2012 Scheeler Community Packet (Trash)

COMMUNITY: It’s Streets Ahead!
All questions by Drew Scheeler.
38 tossups plus a written quiz activity.
1. This song describes a little boy who can’t go where the others do because of his looks and earlier
mentions a man in a silk suit who hurries by. An unintentional parody of this song describes how “Annie
believes in me” and mention “standing in the bookstore line, waiting for the bell to chime.” Pierce
plagiarizes this song’s piano melody for the new Greendale school song, which is also heavily sampled in
the Tupac song Changes. For 10 points identify this song that describes how “some things will never
change… but don’t you believe them,” the most lasting hit for Bruce Hornsby and the Range.
ANSWER: The Way it Is
2. One behind-the-scenes video about a guest star appearing in a scene with these urges viewers to
watch Community “on hulu.com if the recession got u for ur cable.”One song about these is taken from
the Songs in the Key of Realness album and describes putting on one’s highest heels and shortest skirt.
That song is performed by Urbana Champaign, as played by television drag personality Shangela who
sings “I’ve got a pocket full of [these items.]” These are the best device for concealing one’s penis.
Pierce’s family makes their fortune, for 10 points, by selling what sanitary product?
ANSWER: Hawthorne Wipes or Hawthorne Moist Towlettes or Hawthornes
3. The first of these reveals the subject had to pay late fees on a BluRay copy of Dan in Real Life he kept
for a few extra days and laments that video jockeys don’t watch movies anymore. That work also
mentions an unseen “outfit of the day” companion series. The second of these reveals that “Sexy
Dreadlocks Guy” lives with a certain student and features a potato chip shaped like a duck. One subject
of these works is $5.99 at Kroger and leads the tester to exclaim “the cheese is good, the sauce is good
too!” For 10 points, Eugenio’s Frozen Four Cheese Pizza and Let’s Potato Chips have been the subjects of
what internet segment hosted by a curmudgeonly Greendale student?
ANSWER: Leonard’s Youtube Food Reviews [or any clear knowledge equivalent]
4. During a montage set to the second movement of Layla, this character leaves a note saying “you
should have appreciated me.” This character first appears after Troy asks this character “isn’t it cool
being friends with the biggest man on campus”? Troy later says “he has more lactic acid than us” and
“you’ll be begging for his company come Tuesday.” This character can do whatever he wants with his
Twitter account and was named following a contest. It’s not Ben Chang but this character has lived in
the Greendale vents where he stole the group’s pen. For 10 points, identify this character played by
Crystal, a monkey named for Alison Brie’s character’s mammaries.
ANSWER: Annie’s Boobs
5. After a conflict concerning this issue is resolved a character opens a drawer to reveal a gun and a book
featuring Fred Berry on the cover. This idea was the subject of a critical interpretation that traces a
character’s genealogy all the way back to Caesar and an argument over this idea leads Professor Peter
Sheffield to exclaim “I am not a fan, I am not a groupie, I am an academic.” That Stephen Topolowski
character is upset after Abed posits the answer to this question as “Angela, not Tony Micelli” as most
viewers assume. For 10 points identify this title question of a Tony Danza television series.
ANSWER: Who’s the Boss? [or Who Was the Boss? or any question mentioning the Boss]
6. Jeff admits “you can banter if you want to banter, but I’m leaving for lunch” shortly after the first
appearance of this phrase which is described as verbal wildfire and first applied to Abed’s social skills.
Annie questions if this phrase means “cool, or refers to miles” to which another character responds “if
you have to ask you’re” the opposite of this; that character also announces he’s “been there, coined
that.” For 10 points, identify this attempted catchphrase of Pierce that refers to upcoming roads, the
opposite of streets behind.
ANSWER: streets ahead
7. One person at this event asks “which way is the picnic?” after he mentions “ants, who vomit
chemicals into each other’s mouths to communicate”; that character confesses to calling a phone sex
line and saying he weighs 400 pounds to feel loved. A recount of the death of Chad is pivotal to this
event, where one character orders a spritzer. During this event one character delivers a monologue
explaining a fateful trip to California in which he visits the set of Cougar Town and poops his pants.
