Using STEM Education to Promote 21st Century Math Skills A Capstone Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching: Mathematics Shawna Egli Department of Mathematics and Computer Science College of Arts and Sciences Graduate School Minot State University Minot, North Dakota Summer 2011 ii This capstone project was submitted by Shawna Egli Graduate Committee: Dr. Laurie Geller, Chairperson Dr. Narayan Thapa Dr. John Webster Dean of Graduate School Dr. Linda Cresap Date of defense: Month day, year iii Abstract Type the abstract here. Do not indent. It should be one block paragraph. The abstract is a summary of your paper. iv Acknowledgements I would like to dedicate this study to all of the students who are trying to learn in today’s education system and especially to my son, Isaac Egli. I would like to thank all of the teachers and administrators who are trying to train 21st century skills in a 20th century system. Gifted and talented teachers LG v Table of Contents Page Abstract .................................................................................................................. iii Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ iv List of Tables ....................................................................................................... viii List of Figures ........................................................................................................ ix Chapter One: Introduction .......................................................................................1 Motivation for the Project ............................................................................2 Background on the Problem.........................................................................5 Statement of the Problem .............................................................................6 Statement of Purpose ...................................................................................7 Research Questions/Hypotheses ..................................................................8 Summary ......................................................................................................8 Chapter Two: Review of Literature .......................................................................10 United States Cultural Views on Mathematics ..........................................10 21st Century Skills and the United States Education System .....................11 STEM Education ........................................................................................14 Teacher Training ........................................................................................18 Imagine for a Moment ...............................................................................20 Summary ....................................................................................................22 Chapter Three: Research Design and Method .......................................................23 vi Setting ........................................................................................................23 Intervention/Innovation..............................................................................24 Design ........................................................................................................26 Description of Methods..............................................................................27 Expected Results ........................................................................................28 Timeline for the Study ...............................................................................29 Summary ....................................................................................................30 Chapter Four: Data Analysis and Interpretation of Results ...................................xx Data Analysis .............................................................................................xx Interpretation of Results .............................................................................xx Summary ....................................................................................................xx Chapter Five: Conclusions, Action Plan, Reflections, and Recommendations .....xx Conclusions ................................................................................................xx Action Plan.................................................................................................xx Reflections and Recommendations for Other Teachers.............................xx Summary ....................................................................................................xx References ..............................................................................................................34 Appendices .............................................................................................................39 Appendix A: Bungee Jumping Worksheets for 5th Grade Students .........40 Appendix B: STEM Lesson Plan Rubric ...................................................43 Appendix C: Overview of STEM Institute Schedule ...............................46 vii Appendix D: STEM Institute Handouts .....................................................61 Appendix E: Research Participant Invitation Letter ..................................64 Appendix F: Research Participant Consent Letter ....................................65 Appendix G: Focus Group Protocol ..........................................................67 Appendix H: Personal Interview Discussion Protocol ..............................75 viii List of Tables Table Page 1. Title of Table 1...........................................................................................xx 2. Title of Table 2...........................................................................................xx 3. Title of Table 3...........................................................................................xx ix List of Figures Figure Page 1. Caption or title of Figure 1.........................................................................xx 2. Caption or title of Figure 2.........................................................................xx 3. Caption or title of Figure 3.........................................................................xx Chapter One Introduction I am currently a fulltime math and computer science professor at a fouryear university in North Dakota. During the summer of 2010, I had the opportunity to create and conduct a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Institute for 17 kindergarten through eighth-grade teachers. During this six-day institute, teachers had the opportunity to explore the world of STEM education and learn to create learning environments that encourage students to be problem-solvers, innovators, and inventors. Teachers learned how to create a classroom culture of creativity, questioning, and exploring the unknown. They took field trips to STEM hot spots (local businesses that use STEM fields), and participated in a number of STEM activities that were directly related to the North Dakota science and math standards. They were also encouraged to play with some of the newest technology available in education. After having one year to apply this information, I want to determine how teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute have applied the information they learned to their classrooms along with the successes and struggles they had while applying the information. I would like to know any new technologies or ideas teachers have incorporated into their lessons to promote 21st century skills, which include problem solving and critical thinking, creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, and flexibility and adaptability (Partnership for 2 21st Century Skills, 2002). Last, I would like to know what teachers are doing to encourage students’ interests in STEM fields. Motivation for the Project Two years ago, I volunteered to conduct a “math lesson” for my son’s fourth-grade class. It was close to Christmas, and I thought it would be fun if each student could have a “mathematical present” to take home and play with during Christmas vacation. The lesson consisted of students creating and attempting to solve a wooden brainteaser made from a piece of wood, string, and two washers. An example and the solution to the brainteaser are at Jill Britton’s (2006) homepage. The lesson continued with each student getting a large piece of wrapping paper from which they had to create a box. Next, students decided how many wooden mind teasers would fit in the box. When the time was almost done I remember one student saying, “This is the most fun I have ever had in math,” and another student saying, “Yah, I wish math time was like this every day.” Last year I created a math lesson based on the Barbie Bungee lesson (Zordak, 2000-2011) found on the Illuminations Web site that I offered to all fifth-grade classes in the southwest North Dakota area. In this lesson students became amusement park engineers, and their job was to create a new amusement park bungee jump ride. Students used a doll or action figure, which they brought from home, to predict how much bungee cord to use if the ride was to start from the top of a 400-feet bridge. They collected real data and used it to create a linear 3 regression equation using a TI-84 graphing calculator. Students used this equation to predict how much bungee cord they would need for a ride that would start from X-feet bridge. The Action Figure/Barbie Bungee Jump student worksheets are in Appendix A. It was amazing to see how quickly the students picked up the skills of using the graphing calculator. They held them in their hands like game controllers, using the thumbs of both hands to push the buttons. Again, the student excitement and interest was contagious. I remember one student saying, “But everyone is going to get different answers because everyone’s action figure weighs different.” He was amazed it was okay for every student to get different answers. Some students asked if they could take the rubber bands home so they could do the experiment at home. Some said they were going to ask for graphing calculators for Christmas! After school at the gas station I met a student, who had participated in the bungee jump activity, I asked her how she liked math class today. Her response was, “Math class? We didn’t have math class, instead you came and visited.” I said, “That was math.” She responded with a voice that clearly indicated she thought I was confused “No it wasn’t, we didn’t sit and work math problems.” It was at that moment that I realized how different our views of math were. Her “Math World” revolved around her “math” experiences, which from her response I imagined was restricted to a four-walled classroom where she was confined to 4 her desk, slouched over a math book that contained 20 problems that she had to have completed by tomorrow. Today my son, who is presently in the sixth grade, came home from school with the announcement that his entire class was acting out and the punishment was to complete 100 math problems. What is wrong with the way society, including teachers, perceives, values, and teaches mathematics? Why are students encouraged to look at math class as a place where they complete math problems from a book while sitting at a desk, instead of a place where they get to create, learn, and investigate information through numbers? Is it possible that math class could be a learning environment that fosters students’ excitement about the field of mathematics instead of a learning environment that views math as punishment? After my experiences teaching in different elementary classrooms, I wanted to visit them all. I wanted to spread my enthusiasm about learning and exploring mathematics to as many children as I could. It soon became clear to me that, as one teacher, I was limited in time, which in effect limited the amount of impact I could have on students. It became apparent that if I could instill the excitement of learning math in elementary teachers, they could then pass that excitement onto their students. I began to look for a program that would support this mission. 