Circulatory System Review Packet Answer Sheet

Circulatory System Review Packet Answer Sheet
ACTIVITY #1: Briefly define the underlined words from the packet.
1. General Circuit: __________________________________________________________________________
2. Pulmonary Circuit: ________________________________________________________________________
3. sternum: (location and common name)_______________________________________________________
4. vertebrae: (location and common name) ______________________________________________________
5. myocardium:_____________________________________________________________________________
6. septum: ________________________________________________________________________________
7. atrium: _________________________________________________________________________________
8. ventricle: _______________________________________________________________________________
9. endocardium: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. SA node: _______________________________________________________________________________
11. pacemaker: ____________________________________________________________________________
12. Simultaneously: _________________________________________________________________________
Answer the following questions from the reading:
13. What is the pericardium? _________________________________________________________________
14. How can you describe the different shades of blood? _______________________________________
15. Blood enters the right atrium through the ____________________________________________________
16. What is atrial diastole? ___________________________________________________________________
17. What is ventricular systole? _______________________________________________________________
18. What are the four functions of the general circulation?
1.______________________________________________2. ________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________4. ________________________________________
Draw in arrows of the direction of
Blood to the heart.
In space to the right:
Draw briefly what
pulmonary circuit is.
Label the heart
ACTIVITY #3- Pathway of blood flow
1. Largest vein in the body
1. ______________________________________
2. Upper, right heart chamber
2. ______________________________________
3. right valve
3. ______________________________________
4. lower, right heart chamber
4. _____________________________________
5. semilunar valve
5. _____________________________________
6. Blood vessel going to the lungs
6. _____________________________________
7. Blood vessel coming from the lungs
7. ______________________________________
8. Upper, left heart chamber
8. _____________________________________
9. left valve
9. _____________________________________
10. Lower, left heart chamber
10. ____________________________________
11. semilunar valve
11. ____________________________________
12. Largest artery in the body
12. ____________________________________
13. Muscular wall of the heart
13. ____________________________________
14. Wall dividing the right and left
Side of the heart
14. ____________________________________
ACTIVITY #4- Blood Pressure
1. Define Blood pressure: ____________________________________________________________________
What is the average normal blood pressure reading? ______________________________________________
2. Define pulse: ____________________________________________________________________________
What is a pressure point? ____________________________________________________________________
3. Define rhythm: __________________________________________________________________________
4. Define rate: _____________________________________________________________________________
What is the normal rates for infants:______________________
for adults:___________________________
5. Define force: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Define Tension: __________________________________________________________________________
ACTIVITY #5- Blood Vessels
1. Define arteries: __________________________________________________________________________
2. Define capillaries: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Define veins: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What mechanism to prevent backflow of blood is present in the veins but not in the arteries? ___________
5. Which have thicker walls? Veins or Arteries? __________________________________________________
6. Name the small vessels that carry blood to every part of the body. _________________________________
7. What are arterioles? ______________________________________________________________________
Artery________________________________________________________________________--> Vein
1. Where is the spleen located? _______________________________________________________________
2. What is the function of the spleen? __________________________________________________________
1. Define plasma: ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Define Red blood cell:______________________________________________________________________
3. Define White blood cell: ___________________________________________________________________
4. Define platelets: __________________________________________________________________________
Name the blood cells which:
1. help fight infection: ____________________________________
2. are most numerous:____________________________________
3. release CO2 into the lungs: _______________________________
4. Give blood its red color:_________________________________
5. help form the network of fibers near wounds:________________________________________________
6. are the liquid part of blood: _____________________________________
7. are formed in lymph tissue:______________________________________
8. are the smallest of blood particles:___________________________________
ACTIVITY #8- Abnormal conditions of the Cardiovascular System
1. A heart attack is called a ___________________________________________________________________
2. Arteriosclerosis is called ____________________________________________________________________
3. Leukemia is ______________________________________________________________________________
4. Another name for high blood pressure_________________________________________________________
5. Angina is ________________________________________________________________________________
6. Peripheral vascular disease is ________________________________________________________________
7. Loss of too many erythrocytes (RBC) results in __________________________________________________
8. Congestive heart failure results when _________________________________________________________
9. Another name for “stroke” is ________________________________________________________________
10. “Heart attack” could mean any of the following three medical names:
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________
ACTIVITY #9: Review of entire Cardiovascular Packet
1. Name the 3 major parts of the circulatory system.
2. Plasma is ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Blood contains 3 types of cells. Give the scientific name and the common name for each.
Scientific Name
Common Name
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
4. The heart is located in the ___________________ (rib cage, stomach, abdominal cavity).
5. The breast bone (sternum) protects the heart in __________________(front, back).
6. The backbone (spine) protects the heart in _______________ (back, front).
7. Myocardium means _______________ (heart, head, lung) muscle.
8. Atria are the ______________ (lower, upper) chambers.
9. Ventricles are the ________________ (lower, upper) chambers.
10. The septum divides the heart into ________________________ and ____________________
(right and left, upper and lower).
11. The heart is ________________ (a pump, a muscle, both a pump and a muscle). The heart has four
chambers and is divided into right and left sides by the __________. The top chambers are called the right and
the left _____________. The bottom chambers are called the right and left _____________. Blood enters the
right atrium through two veins, the superior _____________ and the inferior ________________. The right
atrium is separated from the right ventricle; blood travels through the _____________ valve to the
_____________ artery and to the lungs. In the lungs, it picks up oxygen and returns it to the ______________
atrium of the heart by means of the ______________ vein. From the left atrium, the blood passes through the
_________________ valve, it enters the _____________________ . From there it passes through the aortic
semilunar valve, which enters the ______________ (the largest artery of the body) where it brings oxygen and
nutrients to all parts of the body.