Occurring at the same time as a Pulp Fiction party, for 10 points identify this event featuring Joel McHale
and Danny Pudi, an homage to a film featuring Wallace Shaun and Andre Breton
ANSWER: ANY clear knowledge equivalent mentioning Jeff and Abed’s dinner during the Pulp Fiction
party which is actually a parody of My Dinner with Andre from the Critical Film Studies episode.
[NOTE TO MODERATOR: Be prepared to immediately respond with “His Name is Alex!” once the
following tossup is answered.]
8. This character makes Amanda cry after he tells her she can’t fix anything because she’s a musical
theatre major and later faces trouble from the ‘Pantalones Caliente.’ This character teams with Abed
and plays a certain prince in a series of videos for Chang’s Spanish class. He loses his seat in Biology class
after asking Professor Kane if they could go “Breaking Bad” together and gave Magda herpes. In his
most recent appearance this character is seen with blond hair and a book reading “How to Fake Your
Death” in reference to a recent meth lab explosion in the back of his car. Played by Dino Stamatopolous,
for 10 points identify this middle-aged Greendale student, lizard handler and drug dealer.
ANSWER: Alex Osbourne [begrudgingly accept Starburns but emphatically respond with “HIS NAME IS
9. In one appearance these are mentioned as being “awkwardly avoided” by Jonathan, whose
homosexuality is confirmed when he shows no interest in these. In addition to that essay from Worst
Laid Plans, one internet exclusive video reveals a “kinship” between these and their performer, leading
that actress to wish she could experience these outside her body as well. These are featured in the
lower half of various scenes set at the study table and an internet search suggests that these have a 32C
measurement. Inspiring the name of an aforementioned monkey character, for 10 points identify this
pair on a certain actress.
ANSWER: Annie’s Boobs [or Alison Brie’s Breasts or any clear knowledge equivalent]
10. This character is the subject of a comic book that sees him defeat the Snake Man which was included
with the Season One DVD box set. At Troy’s 21st birthday party, Troy receives a Detroit-set sequel
featuring this character, who wears a metal gauntlet and lives in the future year of 2006 on an Earth
ravaged by nuclear war. For 10 points identify this fictional action hero in the Community universe, a
cybernetically enhanced police officer who punches with the power of kicks.
ANSWER: Kickpuncher
11. WARNING, EXACT ANSWER REQUIRED. This first appears shortly after Leonard asks “where’s all the
white women at” and Chang introduces a character who was almost named Poochie. This is the answer
to “so you’re saying you did check out a key but it was inside your backpack, but someone stole it off a
table in the library while you were using the bathroom and you haven’t seen it since”? This phrase
alternates with Leonard’s burps in “the political showdown of the century” and is partially uttered after
the speaker sacrifices himself by jumping over a paint bomb. This quote originates from a one man
“par-tay” who raises his hands in the air. For 10 points, identify this repetitive, onomatopoeic phrase
associated with Magnitude, something that might happen if you heat up two corn kernels in rapid
ANSWER: Pop! Pop!
12. People associated with this collective are stronger, faster and have higher sperm counts… even in
their women. One person acting on behalf of this organization shoots Pavel and falls victim to Pierce
who claims he is having a heart attack. This employer of the Black Rider has a logo featuring three
buildings in a phallic arrangement. Troy and Abed steal a goat from this place and star debater Jeremy
Simmons attends classes here. For 10 points identify this chief enemy of Greendale, another community
college run by Dean Stephen Spreck and named for its urban location.
ANSWER: City College
13. This causes one character to remark “pack yourself with peanuts and really be satisfied” for
snickering, while one element of this work symbolizes the crossroads of ideas. Annie confesses that the
Greendale Seven were responsible for the winning anonymous submission, which contains three
intersecting black arrows in the middle of a pink field with the words “E Pluribus Anus.” For 10 points,
identify this school banner and representation of the human asshole.
ANSWER: the Greendale school Flag
14. Sailboats are followed by Canadian geese and snowy mountains towards the end of this scene. This
scene opens with a character promising “this is going to be fun, or else” and threatens his companion
with doing the same thing next Saturday if he doesn’t cooperate. One character is seen making paint
angels and playing the piano with hula dancers at his side while this song plays while another character
sings “Jesus loves marijuana… and drinking human blood” in counterpoint. This montage features
sublime imagery of mountains appearing behind Jeffrey and the Dean thanks to a green screen. For 10
points, identify this karaoke performance set to a song from the Batman and Robin soundtrack, orignally
performed by Seal.
