Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, PhD PO Box 340777 Fort Sam

Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, PhD
PO Box 340777
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Cell Phone: (919) 208-5541
I am seeking a full-time position in theoretical or applied Computer Science performing work related to:
 Design and development of software and web-based applications (using Visual Studio .NET, SQL, Sharepoint)
 Design and usability evaluation of software and hardware equipment, including automated (robotics) equipment
 Research and development in datamining and machine learning algorithms
 Design and development of intelligent user interfaces, context-aware/mixed initiative user interaction
PhD in Computer Science (2010, GPA 3.72/4.00)
North Carolina State University, Raleigh
M.S. in Computer Science (1998, SPIR Fellowship Grantee, GPA 3.6/4.0)
State University of New York in Binghamton
M.A. in Psychology (Fulbright-Hayes Scholarship grantee, 3.5/4.0)
State University of New York in Binghamton
B.A. in Psychology (Dean Galdon Scholarship grantee, GPA 3.0/4.0)
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
US Citizen; Secret Clearance (US DoD: March2009-March2019; US DoHA: July2007-July2017)
United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), Unit A6CK, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
Software Engineer Level III (Mar2013-September, 2013)
 Developed web applications using Visual Studio .NET 2010, MS Sharepoint 2010, and MS SQL2008
 Performed usability evaluation of web-based applications (e.g., USAREUR Driver’s License Testing website)
 Involved in design/development of Sharepoint applications (e.g., Geobase site integrating Google Earth, RSS Feeds, other portals)
 Languages used C#, VBScript, JavaScript, JQuery
Computational Biology Institute, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX
Research Lab Assistant(Jan2012-Mar2013)
 Provided support for data analyses and configuration of hardware and software devices
 Configured a new Linux server (CentOS 5.8) from scratch, installed other laboratory tools such as Matlab
 Configured laboratory LAN and connected SunRay devices/workstations
 Resurrected an old server machine and started to install Rocks Clusters software to create a cluster computer platform
 Provided support for data analyses using Matlab, wrote Matlab scripts in C language
NAVMISSA (Dept. of the Navy), San Antonio, TX 78205
IT Specialist/Software Developer (Sep2010-Jul2012)
 Performed combined work of software developer, database programmer, data analyst, and project management
 Provided government oversight of 4-5 contractor programmers developing Bureau of Navy Medicine web-based applications
 Tracked product milestones, did code reviews, product testing, deployment, and maintenance
 Did actual hands-on work throughout the entire software development lifecycle from beginning to end
 Developed my own applications, automated some of our work processes, created a prototype for electronic timekeeping, developed
a prototype for a Navy wide software configuration management database application
 Worked with MSSharepoint, MSSQL, Visual Studio .NET, C, C++, C#, VisualBasic, VBA, Perl, WHScripting/Batch programming
Ensured software compliance with US DoD Security, and Information Assurance standards, policies and regulations
Only 1 of 2 people in the command trained to work with Navy Healthcare Data Repository (M2 data) using Business Objects
Excellent writing skills for product documentation (Requirements, Technical Design, User Interface Design, Governance proposals
Taught SQL to members of the command
Member of a group that won Team of the Quarter award in 2011
NAVAIR, Dept. of the Navy, MCAS Cherry Point, NC
Computer Scientist (Oct2008-Oct2009)
 Provided software support for naval aircraft specifically the C130J, the V22, and the H46
 Did functionality/usability testing of avionics software and hardware components
 Worked many hours in the SIL (Systems Integration Lab) testing hardware and software components (i.e., Cockpit Display and
 Navigation Unit (CDNUs) and Multi-Function Display (MFDs)
 Evaluated contract proposals for compliance with DoD-STD-2167A, MIL-STD-498, US DO-178B and US DO-254
 Provided technical expertise on agile and scrum techniques and rapid prototyping tools (.NET programming)
 Evaluated embedded software in Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) platforms
 Performed difficult work of decoding binary flight data contained in C130 aircraft RMM modules
 Did statistical analyses of flight data
 Developed applications using MSSQL, MS Visual Studio .NET, VBasic, DOS/Batch programming
Knowledge Discovery Laboratory, Computer Science Dept., North Carolina State University
Graduate Research Assistant (Jan2006-Aug2010)
 Conducted research in theoretical and applied computer science (artificial intelligence, human computer interaction and robotics
 Used Markov Models and variants of Markov Models for analyses of usage patterns to improve user interfaces
 Worked with Causal State Splitting Reconstruction algorithm (CSSR) for discovering event patterns in time series data
