Schoolwide Planning ESEA Odyssey August 2013 Presented by Melinda Bessner Oregon Department of Education Purpose O In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of schoolwide program planning and the transitional step to using Indistar, Oregon’s new school-level planning tool. Agenda for today O Review schoolwide planning requirements & process O Introduction to Indistar tool O Timeline for transition Thinking about going Schoolwide? First you need to answer the following questions . . . . The Show Stoppers Are all staff members (licensed & paraprofessionals) highly qualified? Is your free & reduced lunch percentage higher than 40%*? Are you planning or have you participated in schoolwide planning for one school year? If you answered YES to all of the above, You may proceed . . OR Are you already schoolwide and need to transition to Indistar? Here’s what you need . . What do you need to know about Schoolwide Plans? SWP Ten Components Comprehensive needs assessment Transitions and collaboration Identify researchbased reform strategies Parental Involvement Student assessment of progress Timely student assistance Highly qualified staff •Retain and recruit Professional development Annual evaluation Fiscal coordination Steps for Initial Planning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine readiness & form team Conduct a Needs Assessment Assess & address school’s Comprehensive Achievement Indicators Design program & create a plan Upload required documentation Complete supplemental questions Monitor the plan & district review Starting to Plan Assess readiness and support of staff and bldg leadership for schoolwide program Establish Schoolwide Planning Team Schoolwide planning summary (Establish meeting dates, agenda topics / planning steps, and participants) Communication Technical Assistance (With what do you need assistance and from whom?) Using Indistar O Go to School’s Dashboard School’s Main Page Step 1: SWP Team O Schoolwide Planning Team includes: O Parents O Licensed staff O Classified staff O Administrators O District staff O Title I-A staff Step 2: Conduct Comprehensive Needs Assessment O Steps for conducting the Needs Assessment 1. Creating or Reviewing a school profile O What do we look like now? Consider the following: O Student Needs O Curriculum and Instruction O Professional Development O Family & Community Involvement O School Context & Organization Step 2: Conduct Comprehensive Needs Assessment (cont.) O 2. Identify & Analyze Data Either using your district’s data collection & analysis tools or ODE’s suggested tools (located at O 3. Review results O 4. Determine areas of need Comprehensive Needs Assessment O A needs assessment based on the Five Key Dimensions of Achievement O Student achievement O School context and organization O Curriculum and instruction O Professional development O Family and community involvement O The following worksheets should be included: O Data Collection O Data Analysis O Prioritization of Needs Worksheets Step 2: Conduct Comprehensive Needs Assessment (cont.) After determining needs, answer the following question on the Title I-A Supplemental Program Form: “Describe how the school has completed a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based on information which included the achievement of children in relation to the state academic content standards. The summary should include information from multiple measures of data from all five key areas of effectiveness –student achievement, district and school structure and culture, teaching and learning, educator effectiveness, and family and community involvement. The data should be cross-analyzed to identify the needs of educationally disadvantaged students.” Step 3: Assess & Address Indicators Step 3: Assess & Address Indicators Step 3: Assess & Address Indicators Step 3: Assess & Address Indicators Step 3: Assess & Address Indicators Step 3: Address Indicators O Use the SWP Indicator Checklist/Crosswalk to specifically address your current level of implementation Indicator ID Indicator Description Key Points that must be addressed TL 4.2 A system is in place for assessing and monitoring student achievement relative to state standards. In your school’s response to this indicator, you should address, describe, or outline the following key points: Teacher selected, on-going student assessments are noted and include the frequency for administering them and professional development needed to effectively use the results. (SWP Component – Student Assessment of Progress) O The crosswalk is located at Step 4: Create Plan Step 4: Create Plan & Assign Tasks Schoolwide Compliance O When you are “access & addressing indicators” O We look at current level of implementation for areas of compliance. O You do not need to be at full implementation to be compliant. O If you are not compliant in an area, we then look at your list of tasks as part of your plan. Components of a Plan Access & Address Indicators Supplemental Questions Upload Documents Step 5: Upload Documents O The following documents need to be uploaded into the Indistar “Filing Cabinet” O Signed Principal Attestation forms O School/Parent Compact (in all relevant languages) O School’s Title I-A Family Involvement Plan O Budget worksheet (new SWP plans only) Step 5: Upload Documents Step 5: Upload Documents Step 6: Supplemental Questions Comprehensive Needs Assessment: •Describe how the school has completed a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based on information which included the achievement of children in relation to the state academic content standards. The summary should include information from multiple measures of data from all five key areas of effectiveness –student achievement, district and school structure and culture, teaching and learning, educator effectiveness, and family and community involvement. The data should be cross-analyzed to identify the needs of educationally disadvantaged students. Family & Community Involvement: •Please describe how parents are informed of their school’s participation in Title I and its requirements. In addition, describe how parents are informed of their rights and opportunities to be involved. In your response, please provide the date of your annual Title IA meeting. On-going Plan to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Schoolwide Plan •Please describe how the district has provided ongoing support for the implementation of the school’s plan. In addition, describe how the district annually reviews the school’s plan and provides feedback. Components of a Plan Access & Address Indicators Supplemental Questions Upload Documents Timeline for transition What to expect that you may not be expecting . . . Moving towards Indistar 2013-14 All new schoolwide (SWP) plans 2014-15 All new targeted assistance (TAS) plans 2014-15 Last year of transition Fall 2016 All SWP & TAS plans will be Indistar Questions? SWP Planning? Forms? Indistar? Resources? Contact Information Melinda Bessner ODE Education Specialist 503-947-5626