ANSWER: Jeffrey and the Dean performing Kiss From a Rose at karaoke
15. These are the perfect beginning to the first day of class according to Jeff, who later suggests that
Abed find a nice girl and take her to a place that makes these. Britta is called the new Pierce because of
these, while Abed is instantly able to count thirteen of these after they fall on the floor. Britta tells Troy
she is an expert on these because she lived in New York and Shirley first brings these to the study room
one morning with coffee. Britta is incapable of pronouncing, for 10 points, the name of what round
foodstuff, a bread often served toasted with cream cheese?
16. Outside of Community, Wikipedia implies that Charles Revson and John Barry Ryan III have
performed this action, while John McDonald is presumed to have performed this action prior to the
birth of his daughter. The switch of season three’s third and fourth episodes leads to a slight continuity
error in the reaction to the first mention of this event. In the prime timeline, Troy says that Jeff sucks
harder than the toilet in an airplane bathroom, reminding Pierce of this incident. For 10 points, identify
this action which Pierce swears happened between him and the singer of Santa Baby, a torrid airplane
bathroom romance with one of television’s Catwomen.
ANSWER: having sex with Eartha Kitt
17. The leader of this group is described as “human fro yo” and asks you “don’t call [him] late to dinner
unless you’re serving Brussels sprouts!” Jeff remarks that this group’s leader let himself down after
leaving home in a sweater vest. During the first paintball assassin game, these people hide in a tree on
the quad, luring players like Annie who responds “that is uninspired” after being shot. Members of this
collective are last seen at Westside Hospital recovering from a collective nervous breakdown and this
club is always this close to Regionals. For 10 points, identify this school club run by Cory Radison, whose
members died in a bus crash and who perform “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” in their first appearance
leading Jeff to question why they don’t sing original material.
ANSWER: Greendale Glee Club
18. This non-Community character is first invoked by Professor Slater who cannot remember Britta’s
name asking if “the blonde’s name is bitter or butter” while in the following season this character is
once again referenced when Britta asks if Jeff will wear another “stripy, turquoise number” inspired by
this character. Along with NPR podcasts, the soundtrack to this film is on Britta’s iTunes and this
character walks behind Annie after the third mention of his name. For 10 points, identify this Michael
Keaton film character who, like in a Tim Burton film, appears in the background after his name is
invoked three times.
ANSWER: Beetlejuice
19. One newspaper discussing these items features a “headline in reference to Watergate, not the 1994
Sci-Fi film.” Abed describes the gang as wolves after they have enough of these to prove it and, after
explaining supply and demand, Jeff describes victory as tasting like these. The Greendale seven stop
being a family and start being a family (in italics) because of these. Troy posits that if God were edible –
and if it were cool to eat God – then God would be one of these, while Annie thinks these are the only
good thing in the cafeteria. For 10 points identify this foodstuff central to Contemporary American
ANSWER: Chicken Fingers
20. This production is directed by Professor Garrity and features a man rapping “someone drop an Old
Testament beat” shortly before yelling driedel. The only number revealed from this show mentions how
“it’s hard to be Jewish in Russia, yo” and is performed by Troy. For 10 points identify this Greendale
premiere work, an all-black adaptation of a Broadway musical about Yente and Tevye.
ANSWER: Fiddla Please!
21. Warning: two answers required. The first class is described as like a “redhead who drinks scotch and
loves Die Hard… you should all get her number” and is Jeff Winger’s second semester pick for best
blowoff class. The second class takes place on the Nosecandy, recently purchased from government
auction, and taught by Professor Slaughter. The former class’s professor calls his students “my little
blueberries” and describes how he will not tolerate “guy on girl, girl on guy, or guy on guy.” As captain of
the later class, Shirley leaves Pierce out at sea to die. For 10 points, identify these two concurrent
classes, one that takes place on a boat in the parking lot, the other in a studio where the only rule is “no
reenacting the scene from Ghost.”
ANSWER: Sailing and Beginners Pottery
22. Jeff notes his favorite holiday tradition of “trimming the hellraiser” when this character appears
dressed for the holidays and early versions of this character were inspired by a falcon with a penis and
Pierce as the Vitruvian man. This character’s outfit falls somewhere between Seal and Seal’s teeth and
this character replaces a grizzly bear because the Dean thinks that Greendale students have been called
animals their entire lives. This character reflects the diversity of our species and, thanks to Pierce’s
direction, this character does not have pan-asian eyefolds or an Irish chin. For 10 points, identify this
person in a white zentai suit, the ethnically-neutral and politically correct Greendale school mascot.
