December 2014 Epistle - Calvary Lutheran, Minong WI

PO BOX 159 MINONG, WI 54859
The Ministers: All members of Calvary
Pastor: Reverend Sara Pearson
Altar Guild – Connie Visger & Judy Denninger
Church Office:
January 5th
Ushers –
Acolyte –
Lector – John Hermeier
Communion Asst. –
Tabulator -
*These are the normal hours … any number of
schedule conflicts, i.e. funerals, pastor’s
conferences, etc. may cause these times to vary.
January 12th
Ushers – Marge Waggoner & Kaylee Dennis
Lector –
Acolyte – Kaylee Dennis
Tabulator -
Pastor Sara @home: 1-402-990-9973
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday through Friday
9am to 3pm*
Evangelism –
Memorial – Bob Larson
Property – Mike Hopkins
Stewardship –
Worship/Music – Pastor Sara
Education –
Mutual Ministry – Kathy Turek
Connie Visger
Marge Waggoner
January 19th
Ushers – Warren & Dee Heuer
Acolyte – Audrie Michie
Lector –
Communion Asst. –
Tabulator January 26th
Ushers – Martha & Emily Larson
Acolyte – Riley Sears
Lector –
Tabulator -
John Hermeier
Vice President
Terrell Sather
Denise Huset
Mike Hopkins, Roger Wojt, Bill Fye, John
Hermeier, Terry Sather, Dee Heuer and
Denise Huset.
*If you need to make a change in the
schedule please contact the church office
with the changes by Thursday. Thank you.
the meantime, Pastor Nate and I hope to move into the
new home sometime in January. Exciting!
Greetings Calvary!
It is cold here! For all of you snowbirds, smart move!
For all of you hardy folks who stay here throughout the
winter, huddle close! As we head into the New Year, I
wanted to take some time and update you all on a few
things around here at Calvary and in the community.
First, our confirmation and after-school program is
going very well! The confirmands are working their way
through the small catechism (the teachings of the ELCA
on matters such as baptism, communion, creeds, and
worship). The after-school kids have been learning
about Jesus’ birth and early life. We had a delightful
Christmas program on the 15th, complete with cookies
and coffee afterwards. The youth also helped with our
Christmas eve decorations, making our sanctuary and
entryway an inviting and holy space! It is such a joy to
work with these youth and I am so very thankful for all
of the folks who help teach—Beth Knowlton, Julie
Hermeier, Terry Loomer, Roger and Lorna Wilson, and
Julie Hill. We have also been well-fed with both snack
and meal-makers throughout the school year. It is such
a gift to eat together, and share in table grace with one
another. In the hectic schedules that these kids have,
moments of peace are good for the spirit! We are also
very blessed, thanks to Chet and Clenora Holversten to
have lent us the 15 passenger van for the year. Because
of this van, we are able to bring all of the kids from
Northwood to church on Wednesdays and plan
impromptu youth events throughout the year.
Second, a vote was held in the first part of December to
decide on accepting Jack and Mary Jo Link’s offer to
swap the parsonage for the Adaline Link home. We
were short 7 votes from a quorum, but the vote was
unanimous, and many folks expressed support via
email. We will revote in the spring to make it official. In
As the year comes to a close, I have been taking some
time to reflect on the past year. I am excited for where
our youth programs are heading and all of the people
who make it possible. I am also saddened yet blessed
by the beloved friends and members who we have laid
to rest. Life and ministry are full of joys, questions,
sadness, beauty, and wonder. May the New Year be a
blessing for us all and give us all the new beginnings
that we need! In the name of the Lord of New
Beginnings…Jesus Christ! Amen.
Pastor Sara
What’s happening at calvary
Wendy’s with Pastor Sara. Join Pastor Sara
the First Friday’s of the month for breakfast,
coffee, and conversation. We will begin at
9am and end around 11am.
Bible Study Continues throughout the
winter, meeting Friday’s here at the church
at 10:00am.
Help with Worship Please sign up for
ushering, lecturing, screens, and
communion assistant. Also, if you would
like to sponsor and dedicate a bulletin the
new sign-ups for the year of 2014 are up!
Quilters: The Quilters will be meeting
January 6th and 7th at 9:00am in the church
WELCA will not be meeting during the
months of January or February. See you
next March.
Youth Corner
Youth Christmas Program will be held
December 14th during our regular service.