5 While researching I discovered something called STEM that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM education encourages innovation by combining two or more STEM subject areas when teaching, instead of the traditional way of teaching math as a silo subject (Council on Competitiveness, 2005). It creates real life learning opportunities for students. It promotes a learning environment for students to, not only learn 21st century skills, but also have the opportunity to create new skills (Narum, 2008). I believed training teachers in STEM education practices would help change the way teachers currently teach math. Coincidently, shortly after beginning my research on STEM education, the college where I work received a federally funded STEM Career Preparation: Building the Foundation P-16 Grant. I temporarily volunteered to be the STEM coordinator until one was hired. The STEM grant opened up the opportunity to train teachers. Another professor and I created and conducted the STEM Institute to help heighten the awareness and knowledge about STEM education. Background on the Problem The United States is not preparing enough students and teachers in the areas of STEM (Kuenzi, Matthews & Mangan, 2006). Coble and Michael (2005) agreed, “The current U.S. education system does not have a strong record of producing students who are well prepared for math and science careers” (p. 3). Authors of Rising Above the Gathering Storm agreed that United States students 6 are falling behind in global competiveness and stated, “There is widespread concern about our K-12 science and mathematics education system” (Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century, 2007, p. 30). Report after report the findings are similar. All of the above statements are due to a number of factors: 1) a culture that does not recognize the importance of education especially in math and science (PCAST, 2010); 2) inadequate funding to support the continuous training 21st century teachers need to stay current in their fields and latest educational innovations (Members of the 2005 “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” Committee, 2010); and 3) the lack of qualified teachers who know how to teach STEM content and inspire students in STEM fields (PCAST). Statement of the Problem Today’s education system is behind in preparing students for the new, emerging world of the 21st century. “By 12th grade, U.S. students are scoring near the bottom of all industrialized nations” along with the U.S. having one of “the highest high school dropout rates" (Gates, 2005, p. 3). According to the 2010 ACT Average State Math Scores (ACT, 2010), North Dakota’s ranking was 29 out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. North Dakota had an average ACT math score of 21.4. This score is below the 22.0 score that ACT stated is the minimum score students need to be ready for college mathematics. North Dakota’s score indicates that a majority of North 7 Dakota students are ill-equipped, not only to go to college, but to succeed in today’s world (ACT, 2010). According to ACT, the main reason for unprepared students is the low academic level of achievement those students attain by the eighth grade, which emphasizes the important role elementary and middle schools have in preparing students for life after high school (ACT, 2008). Statement of Purpose I want to determine how teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute have applied the information they learned to their classrooms along with the successes and struggles they had while applying the information. I would like to know any new technologies or ideas teachers have incorporated into their lessons to promote 21st century skills. Last, I would like to know what they are doing to encourage students’ interests in STEM fields. I plan to conduct a focus group with the teachers who participated in the STEM Institute Summer of 2010. Those teachers who can not attend the focus group will participate in a personal interview. I will use the teachers’ responses from the focus group and personal interviews to determine which STEM concepts the teachers used in their classrooms, which STEM concepts were more challenging to incorporate into their classrooms and which were easier, any new technologies or ideas they have used, and what they are doing to encourage students’ interests in STEM fields. 8 Research Questions/Hypotheses The overarching question I have is the following: After participating in a six-day STEM Institute workshop, what success and struggles did teachers have while applying STEM content and pedagogy, particularly in math, when they teach? What new technologies or ideas have teachers incorporated into their lessons to promote problem solving and critical thinking, creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, and flexibility and adaptability (i.e., 21st century skills) (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2002)? Last, what are these teachers doing to encourage students’ interests in STEM fields? Summary The United States needs to make a commitment to improve its education system so that it prepares students to succeed in the 21st century. According to The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2002), today’s students live in a technology-driven and media-driven world giving them the ability to access an abundance of instantaneous information, to constantly communicate and collaborate with friends, and to know more about the current world than their teachers do. “A simple question to ask is, ‘How has the world of a child changed in the last 150 years?’ And the answer is, ‘It’s hard to imagine any way in which it hasn’t changed’” (The Partnership for 21st Century Skills, p. 6). [Children are] “immersed in a media environment of all kinds of stuff that was unheard of 150 years ago, and yet if you look at school today versus 100 years ago, they are more 9 similar than dissimilar” (The Partnership for 21st Century Skills, p. 6). It is time to bring education in the United States into the 21st century. Chapter Two Review of Literature In order to guarantee a society of 21st century skilled students, the United States needs to change the way it perceives and values mathematics, and the way it perceives, values, and structures education. STEM education is one solution to help foster the changes needed. Training America’s teachers in STEM pedagogy to teach core subjects like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can help prepare students with the skills they need for tomorrow’s future workforce. The purpose of this study is to determine how teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute have applied the information they learned to their classrooms along with the successes and struggles they had while applying the information, any new technologies or ideas they have incorporated into their lessons to promote 21st century skills, and what they are doing to encourage students’ interests in STEM fields. In this chapter, I took a closer look at mathematics and the United States, 21st century skills and the United States education system, STEM education, teacher training, and last, how education could be different in America. United States Cultural Views on Mathematics The United States is falling behind in mathematics, but as a nation, some people seem to be okay with that. U.S. society seems to take pride in “never understanding” or “never liking” mathematics (Committee on Prospering in the 11 Global Economy of the 21st Century, 2007, p. 95). The U.S. has created a culture where some youth are not inspired to learn mathematics and science; society often fails to emphasize the importance of education and learning in itself (PCAST, 2010). Each year 1.3 million American students drop out of high school and do not get a diploma. The average American schoolchild watches four hours of television a day, during which they view 54 commercials whose content is directed by companies encouraging the youth of America to spend and buy some type of toy, food, or current pop culture gizmo (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2006). This emphasis, in turn, has created a society of consumers. In general, U.S. citizens are “not very literate in mathematics” (Phillips, 2007, p. 4). In fact, “78% of adults cannot explain how to compute the interest paid on a loan, 71% cannot calculate miles per gallon on a trip, and 58% cannot calculate a 10% tip for a lunch bill” (Phillips, p. 4). 