 Examined user interaction of input-output devices and used SAS statistical analyses to model and predict performance
 Did research in human robotics interaction (HRI) specifically with High Throughput Screening (HTS) laboratory software, this
work was a joint collaboration with the Center for Life Sciences and Automation (CELISCA) in Rostock, Germany (NSF Grant IIS 0083281 and ITR-046852); the latter research became the basis for my dissertation research
 Used SAS extensively for statistical analysis and data distribution modeling
Computer Science Department, North Carolina State University
Teaching Assistant (Aug2004-Dec2008)
 Did student consultations, graded homeworks/exams, gave review sessions and, occasionally gave substitute lectures
 Was a Teaching Assistant for graduate and undergraduate courses in:
- Human Computer Interaction
- Programming Languages
- Discrete Mathematics
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Lab), Oak Ridge, TN
Graduate Research Intern (Jun2008-Sep2008)
 Participated in research vital to homeland security and national defense
 Worked on research projects funded by the US Department of the Navy
 Involved in programming and developing machine learning algorithms for pattern recognition and pattern discovery
Qualcomm, Raleigh, NC
Programmer (Sep2008-Dec2008)
 Developed business/web-based applications using Visual Studio .NET, C#, ObjectPerl, AJAX and XML
 Did objective oriented design of systems architecture/enterprise and programming
L-3Com/D.P. & Associates (Defense Contractor), Jacksonville, NC
Lead Programmer (Aug 1, 2002-Dec 31, 2008)
 Developed software and web-based applications in MS SQL, MS Access, .NET, C, C#, VBScript, JavaScript, XML, XSLT
 Helped setup hardware and software (Visual Studio .NET, MS SQL) to support delivery of courseware and training in the MCAS
New River -MV22/CV22 Simulation and Training School
 Provided programming and software support for courseware/training and web-based applications
 Supervised 2 programmers
 Coordinated with programmer teams in MCAS New River, Jax NC, NAS Cecil Field, Jax FL and Kirtland AFB-Albuquerque, NM.
Institute of Computer Science, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines
Assistant Professor (Nov1999-Apr2002)
 Taught undergraduate and graduate courses in:
- Compiler Theory
- Information Retrieval
- Software Engineering
- Programming Languages
- Internet Programming (using HTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, VBScript, JavaScript, and Perl)
 Research adviser for Computer Science undergraduates doing their senior design projects
Computer Training Division, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Philippines
Department Head (Apr2000-Apr2002)
 Coordinated the Extension/Continuing Education courses for UPLB-Institute of Computer Science
 Developed curriculum for courses like: HTML, XML, MS Office Suite of applications, CGI Programming using
 Perl, VBScript, and JavaScript
 Hired instructors for on-campus courses; also extended services to provide on-site training for companies like Aventis
 Marketed skills and resources of staff to serve IT needs of businesses in Manila and Los Banos
University Open Computing, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Philippines
Coordinator (Jun2000-Apr2002)
 Initiated the University Open Computing to extend computing services and resources to university personnel and students
 Recruited skilled labor by supervising Computer Science undergraduates (volunteers) to set up computer labs, configure LANs,
install software, and provide support to users
 This initiative provided a service to the university community (students and faculty who would otherwise not have access to
computers and software like MSOffice), gave select computer science undergraduates real world work experience and generated
revenue for the department
Asian Terminals Inc., Manila, Philippines
Contractor Programmer (Aug 1999-Apr 2002)
 Designed a web-based application to track movement of cargo and container vessels
 Provided consulting and software programing support
 Held training workshops for HTML and CGI programming (web-based programming) to IT staff
PinoyNet Resources Inc., Manila, Philippines
Senior Programmer (Aug 25, 1999-Nov 1999)
 Developed web-based applications (e.g., online games) using Java and Java Swing for GUI components
 Worked with a team of Java programmers, artists, writers and two business analysts
Document Automation Production Services (DAPS), Defense Logistics Agency, MCAS Cherry Point
Systems Analyst (Jul1998-May1999)
 Was an all-around "guy" and did the combined work of systems analyst, programmer and network administrator
 Helped provide state of the art techniques for web/multimedia publishing, digital conversion/archiving of documents, and printing
and duplication
 Addressed client needs for document digitization by scanning multivolume documents and CD duplication
 Also used optical character recognition software for digital archiving of documents(e.g., NATOPS)
 Did research and obtained specialized software and hardware (OCR software, desktop publishing, multivolume scanners,etc.)