Calvary Lutheran Church Council Meeting
November 16, 2014
Present: Pastor Sara, Dee Heuer, Denise Huset,
Terrell Sather, Bill Fye, Roger Wojt, Mike Hopkins,
John Hermeier
Absent: Youth Representatives
The council meeting was called to order by John
Hermeier. Opening devotions and prayer lead by
Pastor Sara.
Amendments/Modifications to the agenda: no
Reports the van was given as a gift and the title will
be transferred to the church. The insurance should
not increase a great deal. All approved of the
Confirmation is going well at this time. Sunday
Evening worship service was well attended for the
first night with 12 people attending. The next
Sunday evening service will be December 7th at
Hanging of the Greens service is scheduled for
December 7th, the kid’s Christmas Pageant is
scheduled for December 21st and Christmas Eve
service is at 7 pm.
Secretary’s Report: no report
Simply Giving program has started.
Treasurer’s Report: John Hermeier and Connie
Visger met and made changes to the monthly
statement with a new breakdown. All of the
designated gifts information was pulled out as it is
outside of the normal giving process. Only the
normal course of business aspects will be in the
statement. With special offerings, those will be
separated and will appear in a different statement
with information regarding the designated fund and
specific purpose. The contract was analyzed and
re-done for Pastor Sara, and is close to being ready
to be signed. This will then be updated every year.
The Memorial Fund was discussed regarding what
it is for and how it was set up. Bob Larson is in
charge of this fund.
Discussed sending a Thank You note from the
church to the Link Foundation for their assistance
with the church. Pastor Sara will get this ready.
Pastor’s Report:
Discussed how can we be good Christian’s
regarding the homeless and how can we help as a
church? Should it be on a case by case basis or
should a policy be made? After discussion, at this
time, will continue on an individual basis depending
on the needs of the person. Notes there is no
temporary shelter in this area. Should there be
something we add to the church at some point,
such as a shower and locked area they can stay
There are 5 elementary aged children completing
their First Communion classes and will be
celebrating their First Communions throughout the
next month. Four people have been baptized over
the past month, and one adult is scheduled soon.
Committee Reports:
● Mutual Ministry: is coming together
● Property: the gas lines are up to both
buildings. The water heaters have been
purchased and are here. The pipe was
buried that was needed from the meter
around the church. The only thing left to do
is to wait for JIm Schultz to hook up both
buildings which should be around the first
week of December. Discussed the ceiling
tiles at the parsonage losing heat and need
insulation as does the basement. The
parsonage will need air conditioning at
some point. John discussed putting an
itemized list together regarding the needs
for the church and parsonage about the
remodeling needs. To be ready by next
month’s meeting. Will then start prioritizing
the list. Meeting was scheduled for January
18th for the mid year gathering at 10 am.
Would like to get ideas from the church
members regarding the church needs both
structurally and cosmetically prior to the
meeting. Will have a suggestion box
somewhere in the church.
Christian Education/Confirmation: No report
Evangelism: No report
WELCA: met first Thursday of the month
and had a good speaker at their meeting.
Stewardship: Simply giving - 5 people have
signed up.
Worship/Music: 12 people attending first
Sunday evening service. May have this
service every Sunday starting in the Spring,
depending on attendance. Regarding the
updating of the sign in front, should we have
themes for a few weeks and have the
Worship committee do it?
Youth: is going well.
Social Concerns: No report
OLD BUSINESS: Regarding the parsonage
transfer, John reported that all has been given to
the recorder office and should be done this week.
Natural gas was discussed earlier. Discussed
review of mission and what the next step will be.
This will be discussed on the 18th as to when the
next meeting will be scheduled. Compensation
Plan: updated earlier with treasurer’s report.
NEW BUSINESS: Friday Pastor Sara is taking a
Continuing Education day, and is going to a church
finance workshop in the Twin CIties. She will be on
Vacation 11/24 through 12/1. Will have guest
pastor for the 30th
12/7 - John
12/14 - Dee
12/21 - Bill
12/24 - Terrell
12/28 - Terrell
1/4 - Denise
1/11 - Roger
1/18 - Dee
1/25 - Bill
Next meeting date: December Thursday 18th at
the Parsonage at 6:00 pm. Everyone to bring a
dish. Spouses and kids welcome.
Adjournment/Closing Prayer: Lord’s Prayer.
Motion to adjourn by John Hermeier. Seconded by
Terrell Sather. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully yours,
Denise Huset