CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CVs) FULL-TIME ASSIGNMNET (CONSULTANT SERVICES) REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Sector: General industry and trade sector Project ID Number: P144103 Expression of interest: CEP-II/B/CS-11/2-IC-14 The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the International Development Association and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for implementation of the Second Competitiveness Enhancement Project (CEP II). The project's development objective is to increase the export competitiveness of Moldovan enterprises and decrease the regulatory burden they face. This PDO will be achieved through a set of measures that aim to: (i) improve the business environment through regulatory reforms that reduce the cost of doing business; (ii) help SMEs and exporters to get access to business development services; and (iii) improve access to medium and long term finance for export oriented enterprises. The project consists of the following components: Component 1: Regulatory Reform The objective of the Regulatory Reform component is to support Government of Moldova (GoM) in improving the business enabling environment in Moldova, and specifically in implementing its regulatory reform strategies over the next five years. Component 2: Small and Medium Enterprise Development The objective of the SME Development component is to strengthen Moldovan SMEs’ linkages to markets and ability to compete in those markets through: a) Sub-component 2A. Strengthening the institutional capacity of ODIMM and MIEPO, so that they can play a more effective role in facilitating market-based SME growth and b) Sub-component 2B. Providing matching grants to SMEs to implement business improvement projects focused on export competitiveness. Component 3: Access to Finance The objective of the Access to Finance component is to improve access to medium and long-term finance for exportoriented enterprises, reduce barriers to finance due to perceived high credit risk in SME finance and high collateral requirements, and promote suitable models for value chain financing. Context of SMEs and Export Development in Moldova Given the economic landscape of Moldova, and the government’s strong commitment to competitiveness and export growth, there is a clear need to promote SME development. SMEs comprise 98 percent of Moldova’s private sector, while accounting for 58 percent of the national employment and 28 percent of GDP. However, SMEs’ participation in exports is hampered by excessive regulation, restrictive business practices, and lack of capacity. The market of business services for SMEs is fragmented and lacks adequate quality controls and trust of market participants. The interaction of state agencies (such as ODIMM and MIEPO) with SMEs has been of varying quality, and a considerable effort is needed to support these agencies in delivering services that are relevant and effective for SME development and export promotion. Ministry of Economy (MoE) interested in improving the capacity of ODIMM and MIEPO, has taken the first steps towards restructuring MIEPO and has stated its interest in reforming ODIMM so that it can serve the needs of a broader range of companies. ODIMM and MIEPO suffer from both a lack of focus and a shortage of targeted programs and funds from the GoM to adequately address SME growth and export development. MIEPO has very limited professional staff and, subsequent to its early years when it was funded by the EU Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS) program and received technical assistance from Ireland and Germany, it became an institution without effective leadership and without sufficient funds to conduct even the most minimal of export and investment promotion functions. MIEPO has been primarily tasked with managing a general GoM fund for export and investment promotion that provides resources primarily for companies to attend trade shows/fairs. It is not providing any elements of the typology of export promotion and development functions in a comprehensive way 1 (business development, country/sector branding, market information, training, exporter finance, and sector upgrading). Linkages with international markets are important for Moldovan SMEs not only to increase and diversify their sources of revenue, but also in order to learn from industry participants in target markets about technological innovations, production techniques, and market trends that can help them increase their product quality and competitiveness. Consequently, MIEPO’s export promotion activities are complementary to ODIMM’s activities and directly related to improving the competitiveness of Moldovan SMEs in external markets. The sub-objectives of the SME Component of CEP II are the following: (i) strengthen the capacity of ODIMM and MIEPO to effectively address the needs of Moldovan SMEs that exhibit characteristics of companies with high growth and export development potential; (ii) improve the prospects for long-term sustainability of ODIMM and MIEPO and the programs which they administer through increased effectiveness of their programs, improved governance and organizational structures, and sufficient funding (from the government, donors, and the private sector) to maintain those programs and (iii) provide funding through a Matching Grant Facility to Moldovan SMEs to address market failures in access to business development services, which will increase their export competitiveness. The project will strengthen the capacity of MIEPO to facilitate business sophistication and integration into global supply chains for SMEs and exporters. This will contribute to the development of a vibrant and economically sustainable SME sector. As the DCFTA with the EU has made enterprise competitiveness even more crucial, MoE has requested that the project strengthen this institution as one of its main priorities. The project will help MIEPO to understand where and how its assistance can be most effective by understanding growth dynamics by type and subsector exporters. Based on assessments of these dynamics, the project will help MIEPO develop and implement strategies for effective assistance to SMEs and exporters, in a facilitating role (helping companies to access services provided by the private sector). MIEPO will restructure, develop, and broaden the services through new programs and delivery mechanisms to meet the needs of their client