 Assembled/configured desktop PCs, copier, printer, scanner equipment for local area network (LAN) and wide area network
(WAN) (e.g., submitting DoD articles in Cherry Point, NC for printing in Seymour Johnson AFB-Goldsboro, or NAS Pensacola,
 Coordinated 4 offices: Cherry Point, Camp Lejeune, Camp Johnson, and Seymour Johnson AFB Goldsboro
Endicott Johnson Corporation (MIS Department), Binghamton, NY
Programmer Contractor (Aug1997-Jan1999)
 Assessed information technology requirements of the company and assisted in their migration from a mainframe based IBM 360 to
an IBM RISC 6000 client-server environment (this work became basis for Masters thesis in Computer Science)
 Assisted in converting legacy data and legacy software applications (COBOL) to the new server environment
 Developed code to retrieve employee records from a mainframe-based data structure to the SAP Accounting platform
 Developed API’s, scripts, and software components to integrate 3rd party COTS to in-house software
Craven Community College, Carteret Community College, Pamlico Community College
Lecturer (Aug1996-May1997)
 Taught college courses in General Psychology, Stress Management, Developmental Psychology
IBM Corporation (Human Factors and Usability Lab), Research Triangle Park, NC
Human Factors PreProfessional Engineer (Feb1995-Aug1996)
 Involved in design and usability evaluation of software and hardware products (i.e., ISA, PCI, ATM, and PCMCIA network cards)
 Obtained departmental award for improving network card configuration and user manuals and documentation and minimizing costs
 Developed and coded a functional prototype for the installation/configuration of a PCMCIA product which became the final
requirements specs for coding and product development
 Did research on handwriting recognition technologies the results of which were published in a technical journal and presented in
two professional conferences; the latter received an IBM “Award for Internal Technical Work of Merit”
IBM Corporation, Owego, NY
Mainframe Programmer (Jun1992-Jan1994)
 Developed mainframe and database applications on the VM/CMS systems for Payroll, HR Dept, US Postal contract
 Used REXX programming language extensively
 Created a prototype for a PC terminal emulator for a VM/CMS database application using EASEL Workbench
 Was part of the team involved in developing mainframe applications that won the IBM Excellence Plus QIT award
Broome Community College
Lecturer (Jun1992-May1993)
 Taught college course in General Psychology
IBM Corporation (Human Factors and Usability Lab), Charlotte, NC
Human Factors PreProfessional Engineer (Jan1991-May1992)
 Involved in the usability evaluation of software (PC and mainframe applications) and hardware products (microcode reader,
signature reader, printer)
 Helped develop and programmed the GUI prototype for IBM’s Consumer Transaction 2 (CT/2) with a total of 12.3 MB of code
 Conducted research on GUI interface components results of which were presented at IBM Human Factors Conference 1992
State University of New York in Binghamton/Scranton University/Broome Community College
Lecturer (Jun1990-Dec1990)
 Taught college courses in General Psychology, Personality Theory, and PASCAL Programming
Maryknoll College Foundation, Inc, Manila, Philippines
EDP Coordinator/Lecturer (Jun1984-Aug1986)
 Helped setup the first computing lab for the college (planning, proposal, purchase of Apple computers, recruitment of instructors)
 Developed the curriculum for two undergraduate computer courses (EDP I and EDP II)
 Helped setup the first adult continuing classes for IT
 Developed and programmed a software application (using Apple BASIC) to process the college’s faculty evaluation (otherwise
done by hand; this saved costs in terms of labor and time)
 Taught undergraduate classes in Computer Science (EDP I and EDP II) and Psychology (General Psychology, Personality Theory,
