Test Review - Canadian History 11

Test Review #2 – Canadian History 11
Chapters 4-6
What is total war? How is it different from previous forms of war? (pg. 47)
What are the years of the First World War?
What are the years of the Second World War?
How did Canadians feel about entering the First World War? The Second World War?
Why? (ex. Were they enthusiastic, sad, fearful, etc.)
5. What are the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance (Name 3 countries in each) (pg. 47)
6. Why did Canada enter the First World War? (see Robert Borden’s Speech)
7. Why did Canada enter the Second World War? (see handout: State of the Nation on the
Eve of War)
8. What is conscription and why was it introduced in the World Wars?
9. Do you personally support conscription? Why or why not?
10. Why were most French Canadians opposed to conscription?
11. How many Canadians died in both World Wars?
12. How did Canadians contribute on the war effort from the home front in the First World
War? (pg. 48)
13. What were the four main battles that we studied from the First World War? Give two key
points for each (See Battle Charts Answer Key online).
14. What are U-boats, merchant marines, and convoys? How are they related to one another?
15. What is the RAF? How did Canada’s air force contributions change between the two
World Wars?
16. What are the purposes/key elements of the War Measures Act, the Military Voters Act,
and the Wartime Elections Act? (pg. 51-54)
17. Be able to describe the contributions of minority groups within Canada to both wars and
describe how they changed over time (women, French Canadians, Aboriginal Peoples,
African Canadians) (pg. 52-53 and pg. 64-66)
18. How did Women’s Rights change in the First World War? (pg. 54)
19. When did the First World War end?
20. What is the League of Nations? Was it successful?
21. What is the Treaty of Versailles and what is its significance to Canada?
22. Who is Robert Borden?
23. Give two ways that Canadians memorialize the First World War.
24. Which four countries began expanding their territory despite disapproval from the
League of Nations? Who were their leaders ? (See Questions for WWII In Colour Movie)
25. What is blitzkrieg?
26. Immediately before the war, Hitler began to expand/annex and invade. What countries
did he expand to/annex and which countries did he invade? What is the difference?
27. Who was Mackenzie King?
28. What is the purpose of wartime propaganda?
29. What is BCATP (pg. 60)?
30. What are the four battles which we studied for the Second World War? Which ones were
a success and which ones were failures?
31. Why was Dieppe important to D-Day?
32. What was the significance of D-Day to the Allied War effort?
33. What is the Baby Boom?
34. What is CWAC? What jobs were available to members of CWAC? How is that different
from the First World War?
35. What are internment camps? Describe conditions in internment camps and give reasons
for/against their existence.
36. Who did the Canadian Government intern during the Second World War and why?
37. What was Canada’s role in the Holocaust (pg. 69)? Why did we spend less time in class
on the Holocaust than on the Liberation of the Netherlands?
38. Why did we, as historians, read about Dieppe from a German perspective?
39. What is VE Day? What is VJ Day?
40. What weapon did the USA use on Japan?
41. How was Germany divided between Allied Forces after the Second World War?
42. What was the Cold War? Between which years did it take place?
43. Who were the two Superpowers in the Cold War?
44. What is communism? What is capitalism? Which Superpowers supported each?
45. What was Canada’s role in the Cold War? (see Cold War Powerpoint)
46. What is the Gouzenko Affair?
47. What is NATO/UN/NORAD?