CHORALE Syllabus 2010-2011 Concert Attendance Policy Web Photo Release INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Libertyville High School Choral Music Program. I sincerely hope your membership in the choir will increase your love for singing, learning music, and contributing to positive traditions. If you take full advantage of the opportunities provided in this choral program you will have a musical experience that will enrich your personal life, your school, and will provide you with a lifelong love of music. COURSE FOCUS The primary focus of each choir is to challenge students to become outstanding vocal musicians. Concerts are viewed as the culmination of work done as well as the application of all the concepts taught in class. Students are required to participate in all performances and will receive a grade for their participation. The musical literature selected and studied throughout the course of the year serves as the major tool through which most of the musical concepts are taught. Music selected will represent a wide variety of musical styles, historical time periods, and musical/historical functions. This literature, combined with a sequenced curriculum of music theory, vocal development, music vocabulary, and critical thinking skills, will comprise the bulk of classroom activities during each choir class. COURSE STANDARDS The LHS Choral Program has determined that the following 5 targets are worthy of study: 1. Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music 2. Reading and notating music 3. Listening to, describing, analyzing, and evaluating music and music performances 4. Understanding the relationships between music, the other arts, history, and culture 5. Nurturing an attitude of excellence, growth, and reflection YOUR CONTRIBUTION (Expectations) Being a member of an LHS choir implies certain responsibilities, duties, and privileges. Everything—your personality, family, neighborhood, friends, and beliefs—in your life shapes who you are. Therefore, doing your best each day and recognizing the contributions of others is extremely important—not only for the high morale of the group, but also for high quality rehearsals and performances. We function as a team; your support at other school concerts is encouraged because it helps to elevate the importance of the entire music department. DAILY REHEARSALS It is school policy that everyone is expected to be in class on time. You will have folders and/or other materials assigned to you to be kept in the choir room folder rack when not in use. Since we will be writing every day, you will need a pencil with an eraser in your folder at all times. Please leave all other beverages, besides bottled water, food, candy, and gum in your bags and/or lockers during rehearsal. Moreover, rehearsal is the most important part of our time together. It is when the greatest amount of teaching and learning takes place. An atmosphere conducive to learning must be maintained at all times. Any action that serves to disrupt this atmosphere will not be tolerated. The director will be the final authority in deciding what is and what is not acceptable. Should a student choose to consistently disrupt, the consequence could be a “detention’ that is served before/after school. Further instances of disruption could warrant other action by the Dean of Students. CLASS RULES You must: 1. Rule #1 and most important of all, SHOW RESPECT to your fellow classmates at all times. 2. Be in the door of the Music Dept. before the tardy bell sounds and be in your seat, ready to start warm-ups within 30 seconds after the tardy bell. 3. Follow directions the first time they are given. 4. PLEASE, ask for permission to ask questions, leave the room, get a drink, etc…. 5. No food or drinks allowed during rehearsals. **ONLY Waters bottles are allowed at your seats during rehearsal. 6. Cooperate, practice and strive to become the best singer you can be. GRADES 1. Class Participation and Responsibility (20%) - Students will be evaluated weekly on the quality and frequency of their contribution to the ensemble from both a performance and behavioral standpoint. This includes their level of responsibility (bringing materials to class, care of folders, music and robes, etc.). Excessive absences, even if authorized, may affect the participation grade. Special note: If a student misses an extended period of school days due to a prolonged illness (6 school days or longer), the student will have the opportunity to make up the missed time in sectionals as to not negatively affect their grade. 2. Sectional Rehearsals (20%) – Sectionals will meet once a week during lunch study hall. These sectionals are an extension of the student’s curricular choir class and help to solidify techniques and skills presented and practiced in the classroom. 3. Performance Tests, Concerts, & Concert Reviews (40%) - This can include memorization checks along with short quizzes covering class material, participation in ALL annual concerts, and written concert reviews that will represent 15% of each quarter grade. 4. Concert Listening (10%) Each student must attend one concert outside of school to receive this credit. A list of appropriate concerts is listed on the choir website. 4. Final Exam: (10%) A written and/or performance FINAL EXAM will count for 10% of the semester grade. PLEASE READ: Concert performances are the culmination of study for choral ensembles. A grade is assigned for each performance based on: punctuality and the quality of the performance both musically and behaviorally. These performances cannot be replicated. ATTENDANCE AT ALL CHOIR PERFORMANCES IS MANDATORY! OBJECTIVES AND ILLINOIS STATE STANDARDS At the conclusion of the course, the student will demonstrate the following: 1. Proper breathing and posture, resulting in a relaxed tone production 2. Sing 4 part a cappella and accompanied music. 3. Discriminate between major, minor, augmented, and diminished triads 4. Sight sing and/or dictate melodies of varying difficulty 5. Correctly count, label, and perform rhythmic patterns with note/rest values of sixteenth and higher 6. Sing major, chromatic, and minor scales. 