21st Century Skills and the United States Education System According to Alvin Toffler, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn” (source unknown). The 21st century is a time of exponential growth, a time of constant change. According to the Council on Competitiveness (2005): [Innovations are] diffusing at ever-increasing rates. It took 55 years for the automobile to spread to a quarter of the country, 35 years for the 12 telephone, 22 years for the radio, 16 years for the PC, 13 years for the cell phone, and only seven years for the Internet. (p. 37) It is a time of “anywhere, anytime” learning, communicating, and networking, made available using mobile technologies. Information that once was only available in books located in libraries around the world is now available for reading in the palms of people’s hands (Shuler, 2009). Unfortunately, the U.S. education system has been in a state of little growth. Today children’s school time is spent much the same way their grandparents spent it: sitting behind desks and completing lessons that revolve around a textbook where at the end resides an answer key (Wallis, Steptoe, & Miranda, 2006). One may ask where the mobile technologies that allow this “anywhere, anytime” learning are. Most U.S. schools do not allow cell phones in the classroom, and teachers view them as a distraction, having no place in school (Shuler, 2009). Bill Gates (2005) stated the following about America’s schools: America’s high schools are obsolete. By obsolete, I don’t just mean that our high schools are broken, flawed, and under-funded – though a case could be make for every one of those points. By obsolete, I mean that our high schools – even when they’re working exactly as designed – cannot teach our kids what they need to know today. Training the workforce of tomorrow with the high schools of today is like trying to teach kids about today’s computers on a 50-year-old mainframe. It’s the wrong tool for the 13 times. Our high schools were designed fifty years ago to meet the needs of another age. Until we design them to meet the needs of the 21st century, we will keep limiting – even ruining – the lives of millions of Americans every year. (pp. 1-2) How does education in the U.S. need to change in order to help students prepare for the 21st century? According to the White House Press Office (2009), President Barack Obama said: I’m calling on our nation’s governors and state education chiefs to develop standards and assessments that don’t simply measure whether students can fill in a bubble on a test, but whether they possess 21st century skills like problem-solving and critical thinking and entrepreneurship and creativity. (para. 21) Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman and CEO of IBM Corporation, said while speaking at the National Innovation Initiative Summit that “innovation is the single most important factor that will determine our success in the 21st century” (Council on Competitiveness, 2005, p. 18). He stated that the innovation process “is multidisciplinary,” “it is collaborative,” it occurs within “an innovation ecosystem,” and “it is user-based” (p. 18). In the document, Tapping America’s Potential: The Education for Innovation Initiative, created by 15 U.S. business organizations, Business Roundtable (2005) stated, “To maintain our country’s competitiveness in the 21st 14 century, we must cultivate the skilled scientists and engineers needed to create tomorrow’s innovations” (p. 1). They recommended finding ways to motivate students to study and enter the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers, along with upgrading current K-12 math and science teaching (Business Roundtable). The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST, 2010) reported, “STEM education will determine whether the United States will remain a leader among nations and whether we will be able to solve immense challenges in such areas of energy, health, environmental protection, and national security” (p. 1). This report stated that the United States needs to improve its education system by focusing on preparing and inspiring students for STEM careers (PCAST, 2010). STEM Education So what exactly is STEM education? As mention earlier in this report, STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM education is a learning environment that centers on students exploring, inventing, discovering, and using real world problems and situations (PCAST, 2010). It encourages innovation by combining subject areas, which helps students make new connections between disciplines and sometimes helps create entirely new ones (Council on Competitiveness, 2005). 15 The purpose of STEM education is to generate the next scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians who will create new inventions and help lead the development of new 21st century industries (PCAST, 2010). STEM education inspires students to choose STEM careers like aerospace, architectural, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, and network engineers along with biological, chemical, CAD, construction management, mapping, simulator maintenance, and survey technicians. It encourages students to pursue occupations as a computer programmer, ecologist, environmental scientist, geologist, mathematician, meteorologist, statistician, zoologist, and a math, science, or technology teacher (North Dakota Department of Career and Technical Education, 2007). It helps creates new multi-disciplinary occupational fields “such as nanobiology, network science or bioinformatics” (Council on Competitiveness, 2005, p. 42). Pfeiffer, Overstreet, and Park (2010) conducted a study where 16 statesupported academic-year residential high schools participated in a 91-item survey to find out how they “incorporate STEM-related content and learning opportunities into their curriculum” (p. 27) Twelve of the 16 schools selfidentified as STEM schools. All 16 residential schools reported that students spent an average of 6 hours a week in a research lab whereas U.S. public high school students did not. This study also found that these schools offered more advanced classes in science and math than public schools, which gave students in the 16 residential schools more experiences with STEM careers. According to Pfeiffer et al., some advanced classes included the following: Cell biology; anatomy and physiology; ecology; human infectious diseases; astronomy; advanced waves, electricity, and magnetism; analytical chemistry; electronics; astrobiology; genetics; zoology; enzyme mechanisms; ornithology; organic chemistry; calculus-based physics; endocrinology; thermal physics; theoretical physics; botany; laser and holography; mechanical engineering; astrophysics and cosmology; quantum and relativity. (pp. 28-29) Anatomy is the only class from the list that the local public high school offered, but it did offer advanced classes that related directly to North Dakota’s agricultural economy of applied animal science, applied plant and soil science, and equine science (Berry, 2011). Unfortunately, this study did not examine teachers’ instructional methods (Pfeiffer et al.). Having STEM experiences at a young age greatly increased the STEM accomplishments a person has later on in life, reported a 25-year longitudinal study by Wai, Lubinski, Benbow, and Steiger (2010). The first part of the study contained three cohorts: a 1972-1974 cohort consisting of 518 boys and 258 girls; a 1976-1978 cohort with 341 boys and 126 girls; and a 1980-1983 cohort of 203 boys and 21 girls. The participants were restricted to adolescents who had an SAT-Math score ≥ 500 to “ensure that all participants had great promise for 17 STEM accomplishments” (Wai et al., p. 862). Each cohort was split into two groups. One group received a high-STEM-dose, which included special classes/training, inventions, projects, competitions, research, writing opportunities, and academics club all revolving around STEM. The other group received a low-STEM-dose, or did not receive the “special” STEM opportunities. At approximately the age of 33, participants from each cohort were interviewed via Internet, mail, or phone, and the information supplied from the interviews was confirmed by an Internet search, to determine STEM accomplishments. The accomplishments criteria included: “STEM PhDs, STEM publications, STEM tenure, STEM patents, and STEM occupations” (Wai et al., p. 863). This study found that “the number of precollegiate STEM education opportunities beyond the norm that mathematical talented adolescents experience is related to subsequent STEM accomplishments achieved over 20 years later” (Wai et al., p. 865). In other words, the more STEM experiences a person had prior to college, the more likely it was that person would have significant STEM accomplishments later in life. In the second part of Wai et al.’s (2010) study, they took a retrospective look at student motivation and its relationship to STEM accomplishments. The final cohort for this group consisted of 368 men and 346 women who were U.S. graduate students in “exceptional STEM programs” (Wai et al., p. 867). The study emphasized that students in these programs were ‘highly motivated and successful 18 in achieving in STEM” (Wai et al., p. 867). Participants answered a survey at approximately age 25 and then again at approximately age 33, which helped measure their STEM accomplishments. Like the first part of this study, the responses were verified using Web searches. The criterion for a STEM accomplishment was the same as in the first part of the study. The second part of the study agreed with the first part in that students who were in the high-dose groups consistently had greater STEM accomplishments than those students who were in the low-dose groups. The report concluded, “Like exceptional performances in athletics and music, rare accomplishments in STEM appear to emanate from rich talent development opportunities experienced early in life” (Wai et al., p. 870). To make STEM education a priority, the United States needs to increase and improve teaching training. “If I want my students to be making global connections then I’m going to give the tools to my teachers first” (COSN, 2008, 2:23-2:27). Teacher Training Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century (2007) stated, in order for teachers to keep up with this fast-paced world, they need to have continuing professional development opportunities, especially for elementary and middle school teachers in the math and science fields. The committee went on to state that “many school children are systematically 19 discouraged from learning science and mathematics because of their teachers’ lack of preparation, or in some cases, because their teachers’ disdain for science and mathematics” (p. 121). One of the committee’s recommendations was to offer summer institutes for teacher development. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel searched for “available evidence on how teachers’ own knowledge matters for students’ achievement” (U.S. Department of Education, 2008, p. 63). Although the panel did decide, “teachers knowledge of mathematics is positively related to student achievement” (p. 65), they found it very difficult to prove “due to a historical lack of highquality measures of mathematics content knowledge” (p. 64). This panel examined teacher certification, content coursework and degrees, tests, and ad hoc assessments as measurements of teacher mathematical knowledge. The panel did recommend, “More precise measurements should be developed to uncover in detail the relationship among teachers’ knowledge, their instructional skill, and students’ learning, and to identify the mathematical and pedagogical knowledge needed for teaching” (p. 66). Another recommendation from the panel was to give ongoing professional development opportunities to elementary and middle school teachers to learn how to teach mathematics. Rising Above the Gathering Storm re-illustrates that students learn the most from teachers who have strong content knowledge and who constantly stay current with their field, but “unfortunately, it is uncertain what science and 20 mathematics preparation, beyond the basics, is the best training for teachers” (Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century, 2007, p. 151). A study by Schultz, Rhodes, and Hallman (2009) surveyed 46 of the 65 participates who attended an eight-day institute in the summer of 2004 to strengthen teachers’ mathematical knowledge. In additional to this survey they interviewed 32 participants. This study particularly focused on the questions that concerned the “laboratory class” part of the institute. During the laboratory class, participants worked as a community to “generate knowledge and theorize their practice. Specifically, the laboratory class and its supporting sessions paralleled the three-part teaching cycle—planning, teaching, and reflecting” (p. 995). In general, participants reported that the lab changed their thinking and mathematical teaching practices. This study encourages those who are in charge of mathematical teacher training to help teachers move from the teacher-centered models of instruction to a student-centered model. Teachers should create a learning environment where the content of the classroom focuses “on students’ mathematical understanding and developing students’ ability to solve problems, communicate, and work together” (Schultz et al., p. 992). Imagine for a Moment By the time the average American student graduates from high school, “they will have spent more time watching television than they have in the 21 classroom” (American Academic of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2006, p. 1). Imagine for a moment if those TV commercials that were discussed earlier contained content focused on promoting education, learning, and staying in school. What if for those four hours, while children watched TV, they watched 54 thirty-second commercials with content that emphasized the importance of education, mathematics, and science. Think of the potential this could have to increase awareness and interest in education and to help shape American culture from being a society of consumers to a society of learning. It might help the 7,000 American students who drop out of school every day, find a reason to stay in school (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2006). In today’s world, many U.S. kids frequently interact in an online environment. They have a constant connection to their social networks, post their personal thoughts and ideas on Facebook, and prefer to text message instead of make a phone call. Yet all of these forms of communication are banned from many of today’s schools, denying students their natural way of learning, commutating, and sharing (COSN, 2008). Typically education/school is not about “anywhere anytime” learning; it is about learning 180 days a year from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Imagine for a moment what education would look like if it was about “anywhere anytime” learning. Many of today’s school children live in a world where in math class a majority of the time is spent listening to the teacher explain past math discoveries, 22 some of the time solving problems from a book, and little to no time promoting creativity and interest in mathematics (Seeley, 2009). Imagine for a moment if math time was different. Math time would revolve around the students, who would have the afternoon to formulate a question that relates to their lives, figure out what they need in order to answer the question, collect and analyze the appropriate data, and then present the information to the class (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2004). This type of math class would help promote the types of thinking, learning, and skills needed to promote 21st century skills and Summary As an educator, a parent, and a US citizen I am greatly concerned about the lack of aggressiveness the U.S. is using to address its out-of-date education system. All of the reports used in this study repeat the same gloom and doom about the reality of American students’ future if the education system does not change. The reports send the message, “Wake up, America!” and yet few steps have been made to even start the overhaul that the U.S. education system needs in order to produce 21st century Americans (Gordon, 2011). I found the best way for me to do something was to create a workshop to help teachers learn how to create a learning environment that excites students about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, in which students “can use their knowledge to communicate, collaborate, analyze, create, innovate, and solve problems” (p. 31). Chapter Three Research Design and Method This study will determine how teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute have applied the information they learned to their classrooms along with the successes and struggles they had while applying the information. I will identify any new technologies or ideas teachers have incorporated into their lessons to promote 21st century skills. I will find out how teachers encouraged students’ interests in STEM fields. The method of data collection is a focus group. When participants cannot attend the focus group, an individual interview will be conducted to collect the information. Setting This study will include 17 teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute in summer of 2010. Fifteen were certified elementary teachers and taught grades K-6; one teacher had an education science major and taught 7 and 8th grade science; and one teacher had an education math major and taught grades 7-12 math. Of the 17 teachers, 14 were female teachers and 3 were male teachers. The teachers’ years of experience varied: one teacher had no experience; two teachers had 1-3 years; three teachers had 4-6 years; one teacher had 7-9 years; one teacher had 10-12 years; two teachers had 13-15 years; and seven teachers had 16 or more years of teaching experience. 24 Participants taught in small rural and urban towns located in North Dakota, Montana, and Minnesota. Six of the teachers had taken an online class or workshop; none of them had taught an online class. All of the participants had an e-mail account and a cell phone. Only three had access to graphing calculators, but 12 had interactive whiteboards or similar technology in their classrooms. One circumstance that will affect the study is the differences between individual school districts. Some of those differences include but are not limited to the openness and willingness to change, the availability of STEM resources and educational technology, and the amount of funding. Another circumstance that will affect the study is the differences between individual teachers. Some of those differences include but are not limited to grade levels taught, years of teaching experience, and the ability to be creative, along with willingness to change. Intervention/Innovation The learning objectives for the STEM Institute were that each participating teacher would: Define STEM education. Identify STEM careers. Link STEM fields/careers to local area businesses. Explain why STEM education is important to the future of our nation. Apply the scientific method while performing different STEM activities (examples: construct a Lego ball that will roll down an incline, create a 25 paper airplane that will fly the farthest distance, make a windmill that will produce energy). Choose the North Dakota math and science standards that relate to each STEM activity. Describe how STEM activities could be integrated into their current curriculum. Compare how the Ancient world, the age of discovery, and modern times measured items/things. Identify different technologies that were invented during the Ancient world, the age of discovery, and modern times. Predict future technology. Assess online learning. Assess mobile learning. Predict the future of education. During summer 2010, teachers participated in a number of STEM activities, discussions, field trips, Moodle (online teaching environment), flip cameras, and analyzing assigned readings to meet the objectives. The first thing participants did was complete an electronic questionnaire consisting of 16 questions used to help modify the institute’s content to meet the needs of the participants. They had to create a cover of a magazine that highlighted the new invention they created. Each participant made something new out of a cardboard 26 box. For a final project, each participant was required to find/create a STEM lesson plan and present it orally to the class. The grading rubric for the lesson plan is in Appendix B. The daily outline for the STEM Institute is in Appendix C. Brochures and handouts from the STEM Institute are in Appendix D. Each participant received Why Pi? by Johnny Ball, which is a colorfully illustrated book that is divided into three sections: The Ancient World, The Age of Discovery, and Modern Measuring. For each section the book shows how math applies to everyday life during that period. Each participant received the July 2010 edition of Popular Science, which was about the future of the environment. Design This action research project will assess the implementation and promotion of STEM education in the classroom using a qualitative method approach. During July of 2011, all of the 17 teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute during summer 2010 will receive a research participant invitation letter (see Appendix E) by e-mail. The letter asks participates to attend a 2-3 hour focus group to determine how they have applied the information they learned to their classroom along with the successes and struggles they had while applying the information. At the start of the focus group participants will sign a research participant consent letter (see Appendix F). . During this focus group teachers will be asked to share any new technologies, ideas, content, or practices they incorporated into their lessons to promote 21st century skills. They will also be 27 asked to share ways in which they encouraged students’ interests in STEM fields. A focus group protocol (see Appendix G) will be used to guide and structure the meeting, but additional questions may be added as the meeting progresses. The focus group will be digitally recorded. Teachers who could not participate in the focus group will be asked to participate in an in-person interview. If an interview cannot be conducted in person, the interview will be conducted over the phone. As with the focus group, an interview protocol (see Appendix H) will be used to guide and structure the interview, but additional questions may be added as the interview proceeds. Interviews will be digitally recorded. The focus group and the interviews will give teachers an opportunity to reflect on the 2010-2011 school year. It will give both the teachers and me a chance to learn about the successes and struggles teachers had using STEM pedagogy, new technologies being used to promote 21st century skills, and activities students are participating in that encouraged interest in STEM fields. Description of Methods All participants will be informed about the study through a research participant invitation e-mail (see Appendix E). They will be asked to participate in the study by attending a 2-3 hour focus group during July of 2011. The purpose of the focus group will be explained to each participant prior to