Common RHD Questions asked at Interviews

1. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? 2. Why do you want to work at our school?
3. What are your strengths (5)? 4. What are your weaknesses (5)? How do you plan on
approving them? 5. What is your advising style (how do you like to advise students)? 6.
What is your supervising style (how do you like to supervise students)? 7. How do like to
be supervised? 8. What is your philosophy on students? 9. How would you use theory in
your job? 10. How do you incorporate CSD theories into practice? 11. What is your
philosophy on discipline? 12. What is your philosophy on staffing? 13. Tell me a time
when you dealt with diversity. 14. Tell me a time when you dealt with a tough situation
(discipline)- firing a person? Corrected student behavior? Challenged a
student? Reprimand? Problems? 15. Tell me a time when you dealt with adversity. 16.
What would some of your staff members (RA's) say about you?
1. What is your management style? 2. What experiences have you had that you feel have
prepared you for this position? 3. How do you prioritize your time and activities?
1. What is your supervisory style for staff and student groups? 2. What do you want from
a supervisor? 3. What techniques or training would you use to motivate those you
supervise? 4. What kind of relationship would you foster with your staff? How? 5. Have
you ever needed to terminate a staff member? If so, what was your approach? 6. What do
you believe are important training topics? 7. What would you expect from RAs/CAs? 8.
How do you hold staff accountable for their actions? 9. How would you deal with he
transition of a staff who was supervised by your predecessor? 10. What would your staff
members list as your strengths? 11. Describe your most significant supervisory success.
12. How would you train staff to deal with the confusion and/or frustration in fulfilling
both friendship and discipline roles? How would you deal with staff when they have
conflicting beliefs about the many roles they are expected to fulfill? 13. How will you build
a cohesive staff team with the DAs, RAs, WC, and Custodians? 14. What types of
expectations should staff have of you? 15. How will you handle decisions and/or policies of
the department (Director) that you disagree with? 16. If you were to plan a leadership
retreat for the student leaders in you hall, what components would you include? 17. What
experiences have you had supervising an RA/CA staff? 18. What role has delegation
played in your related experiences? 19. What is your supervisory style? 20. How would
you continue to develop your style? 21. What is important to consider in handling conflict
resolution between staff members? 22. What kinds of relationship would you like to
develop with an RA/CA staff? 23. What so expect from a staff? 24. What can your staff
expect from you? 25. What types of staff developments have you facilitated? What types
would you like to initiate with a new staff?
Student Government
1. What experiences have you had advising student groups? 2. Comment on differences in
your styles of supervising and advising? 3. What of your previous experiences will help
you in this aspect of the position? 4. What are the basic needs of college students? 5.
How do you "do" student development? 6. What kind of impact do you hope to have on
the students and staff of hall?
1. What is your experience working with hall senate? What is the most positive aspect of
working with this group? The most challenging? 2. What kind of relationship would you
like to develop with your hall senate? How would you accomplish this? 3. What do you
expect from student leaders? 4. If you were to plan a student leadership retreat for the
student leaders in your hall, what components would you include? 5. What can student
leaders expect from you?
1. What should be the results of a students’ experience in a residence hall? 2. What impact
have you made through your efforts in programming? 3. Tell us a program or project one
or some of your students have taken from start to finish and what they learned in the
process. What was your role in this? 4. How will you communicate the importance of
programming to the RAs? To residents? 5. What have you found to be successful
methods to attract residents to programs and/or activities? 6. Relate experiences you have
had in programming or what experiences you have had which could be related to residence
hall programming. 7. What do you think residential programming is supposed to
accomplish? 8. What kinds of programming have you done? 9. What programming
efforts have you most enjoyed? What areas of programming would you like to pursue in
the job if any? Student Development
1. Tell me why you think living in the residence halls is a good thing. How do we
communicate this to residents? 2. What should residents “get out of” living on campus?
3. How do you develop a sense of community responsibility? 4. What kind of impact do
you hope to have on the students and staff of a hall? 5. Describe a situation in which you
have been an advocate for a student or an issue. What did you learn? 6. What lessons
have you learned from college students? 7. What are the needs of first year students? 8.
What are issues facing college students today?
1. What do you think students learn from the discipline process? 2. How do you teach
students to develop a sense of mutual respect and consideration for one another? What
happens if all of your efforts seem to fall on deaf ears? 3. How would you foster and
encourage positive behavior by students? 4. How would you train staff to deal with the
confusion and/or frustration in fulfilling all of the roles of the RA position (including
Professional Development
1. Knowing that a hall coordinator is essentially “temporary” (i.e., very few people retire
from this position), how does this position relate to your long-term career aspirations? 2.
What areas of “expertise” will you bring our department? 3. What have you done in the
areas of staff development for student staff? For professional staff? 4. What are some of
the pertinent issues facing our profession? 5. What professional development
opportunities would you find beneficial? What do you hope to take with out of these
experiences? 6. What types of committee work would interest you?
Counseling / Advising
1. How would you get to know the students at ________ ? 2. What is your advising
style? What if it doesn’t seem to be effective with the group of students you are working
with? 3. What would you do to promote an academic environment in your residence hall?
