SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Science/8th grade – Element Project Page 1 of 4 Major Art Modality Utilized: Visual Art Standards Addressed in this Lesson: Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Spatial, Naturalist 8SC_B2007-12: Investigate the arrangement of the Periodic Table (GPS) Lesson Abstract: After studying the Periodic Table of Elements, students will display their knowledge of the elements by creating an art project on a specific element. VA8C.1 Applies information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of artworks. a. Makes connections to other subjects that help expand art knowledge and /or skill Materials Needed: Internet/computer access, poster paper, scissors, glue, construction paper, and markers/colored pencils. VA8PR.2 Creates artwork reflecting a range of concepts, ideas, subject matter 2. Students will research their element in the computer lab and complete Element Research Information sheet (see attached file). Area for Teacher Notes: Assessment: See example grading rubric on next page Procedures *Prior to this project, students have been learning about the Periodic Table of Elements for two weeks * 1. Students are randomly assigned an element for this project. 3. Students will design their project using one the following choices: a social network poster, a ‘wanted’ poster, an advertisement, or an informational brochure. Resources/ Links: A website of the periodic table of elements and information about each element. Page 2 of 4 Assessment Example: Choose one of the following projects: “Elementbook”: Social Network site with posts and ads (see pictures for example) Element Brochure: Informational brochure to buy the element or go to that element location. Element Story: Life story through the eyes of the element. Wanted Poster: Provide investigative information needed to identify the element. Advertisement: Try to sell your element. Persuade us to buy it! The project will include the following information: Element Name (English, Latin, German, etc.) Element Symbol Atomic number Atomic mass Energy Levels Solid, Liquid, Gas Metal, Nonmetal, Metalloid Physical Properties (5) Chemical Properties (2) Discovery (Who, Where, When) Where found Uses (compounds)(3) Interesting facts (4) Pictures (Bohr Model, other forms, as compounds) ___________________ Total Points Points 5 5 5 5 1 2 2 5 2 3 1 3 4 7 _______________ 50 SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Science/8th grade – Element Project Page 3 of 4 SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Science/8th grade – Element Project Page 4 of 4