attending so they will understand what they will be doing. At the beginning of the focus group each 28 participant will receive a research participant consent letter (see Appendix F), preapproved by Minot State University’s Institution Review Board, and asked to officially participate in the study. After signing the letter, participants will participate in a 2-3 hour focus group meeting that will ask them to reflect on and discuss their implementation of STEM practices and materials in their classes during the 2010-2011 school year. All teachers who cannot attend the focus group will be contacted by phone or e-mail and an interview time will be scheduled. At the beginning of each interview, each participant will receive a consent letter (see Appendix F), preapproved by the Institution Review Board, and asked to officially participate in the study. After signing the letter, the participant will partake in a 30-45 minute interview. If an in-person interview cannot be conducted, it will be done over the phone. The focus group and interviews will provide insight into the successes and struggles teachers had while applying the information they learned to their classrooms, how they incorporated new technologies or ideas to promote 21st century skills, and how they encourage students’ interests in STEM fields. Expected Results I believe teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute will have different successes and struggles while applying the information they learned during the institute to their classrooms. I predict that the levels of success and 29 struggle each teacher had will be based on various factors. I anticipate teachers integrated new technologies, content, practices, or ideas into their lessons to promote 21st century skills. I believe the STEM Institute opened a door of awareness about STEM fields and the importance of them to the U.S. and that each teacher incorporated at least one activity to encourage students’ interest in STEM fields. Timeline for the Study The STEM Institute was conducted on July 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, and 29 in 2010. Teachers were to use STEM pedagogy during the 2010-2011 school year. In July of 2011, teachers will receive an e-mail personally inviting them to participate in a focus group during the month of July 2011. Any participants who cannot attend the focus group will be asked participate in a 30-45 minute interview, in person or by phone. Participants who could not complete an interview by August 2011 will not be included in the study. After the focus group and all interviews, I will analyze the responses to determine how teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute have applied the information they learned to their classrooms along with the successes and struggles they had while applying the information. I will determine any new technologies or ideas teachers incorporated into their lessons to promote 21st century skills. Last, I will use the focus group and interviews to determine how teachers encourage students’ interests in STEM fields. 30 Summary Briefly summarize what you wrote in Chapter Three, and transition the reader to the next chapter. Chapter Four Data Analysis and Interpretation of Results Use an introductory paragraph to remind the reader of your purpose and to give them a brief description of what is included in this chapter. Data Analysis Address each data collection method separately (e.g., chapter test, survey, interview, etc.). Be sure to do the following: Describe how you analyzed the data. Display numerical or statistical results in tables or figures. Summarize the results of surveys or other instruments. Theme and summarize narrative data, including representative quotes when appropriate. Interpretation of Results Revisit each research question and present the data that answer that question. Include the following: Did you successfully answer your question? Did you get the results you expected. Discuss significance and rigor (i.e., quality, validity, accuracy, credibility, trustworthiness) as needed. Discuss unusual circumstances as needed Summary 32 Briefly summarize what you wrote in Chapter Four, highlighting the key findings, and transition the reader to the next chapter. Chapter Five Conclusions, Action Plan, Reflections, and Recommendations Conclusions Draw conclusions about your research questions based on your results. Someone reading only this section should get a sense of your research purpose and findings. Action Plan Present a plan of action. What will you do now? Will you continue, modify, or throw out your innovation? Why? Speculate on your “next steps” in the action research cycle. Reflections and Recommendations for Teachers This section is all for you—your opinions, impressions, frustrations, and celebrations. What would you do differently? What were the highlights of your project? Advice to teachers about your intervention. Advice to teachers about action research. Summary This is the last paragraph of the paper. Briefly summarize what you wrote in Chapter Five and give any last comments that will help wrap up the paper. 34 References ACT. (2008). The forgotten middle: Ensuring that all students are on target for college and career readiness before high school. Iowa City, IA: Author. ACT. (2010). North Dakota, the condition of college and career readiness: Class of 2010. Iowa City, IA: Author. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2006). Facts for families: Children & watching TV. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved March 14, 2011, from 54_children_and_watching_tv.pdf Business Roundtable. (2005). Tapping America’s potential: The education for innovation initiative. Washington DC: Author. Britton, J. (2006). String and ring puzzle. Retrieved February 22, 2011, from Jill Britton’s HOME page: Coble C., & Michael A. (2005). Keeping America competitive: Five strategies to improve mathematics and science education. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States. Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century. (2007). Rising above the gathering storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, DC: National Academic Press. 35 Consortium for School Networking (COSN) (Creator). (2008). Learning to change-changing to learn: Advancing K-12 leadership [Video]. Retrieved May 15, 2011, from &feature=related Council on Competitiveness. (2005). Innovate America: National innovation initiative summit and report. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved March 13, 2011, from NII_Innovate_America.pdf Department of Education. (2008). Foundations for success: The final report of the national mathematics advisory panel. Washington, DC: Author. Dickinson Public Schools. (2011). Dickinson High School. Retrieved March 18, 2011, from Gates, B. (2005). National Governors Association. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from Speech to the National Education Summit on High Schools Web site: Gordon, D. (2011). Return to sender. The Journal, 38(3), 31-35. Kuenzi, J. J., Matthews, C. M., & Mangan, B. F. (2006). CRS report for Congress: Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education issues and legislative options. Retrieved March 13, 2011, from Congress.pdf 36 Members of the 2005 “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” Committee. (2010). Rising above the gathering storm, revisited: Rapidly approaching category 5. Washington, DC: National Academic Press. Narum, J. L. (2008). Promising practices in undergraduate STEM education. Retrieved March 13, 2011, from /Narum_CommissionedPaper.pdf North Dakota Department of Career and Technical Education. (2007). Science, technology, engineering, & mathematics career cluster plan of study. Retrieved March 15, 2011 from ccluster/pages/sci.htm Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2002). Learning for the 21st century: A report and mile guide for 21st century skills. Washington, DC: Author. Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2004). ICT literacy map: Math. Tucson, AZ: Author. Pfeiffer, S. I., Overstreet, J. M., & Park, A. (2010). The state of science and mathematics education in state-supported residential academics: A nationwide survey. Roeper Review, 32(1), 25-31. Phillips, G. W. (2007). Chance favors the prepared mind: Mathematics and science indicators for comparing states and nations. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research. 37 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). (2010). Prepare and inspire: K-12 education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for America’s future. Washington, DC: Author. Schultz, K. T., Rhodes, G. A., & Hallman, A. (2009). Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University. Seeley, C. L. (2009). Faster isn’t smarter: Messages about math, teaching and learning in the 21st century. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions. Shuler, C. (2009). Pockets of potential: Using mobile technologies to promote children’s learning. New York, NY: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. Wai, J., Lubinski, D., Benbow, C. P., & Steiger, J. H. (2010). Accomplishment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and its relation to STEM education dose: A 25-year longitudinal study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(4), 860-871. Wallis, C., Steptoe, S., & Miranda, C. A. (2006). How to bring our schools out of the 20th century. Time, 168(25), 50-56. 38 White House Press Office. (2009). Remarks by the president to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on a complete and competitive American education. Retrieved March 14, 2011 from the_press_office/Remarks-of-the-President-to-the-Hispanic-Chamber-ofCommerce/ Zordak, S. E. (2000-2011). Barbie bungee. Retrieved February 23, 2011, from Illuminations Web site: id=L646 Appendices 40 Appendix A Bungee Jumping Worksheets for 5th Grade Students Bungee Jumping You are an engineer and you work for a company that specializes in designing new amusement park rides. Disney World, located in Orlando Florida, has asked us to create a new Bungee Jumping ride. They have all ready constructed a bridge that is 400 feet above ground and they plan to use the bridge for the new Bungee Jumping ride. Our goal is to determine the appropriate amount of bungee cord (rubber bands) to keep riders safe on the ride. Hypothesis: I believe that ________ is the maximum number of rubber bands that will allow Barbie/Action Figure to jump safely from a height of ______ feet. Experiment: Materials Needed: o Tape Measure o Painters Tape o Pencil o Rubber Bands o Action Figure/Barbie 1) Take 2 rubber bands and connect them together using a slipknot, as shown at the right. 