Image Registration Lecture 1: Introduction February 22, 2004 Prof. Charlene Tsai Outline Syllabus Registration problem Applications of registration Components of a solution Thematic questions underlying registration Software toolkits Image Registration Lecture 1 2 Syllabus - Topic Image registration: Determining the mapping between two images of the same object, similar objects, the same region or similar regions All aspects of the problem will be covered: Underlying mathematics Images Algorithms Implementations Applications Special emphasizis on software toolkits Image Registration Lecture 1 3 Syllabus - Hours Lecture hours: Tuesday and Thursday Office hours By appointment Image Registration Lecture 1 4 Syllabus - Prerequisites Data structures Calculus Linear algebra: Vectors and matrices Experience working with images C++ programming experience Templates! Image Registration Lecture 1 5 Syllabus - Requirements 50% - Weekly homework assignments and programming projects (possibly 8) 25% - Extended programming project (due before 23:59 of May 15) 25% - 10-page research paper (due before 23:59 of June 15) No examines! Late assignments will not be accepted without prior arrangement or a verified personal emergency Image Registration Lecture 1 6 Syllabus - Course Materials Powerpoint lectures will be placed on the course website Software toolkits will include tutorials Reading materials, mostly journal papers, will also be placed on the website Most lecture slides by courtesy of Prof Chuck Stewart from RPI and Dr. Luis Ibanez from Kitware. Image Registration Lecture 1 7 Syllabus - Topics Introduction Mathematical background First examples Intensity-based registration and ITK Feature-based registration and the RPI toolkit Initialization techniques Multiresolution techniques Mutual information Video registration and image mosaics Deformable registration Project presentation Image Registration Lecture 1 8 Syllabus - Academic Integrity Students may discuss homework and programming assignments Solutions must be written in students’ own words Extended programming project and research paper must be individual work with appropriate citations A serious incident will result in failing the course Image Registration Lecture 1 9 Registration Problem Definition q = (912,632) p = (825,856) q = T(p;a) Pixel location in first image Homologous pixel location in second image Pixel location mapping function Image Registration Lecture 1 10 Example Mapping Function q = (912,632) p = (825,856) Pixel scaling and translation Image Registration Lecture 1 11 Registration Problem Definition p = (825,856) q = T(p;q) Problems: • Form of mapping function T • Unknown mapping parameters q • Unknown correspondences, p,q Image Registration Lecture 1 q = (912,632) “Chicken-and-egg” problem 12 Applications: Multimodal Integration Two or more different sensors view same region or volume Different viewpoints (Some specialized sensors have two or more coincident modalities, so registration is not needed.) Different information is prominent in each image The images may even have different dimensions! Range images vs. intensity images CT volumes vs. fluoro images Image Registration Lecture 1 13 Example: MR-CT Brain Registration MR CT MR (magnetic resonance) measures water content CT measures x-ray absorption Bone is brightest in CT and darkest in MR Both images are 3d volumes Source: Image Registration Lecture 1 14 MR-CT Registration Results Aligned images Image Registration Superimposed images, with bone structures from CT in green Lecture 1 15 Retinal Angiogram and Color Image Image Registration Lecture 1 16 Applications: Image Mosaics Many, partially overlapping images No one gives a complete view Goal: “stitch” images together Requires: Limited camera viewpoint such as rotation about optical center Simple surface geometry such as plane or quadratic Image Registration Lecture 1 17 Retinal Image Mosaics Image Registration Lecture 1 18 Sea-Floor Mosaics Courtesy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Image Registration Lecture 1 19 Spherical Mosaics Images from Sarnoff Corporation Image Registration Lecture 1 20 Applications: Building 3d Models Range scanners store an (x,y,z) measurement at each pixel location Each “range image” gives a partial view Must register range images and texture map them Applications: Reverse engineering Digital architecture and archaeology Image Registration Lecture 1 21 Examples Image Registration Lecture 1 22 Applications: Change Detection Images taken at different times Following registration, the differences between the images may be indicative of change Deciding if the change is really there may be quite difficult Image Registration Lecture 1 23 Retinal Change Example Image Registration Lecture 1 24 Regions Showing Change Image Registration Lecture 1 25 Applications: Video Super-Imposed on 3d Model Taken from Sarnoff Corporation research Image Registration Lecture 1 26 Other Applications Multi-subject registration to develop organ variation atlases. Used as the basis for detecting abnormal variations Object recognition - alignment of object model instance and image of unknown object Industrial inspection Compare CAD model to instance of part to determine errors in manufacturing process Image Registration Lecture 1 27 Steps Toward a Solution Analyze the images Determine the appropriate image primitives Determine the transformation model Geometric and intensity Design an initialization technique Develop constraints and an error metric on the transformation estimate Design a minimization algorithm Develop a convergence criteria Image Registration Lecture 1 28 Software Toolkits ITK Medical image processing, segmentation, and registration toolkit C++, heavily templated, data flow architecture Registration stresses intensity-based approaches VXL Computer vision applications C++, moderate templating Registration stresses feature-based approaches Image Registration Lecture 1 29 Summary: Pervasive Questions Three questions to consider in approaching any registration problem: What intensity information or image structures is/are consistent between the images to be registered? What is the geometric relationship between the image coordinate systems? What prior information can be used to constrain the domain of possible transformations? Image Registration Lecture 1 30 Looking Ahead: Lecture 2 - Friday, January 16 Mathematical background, part 1: Vectors and matrices Image Registration Lecture 1 31 Homework Problem Due Tuesday, March 1st before class (via email to me) Problem: Find an application of registration, preferably in a research area of interest to you. In a short write-up (less than a full page), describe the problem and attempt to sketch answers to the three “Pervasive Questions” posed. Image Registration Lecture 1 32