Group Dynamics, Social Psychology)
St. Camillus Seminary College, San Carlos Major Seminary
Lecturer (Jun1983-Aug1986)
 Taught college courses in General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Social Psychology
Cupertino Center for Special Children, Manila, Philippines
Psychometrician (Jun 1981-Aug 1986)
 Conducted psychological evaluation of exceptional children (including gifted) using the Wechsler Scales (WAIS, WISC, WPPS),
Stanford Binet, Vineland Maturity Scale, Bender-Gestalt, TAT and Rorschach Inkblot Test
 Wrote psychological reports, designed treatment plans, and worked with special education teachers to foster rehabilitative
techniques to improve learning and behavioral functioning
 Supervised undergraduate interns in Psychology
Major awards:
 Team of the Quarter Award (NAVMISSA, January, 2011)
 IBM Award for Authorship of an Internal Technical Work of Merit (1996)
 IBM Recognition Award for Development of Reusable Instructions for LAN Adapter Drivers (1996)
 IBM Excellence Plus QIT Award (1993)
 Fulbright Hays Scholarship Grantee (1986-1991)
Other awards:
 NCSU Computer Science Department Recognition (student awardee SY2009-10, SY2008-09)
 NCSU University Graduate Student Research Symposium (departmental presentor, 2009)
 CRA-W Full Scholarship for Career Mentoring Workshop for Women (IJCAI, July, 2009)
 CRA-W/CDC Full Scholarship for Logic (NMSU, Las Cruces, NM July 24-27, 2008)
 IBM Master the Mainframe Challenge, Part 1 Winner (2008, 2007)
 Best Research Poster (Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Seminar, Sep 13, 2008)
 Grace Hopper Conference Full scholarship attendee for 3 years (2007, 2008, 2009)
 Richard Tapia Conference Full scholarship attendee for 2 years (2007, 2009)
 STARS Alliance Conference Full Scholarship attendee for 2 years (2008, 2009)
 NCSU Student Bridges Leadership Development (one of 13 women university-wide awarded, 2007)
 IBM YEA Award (1996) -- 3 additional awards
 PEO International Peace Scholarship (1988-1989)
 Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowship (1986-1988)
 Ateneo Foundation Scholarship grantee
 Dean Galdon Scholarship grantee (college degree)
 Ateneo High School Summer Seminar grantee (summer seminar for top high school students from Greater Manila)
 Academic awards(1st Year First Honors, 2nd Year awards in English, Chemistry, and Pilipino, 4th Year St. Thomas Moore Medal
in English, St. Albert the Great Medal in Science, Rizal Award in Social Studies)
 High School Girl of the Year (Colegiodel Sagrado Corazon de Jesus)
 Awards in Greater Manila high school competitions: Essay Writing contest, Art Poster competition
 Silver Medallist 7thGrade Graduation (St. Theresa’s College, Manila)
 Ballroom Dance Competition: Triangle Open Competition (dance Medals in 2005 through to2009)
Web Information Systems (textbook for the graduate course IS 226-Web Information Systems)
by Concepcion Khan and Marivic A. Bonto-Kane, University of the Philippines, Los Baños
Technical Journals
Computational Modeling Approaches Help Guide Early Design Efforts for Usability
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant
ACM Conference Proceedings, April, 2009 (ISBN:978-1-60558-217-7).
Pervasive 2007: It?s About the User
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, Alvin Chin, Sheila McCarthy, MayureeSrikulwong, and Paul J. Timmins
IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp 95-97. (October-December, 2007)
Use of Formal Computational Models for Designing Intelligent User Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant
ACM International Conference Proceedings, Vol. 309, September, 2007 (ISBN:978-1-59593-862-6).
Engineering Models of Human Performance on the Design of Mobile Device Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane
NCSU Computer Science Technical Report, TR-2008-11.
