Induction Course for New Economics Panel Chairpersons 12 November 2010 Contents Roles and Functions of Economics panel chairperson in general Learning & Teaching Internal assessment Development of the Economics panel Roles & Functions Managing the curriculum Understand Curr. Guide; community culture and society needs; school vision, mission & policy; students’ abilities and interests Planning the curriculum and learning context and implementing the curriculum design & implement schemes of work / proper learning and teaching sequences make appropriate adjustments in L&T strategies design modes of assessment and tasks to promote AFL Evaluating the curriculum (for improvement) Roles & Functions Managing the curriculum Developing learning and teaching resources tasks: develop, collect & organise types: worksheets, articles, reports, videos, software; school & communities resources / people; ICT Building capacity knowledge: Econ., curr. dev., L&T team building: collaboration, sharing & support; networking: other schools, outside organisations Managing changes Roles & Functions Leader Planner Coordinator Lead & plan curr dev., clear direction Monitor implementation; make adjustments Plan & carry out prof. dev. (int. & ext.) Strengthen coordination and communication thro formal & informal meetings Make best use of res. Learning & Teaching What are the essential conditions for effective teaching? (effective teaching: teacher-student interactions in the classroom that enhance the cognitive and affective performance of students) understand the teacher understand the curriculum understand the learners understand the L&T strategies understand the assessment Learning & Teaching 5 key factors (behaviours) contributing to effective teaching Lesson clarity • • • Instructional variety • • Make ideas clear Explain concepts in a logical, step-by-step order Oral delivery: direct, audible to all, free of distraction Variability & flexibility in presentation Ways:- questioning, using learning materials, equipments… Teacher task orientation • • Amt. of time for teaching the subject matter For: (i) getting learners ready to learn; (ii) presenting, questioning, encouraging learners to enquire or think independently (iii) assessing learners’ performance Learning & Teaching 5 key factors (behaviours) contributing to effective teaching Engagement in the learning process • • Amt of time learners devote to learning (think about, working with or using what is being presented) Ways: (i) move around to monitor (ii) Design interesting and worthwhile tasks at right level (iii) Abundant use of res. & activities that are at or slightly above learners’ current level of understanding Student success rate • The rate at which students understand and correctly complete exercises and assignments. Learning & Teaching Adoption of wide range of learning & teaching strategies- foster students’ learning Lesson observation in Economics Learning & Teaching Strategies Assessment for learning Designed Activities Cooperative Learning Mastery Learning Differentiation Lesson Observation Lesson Observation Teaching Learning Teaching 1. Teaching organisation Teaching 2. Teaching process 3. Feedback & Follow-up Teaching organisation Organisation of learning activities/tasks Clear objective(s)? • direct, concrete, observable • e.g. differentiate between...; identify the result of…; solve a problem in…; compare and contrast… Suited to learners’ needs / ability levels? Appropriate expectations? Check prior knowledge? / Activate prior knowledge? Build on previous learning? / Draw on daily-life experience? Appropriate pace? Well-sequenced activities? Teaching process Use of resources Proper use of *classroom resources / subject resources / reading materials / IT ? Classroom management Established classroom routines? Manage classroom effectively? Safe / Favourable envir. ? (learners are encouraged to express / participate) Learning atmosphere & class interaction Good interaction between *TS / SS? Catering for learner diversity Diversified strategies catering for different learning *styles / needs? Adjust *content / strategies / pace? Opportunities for different learners to participate? Challenging tasks to stretch learners? Provide individual support? Appropriate grouping (purpose?); Monitor progress? Communication and presentation skills Adopt appropriate medium of instruction? Clear; Concise; Accurate; Systematic? *Arouse / Sustain interest; Facilitate understanding? Questioning • Appropriate frequency? • Appropriate level? cognitive complexity • Ask a range of questions? purposes: getting interest & attention, diagnosing & checking, recalling facts / info, managing, encouraging higher-level thinking, allowing expression of affect cognitive complexity • Effective *prompting / probing? elicit clarification (rephrase or reword) solicit new info to extend students’ response redirect or restructure Questioning • Provoke thinking? convergent (direct or closed) divergent (indirect or open) • Encourage inquiry learning? • Enough wait time? longer wait time: longer responses, more voluntary responses, more complex response, students more confident in responding Questioning • Any undesirable questioning practices? overly complex or ambiguous questions reject unexpected ans. even it is correct supply the