2) Wrap one of the rubber bands tightly around the Action Figure/Barbie’s feet, as shown at the right. Name _________________________________ Lesson is based off Barbie Bungee lesson plan found at Bungee Jump continued: 3) Now hold the end of the rubber bands at the top of the locker with one hand, and drop Action Figure/Barbie from the top of the locker with the other hand. Have your partner mark (using painters tape) the lowest point that the Action Figure/Barbie reaches on this jump. Write on the painters tape “1 rubber band”. You will want to drop Action Figure/Barbie several times to make sure your mark is accurate. Accuracy is important – Action Figure/Barbie’s life could depend on it! 4) Attach a second rubber band to the first one, again using a slip knot, as shown at the right. 5) With two rubber bands now attached, hold the end of the rubber bands at the top of the locker with one hand, and drop Action Figure/Barbie from the top of the locker with the other hand. Have your partner mark (using painters tape) the lowest point that the Action Figure/Barbie reaches on this jump. Write on the painters tape “2 rubber bands”. Make sure that you have tested the jump a number of times to assure accuracy. 6) Continue this process for 3 rubber bands, 4 rubber bands, and 5 rubber bands. 7) Measure each jump distance in inches and record the values on the data table Name _________________________________ Lesson is based off Barbie Bungee lesson plan found at 42 43 Appendix B STEM Lesson Plan Rubric STEM Lesson Plan Rubrics: for _____________________________________ 10 points 1. Does it encourage innovation? 2. List the STEM fields the lesson include(s)? Allows students to create their own ideas and thoughts about the information being taught. All 4 STEM fields listed Lesson includes references 3. References where the original lesson or information was found (If you created the lesson yourself as the author). 5 points 0 points Does not allow students to create their own ideas and thought about the information being taught. 1 or 3 STEM fields listed 0 STEM fields listed Lesson does not include references Points Earned 44 4. The content of the lesson is appropriate for the indicated grade level. Appropriate grade level was listed in the lesson Grade level listed in the lesson was inappropriate Grade level was not listed in the lesson 5. Overview description of the lesson is included. Overview describes the lesson clearly. The overview was missing key ideas of the lesson. Not included 6. List materials need for the lesson. All materials needed for the lesson were listed. Some but not all materials for the lesson were listed. Materials needed for the lesson were not listed. 7. The lesson has measurable learning objectives. Lesson included measurable learning objectives Lesson included learning objects but they would be hard to measure Lesson did not include learning objectives 8. The lesson is based on the ND math and science standards (and they are included in the lesson plan). Math and science standards were included and related directly to the lesson being taught Math and science standards were included but do not relate directly to the lesson being taught Math and/or science standards were not included 9. The duration/time is appropriate for the activity to be completed. Time allotted is appropriated for the lesson Allotted time was not included or it is unreasonable for the 45 lesson 10. All handouts/worksheets are included. All handout/worksheets were included 11. Lesson includes a rubric for student assessment. It is clear how students will be assessed for the lesson and the assessment helps measure the lesson objectives 12. Turned in an electronic version of the lesson. Turned in an electronic version of the lesson in Moodle. 13. Organization Total Points Lesson is organized so others can follow it. All parts of the lesson are easy to find and it follows a logical order Necessary handouts/worksheets to complete the lesson were not included It is clear how students will be assessed for the lesson but the assessment is not related to the lesson objectives How students will be assessed was not included Did not turn in an electronic version in Moodle. Parts of the lesson are difficult to find/follow due to organization factors Lesson is disorganized and difficult to follow. Lesson procedures are not in order. It jumps around and is not in a logical order 46 Appendix C Overview of STEM Institute Schedule STEM Institute Daily Schedule Outline Day 1: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 On this day, July 20th: In 1969, Apollo XI astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon, after their lunar module separated from the command module and landed on the lunar surface at 09:18 GMT/4:18 EDT on the Sea of Tranquility. Armstrong stepped on the lunar surface at 10:56 ET and proclaimed, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Internationally, nearly 700 million television viewers witnessed the event live as it happened. Information from:, Date: July 10, 2010 Survey What is STEM Education? Reading: Attributes of STEM Education by Janice S. Morrison August, 2006 47 Introductions of Shawna Egli and Reba Olsen Syllabus and Day One Schedule Explanation of DSU STEM Career Preparation: Building the Foundation P – 16 Grant Promoting STEM Careers Training Teachers in STEM Education Developing a curriculum that includes local businesses … PBS on-line Video - Secret Life of Scientists – Nate Ball (Mechanical Engineering example) Promotes innovation and it’s OK to fail… Why STEM and STEM Careers : Brainstorm of STEM Careers Reading: Preparing Students for STEM Careers by Angela Traurig and Rich Feller Found at Handout: STEM North Dakota Career Cluster Plan of Study Found at Reading: STEM Occupations by Nicholas Terrell Spring 2007 Found at Break Discussion of above readings 48 President Obama Kicks of “Education to Innovation” The President announces the "Educate to Innovate" initiative, a campaign to get students excited about pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. November 23, 2009. You Tube Video Promoting STEM Careers Brainstorm how to promote STEM careers in the classroom Lunch Flip Videos Puff Mobiles: STEM Activity Explanation of the 40 minute Wake Up Calls: (Handout 40 Minute Wake Up Call Brochure) Station One: Having a Ball - create a ball using Legos that will roll down and incline Station Two: Plane Fun - build a paper airplane that will fly the longest distance Station Three: Renewable Energy - explore a renewable energy sources by using Legos Renewable Energy Pack to build models of solar cars, waterwheels, and windmills Station Four: Going Beyond the Letter Z…. encouraging STEM with children’s literature Station Five: Dream Up the Future – invent new technology that will change the future (categories… environment, transportation, energy, education, or agriculture) Evening Reading: 49 Science Matters! is a 16 page guide created by the Medtronic Foundation that promotes exploration of STEM fields, Fall 2009 Found at In Demand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education What Form? What Function? By Hays Blaine Lantz, Jr., Ed.D., 2009. Found at df 50 STEM Institute Daily Schedule Outline Day Two: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 On this day, July 20th: After 11 years of construction, the Aswan Dam in Egypt was completed on this day in 1970. The goal of the project was to prevent flooding of the Nile River, to generate electricity, and to provide water for agriculture. The Learning Calendar 2009. Picture from: 40 minute Wake Up Call Group Activities 20 Question Game: A thing Handout: 20 Question I am an Invention card Worksheet: 20 Question I am a/an____________ worksheets 51 Discussion on Evening Readings Science Matters! In Demand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education What Form? What Function? Scientific Method Hand Out: The Scientific Method Break Moodle on-line teaching/learning environment Common Core Math Standards Lunch Discovering Pi : STEM Activity Handout: Discovering Pi Worksheet Writing Measurable Objectives: Participate in writing objectives, identify standards, assessment Handout: North Dakota Mathematics Content and Achievement Standards Grades K - 12, April 2005 Found at Handout: North Dakota Science Content and Achievement Standards K-12, March 2006 Found at Handout: Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs 52 The Math Book by Clifford A. Pickover, 2009 – 3 articles π and Archimedes of Syracuse (pages 60 – 61) Discovery of Series Formula for π (pages 110 – 111) Rope Around the Earth Puzzle (pages 162 – 163) The Story of Pi , Math through the Ages by Berlinghoff and Gouvea (pages 107 – 110). Evening Reading : Why Pi? by Johnny Ball, 2009 – The Ancient World (pages 10 – 43) 53 STEM Institute Daily Schedule Outline Day Three: Thursday, July 22, 2010 Invention of the Day: The invention of the ice cream cone is generally thought to have occurred on this day in the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, when a waffle, which was sold separately, was rolled and filled with ice cream. The Learning Calendar 2009. 40 minute Wake Up Call Group Activities 20 Questions Game: A person Patterns of Developing Fractions Algorithms with Graph Paper and Manipulatives Hand Out: Developing the Division of Fractions Algorithms Hand Out: Exploration of Fractions Solar Bee Field Trip (STEM Hotspot) 10 AM To find out more information about this company, please visit the web site Share/Discuss the STEM Hot Spot Field Trip 54 Lunch Christina Katerina & The Box by Patricia Lee Gauch, 1971 This is a children’s book that shows innovation by creating new things from a box. Read the book out loud as a class. Thinking Outside (or maybe inside) the Box: STEM Activity Measuring Land: STEM Activity Why Pi? by Johnny Ball, 2009 - The Ancient World (page 20). Creating a STEM Assignment/Lesson Plan (sharing of the lesson on July 29, Day 6) Evening Reading: Why Pi? by Johnny Ball, 2009 – The Age of Discovery (Will discuss on Day 4) National Math Panel Report by U.S Department of Education, 2008 (Will discuss on Day 4) Pockets of Potential by Carly Shuler, Ed, M. January 2009 (Will discuss on Day 5) 55 STEM Institute Daily Schedule Outline Day Four: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Invention of the Day, July 27: The laying of a telegraph cable at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was completedon this day in 1866. The 1,686-mile longcable, which connected Canada with Ireland, made communication between Europeand the Americans instantaneous for the first time. The Learning Calendar, 2009. 