ANSWER: Greendale Human Being
23. An oil painting of a forest lies above a sofa at this character’s childhood home while in another
appearance this character explains that all creatures die which results in “something.” This character
tells Garrett to “go kill John Lennon again, you loser” and describes a “good ole fashioned tantrum” as
the expected result of this character’s principle. This character and Chang each have a restraining order
on the other. He replaces June Bauer despite not knowing what anthropology means and this former
resident of Islington frequently and erroneously announces that he has stopped drinking. For 10 points
name this psychology professor, a British expatriate played by John Oliver.
ANSWER: Dr. Ian Duncan
24. One member of this group is described as a bucket of “piss and secrete, a dog’s sneeze in Reeboks”
and these characters are entranced by the SkullCracker 2000 and a free college credit. These people are
frightened off by black lights and glow paint, ride on scooters, use stun batons and have misplaced
sexual frustrations. Britta tells one member “I’ve got a new flavored lip balm, meet me at Chili’s in ten
minutes” and is told to never seduce a child again. For 10 points, identify this security detail first hired at
a bar mitzvah party, the underlings of a certain Greendale Spanish prof-turned-dictator.
ANSWER: the Changlourious Basterds or Chang’s Guard [or clear knowledge equivalents]
25. One member of this group named Pablo was huffed up on paint thinners and arrested for forging
church relics. The first person seen in this group made the change from coffee to green tea because of
the antioxidants. One person with this distinction “has nothing to prove or disprove about himself, or to
himself,” and had a bolt lodged in his brain that makes him unable to feel shame, the carnival worker
Blade. Despite being freakbuddies, Jeff has never officially become a member of this group. For 10
points, identify these men, paramours of a certain pseudo-feminist.
ANSWER: exboyfriends of Britta
26. This character was the President of Greendale’s Ceramics Club in 1993 and Jeff films his scenes for
the new Greendale video with this character who asks “what the fuck is that?” after seeing the possum
in the Dean’s office and later causes the Dean to burn his diploma. He loves Greendale because he “got
laid like crazy” and Abed wants to ask this character about “Carlito’s Way, The Cowboy Way, The Hard
Way and Q and A.” Dean Pelton tells this man “I loved you in… IMDB.” A golden effigy of this “celebrated
actor and model Puerto Rican American” stands on Greendale’s quad. For 10 points, identify this most
notable Greendale alum.
ANSWER: Luis Guzman
27. Wearing rainbow suspenders and a light-up tie does not accomplish this task, but asking for a
birthday cake at the coffee shop does. Another character is warned she’ll “die alone with sweater-
wearing cats who are trained to use human toilets“ if she can’t do this. A John Michael Higgins character
promises “only when we stop stopping our lives can we begin to start starting them “when espousing
this. This idea first appears after a character tells his class to “open your textbooks to page 37, now close
them and throw them away” and Professor Whitman grades his classes based only on a student’s ability
to do this. For 10 points, identify this action that Jeff almost fails accounting over, a common English
translation of carpe diem.
ANSWER: seizing the day [accept word forms like seize the day and day seizing also accept living in the
moment and carpe diem until mentioned]
28. General description okay. Pierce listens to a Wesley Snipes-narrated audiobook here. Britta used to
“pray” here in high school, while Shirley notes its designers were probably on cocaine. Abed’s father
never allowed him to visit here because of threats to his falafel stand. Jeff notes that this survived both
“the 1980s and a transient who likes to collect severed doll heads.” It’s not Hawkthorne but this place is
controlled by an 8-bit character, a systematic android named SANDERS who seals the door just as KFC
seals in a chicken’s flavor. For 10 points, identify this former exhibit at the Greendale County Museum,
acquired to compete with City College’s Cosmic Pioneer.
ANSWER: The Kentucky Fried Chicken Eleven Herbs and Space Experience [accept the Greendale space
shuttle simulator or any clear knowledge equivalent]
29. During an interview before season three Joel McHale jokes that this character was to be played by
former UN Secretary General Boutros-Boutros Ghali. During a roleplay exercise Britta, speaking on
behalf of this character, suggests this character is a closet homosexual who wears a wig. This character
marries Doreen Fitzgerald and was born in Oklahoma City, 1945, most recently residing in Dorchester.
