NICA Collider: status and further steps O.S. Kozlov LHEP, JINR, Dubna for the NICA team Machine Advisory Committee, JINR, Dubna, October 19-20, 2015 1 Contents 1. Collider optics and parameters 2. Instabilities in collider 3. Correction systems of the rings 4. Dynamic Aperture estimation 5. Multipole corrector parameters 6. Collider optics: further steps 2 1. Collider general parameters Circumference, m Number of bunches Rms bunch length, m Beta-function at IP, m Betatron tunes, Qx / Qy Chromaticity, Q’x / Q’y Ring acceptance, mmmrad Long. acceptance, p/p Gamma-transition, tr Ion energy, GeV/u Ion number per bunch Rms p/p, 10-3 Rms beam emittance, hor/vert, (unnormalized), mmmrad Luminosity, cm2s1 IBS growth time, sec Tune shift, Qtotal =QSC +2 503.04 22 0.6 0.35 9.44 / 9.44 -33 / -28 40 0.010 7.088 1.0 3.0 4.5 2.0∙108 2.4∙109 2.3∙109 0.55 1.15 1.5 1.1/ 1.1/ 1.1/ 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.6∙1025 1.0∙1027 1.0∙1027 160 460 1800 -0.050 -0.037 -0.011 3 1. Collider Optics Periodic Cell Lcell=11.96m Ldip=1.94m Bmax=1.8T Lquad=0.46m Gmax=23T/m Lcorr=0.30m (dipole, quadrole, sextupole, octupole windings) 4 1. Collider Optics Optics for both beams (Half of the Ring). L(Triplet-IP)=5.25m Dy not compensated 5 1.2. Collider Ring scheme & Layout, Ion Mode 6 1.2. Collider Ring scheme & Layout, Ion Mode Stochastic cooling systems layout in collider SC system parameters: W=24 GHz, P= up to 500 W amplifier, L_pickup=2m 7 2. Specification of the instabilities in NICA collider Sidorin,Zenkevich 8 2. Specification of the instabilities in NICA collider Sidorin,Zenkevich 9 3.1. Dipole correction: Closed Orbit Correction Magnet alignment tolerances realized by geodetic system and relative dipole guiding field tolerance Error Type Dipole magnets: Quadrupole magnets: Relative field error, (BL)/(BL) R.m.s. value 0.0005 Longitudinal displacement, S 0.5 mm Transverse displacement, Y 0.5 mm Roll error, 0.5 mrad Transverse displacement, X/ Y 0.10/0.10 mm 10 2.1. Closed Orbit Correction C.O. Distortion Statistics for N=100 random orbits Horizontal orbit [mm]: Xmin Vertical orbit [mm]: Ymin Xmax Ymax <X> <Y> -17.4 18.1 5.7 -19.1 14.6 5.6 Maximal/minimal horizontal/vertical pickup readings before/after correction 11 2.1. Closed Orbit Correction C.O. Correction Algorithm - MICADO C.O. Correction Statistics for required r.m.s residual orbit=0.1 mm Horizontal orbit [mm]: Xmin Xmax <X> -0.55 0.49 0.12 Vertical orbit [mm]: Ymax <Y> -0.53 0.62 0.13 Ymin Maximal corrector strenght: max X/Y [mr] 0.30 / 0.30 Max. number of used correctors 25 Correction Quality X/Y 33/30 Required maximal values of horizontal/vertical corrector strength. 12 3.2. Quadrupole correction of tune Nominal Betatron Tunes Qx/Qy=9.44 9.46 require for effective Stochastic Cooling in Energy range 3 4.5 GeV/u; Qx/Qy=9.10 – second possible working point: Ecool up to 3GeV/u, larger DA; Collider correction range: Qx/Qy=9.109.46 ; Main collider quadrupoles: Imax=11kA Trim quadrupoles families in long straights used for tune correction together with another Tune diagram up to 7th matching conditions: Imax=1kA resonance order 13 3.2. Quadrupole correction of tune Tuning of the ring with trim quadrupoles (an example for 1 half of the straight section). 14 3.3. Skew quadrupole corrections: Coupling Sources of X/Y coupling in collider: Solenoids: MPD: Bs=0.5T, Leff=5.8m; ECool: Bs=0.2T, Leff=6.0m Quadrupoles random roll: =0.1mrad expected Solenoid effects: Tune Shifts X/Y Coupling, but x y Correction @ Ek=1GeV/u : Tune Shifts: min +/-0.01, max +/- 0.03 Coupling: correction of 2 nearest resonances Qx-Qy=0, Qx+Qy=19 by skew quads (or solenoids). MPD[ + ], ECool [ - ] 4 Skew Quadrupole Families K1[m-2]: -0.0209, +0.0048, +0.0068, +0.0176 Gmax=0.3[T/m] LSQ =0.3m 15 3.3. Skew quadrupole corrections: Coupling Correction of 2 nearest coupling resonances with harmonics p=0, 19: Qx ± Qy = p p = (4 )-1 KL( x y )1/2 exp[i( x ± y - (Q x ± Qy - p) ] Betatron tunes and tune Splits: QX/ QY Unpertubed tunes Qx-Qy=0 Qx+Qy=19 Difference resonance modes before correction Difference resonance modes after correction QX/ QY 9.4352/ 9.4374 9.4257/ 9.4477 9.4356/ 9.4378 -0.0100/+0.0100 +0.0004/+0.0004 16 3.3. Skew quadrupole corrections: Dy Dispersion functions: horizontal Dx, vertical Dy (before/after correction) Correction of the vertical dispersion Dy could be provided by at least 2 additional skew quadrupole