Bullying: Health and Intervention Elyssa Lazu Ed 7202T Action Research Midterm Table Of Contents Statement of the Problem Literature Review Hypothesis Participants/Instruments Research Design Threats to Internal/External Validity Procedure Discussion/Implications Results References Statement of the Problem • A major issue within the school system and school systems have not done all they can to prevent them. (Sylvester, 2011) • It has become a major concern on long-term and shortterm health. • Long-term consequences of being bullied may lead to serious mental health problems, such as depression or suicidal thoughts (Fritz, 2006). • Lack of awareness and adult involvement. (Atlas & Pepler, 2001) • Not a priority until a tragedy occurs (suicide).(Goodwin, 2011) Literature Review Health Concerns • The American Medical Association has designated school bullying a public health concern (Graham & Bellmore, 2007) • Direct Bullying Victims and bully/victims had unusual repeated sore throats, colds or coughs, breathing problems, nausea, and poor appetite. Also made up illnesses to stay home. ( Wolke, Woods & Bloomfield, 2001) • Associations between victims not being able to sleep well, bed wetting, feeling sad, increased headaches and belly aches. (Williams, Chambers, Logan, & Robinson, 1996) • School nurse logs showed frequent visits with somatic illnesses was a cause for concern. Involvement in bullying can have negative effects on a child's health and should be followed up with their Dr. ( Vernberg, Nelson, Fonagy & Twemlow, 2011) Hypothesis • Integrating an anti-bullying instructional unit to 10 students (9 boys, 1 girl) in an urban setting in Queens New York, during the morning for 40 minutes twice a week over a 4 week period will decrease bullying and promote awareness. Participants/ Instruments Participants • Sample of convenience=10 students from various schools throughout NYC • Ten elementary school students (age range from 9-11) • nine boys, one girl Instruments Parent Release Forms • Permission to participate in research Pre and Post Student Surveys • Safety in schools, awareness Parent health Questionnaire • Report on health issues Research Design Research Design: Pre-Experimental One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design Symbolic Design: OXO Single group is pretested (O), exposed to a treatment (X), and post tested (O). The same hypothetical treatment will be given to one group, twice a week, in the morning, for a four week period. Students will sit together on carpet for the read aloud and role play Threats Internal Validity External Validity • History: Student/teacher absence • Instrumentation: Surveys can have fake answers or misinterpretations • Maturation: Loss of interest due to fatigue etc. • Testing/Pre-testing Sensitization: hints regarding post-test • Selection Maturation Interaction: students differ, possibly repetitive • Pre-test treatment: Students try to remember questions from pre-test • Experimenter Effects: Researcher Bias with high to low mean • Reactive arrangement: Try harder because of the testing notion Procedure • Pretest Administration Student Survey Parent health questionnaire • Group exposed to a treatment Hypothetical treatment was given twice a week, role play and read aloud • Posttest Administration Student survey post test identical to pretest to analyze any changes from pre-test Discussion/ Implications • The results support the theorists ideologies and current research: Hypothetical treatment showed test scores to have increased from their pre test to post test Needs further research with actual implementation of role play and literature into bullying interventions Further research providing bullying prevention strategies Further research should be done throughout an entire school with a longer study Safe to assume higher post test scores are related to intervention and lower pre test scores are due to not having intervention Results PostTest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2 3 1 3 3 4 2 4 2 Mean= 4 4 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 3.1 Pre & Post Test Results I feel Bullying is a Problem in my school Scores-Y Studen Prets Test 5 4 3 2 1 0 Parents Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Students-X 2.6 • The bar graph represents that bullying being a problem reduced .4 by post-test Results 0.04438rxy Brief Analysis: A fair positive correlation 0.04438 suggests that students being afraid of school caused parents to be concerned that it was due to illness There was .9 increase from the pre test to the post test after hypothetical intervention Results Post-Test I know there are ways to prevent bullying Pre-Test I know there are ways to prevent bullying 4.5 4 3 2.5 2 1.5 Series1 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Students Mean:2.1 Mode:2 8 9 10 BUllying Prevention Confidence Bully Prevention Confidence 3.5 3.5 3 2.5 2 Series1 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Students Mean:3.0 Mode:3 8 9 10 References 1. 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