Dan Harmon wanted this character to be played by Bill Murray and Jeff describes this character as a
two-bit conman of little substance, leading him to beat up Pierce who hides in a towncar impersonating
this man. For 10 points identify this so-far-unseen relative.
ANSWER: William Winger [or Jeff’s Father but not Jeff himself]
30. This character wonders “so, do you go to school nearby?” and later asks “would you mind passing
me the pepper?” because “this salmon is really good.” Britta reveals she was nostalgic from a very early
age when discussing VHS tapes with this character, who first appears after Jeff claims that money can’t
just make people magically appear. Another character screams “set phasers to love me” and “a picture
can’t disappoint” in reference to this actor. After a companion is too scared to eat, this actor states
“more fish for Kunte.” For 10 points, identify this guest star who terrorizes Troy and sings “butterfly in
the sky, I can go twice as high,” the former host of Reading Rainbow.
ANSWER: LeVar Burton
31. WARNING: TWO ANSWERS REQUIRED. An event featuring these cost hundreds of dollars and
resulted in over twelve transfers. Britta initiates a devious sexual act without Subway’s consent in one of
these, while these first come to the Dean’s attention after he searches for the record lengths of things.
One commander says “they have drawn first blood, we will draw first blood part two“ during this
conflict which is solved by magical friendship hats. For 10 points identify these competing construction
methods featured in a Ken Burns parody, garrisons made using soft materials found in bedrooms
including Blanketsburg and Pillowtown.
ANSWER: Blanket Forts and Pillow Forts [either order]
32. A cease and desist letter sent to Travis Richey has cancelled non-canon appearances of this character
who sometimes works with Geneva and Rosamund. This character is said to know that which is
unknown and is duty bound to protect the innocent unremarkables. This character’s primary enemies
yell “eradicate”! This character rides the X7 dimensioniser, calls on the assistance of Constable Reggie
and his catchphrase is “the question isn’t where, but when.” For 10 points, identify this professional who
defeats the Blorgons, a fourth-dimensional intergalactic traveler inspired by Doctor Who.
ANSWER: Inspector Spacetime
33. This event includes a character that jump on a series of cars ending with the subject getting tasered
while the theme music plays. During this event, one character’s sarcasm leads him to be eaten by bugs
for being a “smug douche” and a “greedy shallow hipster.”A wizard appears to lead an expedition to a
planet with a 7% cinnamon atmosphere during this event. Ending in the Cave of Frozen Memories and
featuring Brittabot, Troy Soldier and Jeff in the Box, for 10 points identify this psychotic break homage to
Rankin Bass stop motion.
ANSWER: Abed’s (Stop Motion) Uncontrollable Christmas
34. Distillation through logic and recombination through objective observation leads to over 7000 uses
for this place, while a tissue box introduces empathy into this system, “breaking” Abed. Troy and Abed
use this to de-whimsify themselves in advance of Shirley’s Wedding. This place is able to simulate Troy
and Britta’s lunchdate and this room is black with orange tape stripes forming a grid pattern but can
transform into any imaginable place. For 10 points identify this fantasy room in Troy and Abed’s
apartment, an emporium for dreams.
ANSWER: Abed and Troy’s Dreamatorium
35. He plays the trumpet in Kelvin and the Zeroes and this character grows a beard and a ponytail while
he’s going through “some stuff.” In his first appearance this character is blasted for purchasing a new
cappuccino machine for the break room before he reveals that alumni donations from his division
compose 80% of the school’s total. This character is killed by Murray after Murray creates a Freon leak.
For 10 points identify this Vice Dean of Greendale’s Air Conditioning Repair annex, played by John
ANSWER: Vice Dean Laybourne
36. During this song Shirley channels Jack Nicholson in The Shining by raising her had to her face and
screaming “here’s brownies!” Green Day starts playing during this non-Green Day song, leading Senor
Chang to dance with his wife. Pierce uses hand movements to help Shirley remember the script to her
class presentation while Abed sings “even though I know how very far apart we are, it helps to think we
may be wishing on the same bright star.” “If love can see us through, then we’ll be together… out where
dreams come true” according to the lyrics of this song. For 10 points identify this song that brings Fievel
out of the wall, a duet between Troy and Abed originally from the soundtrack to An American Tail.