families located in arcs near maxima of Dx-dispersion (8 correctors, Gmax= 1 T/m) 17 3.4. Sextupole correction, Chromaticity of tune Cancellation of sextupole nonlinearity influence on DA : =1800 between correctors of one family (F/D) Sextupoles adjusted to minimaze tune variation: 4 families of sextupole correctors for second order chromaticity correction, Tune spread over the momentum acceptance ±4 p before (1) and after (2) correction Natural chromaticities: Q’x=-33, Q’y=-28 ( Q’x,y~20 from 2 IPs) Corrected chromaticities: Q’x=-1.5, Q’y=-1.5 Ncorr=24, G’max=150T/m^2 18 3.5. System of Octupole correctors 1. Compensation Amplitude dependent Tune Spread from Sextupoles: 2 families of Octupole correctors in arcs (Nf=Nd=10), Gmax=400T/m3. 2. Introduction Amplitude dependent Tune Spread to compensate head-tail instability: Corrected (low) chromaticity could decrease higher order modes of beam instability and improve DA consequently beam lifetime; Too low chromaticity can make the beam unstable due to weak head-tail instability ; One way to compansate this effect is to introduce octupoles to create large amplitude dependent tune spread; If the shifted coherent tunes due to wake fields is within incoherent betatron tune spread or synchrotron tunes all unstable higher mode can be damped by Landau damping; Problems from octupoles: additional 2nd order chromaticity, reduction of DA 19 4. Dynamic Aperture No space charge X/Y DAs @ IP for Chrom. Correction Q’x,y=0: DAx=150pi, Day=180pi (B/B)3,dip=4E-4 (EK = 1GeV/u) DAx = 140pi, DAy = 140pi 20 4. Dynamic Aperture DA simulation with MAD-X code methods: 1. Thin lenses approximation – Symplectic integration of particle motion; 2. PTC - Polymorphic Tracking Code – Symplecticity + Space Charge . Conditions for calculations: RF cavities, Chromaticity sextupoles, Dipole nonlinearities (odd harmonics) ON Npart=105 – max.number of particles: Nturn=103105 – number of turns. The long-term DA is evaluated by the Giovannozzi approach: where D- asymptotic DA, b and k parameters are defined from dependency D(N). Results: Asymptotical DA for Qx,y =9.44/9.44 working point: D=100 mmmrad (PTC), 60 mmmrad (tnin lens) > Ax,y=40 mmmrad 21 4. Dynamic Aperture Zenkevich, Bolshakov Dynamic Aperture (PTC), “survival plot” Dynamic aperture, envelope (PTC). Npart=105 – number of particles Nturn=103 – number of turns 22 4. Dynamic Aperture Dynamic aperture (PTC, thin-lens methods and approximations) vs number of turns Nturn. Npart=105 – max.number of particles Nturn=105 – max.number of turns 23 5. Multipole corrector Set of multipole correcting elements for 1 ring Multipole Component Dipole Quadrupole “Skew quadrupole Sextupole Octupole Function Closed orbit correction and control Betatron tune correction Coupling compensation and vert. disp. correction Chromaticity of tune control Second order corrections Max. Max. parameter parameter of of magnetic power supply field [kA-turns] Number 0.15 Т 8.0 40 2.2 Т/m 3.8 12 1.0 Т/m 1.7 4; 8 150 Т/m2 5.7 48 400 Т/m3 3.8 20 24 6. Optimization of Collider optics and beam dynamics Main quadrupoles (max 11kA) + Trim-Quadrupoles families (max 1kA) : betatron tunes correction in range Qx/Qy=9.19.46; Introduction of additional skew quads families for Dy-correction near IP; Further considerations for optics and dynamics: * variation at IP, *=[0.351.0] m; Resonances correction (various multipoles) ; Systems of (scraper-collimator) for localization of particle losses with large amplitudes; Further simulation of long term Dynamic Aperture with space charge, also taking into account fringe fields of the magnetic elements; Checking of beam dynamics at working point Qx/Qy~9.1, and QxQy. 25 6. * variation Characteristic IBS growth times (sec), tX tY tL (MAD-X, beam parameters – Table p.3) EK=1.0 GeV/u EK=3.0 GeV/u EK=4.5 GeV/u *=0.35 m max=190 m 220 600 2000 *=1.0 m max =65 m 300 900 2500 s * s2 * 26 6. Fringe fields effect Zenkevich,Bolshakov preliminary results Dynamic Aperture (PTC tracking), Npart=105, Nturn=103 , taking into account Final Focus Quadrupoles Fringe fields: (6th, 10th, 14th order resonances excitation) small DA Dynamic Aperture (PTC tracking) with Fringe field and MPD Solenoid Working point: Qx=9.34, Qy=9.32 27 Thank you for your attention ! 28 1.2. Collider Ring scheme & Layout, Polarized Mode MPD Polarization Control 1-st Solenoid SS 2-nd Solenoid SS Polarization Control SPD 29