Handwriting Recognition and Soft Keyboard Study
by Naomi A. Kleid and Marivic A. Bonto, IBM Technical Report (December, 1995)
The Effect of Speech Intelligibility on Concurrent Visual Task Performance
by David G. Payne, Leslie J. Peters, Deborah P. Birkmire, Marivic A. Bonto, Jeffrey Anastasi, and Michael J. Wenger,
HumanFactors, Vol 36(3)(September, 1994), pp. 441-475.
On the Role of Environmental Context in Eyewitness Memory (Masters Thesis)
byMarivic A. Bonto and David G. Payne, American Journal of Psychology, Vol 104(1)Spring1991,pp.117-134.
Conference Presentations (Complete listing)
Distribution Modeling of Mouse-Mediated Responses
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, Poster, Grace Hopper 2010, Atlanta, GA 2010
Finding and Maintaining a Job with the US Department of Defense
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, Poster, Grace Hopper 2009, Tucson, AZ, Oct 2009
The Mentoring Experience: How to Seek a Mentor and Make the Most of the Experience
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, Poster, Grace Hopper 2009, Tucson, AZ, Oct 2009
Seeking, Structuring, Developing, and Evaluating Your Experience with a Mentor
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, STARS Celebration 2009, Tallahassee, FL, Aug 9-12, 2009
Seeking Employment: Industry or Academia? How about Government?
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, STARS Celebration 2009, Tallahassee, FL, Aug 9-12, 2009
Milliseconds Do Matter: How Computational Modeling Approaches Help Guide Design Efforts in Usability
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, NCSU CSC Symposium on Graduate Research 2009
Probabilistic Computational Modeling and Empirical Approaches Help Guide Design Efforts for Usability
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, University Symposium on Graduate Research 2009
Computational Modeling Approaches Help Guide Early Design Efforts for Usability
By Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, Paper, Richard Tapia Conference 2009
Timed-Causal State Splitting Reconstruction (T-CSSR) Algorithm
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Christopher H. Griffin, Poster, Richard Tapia Conference 2009
Variance in the Execution of GOMS Keyboard Level Operators Show Alternative Directions in Designing and
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, Poster, Richard Tapia Conference 2009
How Formal Computational Models Can Guide Initial Design Efforts on Usability
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, Poster, Richard Tapia Conference 2009
Examination of Variance in Production of Task Operators Questions GOMS Ability for a Quick Semi-Automated Usability
Assessment of User Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, Poster, Grace Hopper Conference 2008
Formal Computational Models Give Guidance to Initial Design Efforts for Usability
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, Poster, Grace Hopper Conference 2008
Extending Causal State Splitting Reconstruction (CSSR) Algorithm
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, Paper, ECE Fall Seminar 2008 (NCSU, Sept 13, 2008)
Timed-Causal State Splitting Reconstruction (T-CSSR) Algorithm
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Christopher H. Griffin, ORNL Research Symp (Oak Ridge, TN, Aug 6, 2008)
Contributions of Formal Computational Approaches to Designing and Evaluating Human-Machine Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane and Robert St. Amant, Symposium on Graduate Research 2008. (Raleigh, NC)
Use of Markov Models for Designing Intelligent Mobile Device Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, Poster, ECE Graduate Research Seminar Spring 2008, Raleigh, NC
Formal Modeling to Improve Automation in Device Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, Poster, Life Science Automation 2007 (Leesburg, VA)
Use of Markov Models for Designing Intelligent Mobile Device Interfaces
by Maria VicenteA. Bonto-Kane, Technical Poster, Grace Hopper Conference 2007 (Orlando, FL)
Use of Formal Computational Models for Designing Intelligent Mobile Device Interfaces
by Maria VicenteA. Bonto-Kane, Doctoral Colloquium, Richard Tapia Conference 2007 (Orlando, FL)
Use of Formal Computational Models for Designing Intelligent Mobile Device Interfaces
by Maria VicenteA. Bonto-Kane, Doctoral Colloquium, MobileHCI 2007 (Singapore)
Use of Markov Models for Designing Intelligent Mobile Device Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane, Doctoral Colloquium, Pervasive Computing 2007 (Toronto, Canada)
SEI's Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) Based Systems Initiative: An Appropriate Response to Reuse in Object
OrientedSystems Development
byMarivic A. Bonto-Kane, Michael B. Kachmarik, and Walker H. Land, OOPSLA'98 ACM Society (Vancouver, Canada)
Handwriting Recognition and Soft Keyboard Study
by Naomi A. Kleid and Marivic A. Bonto-Kane, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 40th
AnnualMeeting. (Philadelphia, PA)
Using Corporate Guidelines to Develop Abstract Icons -- A Difference of Opinion