ANSWER: Somewhere Out There
37. Britta wonders why one set of characters at this event are “beleaguered” to which the rest of the
group blurts “who cares”! While participating, Troy asks “isn’t there something to Jenga?” here. One
participant was born stout of heart but large of bone and after giving all of his books to Jeff the gang
organizes this event to keep that character from killing himself. Chang wears a white wig and paints
himself black for this event. Annie becomes Hector the Well-Endowed for the duration of this event,
while one item from this event is one of a kind and took ten years and fifty campaigns to acquire. For 10
points, identify this event where Greendale Seven and Fat Neill participate in a role playing game with
DM Abed.
ANSWER: Dungeons and Dragons
38. Shortly after the first mention of this event, Britta speaks of “the fascist oligarchists raping the
rainforest to make burgers” before lamenting “I haven’t been tear-gassed in so long!” Toward the end of
this event the Greendale Seven parody “I’m Spartacus” with “I farted.” Britta appears smashing with a
globe with red paint in a cage outside of this event while Lionel Richie’s “Hello” plays. Members of this
organization advised by Professor Cligoris are experts at using high minded rhetoric, empty gestures,
and fostering unity. The end goal of this team is total world peace. For 10 points identify this
organization where Jeff represents Uruguay and Troy represents Georgia, previously headed by Kofi
ANSWER: Greendale Model United Nations
Writer’s Note: The following questions are ideas and answerlines that couldn’t sustain full tossups, so I
turned them into one line quiz questions. At HSNCT I played the following questions as a pub quiz style
write-down-your-answers-and-trade-sheets-to-grade-at-the-end-of-the-set event. I also skipped the
“level one” questions and started with “level two,” as the first set doesn’t require any real knowledge of
Community to answer.
The National Community Human Bee-ing
1. “My hands are so clean, at this moment, I am stapling” appears in the Dean’s rendition of what Dexy’s
Midnight Runners song?
ANSWER: Come on Eileen
2. What items are revealed to have holes in them at the Greendale STD fair? Annie is afraid to place one
of these on a man’s hoohaw.
ANSWER: condoms
3. In a scene set to Warren Zevon’s Werewolves of London, Jeff plays a strip variation of what game
against Coach Bogner?
ANSWER: Pool or Billiards
4. Prior to being injured in a kegflip, Troy was being scouted for this sport. Dean Pelton bribes Jeffrey to
convince Troy to join Greendale’s team.
ANSWER: Football
5. Britta’s Disciplinary Tribunal occurs at Greendale’s judges’ booth, which is located near what school
amenity? Chang has his clothes stolen after visiting here, making him ride his motorcycle home in a
ANSWER: Greendale’s Swimming Pool
6. Mean girl Meghan is played by what former child actress, previously the title character on Lizzie
ANSWER: Hilary Duff
7. In the Season One finale, Annie announces her plan to move to Delaware with what hackysack
enthusiast and hippie student?
ANSWER: Vaughn
8. Prior to her suspension, Professor June Bauer is played by what actress, formerly of The Golden Girls
and a noted SNL host?
ANSWER: Betty White
10. What is the occupation of Robin Vohlers, one of the few human love interests of Abed? She
accompanies Joe Biden to Greendale.
ANSWER: Secret Service Special Agent
11. In Remedial Chaos Theory, what song by The Police starts playing in each of the timelines? Britta
starts to sing but Jeff interrupts her except in the timeline when he leaves the apartment.
ANSWER: Roxanne
12. Ted, the lawyer with holes in his hands and Jeff’s former boss, is played by what television game
show host from Cleveland?
ANSWER: Drew Carey
13. Greendale bully Mike Chilada is played by what former brat pack star, once typecast as a ginger
ANSWER: Anthony Michael Hall
14. Abed’s cousin shares her name with what Pokémon, known for its teleportation and eventual
evolution into Kadabra?
Level Two
1. What is the nickname of Senor Chang, referring to his nationality and a fearsome animal?
ANSWER: El Tigre Chino
2. Annie attended rehab for an addiction to what prescription medication, also part of her first-season
“Lil” nickname?
ANSWER: Adderall
3. This actor plays the previously unseen Buddy Austin, a student in Chang’s Spanish class that ultimately
joins a study group with Starburns and Owen Wilson after being rejected by Jeff.