correct ans. yourself without probing; prevent students from completing a wrong ans. punishing or embarrassing students Feedback and follow-up Assessment of learning progress Share learning objectives? Opportunities for students to *demonstrate learning / raise questions? *Peer / Self assessment? Feedback Positive? Timely? Specific? Facilitate *learning / improvement? Encourage *self-reflection / peer feedback? Following up *Consolidate / Extend learning? Set improvement targets? Learning Learning process - Attitude, Interest & Motivation - Use of strategies, resources & feedback - Use of appropriate strategies - Peer learning - Independent learning Internal Assessment Promotion of Assessment for learning The gap between where a learner is in their learning, and where they need to be – the desired goal. This can be achieved through processes such as sharing criteria with learners, effective questioning and feedback. Different assessment tasks e.g. data response questions T/F + explanation mini-projects Plan for internal summative assessment Examination blueprint Argue, assess, evaluate, judge, predict, support, evaluate Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Arrange, create, construct, design, develop, prepare, propose Analyze, compare, contrast, criticize, distinguish, examine, categorize Apply, demonstrate, illustrate, interpret, solve Explain, classify, discuss, recognize, identify Define, list, relate, name, order Development of Econ Panel Interface between junior and senior level Implementation of SBA Planning in line with school short- and medium-term goals Resources for NSS Economics Curriculum Interface between Junior & Senior Level No junior secondary Econ., any interface issues? any curriculum planning needed? Any expectations of new S4 Econ students? • • • • findings of the research conducted by CUHK have brief idea of what economics is interested in economics be aware of economic issues Interface between Junior & Senior Level How to make use of junior secondary PSHE curriculum to prepare students studying Economics? • • strand 5 (Resources and Economic Activities) of the PSHE KLA curr. framework essential learning elements related to strand 5 in Life and Society • • • • Major factors affecting the use of personal resources; Econ performance of HK, employment situation of labours, and the role of the HK Gov’t on the econ front; An overview of the economy of our country and factors facilitating its econ development; Dev. trend of worldwide econ activities and the work of some related org. Interface between Junior & Senior Level • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Examples of these essential learning elements Decision making about the use of money Prin. of sensible consumption, rights and responsibilities of consumers Econ situation of HK & its challenges as revealed from data Econ & social consequences of pub fin and gov’t policy Labour market in HK Macro-economy of our country and its regional econ dev Role of Chinese Gov’t in the economy Importance of the status of int’l fin centre to HK Consequences of free trade and econ globalization Int’l org, and their work, that promote econ globalization Interface between Junior & Senior Level What options we have? • • EPA, L&S, IH, sch-based prog, collaborate with J PSHE teacher Objectives: • • Equip students with basic econ concepts required in NSS Econ Econ literacy: meaning / implications of some econ terms, econ statistics; graphical representations / skills Summary (writing) of econ news reports / promote awareness of econ issues (budget, min wage…) Simple way of econ thinking: people choose; people’s choice involve costs; people response to incentives in predictable ways; people create econ systems that influence ind choice and incentives; people gains when they trade voluntarily; people’s choice have consequences that lie in future Interface between Junior & Senior Level What options we have? • Collaborate with teachers of other KLA maths language Implementation of SBA Start from 2014. Designed worksheet 新聞評論工作紙一 新聞探究 活動一 (5 巴下月 8 日同時加價) 泰林今明開倉 人龍等掃貨 【本報訊】經濟不景生活倍添艱困,市民惟有瞄準機會「掃平貨」 。月前被清 盤的泰林無線電行宣布於今明兩日上午九時至晚上九時,在佐敦總行及觀塘 分店開倉清貨,以五折價錢出售估值逾千萬元的過萬件電器。雖然臨時清盤 人規矩多多,包括限定時段入場、不設退貨及送貨服務等,昨日傍晚仍吸引 逾五百名市民於兩店門外排隊索取入場券,準備今明兩日「賤物鬥窮人」搬 走合適電器,二千多張門券在短短四十分鐘內派光。 泰林開倉消息一傳出,有市民於昨午三時許已聞風而至,在泰林佐敦店外守 候。警方則架起鐵馬維持秩序,高峰期有逾二百名市民排隊。職員於傍晚六 時開始派發印有不同時段的藍色門券,有市民眼見排隊人數不多,遂去而復 返索取其他時段的門券。職員原限定派券時間為下午六時至八時,但一千一 百張門券僅花四十分鐘便全部派罄。 泰林觀塘店的「墟 」情況與佐敦店不遑多讓,門券派發前已有近二百多人 閱讀剪報後請回答以下的問題。 甲、閱讀理解: 1. 剪報描述了什麼情況? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 輪候。市民趙先生與幾位朋友獲派今日上午九時的入場券,幾人昨晚預算通 宵在店外排隊,待開倉後第一時間進入,會用六、七千元搶購心儀電器。 __________________________________ 資料來源: 節錄自:<泰林今明開倉人龍等掃貨>。太陽報。2008 年 11 月 15 日 建議教學時間:10-15 分鐘 教學指引: 1. 若組內學生能力各有差異,教師可因應學生的能力發出以下的提問,增加組 內的互動性。 能力高的學生(SET A):要求他們從文章中找出 1-2 項(可調節)與經濟 學相關的概念,並加以延伸或解釋。 能力稍遜的學生(SET B):只需要求他們從文章中找出 2-3 項(可調節) 與經濟學相關的概念。 2. 組內討論:鼓勵能力稍遜的同學先指出相關的經濟概念,再由能力較高的同 學作分析。此舉讓毎位學生均能參與討論,讓不同能力的學生能表達自己的 見解。 3. 同學匯報。 Sample 1 2. 導致以上情況的可能成因是什麼?請從剪報中找出原 因。 _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________ 3. 對於以上的情況,社會不同人士有什麽反應?試從文中 Sample 2 Planning in line with sch short-term and long term goal School’s major concerns e.g. (1) reading to learn reading list (2) learning to learn (metacognition) learning diary etc Learning & Teaching Resources