7. Conduct basic 2, 3, and 4 patterns 8. Identify intervals and key signatures 9. Identify styles and composers of music performed 10. Define musical terms and symbols that appear in music studied during semester 11. Articulate their personal growth as a musician, using musical terminology SPECIFIC STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES The student will: 1. Bring their music, pencil, and other class materials to every rehearsal and performance 2. Participate fully in class rehearsals and discussions 3. Work daily on music reading and musicianship 4. Participate in out-of-class rehearsals and concerts 5. Prepare all singing assignments, including music memorization 6. Handle and return all music, folders, and uniforms as assigned ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS 1. The quarter grade will be lowered 3 points for every unauthorized absence. 2. After two tardies, the quarter grade will be lowered 1 letter grade for each additional unauthorized tardy. 3. Make-up work from excused absences or concerts will be handled on a case-by-case basis. **IMPORTANT: IF YOU MISS A CONCERT and you are excused, you will be responsible for completing a make-up assignment. FOLDERS AND MUSIC You will be assigned a folder for the year and music for every concert. DO NOT LOSE YOUR FOLDER OR YOUR MUSIC! You will be fined for lost folders and/or music purchased by LHS. Libertyville H. S. Choir Calendar 2010-2011 School Year August Tuesday, Aug 24, 3:00 Wed, Aug 25, 3:00 Thur, Aug 26, 3:00 October Tues, Oct 5, after school only *Thur, Oct 14, 7:30 pm November Thur, Nov 4, 7:30 pm Fri, Nov 5, 7:30 pm Sat, Nov 6, 7:30 pm Musical Auditions Musical Auditions Musical Call-backs LHS Auditorium LHS Auditorium LHS Auditorium IMEA District 7 Auditions Libertyville HS – selected students Fall Choral Festival – LHS Main Gym All 4 LHS choirs (graded concert) Musical – DROWSY CHAPERONE Musical – DROWSY CHAPERONE Musical – DROWSY CHAPERONE LHS Auditorium LHS Auditorium LHS Auditorium Sat, Nov 13, morning & afternoon IMEA District 7 Senior Festival only Glenbrook South HS, sel students December *Tues, Dec 14, 5:00 pm *Wed, Dec 15, 7:30 pm Holiday Fest –LHS AUD-Perf 1 Holiday Fest –LHS AUD-Perf 2 All 4 LHS choirs (graded concert) All 4 LHS choirs (graded concert) January Wed-Sat, Jan 26-29 IMEA State Music Festival – Peoria, IL selected students only February *Wed, Feb 23, 7:30 PM Cabaret Concert – LHS AUD All 4 LHS choirs (graded concert) March Sat, Mar 5, all day Fri, Mar 25-Sat, Apr 2 IHSA Solo/Ensemble Contest ITALY CHOIR TRIP Location TBA, selected students see brochure for info IHSA Organizational Contest Bel Canto & Concert Choir only Time & Place, TBA May *Wed, May 11, 7:30 pm Spring Choral Concert – LHS AUD all 4 LHS choirs (graded perf) June * Fri, June 3, 7:00 PM (required) Graduation Concert Choir & Bel Canto April *Fri & Sat Apr 15 & 16 * = graded performances All 4 LHS Choirs = Chorale, Concert Chorale, Bel Canto, & Concert Choir Special Note: Dates yet to be determined for the 2010-2011 school year 6th Annual Choir Halloween Party (all choir students are invited- Time and Place TBA) Possible Concert involving Alumni/Parents at the end of the year, sometime in May. We are still looking for a location & date. Dear Choir Parents and Students, I hope that you have read the expectations and objectives for choir this upcoming school year. Please place the concert dates on your personal calendars and your family calendar. Students are expected to participate in each concert and rehearsal scheduled for the choir in which they are a member. These programs cannot be replicated, and as a result, the student’s grade will reflect a missed experience. There are times when a student may become seriously ill and cannot attend a performance. It is also possible that the director may determine attendance is impossible, such as a family emergency or illness. In these cases, students may be given alternate work or activities to defer the grade loss. Alternate work will not be given for concerts missed because of sporting events, work, or other conflicting school activities. In any event (including illness), you must contact the director prior to the performance and report the impending absence. *This procedure must be followed even if you have been absent from school on the day of a performance. With the exception of illness or family emergency, we would expect that any conflicts with a concert or rehearsal date would be known at this time. If a conflict arises at a later date, (i.e. vacation, family reunions, graduations for other siblings, weekend getaways, college visits, etc...) we would expect the music event to take precedence; if not, the student will be considered unexcused. Absence due to a student’s work schedule is always considered unexcused. By signing your name below, you are indicating that you have received a copy of the Libertyville High School Choir policy and calendar, that you have read and understand the information and concert dates, and that you accept those policies as terms of your child’s participation in choir at LHS. Please return by Friday, August 20, 2010. If you have any questions concerning this policy, please contact Dr. Brown. I look forward to a great year of music-making with everyone. CHORALE Contract 2010-11 Print Parent Name here: _____________________________ Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________ Print Student Name here: _____________________________ Student signature: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________ Conflicts:____________________________________________________ (Please list any conflicts that already exist with our concert dates for this school year.) Web Photo Release: ____ Yes _____ No (check one please) I give permission to Community High School District 128 to use a photo(s) of my child(ren) on the District’s web page. I understand that my student’s name WILL NOT appear in any photos.