40 minute Wake Up Call 20 Questions Game : Measuring Land , Why Pi? Discussion for The Ancient World pg 20. Break National Math Panel Report (previously handed out on July22–Day 3) Agriculture and STEM field trip 11:00 Lunch Great Circle Routes - Why Pi? discussion/activity for The Age of Discovery Reading: Columbus Encountered America by V. FrederickRickey Lesson Plan Handout: Great Circle Route Reading: Charles Lindbergh an American Aviator Break Catan Evening Reading: 56 Why Pi? – Modern Measuring Pockets of Potential by CarlyShuler, Ed, M. January 2009 (Handed out on Day 3) 57 STEM Institute Daily Schedule Outline Day Five: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Invention of the Day, July 28: In 1858, fingerprints were used as a means of identification for the first time. Today in Science History tm 40 minute Wake Up Call Creating a 20 Question Card : In groups Hand Out: 20 Question blank I am a _________________ Each group will decide on a theme (examples: shapes, STEM careers, Inventions) then each player in the group needs to create a 20 Question card for that theme. If a team has 3 participants then they will have 3 different 20 Question card. Let participants have 20 minutes to work in groups. (Homework due tomorrow to share with group.) Group One: Inventions Group Two: Math Group Three: Science Group Four: Geometric Shapes 58 Mobile Learning : Discussion/Activity of Pockets of Potential by Carly Shuler, Ed, M. January 2009. “The kids these days are not digital kids. The digital kids were in the 90’s. The kids today are mobile, and there’s a difference. Digital is the old way of thinking, mobile is the new way.” Did You Know? A YouTube video that predicts the future of computers and America. Found at: Break Surveying (10:00 to 11:30) and Flip Video and Moodle Lunch at 12:30 to 1:30 (meet at Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing after lunch) Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing Field Trip: STEM Hotspot at 1:30 To find out more information about this company, please visit the web site Why Pi? Book discussion/activity for Modern measuring Number Systems – Binary, Decimal Timeline of Computer Inventions poster Describe a future computer Future of Education? What are the teachers doing? What are students doing? How are students learning? 59 What do classroom looks like? Evening Reading : Are You Ready for Mobile Learning? by Joseph Rene Corbeil and Maria Elena Valdes-Corbeil, 2007 Found at 60 STEM Institute Daily Schedule Outline Day Six: Thursday, July 29, 2010 In 1920, the first transcontinental airmail flight relay from New York to San Francisco occurred. A quote from the event, "I happened to be the man on the spot, but any of the rest of the fellows would have done what I did, " said Jack Knight, first night mail flight, which was part of a record-setting transcontinentalairmail relay. Interstate carriage of mail by airplane was sanctioned between Garden City and Mineola, NY with Earle H. Ovington, first U. S. mail pilot(1911). This was a dangerous occupation: 31 of the first 40 pilots hired to fly mail were killed in crashes. Regular transcontinental airmail service began in1924. Today in Science History 40 minute Wake Up Call Discussion of 40 Minute Wake up Calls Sharing of 20 Question Cards Read “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” by Judi Barrett. Moodle Lunch Sharing of STEM Lesson Plans Break Fractions Sharing of STEM Lesson Plan Evaluation 61 Appendix D STEM Institute Handouts 62 Side 2 of 40 Minute Wake-Up Call Brochure 64 Appendix E Research Participant Invitation Letter Dear _________________________________, You are invited to participate in a study that I am conducting as part of my graduate studies at Minot State University. I am investigating how teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute in July of 2010, have applied the information they learned to their 2010-2011 school year classrooms. As one of these teachers you are invited to participate in a focus group where you will share your experiences during the 2010-2011 year, regarding the following: 1) your successes and struggles while applying the information you learned at the 2010 STEM Institute, 2) any new technologies, content, practices, or ideas that you incorporated into lessons to promote 21st century skills, and 3) how you encouraged students’ interests in STEM fields. All teachers who participated in the July 2010 STEM Institute are invited to participate in this study. If you decide to participate, you can attend a focus group interview on July __, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. or if that time is inconvenient, a person-to-person interview can be schedule. Digital recordings will be made of the focus group interview and person-to-person interviews. All participants who participate in the study will receive a $50 stipend. Names of participants and the participant’s schools will remain confidential. All data collected will be kept in a locked filing cabinet in my office or on my password-protected computer. Please e-mail or call me at 1-701-690-6459 to say if you are or are not interested in participating in the study. Thank you, Shawna Egli 65 Appendix F Research Participant Consent Letter Using STEM Education to Promote 21st Century Math Skills Shawna Egli Purpose of Research I am currently attending Minot State University, working toward my Masters of Arts of Teaching: Mathematics degree. As part of my graduate studies, I am investigating how teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute in July of 2010, have applied the information they learned to their 2010-2011 school year classrooms. Procedures At the end of the 2010-2011 school year, teachers who participated in the STEM Institute during July 2010 will participate in a focus group interview or an individual interview. A predetermined protocol will be used to lead the focus group as well as the personal interviews. Information collected will be used to: 1) discover teacher’s successes and struggles while applying the information from the 2010 STEM Institute, 2) find out any new technologies, content, practices, or ideas that teachers incorporated into lessons to promote 21st century skills, and 3) how teachers encouraged students’ interests in STEM fields. Duration of Participation As explained in the letter of invitation, the focus group will last approximately three hours. If you are participating in an interview, it should last approximately an hour. Once the focus group or interview is complete, your participation is complete. Confidentiality Names of participants and the participant’s schools will remain confidential. All data collected will be kept in a locked filing cabinet in my office or on my password-protected computer. Risks There are no anticipated risks to participants in this study. 66 Benefits The anticipated benefits of participating in this study are being able to communicate, share, and learn what other participates from the Institute are doing in their classroom. You will also receive a $50 stipend for your participation. Human Subject Statement This research has been approved by Minot State University’s Institutional Review Board. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject, please contact Dr. Brent Askvig, IRB Chair, at 701-852-3052. Offer to Answer Questions If you have any questions or concerns about the study, feel free to contact me at 1-701-690-6459 or email me at Thank you for your consideration. Voluntary Nature of Participation This study is voluntary. If you decide to participate you can withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any time. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent at any time. If you do not consent or withdraw your consent, your responses will not be included in my results. Consent Statement You are voluntarily making a decision whether or not to participate in this study. With your signature below, you are indicating that upon reading and understanding the above information, you agree to allow your focus group/interview responses to be used in this study. You will be given a copy of the consent form to keep. _______________________ Name of Participant (Print) ____________ Date _________________ Participant Signature _______________________ Name of Researcher (Print) ____________ Date _________________ Researcher Signature Thank you for your participation. Sincerely, Shawna Egli 67 Appendix G Focus Group Protocol Script for Facilitator 1. Greeting Participants Facilitator should arrive 15 minutes before the participants. Arrange the seating so it is in a circle or around a large table so participants can clearly see each other. The facilitator should greet each participant with a friendly welcome to help participants feel comfortable and set the tone for an enjoyable, fun discussion. If refreshments are available, inform participants to help themselves. Hand out the Participant’s Stipend form and ask participants to fill out the form. Explain this form is for the $50 stipend. Also, have them sign the participant sign in sheet for verification of participants. This sheet will also include geographic data needed for the study. 2. Consent Process “Good morning and I am glad that all of you could make it today. In the next 2 to 3 hours, we are going to discuss STEM Education. I am gathering input from you, the teachers who attended the six-day STEM Institute in July of 2010. I hope to learn about the successes and struggles you had while integrating STEM pedagogy into your curriculum. I would like to know about new technologies or ideas you have incorporated into your lessons to promote 21st century skills. I am interested in the available activities you used to encourage students’ interest in STEM fields. Before we get started, we need to talk about the consent form. This form explains important information about this process.” 68 Give each participant the consent form and read it aloud to the group. Have participants sign it and then collect the consent forms. 3. Explain the Focus Group Process Ask if anyone has participated in a focus group discussion before. “A focus group brings participants together for an interview that is intended to explore certain topics in depth. For this particular focus group, we are going to discuss three main topics while reflecting back on the 2010-2011. Those three topics are: 1. Success and struggles of implementing STEM education content and practices. 2. New technologies/ideas/practices/content you have incorporated into your lessons to promote 21st Century Skills 3. Activities students participated in to encourage students’ interests in STEM fields We are here today to collect information on those three topics. 4. Rules Information provided in the focus group must be kept confidential Turn off cell phones Everyone should participate Have fun 5. Turn on Recorder 6. Recording Information 69 State aloud “Today’s Date is __(today’s date)__ and this is the STEM Institute focus group discussion” 7. Introductions Have each participant state his or her name, where they taught, and what grades/subjects during the 2010-2011 school year, as a reintroduction to the group. Remind participants to sign the participant sign-in sheet. 8. Questions {It is important to give people time to think before answering the questions. The facilitator may ask spontaneous questions that arise from the discussion in order to probe deeper into a topic.} “Please answer the following questions in regards to the 2010-2011 school year.” 1. Think back on the 2010-2011 school year, what are some success stories of integrating STEM Education into your curriculum? 