World Religions What is religion?


Good Afternoon!

• Hope you all had a restful weekend! 5 days to go!

• As you come in, please grab the following from the front table:

• 1) Introduction to World Religion

• 2) Paragraph Rubric



•  Last day to hand in is THIS FRIDAY

• If you are missing any OUTSTANDING

ASSIGNMENTS be prepared to join me at

60 min school tomorrow if I do not have anything handed in to me by tomorrow!

Reminders: Legacy of Rome Paragraph is due WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 th !!

• You must include your outline and the paragraph rubric along with your good copy!

• Advice:


• 2) Your paragraph should be 8-12 sentences

• 3) Make sure all of your points relate to the topic! Ask yourself “so what? Why is this important?

” as you proof read your paragraph

Secret Santa?

• Do you want to do a class Secret Santa?

World Religions

What is religion?

= Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

What do you know about the religions of the world?

What I Know



Around The










What do you wonder?

Your Beliefs

What do you believe in? Write about your own personal beliefs.

Hopefully the following questions can get your thinking started…


Are you religious? What does the word religious mean to you? Do you believe in a god or many gods? Do you feel that you have a soul? Is there a reality beyond that of the material world? Is death the end or a new beginning? Is there a purpose to life or is it just a series of random events? Is there really such a thing as right or wrong? What do you believe in?

Taken from Exploring World Religions: The

Canadian Perspective

Religions Around The World

We will be examining 6 of the major religions of our world:








Understanding World Religions (20 mins)

Wordle Art

1) Go to:

2) Type your “ My Beliefs ” reflection into Wordle


3) In order to save your art…Press “ Ctrl ” and “ Print Screen ” . Open up either

Microsoft Word or Paint and “ paste ” your art. Note: You will need to crop parts of the image in order to see only the art portion of what you pasted.

4) Print your Wordle Art. This page will act as the title page for your final assessment of our religions unit.

The Purpose of Religion

• Brainstorm…

Respecting Other People ’ s Beliefs

1) Do you think people make assumptions about other ’ s religions, based on their own religious beliefs? Why? Provide examples?

2) Think back to the discussion we had last unit about tolerance. What does tolerance mean? What does religious tolerance mean?

3) What does religious intolerance look like?

Sound like? Feel like? Provide as many examples as you can.

4) What does religious tolerance look like?

Sound like? Feel like? Provide as many examples as you can.

5) Do you think religious tolerance exists in

Canada? Explain why or why not.

6) Why is religious tolerance is important?

Brain Pop…

Introduction to Religions Around the World

1) You and a partner will be assigned a specific religion.

2) Your task is to find an image of children and/or teens

“practicing” their religion.

3) You will share and explain your image with the class.

4) You must include:

A. An introduction to what the religion is

B. An image projected on the overhead screen

C. A description of what the individuals are doing

D. A description of why they are doing what they are doing

Major Religions of the World:

Basic Information

Use the following websites to complete the chart for the religion you have been given to research.!__world-religions

Major Religions of the World:

Important Symbols

Compare cont paper


Rethinking my Beliefs

Now that we have looked at the purpose and aspects of different religions…revisit your beliefs…. ??????????????????