companies. MIEPO’s role is both strategic and operational; thus its staff must have professionals with different competences, experience and skills. One of the key positions to be hired under CEP II to support MIEPO in ensuring the effectiveness of its export development programs. The Government of Moldova is seeking the services of a local individual Consultant with expertise in export promotion and trade facilitation. This position would involve overseeing the development needs in terms of export promotion in general, and supporting the organization with the necessary advice related to development of the cross-sector export capacity. The expert is expected to make the organization more effective and also to bring technical expertise, and deliver tangible results as expected by the supervising authorities. Objectives of the assignment The consultant will provide assistance to MIEPO management on issues related to developing the export capacity of the economic sectors and bring technical expertise as well as enhance MIEPO’s value proposition to export oriented sectors of the National economy. The main objective of the Consultant is to ensure amplification of scope and effectiveness of programs, projects and action plans leading to the development of the export capacity and export markets. Main Responsibilities The Consultant will be responsible for: 1. Identifying, studying and reporting the key constraints to export capacity development; 2. Maintaining working relationships with the companies and associations from the export oriented sectors, government authorities, donors, and other stakeholders as necessary to facilitate the fulfillment of action plans and achievement of the MIEPO’ objectives; 3. Supporting MIEPO management in setting/reviewing annual specific objectives related to export enhancement; 4. Recommending, advocating and developing programs, projects and action plans for increasing companies’ export capacity to specific markets; 5. Leading the implementation of MIEPO’s specific programs, projects and action plans. Identifying potential sources of funding for such programs; 6. Developing the knowledge and capacity of MIEPO’s team of sectorial consultants in understanding international value chains, international sales, export diversification, new markets entrance and industry analysis. 7. Providing expert advice to assisted companies in developing their export ability and capacity; 2 8. Providing expert advice to companies with export potential in entering new markets and integrating into international value chains; 9. Monitoring & Evaluation of the performance of the assisted companies from the sector and propose any changes or additions required to ensure that the objectives will be achieved; 10. Developing databases of local and foreign contacts, events and benchmarks relevant for the development of export capacity. The consultant will carry out his tasks task under supervision of MIEPO management and in consultation with other relevant national stakeholders as appropriate. In its activity the Consultant will be guided by the institutional strategy to be developed under the project, which will include (i) programs and services to serve organization’s key client segments; (ii) delivery mechanisms for the programs and services; (iii) organizational and governance structure to ensure effective delivery of the programs and services, including position descriptions and qualifications; (iv) description of interactions with other relevant institutions in Moldova; (v) short-term and medium-term budgets that will allow the agency to implement the strategy; and (vi) an action plan for implementing the strategy, with milestones, indicators, and monitoring mechanisms. This assignment will require an individual local Consultant, who has: University degree in business and/or economics; Postgraduate studies in economics and/or business administration will be an asset; Minimum of five years of experience in providing advisory services and analytical work to public authorities and/or private sector of Moldova; Good knowledge of the economic sectors of Moldova, their needs, including knowledge about export markets, reflected by having a minimum of three years of practical experience in working on export promotion and trade facilitation issues; Experience in managerial or project management positions, including capabilities reflected by previous experience relevant to the assignment; Strong communication and teamwork skills; Fluency in Romanian and English and proven ability to develop documents in English; Computer proficiency (Windows, MS Office, Internet Explorer). The Project Implementation Unit of the Competitiveness Enhancement Project now invites eligible individual local consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CV, copy of the diploma, description of similar assignments, copy of the certificate(s) confirming trainings attended, etc.). This Call for Expression of Interest will lead to the preparation of a Short List of consultants. For evaluation of the expressions of interest the following criteria will be applied: # 1. 2. 3. 4. Criteria Academic background and professional qualification Experience in providing advisory services and analytical work to public authorities and/or private sector of Moldova in the field of export promotion Good knowledge of the economic sectors of Moldova, their needs, including knowledge about export markets, reflected by having a minimum of three years of practical experience in working on export promotion and trade facilitation issues Experience in managerial or project management positions, including capabilities reflected by previous experience relevant to the assignment Points 10 35 40 15 A consultant will be selected as an Individual Consultant in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, published in January 2011. The assignment will be implemented in the period from September 2015 – May 2017, with a trial period for the first three months, and will be approximately 21 man-months in duration. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to17:00 hours (Chisinau time). Expressions of interest must be delivered on paper to the address below or electronically by e-mail by September 23, 2015, 17-00 (Chisinau time). 3 Project Implementation Unit of the Competitiveness Enhancement Project; 180, Stefan cel Mare Ave., office 815, MD2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Tel: + 373 22 296-723; e-mail: 4