by Michael P. Heck, James R. Rudd, and Marivic A. Bonto, Proceedings of the 1992 IBM Human Factors/Product
UsabilityITL Meeting. (Toronto, Canada)
Changes in Speech Intelligibility Impact Performance on Some But Not All Non-Auditory Tasks
by David G. Payne, Marivic A. Bonto, Craig Lampkin, Angela Martinez, Craig Meisel, and Michael Savastano, Proceedings
and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association (62nd). (New York, NY)
The Effects of Speech Intelligibility on Visual Task Performance Levels
by David G. Payne and Marivic A. Bonto, Proceedings of Human Factors Society 34th Annual Meeting. (Orlando, FL)
Examination of Interference Effects in the Modified Test
byMarivic A. Bonto and David G. Payne, Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Eastern
PsychologicalAssociation (61st). (Philadelphia, PA)
The Effects of Misleading Postevent Information on Original Memory
byMarivic A. Bonto and David G. Payne, Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Eastern
PsychologicalAssociation (60th). (Boston, MA)
Does Misleading Postevent Information Affect Accessibility of Original Memory?
by David G. Payne and Marivic A. Bonto, Psychonomics Conference. (Chicago, IL)
A Comparison of Sequential Processing Tasks in Humans
by Heather Gitlin, Marivic A. Bonto, Peter J. Donovick, and Richard Burright, Proceedings and Abstracts of the
AnnualMeeting of the Eastern Psychological Association (59th). (Buffalo, N
Pattern Discovery using the CSSR Algorithm/Fitts’ Law and Statistical Modeling in HCI
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, June 28, 2012
Samples of Research in Datamining and HCI
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, April 16, 2012
Statistical Models of Human Response Times
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane
Penn State University, University Park, PA, August 9, 2010
Computational Approaches to Improving Human-Machine Interaction
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane
BAE Systems, Burlington, MA, June 2, 2008
Formal Computational Approaches for Designing and Evaluating Human-Machine Interfaces
by Maria Vicente A. Bonto-Kane
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, April 3, 2008
SQL Language 1 (May, 2011), NAVMISSA, San Antonio, TX
- taught 6 hour class (over 3 weeks) beginning SQL Language to the Data Management team.
HTML and CGI Programming, Asian Terminals, Inc., Manila, Philippines
- taught weekend classes on designing and programming web applications
MSExcel with Pivot Tables (March, 2000), UP Los Banos/Aventis Corp.
- taught 3-day class on MS Excel level 3 and Pivot tables to employees of Aventis Corp.
TRAINING/WORKSHOPS (Complete Listing with Course Certificates earned)
Administering Sharepoint 2013 Server Farms: Hands-On (Aug 13-16, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
VBA Programming: Hands-On (June 25-28, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Building Workflows with Sharepoint Designer 2010: Hands-On (June 11-14, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Cloud Computing Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction (June 4-7, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Cloud Security Essentials: Hands-On (May29-31, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Windows Server 2012: Comprehensive Introduction (May21-24, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Java Enterprise Edition: Integrating JSF, EJB, and JPA (Hands On) (May7-10, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Building iPhone® and iPad® Applications: Extended Features (Hands On) (April 30-May3, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Windows® Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight Introduction (April 16-19, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
SQL Server® 2012: A Comprehensive Hands-On Introduction (April 9-12, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Achieving ITIL Foundation Certification (March 26-29, 2013)
1.8 CEUs/18 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Interconnecting CISCO Networking Devices 1 (Hands On) (March 19-22, 2013)
3.0 CEUs/33 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
SQL Server Reporting Services (Hands On) (March 12-15, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Preparing for the COMPTIA Security+ Certification Exam (March 4-8, 2013)
3.0 CEUs/29 COMPTIA CEUs/29 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
SQL Server Transact-SQL Programming (Hands On) (February 19-22, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
SQL Server Analysis Services for Business Intelligence (Hands On) (February 12-15, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
C# Programming (Hands On) (February 5-8, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services (Hands On) (January 29-February 1, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Building Web Applications with ASP .NET MVC (Hands On) (January 22-25, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Building Applications with MS Access (Hands On) (January 15-18, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction (Hands On) (January 8-11, 2013)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
