Drexel-SDP GK-12 ACTIVITY Element Adveristment Subject Area(s) Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics Associated Unit Geology Associated Lesson Activity Title Molecules and Mixtures Element Poster Project Header Grade Level __8 (__-__) Activity Dependency Time Required 50 min period Group Size Individual Expendable Cost per Group $ 3.00 for poster paper Summary Students will learn about some of the common elements found in nature. Engineering Connection Making the connection between the elements, their electronic structure, properties and types of bonding is the foundation of Materials Engineering. Materials Engineering is the oldest engineering disciple, we even named prehistoric ages after the material ancient man mastered (Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age) and ceramics engineering is evidenced in pottery, stained glass (nanoparticles of noble metals gives rise to the beautiful colors), and more recently engineering organic molecules has introduced plastics and bio inspired composite materials. All of these technologically important materials are made of and designed with the available elements on the earth. Keywords Poster, elements, periodic table of the elements Educational Standards Science: 3.4.7 A Pre-Requisite Knowledge Students should know what information can be found on the periodic table of the elements. Learning Objectives After this lesson, students should be able to: Find information on the periodic table of the elements Recall the scientific symbol for the elements presented Present a poster and entertain questions about the elements Materials List Each group needs: 1. Poster paper 2. Periodic table of the elements Introduction / Motivation You are an advertising executive and you have been commissioned to design a marketing campaign to sell an element. You have decided to create posters highlighting the unique properties of the element in an eye catching way. You will have to present your poster to the client. 2 Vocabulary / Definitions Word Definition Chemical An abbreviation of the element’s name. symbol Atomic The number of protons found in the nucleus of an element. number Mass The number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus of an element. number Isotopes Each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in atomic mass but not in chemical properties; in particular, a radioactive form of an element. Group A family of elements that share similar properties because their outermost electron configurations are similar. Groups are indicated by columns on the periodic table of the elements. Period Horizontal row on the periodic table of the elements. Chemical Characteristics of that describe reactive behavior, allows change. properties Physical Characteristics you can detect with your senses properties Compounds A chemical compound is a substance consisting of two or more different elements bonded together in a fixed mass ratio that can be split into simpler substances Procedure Background Students were given a worksheet and assigned an element. Attachments Elements Poster worksheet PDF Poster assessment Rubric Safety Issues none Troubleshooting Tips none Investigating Questions 1. What gives metals their distinctive sheen? 2. What was the most interesting fact you found when researching your element? Assessment Pre-Activity Assessment Title: none 3 Activity Embedded Assessment After each student presents their sales pitch, as questions about their elements. Note: Be sure to emphasize the use of “units” when reporting quantities. ( ie grams, dollars, g/mol) Post-Activity Assessment Title: Presentations Activity Extensions Activity Scaling Additional Multimedia Support References See attachment Owner Drexel University GK-12 Program Contributors Jennifer Atchsion Dorothea Holmes-Stanley Copyright Copyright 2008 Drexel University GK-12 Program. Reproduction permission is granted for nonprofit educational use. 4