 Oct 1887-Feb 1888 Plymouth – Hobart – Lyttleton - Rio de Janeiro - Plymouth Track of SS Kaikoura through Southern Ocean – Nov-Dec 1887 SOME OTHER SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE MARINE DATA …..GFCS, WMO, GCOS, GEO, WCRP, WCDMP…… ICA&D ACRE IEDRO ISTI ICOADS (MEDARE, FP7 EURO4M, FP7 ERA-CLIM…………..) COOPERATION, COLLABORATION, ENGAGEMENT International ACRE Project Manager Prof. Rob Allan Climate Monitoring and Attribution Group, Met Office Hadley Centre E-mail: Alternative E-mail: ACRE WWW Site: Old Weather WWW Site: Phone: +44 (0)1392 886904 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681 Address: FitzRoy Road Exeter EX1 3PB U.K.