Li Yuen Yung Wong Wai Kit Wong Yik Yin ACCT 351 CLASS PRESENTATION Agenda Audit Risk Model Reasons for high audit risk in China Inherent Risk (IR) Control Risk (CR) Detection Risk (DR) Conclusion Recommendation AUDIT RISK MODEL Audit Risk Model IR CR DR Audit Risk Model Inherent Risk (IR) Risk of material misstatement assuming the company has no internal controls Control Risk (CR) Risk that a material misstatement is not detected by internal controls Detection Risk (DR) Risk that an auditor would not detect material misstatement using analytical procedures or substantive tests Risk of material misstatement assuming the company has no internal controls INHERENT RISK Reasons for high inherent risk Management integrity Company characteristics Companies’ choice on auditors Legal environment and corporate governance Management Integrity 62% CFOs cited ‘integrity’ as the top criteria in choosing accounting firms 38% cited integrity not in top 3 3% choose auditors who submit to client’s opinion Company Characteristics Many State-owned Enterprises (SOE) In 2003, 76% of listed com are SOEs Weaker incentives to reduce information asymmetries Banks discrimination Insurance function of Chinese government Companies’ Choice on auditors Choose small and local audit firms Small and local firms dominates market 54% in 2003 Small and local firms Less independent Easier to collude with Why? Choice on auditors Small firms More dependent on audit fee on single com Smaller potential loss from being caught Local firms Close relationships with local com Legal environment Weak legal culture and enforcement system PRC GAAP, but not follow Information disclosure are not timely and accurate, and not easily understandable by investors. Prevalent of false accounts Risk that a material misstatement is not detected by internal control CONTROL RISK Reasons for high control risk Insider Control of Corporate Affairs Weak Supervisory Board Reasons for high control risk Insider Control of Corporate Affairs Control is mainly by insider-managers insider-managers controlled and supported in various forms by Communist Party the shareholders not act in the interest of Communist Party can exert a critical influence on company affairs. Eg. the use of listed companies as guarantors to borrow money from banks As a result, internal control become useless Reasons for high control risk Weak Supervisory Board in listed company A group of individuals chosen by the stockholders to hire and supervise the executive directors, managers and CEO required by the Company Law in China however, loosely defined monitoring role over the board of directors and managers Supervisors are not involved in the selection of directors and managers and have no means of disciplining them ineffective governance and supervising role Risk that an auditor would not detect material misstatement using analytical procedures or substantive tests DETECTION RISK (DR) Reasons for high detection risk Few and weak regulatory bodies Generally poor quality of auditors Low penalty Compensation from higher fee for both audit and non- audit services Reasons for high detection risk Few and weak regulatory bodies 2-digits GDP growth in the past few years Increasing number of companies listed Increasing number of financial statement stated Although local accounting firms started to merge Still large amount of small and medium size firms which are difficult to monitor Only 2 government agencies in China China Securities Regulatory Commission Ministry of Finance Reasons for high detection risk Generally poor quality of auditors Perception of junior auditors No experience, but work hard No understanding of client’s industry and background Non-sampling errors from audit in China is more common Not able to construct effective procedures and apply procedures effectively Due to time constraints and demanding deadline, more susceptible to material misstatement Reasons for high detection risk Low penalty Protection to bigger firms Scandals of China Life with KPMG Cost of take risky project is low Compared to penalty from other countries Reasons for high detection risk Compensation from higher fee for both audit and non-audit services Even accounting firms think that a prospective clients is not decent and have poor reputation Higher fee from both audit and non-audit service will compensate the increased audit risk Cost-Benefit analysis Accept the engagement if benefits is greater the cost of taking the risk Illustrated by following example Detection risk Example: Audit fee: $1mil Probability of false account: 50% Probability of false account being caught: 10% Fine if get caught: $10mil Detection risk Expected value of project = 1mil – 10mil *0.5*0.1 = 0.5mil As the expected value is positive, accounting firms in China will still take project even the audit risk is high Conclusion China Client’s poor integrity Ineffective Corporate governance Low ethical standards of auditors High Audit Risk in China Recommendations Improving internal control Implementing CEO Certification - requires that the CEO to prepare a statement to accompany the audit report to certify the appropriateness and fairness of the financial statements. Adopt Corporate Governance Guidelines, and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics – raise the ethical standards of the management Recommendations Improving audit quality and independence Strengthening Legal Liabilities and Enforcement – increase penalty raise the ethical standard of auditor – education and training create strong and independent regulatory bodies – more resources and power should be allocated