SQL Server Integration Services (Hands On) (December 11-13, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
iPhone/iPad Programming Comprehensive Introduction (Hands On) (December 4-7, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
.NET Best Practices and Design Patterns (Hands On) (November 27-30, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Securing Web Applications, Services, and Servers (Hands On) (November 20-23, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Developing Applications for Android devices (Hands On) (November 13-16, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
MS SQL Server 2012 Database Administration (Hands On) (certificate October 23-26, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Programming Sharepoint 2010 Applications with .NET (Hands On) (Oct 9-12, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Administering Sharepoint Server 2010 (Hands On) (certificate May 15-18, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Programming Sharepoint 2010 Applications with .NET (Hands On) (Apr24-27, 2012; Oct 9-12, 2012)
2.4 CEUs/23 NASBA CPE Technology Credits
Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Training Certificates (June-July, 2012)
Workshop training for Level 1 and 2 for MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, and MS Powerpoint
Program Management Exam Review (Spring, 2012)
36 hours review class on Program Management Fundamentals
Program Management Fundamentals Training (certificate Mar5-16, 2012)
15 hours class on the practice of Program Management Fundamentals
Program Management Fundamentals Training (certificate Mar5-16, 2012)
15 hours class on the practice of Program Management Fundamentals
WISDOM (Working Information Systems to Determine Optimal Management) (Feb13-17, 2011 SATX)
-Training on how to query and create reports from MDR/M2 data using Business Objects
Root Cause Analysis (NAVAIR/Craven Community College, Feb 2009)
22.5 hours training on Root Cause Analysis (2.25 Continuing Education Units)
CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshop (Palo Alto, CA July, 2009)
CRA-W Full Scholarship for attending workshop career mentoring women professionals in computing
3rd International Compulog/ALP Summer School on Logic Programming And Computational Logic
CRA-W/CDC Full Scholarship attendance, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces,NM July 24-27, 2008
 IEEE (Student Member, 2012)
 ACM (Student Member, 2012)
 Program Management Institute PMI (Member, 2012)
 USA Dance (Dancesport Athlete member 2005-2012)
 Aikido Philippines (2000 - lifetime member)
 Very fluent: English, Tagalog, Ilonggo
 Intermediate: Spanish
 Beginner: Mandarin Chinese, German
 Ballroom dancing (USA Dance - Dancesport Athlete); won in ballroom dance competitions in Triangle Open (2005-2009 yearly
competitions, results by contestant in
 Ballroom dance instruction from Melanie Dale, Wayne and Marie Crowder, Inga Sirkaites, and RobertasMaleckis
 Flamenco dance (techniques on Sevillanas, castanuelas, manton y abanico, abraceo, zapateado) with instruction from Belinda
Menchaca, Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center (GCAC) and Stephanie Ramirez of Entre
 Guitar player for Mariachi choir, San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, TX) with instruction from John Nieto (Mariachi
professional instructor), Joe Nick Garza, and Carlos Rosas
 Bartending (“Mixology and Bar Operations” certificate from Maryland Bartending Academy, Oct 1994)
 Aerobics Instructor Certificate (Fit Space, SUNY Gym, Fall 1992)
 Fitness activities (aerobics, bicycling, Aikido), art (painting, drawing, calligraphy), crafts, sewing, cooking, gardening
Guitarist (for church choir since high school)
- Guitarist for St. Pius X parish choir (Sep 2010 - till current)
- Mariachi guitar player for San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, TX (August, 2011 - till current)
Judge, Science and Engineering Fair (City, State and Regional level competitions)
 ExxonMobil Texas Science and Engineering Fair (Mar31, 2012, Apr 2, 2011)
 Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair (Mar 5, 2012)
 John Jay HS Science and Engineering Fair (Dec 7, 2013)
 Central Luzon Regional Science High School Competition (Spring, 2001)
 Judge, TESDA IV Web Site Design Contest (July 3, 2000)
Volunteer (Golf Marshall), Valero Texas Open (Apr1-7, 2013, Mar30-Apr8, 2012)
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, NCSU Computer Science Dept. (Spring 2010)
- Part of committee for screening international student applicants to the MS and PhD program in Computer Science
Graduate Student Representative, NCSU University Standing Committees (3 years, SY2008-2010)
- served on university standing committees: Evaluation of Teaching, Extension Engagement, and
EconomicDevelopment, International Programs, Physical Environment, Student Health, University Libraries
- obtained graduate student feedback for input on university issues such as increase in student health insurance,
evaluation of teaching instrument, screening of community extension grants, etc.