2. What are some lessons learned as a result of integrating STEM Education into your curriculum this past year? 3. Describe any new technologies/ideas/practices/content that you integrated into your classroom that promote 21st century skills. The technology/idea/practice/content does not have to be new to the world, just new to you and your class. 4. Reviewing the 2010-2011 school year, by show of hands, how many of you worked with other teachers/professionals to plan student activities that involved using a variety of STEM content 70 areas? Those of you who raised your hand, please explain the student activity(s). 5. Reviewing the 2010-2011 school year, by show of hands, how many of you did NOT work with other teachers/professionals to plan student activities that involved using a variety of STEM content areas? Those of you who raised your hand, please explain and discuss the barriers that prevented it. 6. Still referring to the 2010-2011 school year, give examples of activities that were available to you and your students that encouraged students’ interest in STEM fields. 7. {Facilitator gives each participant the “STEM Activity Table” worksheet} Did students in your class participant in the following activities? If they did participate in that particular activity, please explain that activity (s) in the “Yes” column. If they did not participate in the activity, please describe the barrier (s) that prevented the activity. {Facilitator should evaluate when most participants have finished writing. Than the facilitator should inform the group that we will began discussion on this question in one minute and participants can continue to write during the discussion. After one minute, continue with question 8.} 71 {Example of STEM Activity Table} STEM Activity Table Activity Yes, No, In the 2010 – 2011 school year and describe the activity (s) and describe the barrier(s) that prevented the activity STEM Related Field Trip(s) STEM Guest Speaker(s) Interdisciplinary Project(s)/Assignment(s) Math/Science Problems from a Textbook 72 Actual Real-Life Application of STEM Fields. STEM Career Awareness Class Discussions Activities that Develop Creativity and Innovation Skills Computer Applications On-line Learning Mobile Learning 73 8. Did students in your class participant in the following activities: STEM related field trip(s), STEM guest speaker(s), interdisciplinary project(s)/assignment(s), math/science problems from a textbook, actual real-life application of STEM fields, STEM career awareness class discussions, activities that develop creativity and innovation skills, computer applications, on-line learning, and mobile learning. If they did, please explain the activity(s). {Facilitator should go through each activity one at a time, giving each participant time to talk and share.} 9. Did students in your class participant in the following activities: STEM related field trip(s), STEM guest speaker(s), interdisciplinary project(s)/assignment(s), math/science problems from a textbook, actual real-life application of STEM fields, STEM career awareness class discussions, activities that develop creativity and innovation skills, computer applications, on-line learning, and mobile learning. For the activities students did not participate in, please describe the barriers. {Facilitator should go through each activity one at a time, giving each participant time to talk and share.} 10. Other comments about STEM Education, 21st century skills, and/or the 2010-2011 school year that you would like to share? Collection of Materials Facilitator needs to: Verify that all participants signed the participant sign-in sheet. Then collect the sign-in sheet. 74 Collect each Participant’s Stipend Form. Collect each Participant’s STEM Activity Table. Closing the Focus Group Discussion “Thank you for participating in the discussion. The information gathered today will be used to help identify the successes/struggles of integrating STEM Education. The data will be evaluated to determine the new technologies/ideas/practices/content teachers are using to promote 21st century skills. It will also be used to determine how students are being encouraged to explore STEM fields. Have a great afternoon. If anyone would like to continue the discussion, I am more than will to stay, but as of now the focus group discussion is dismissed. Again, thank you for your help in this study.” 75 Appendix H Personal Interview Discussion Protocol Script for Facilitator 1. Greeting Participant Facilitator should arrive 15 minutes before the participant. Arrange the seating so the participant and the facilitator can clearly see each other. The facilitator should greet the participant with a friendly welcome to help the participant feel comfortable and set the tone for an enjoyable, fun discussion. Hand out the Participant’s Stipend form and ask the participant to fill out the form. Explain this form is for the $50 stipend. Also, have them sign the participant sign in sheet for verification of participants. This sheet will also include geographic data needed for the study. 2. Consent Process “Good morning and I am glad that you and I have a opportunity to discuss STEM Education. I am gathering input from you, because you are a teacher who attended the six-day STEM Institute in July of 2010. I hope to learn about the successes and struggles you had while integrating STEM pedagogy into your curriculum. I would like to know about new technologies or ideas you have incorporated into your lessons to promote 21st century skills. I am interested in the available activities you used to encourage students’ interest in STEM fields. Before we get started, we need to talk about the consent form. This form explains important information about this process.” Give the participant the consent form and read it aloud. Have participants sign it and then collect the consent forms. 76 3. Explain the Personal Interview Process For this interview, we are going to discuss three main topics while reflecting back on the 2010-2011. Those three topics are: 1. Success and struggles of implementing STEM education content and practices. 2. New technologies/ideas/practices/content you have incorporated into your lessons to promote 21st Century Skills 3. Activities students participated in to encourage students’ interests in STEM fields We are here today to collect information on those three topics. 4. Rules Information provided this interview must be kept confidential Turn off cell phones Have fun 5. Turn on Recorder 6. Recording Information State aloud “Today’s Date is __(today’s date)__ and this is the STEM Institute Personal Interview with (participates first and last name) ” 7. Introductions Ask the participant where they taught, and what grades/subjects during the 2010-2011 school year. 8. Questions 77 {It is important to give people time to think before answering the questions. The facilitator may ask spontaneous questions that arise from the discussion in order to probe deeper into a topic.} “Please answer the following questions in regards to the 2010-2011 school year.” 1. Think back on the 2010-2011 school year, what are some success stories of integrating STEM Education into your curriculum? 2. What are some lessons learned as a result of integrating STEM Education into your curriculum this past year? 3. Describe any new technologies/ideas/practices/content that you integrated into your classroom that promote 21st century skills. The technology/idea/practice/content does not have to be new to the world, just new to you and your class. 4. Reviewing the 2010-2011 school year did you worked with other teachers/professionals to plan student activities that involved using a variety of STEM content areas and if you did please explain the student activity(s). 5. Reviewing the 2010-2011 school year, if you did NOT work with other teachers/professionals to plan student activities that involved using a variety of STEM content areas, please explain the barriers that prevented it. 6. Still referring to the 2010-2011 school year, give examples of activities that were available to you and your students that encouraged students’ interest in STEM fields. 78 7. {Facilitator gives the participant the “STEM Activity Table” worksheet} Did students in your class participant in the following activities? If they did participate in that particular activity, please explain that activity (s) in the “Yes” column. If they did not participate in the activity, please describe the barrier (s) that prevented the activity. {Facilitator should evaluate when the participant has finished writing and then continue with question 8.} 79 {Example of STEM Activity Table} STEM Activity Table Activity Yes, No, In the 2010 – 2011 school year and describe the activity (s) and describe the barrier(s) that prevented the activity STEM Related Field Trip(s) STEM Guest Speaker(s) Interdisciplinary Project(s)/Assignment(s) Math/Science Problems from a Textbook 80 Actual Real-:Life Application of STEM Fields. STEM Career Awareness Class Discussions Activities that Develop Creativity and Innovation Skills Computer Applications On-line Learning Mobile Learning 81 8. Did students in your class participant in the following activities: STEM related field trip(s), STEM guest speaker(s), interdisciplinary project(s)/assignment(s), math/science problems from a textbook, actual real-life application of STEM fields, STEM career awareness class discussions, activities that develop creativity and innovation skills, computer applications, on-line learning, and mobile learning. If they did, please explain the activity(s). {Facilitator should go through each activity one at a time, giving the participant time to talk and share.} 9. Did students in your class participant in the following activities: STEM related field trip(s), STEM guest speaker(s), interdisciplinary project(s)/assignment(s), math/science problems from a textbook, actual real-life application of STEM fields, STEM career awareness class discussions, activities that develop creativity and innovation skills, computer applications, on-line learning, and mobile learning. For the activities students did not participate in, please describe the barriers. {Facilitator should go through each activity one at a time, giving the participant time to talk and share.} 10. Other comments about STEM Education, 21st century skills, and/or the 2010-2011 school year that you would like to share? Collection of Materials Facilitator needs to: Verify that the participant signed the participant sign-in sheet. Then collect the sign-in sheet. 82 Collect Participant’s Stipend Form. Collect Participant’s STEM Activity Table. Closing the Personal Interview Discussion “Thank you for participating in the interview. The information gathered today will be used to help identify the successes/struggles of integrating STEM Education. The data will be evaluated to determine the new technologies/ideas/practices/content teachers are using to promote 21st century skills. It will also be used to determine how students are being encouraged to explore STEM fields. Have a great day. (shake participant’s hand) Thank you for your help in this study.”