Detection risk

Li Yuen Yung
Wong Wai Kit
Wong Yik Yin
ACCT 351
 Audit Risk Model
 Reasons for high audit risk in China
 Inherent Risk (IR)
 Control Risk (CR)
 Detection Risk (DR)
 Conclusion
 Recommendation
Audit Risk Model
Audit Risk Model
 Inherent Risk (IR)
 Risk of material misstatement assuming the
company has no internal controls
 Control Risk (CR)
 Risk that a material misstatement is not detected
by internal controls
 Detection Risk (DR)
 Risk that an auditor would not detect material
misstatement using analytical procedures or
substantive tests
Risk of material misstatement assuming the company has no internal
Reasons for high inherent risk
 Management integrity
 Company characteristics
 Companies’ choice on auditors
 Legal environment and corporate governance
Management Integrity
 62% CFOs cited ‘integrity’ as the top criteria
in choosing accounting firms
 38% cited integrity not in top 3
 3% choose auditors who submit to client’s
Company Characteristics
 Many State-owned Enterprises (SOE)
 In 2003, 76% of listed com are SOEs
 Weaker incentives to reduce information
 Banks discrimination
 Insurance function of Chinese government
Companies’ Choice on auditors
 Choose small and local audit firms
 Small and local firms dominates market
 54% in 2003
 Small and local firms
 Less independent
 Easier to collude with
 Why?
Choice on auditors
 Small firms
 More dependent on audit fee on single com
 Smaller potential loss from being caught
 Local firms
 Close relationships with local com
Legal environment
 Weak legal culture and enforcement system
 PRC GAAP, but not follow
 Information disclosure are not timely and
accurate, and not easily understandable by
 Prevalent of false accounts
Risk that a material misstatement is not detected by internal control
Reasons for high control risk
 Insider Control of Corporate Affairs
 Weak Supervisory Board
Reasons for high control risk
 Insider Control of Corporate Affairs
 Control is mainly by insider-managers
 insider-managers controlled and supported in various
forms by Communist Party
the shareholders
not act in the interest of
 Communist Party can exert a critical influence on company
 Eg. the use of listed companies as guarantors to borrow
money from banks
 As a result, internal control become useless
Reasons for high control risk
 Weak Supervisory Board in listed company
 A group of individuals chosen by the stockholders to hire and
supervise the executive directors, managers and CEO
 required by the Company Law in China
 however, loosely defined monitoring role over the board of
directors and managers
 Supervisors are not involved in the selection of directors and
managers and have no means of disciplining them
 ineffective governance and supervising role
Risk that an auditor would not detect material misstatement using
analytical procedures or substantive tests
Reasons for high detection risk
 Few and weak regulatory bodies
 Generally poor quality of auditors
 Low penalty
 Compensation from higher fee for both audit and non-
audit services
Reasons for high detection risk
 Few and weak regulatory bodies
 2-digits GDP growth in the past few years
 Increasing number of companies listed
 Increasing number of financial statement stated
 Although local accounting firms started to merge
 Still large amount of small and medium size firms which
are difficult to monitor
 Only 2 government agencies in China
 China Securities Regulatory Commission
 Ministry of Finance
Reasons for high detection risk
 Generally poor quality of auditors
 Perception of junior auditors
 No experience, but work hard
 No understanding of client’s industry and background
 Non-sampling errors from audit in China is more
 Not able to construct effective procedures and apply
procedures effectively
 Due to time constraints and demanding deadline, more
susceptible to material misstatement
Reasons for high detection risk
 Low penalty
 Protection to bigger firms
 Scandals of China Life with KPMG
 Cost of take risky project is low
 Compared to penalty from other countries
Reasons for high detection risk
 Compensation from higher fee for both audit
and non-audit services
 Even accounting firms think that a prospective clients
is not decent and have poor reputation
 Higher fee from both audit and non-audit service will
compensate the increased audit risk
 Cost-Benefit analysis
 Accept the engagement if benefits is greater the cost of
taking the risk
 Illustrated by following example
Detection risk
 Example:
 Audit fee: $1mil
 Probability of false account: 50%
 Probability of false account being caught: 10%
 Fine if get caught: $10mil
Detection risk
 Expected value of project
= 1mil – 10mil *0.5*0.1
= 0.5mil
 As the expected value is positive, accounting
firms in China will still take project even the
audit risk is high
Low ethical
of auditors
High Audit Risk in China
 Improving internal control
 Implementing CEO Certification - requires that the
CEO to prepare a statement to accompany the
audit report to certify the appropriateness and
fairness of the financial statements.
 Adopt Corporate Governance Guidelines, and
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics – raise the
ethical standards of the management
 Improving audit quality and independence
 Strengthening Legal Liabilities and Enforcement –
increase penalty
 raise the ethical standard of auditor – education
and training
 create strong and independent regulatory
bodies – more resources and power should be