Board Member, Friends of the Library, NC State University (2 years, SY2009-2010)
- Attended board meetings, participated in workshops and fund raising
Member, STARS Alliance (SY08-09)
- Mentored undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Science
- Participated in Geek-a-Thon where donated computers were refurbished to provide for local area schools
Officer, NCSU Computer Science Graduate Student Association (2 years, SY2006-2008)
- Initiated workshops and events promoting gender and cultural diversity in the Computer Science Dept. such as
workshops related to communication and intercultural skills, obtaining a legal work visa in the US, etc.
- In 2008, initiated the first departmental “Diversity Day” to recognize gender and ethnic diversity among
ComputerScience graduate students with speakers from businesses and a multi-ethnic banquet
- Worked to obtain funding for many of the CSC GSA initiatives by writing proposals to partner businesses; one
grant enabled us to send 10 female graduate students to the Grace Hopper Conference on full scholarship
- Participated in Geek-a-Thon where donated computers were refurbished to provide for local area schools
Programming Languages:
C, C#, C++, Objective C ASP, .NET, PHP
VBasic, VBScript, VBA, Windows Shell Scripting
Java, JavaScript, JQuery
XML, DTD, XSLT, XPath, XQuery BASIC, QBasic, ApplesoftBasic Perl, PerlScript
Smalltalk Haskell, Scheme Pascal, COBOL Assembly Language
Lex/Flex, Yacc/Bison, Scheme
Prolog, Common LISP LaTex
ActionScript (Flash multimedia)
DOS: DOS Batch Programming
Windows: Windows Host Scripting, STSADM, PSConfig, WMI, Windows PowerShell,
Mainframe: REXX, JCL
UNIX: Pipelines
OS X: XCode, Objective C
Applications Development/Modeling Tools:
Visual Studio .NET 2010, Visual Studio 6.0
Eclipse (Java and Android development) WMI Code Creator
Adobe CS5 Master Collection
Business Objects (desktop 5.12 and BOXI)
GOMS Modeling Techniques (CMN-GOMS, KLM-GOMS, NGOMSL, EGLEAN, CPM-GOMS, CogTool) PRISM (Probabilistic
Symbolic Model Checker)
Statistical Packages:
SAS Statistics Software
R Project for Statistical Computing
Operating Systems/Servers:
Servers: MSSharepoint 2010, MSSQL Server 2008/2012
Windows: Windows 3.1/Workgroups/95/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Unix/Linux: Unix, Linux Red Hat 9.0, Oracle Linux, CentOS 5.8/6.0, Rocks Cluster
MacOS: Android, OS X, iOS IBM OS/2 v. 1 and v.2
DOS 6.0
Mainframe: VM/CMS/zOS, VAX
Formal Models:
Markov Decision Process (MDP), Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Fuzzy Logic
Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN) Causal State Splitting Reconstruction (CSSR) algorithm
BookMaster, PROFS, SAS, XEdit, ISPF, JCL
Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Training (Course Certifications earned):
MS Word (Level 1 and 2) - ACS Computing Lab, Fort Sam Houston, TX June, 2012
MS Excel (Level 1 and 2) - ACS Computing Lab, Fort Sam Houston, TX July, 2012
MS Access (Level 1 and 2) - ACS Computing Lab, Fort Sam Houston, TX, July 2012
MS PowerPoint (Level2) - ACS Computing Lab, Fort Sam Houston, TX, June 2012