4. Have you had experiences academically advising students? In what capacity? 5. How
does advising students on her/his academics differ from personal issues? How are they
Minority / International Student Awareness and Sensitivity
1. What types of diverse populations have you worked with? 2. How do you envision
international student integration into the campus housing community? 3. Do you believe
minority students have special needs? If so, what are these needs? How would you strive to
meet them? 4. Describe any training or experiences you’ve had in cross-cultural
awareness, racial issues and sexual orientation. 5. Describe experiences you may have had
in the past involved with mentoring individuals from underrepresented groups. Is this issue
important to you? 6. What types of activities would you consider establishing in your
residence hall to promote understanding and appreciation for diversity? 7. What are
issuers a minority student might face on a predominantly white campus? 8. Can you
describe or discuss a time or experience in which you felt your rights were infringed upon?
1. What transition issues do you see foresee as you move from the AHC position to the HC
position? 2. What experiences have you had with maintenance and custodial staffs? Inhouse dining operation? 3. How would you foster and encourage an attitude of customer
service to your staff? 4. What are four things I will remember about you after this
interview? 5. How would you envision your ideal coordinator training to be? 6. What
characteristics are you looking for in the department you hope to work for? 7. What are
expectations you will have of your fellow coordinators? 8. Describe ways that living in the
residence halls has impacted you? 9. How do you work with ambiguity? 10. What are
some of the issues associated with being in such a highly visible position? 11. What are
some of your short and long-term goals? 12. Describe one challenging work experience
and how you resolved it. 13. What aspect of your current position do you enjoy the most?
14. Why are you interested in a career in student services? 15. What experiences do you
hope to gain that are different from what you are currently doing? 16. Describe a
particularly challenging situation you were involved in and which you are proud of the
outcome. 17. What is something in your professional life that you did not include on your
resume? 18. What type of committee involvement would interest you? 19. Why ______ ?
20. How will you manage the many demands on your time (job paperwork, social life)?
21. If I were to look at your desk on any given day, what would it look like? 22. What is
your organizational style? 23. What attracts you to this position? 24. If I were to talk to
three of your residents, what would they tell me about you? 25. What motivates you to put
forth your greatest effort? 26. Any plans for what you would like to be doing in five
years? 27. What kinds of interaction with students do you most enjoy? 28. How would
you want to be remembered by your students? By fellow hall coordinators? By the
University/Department? Legacy?
Hall Secretary Questions
1. Have you had experience working with a secretary? 2. What role do you see the
secretary playing in the hall? 3. What role do you see the hall coordinator playing in the
hall? 4. If you were to make changes in the administration of the hall, in what manner
would you do so? 5. How do you deal with conflict at work between staff members
(student staff and/or professional staff)? 6. How do you deal with stress? How will we
know if you’re stressed? 7. Talk to us about your organizational style and skills. 8.
Deadlines are a big part of this job. How do you handle them? How far in advance do you
generally plan? 9. Faced with the multiple tasks of the position, how do you set priorities?
10. What are your thoughts about starting this position and working with a secretary who
has many more experience in the halls and on this campus than you do? AFFECTIVE IMPRESSIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS TO HAVE
1. Genuineness. 2. Self-awareness. 3. Verbal Ability. 4. Interest in Students. 5.
Interest in Residence Halls. 6. Listening Sensitivity. 7. Other Impressions. 8.
Administrative Skills (attention to detail, communication, record keeping, health aide,
reports, working relationships with department/university personnel). 9. Supervision
(recruitment and selection, training, evaluation, community development, hall secretary,
DAs, WCs, accountability). 10. Discipline (philosophy, contact, encouragement, referrals,
experience, administrative hearings). 11. Professional Development (short & long-term
goals, involvement, presentations, areas of “expertise”, staff developments, pertinent issues,
planner and/or participant).
12. Communication
Empathy: identifies with others’ feelings and ideas. Listening skills: pays thoughtful
attention to person’s verbal and nonverbal expressions. Sensitive: responds appropriately
to another person’s feelings. Verbal skills: Ability to verbalize ideas and feelings
Approachability: easy to relate to. Friendly: outward shows interest and good will
towards people. Assertiveness: Feedback: gives and receives constructive comments
and evaluations.
Personal Characteristics
Open: Shares thoughts and feelings. Honest: fair and straightforward. Genuine:
sincere and portrays a true self-image. Flexible: adjusts behavior to effective function in a
variety of circumstances. Open-minded: impartially views both sides of situations.
Sense of humor: can be amused at self and other appropriate situations. Self
awareness: knows self and capabilities and strives for personal growth. 13. Leadership
Innovative: imaginative, constructive and action-oriented. Supportive: appropriately
encourages others. Enthusiasm: displays energetic commitment or concern. Self
confident: relistic assessment of abilities and the courage to exhibit them. Decisionmaking: recognizes situations, investigates, chooses a method, carries out this
method and evaluates the degree of success.
14. Orientation to Others
Caring: actively shows interests and concern. Outreach: extends self, services and
knowledge to others freely. Perceptive: indicates understanding of people and situations
as the result of observation. Resource person: familiar with services offered by the
university and community or knows where to find the appropriate information. 