ANSWER: Jack Black
4. This actress plays Amber, the only of Pierce’s 32 ex-stepchildren to attend Family Day. This former
American Idol contestant currently stars on Smash.
ANSWER: Katharine McPhee
5. In the first game of Paintball Assassin, what is the grand prize, chosen to replace a BluRay player
stolen from the Dean’s office?
ANSWER: Priority Registration
6. In the second game of Paintball Assassin what is the grand prize, furnished by Pistol Patty’s Ice
ANSWER: $100,000 cash
7. How does Jeff attempt to get revenge on Mark, the obnoxious high schooler who “pwns” Jeff and
ANSWER: Jeff tries to get with his mom
8. Jeff and Shirley turn into anime characters while contesting this activity in Season Three. Their ball
eventually gets stuck in the middle while practicing to take down a team of German ringers.
ANSWER: Foosball
Level Three
1. This actor plays Alan Connor, a former colleague of Jeff’s who alerts the Bar to Jeff’s fake degree from
the country Columbia.
ANSWER: Rob Corddry
2. Cornelius Hawthorne’s wig is made out of what material, specifically chosen to ensure he doesn’t
wear any hair from “Orientals”?
3. After Chang is exposed as a fraud, it is revealed that Chang learned Spanish from watching telenovelas
and what specific television series?
ANSWER: Sesame Street
4. In “Aerodynamics of Gender,” how does Pierce break his legs, leading to his pill addiction and
ANSWER: accept anything mentioning a trampoline
5. What specific breed of animal does Dean Pelton have a fetish for, as seen on the posters in his office,
figurines on his desk and men that arrive to dances dressed as this animal?
ANSWER: Dalmatian
6. Pierce and Chang fight after Pierce draws a swastika with a circle around it for Pictionary. What does
the Pictionary card ask him to draw?
ANSWER: a windmill
7. The landslide winner of the 2011 Greendale Student Body Presidential Election, with seven votes, is
ANSWER: South Park
Level Four
1. The Helicopter Pilot, a tiny man seen whenever Pierce hallucinates on his painkillers, is played by
what comic, or uncomic, actor?
ANSWER: Andy Dick
2. What is the “derogatory” term the high school dual-enrollment students throw at Jeff and Britta?
ANSWER: Schmitty
3. During visits to the Greendale clinic, Annie and Troy meet Nurse Jackie, as played by this male
comedian. This Hawkeye of Greendale is also the voice of Remy in Ratatouille.
ANSWER: Patton Oswalt
4. Pierce dies, Jeff loses an arm and Shirley becomes a drunk in the darkest timeline. What happens to
ANSWER: She puts a washout blue streak in her hair
5. The first season finale takes place at a dance themed to transfer students. What appears on the sash
of Britta, who is nominated to win this prestigious award?
ANSWER: Tranny Queen
6. What is the name of the video game developed by Cornelius Hawthorne, the winner of which will
receive the Hawthorne inheritance?
ANSWER: Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne (be prepared to give partial credit for partial answers
on this one.)
7. What is unique about Leonard’s service in the Korean War?
ANSWER: He was a North Korean Soldier
8. In one lullabye sung to Troy and Abed, Dean Pelton sings “off to Dreamland, catching the train to
Sleepytown. And when they wake up the Dean will be here” What will the Dean be doing?
ANSWER: staring at you (or watching or looking, etc.)
9. In Paradigms of Human Memory, the Dean dresses as Tina to remind the group to Turner their clocks
back for daylight savings time. What does he enter the room singing?
ANSWER: What’s Dean Got to Do, Got to Do With It? [accept What’s Dean Got To Do With It.]
10. Immediately before Deana Turner’s appearance in Paradigms, Mozart Dean appears announcing a
fundraiser. How does the Dean describe Greendale’s Music department?
ANSWER: It’s flat baroque
Level Five
1. Played at the end of an early episode, this song mentions that Vaughn is his own person and
describes how he doesn’t need the title subject in his band anymore. A rap interlude describes a “man
made of wrinkles and folds” who is old.
ANSWER: Pierce, You’re a B…
2. Toward the end of Celebrity Impressionists, Jeff walks in on a fake Robin Williams acting as Patch
Adams treating Abed. Because of a two-for-one deal Abed is wearing a costume of what cartoon
character for the next movie they will reenact together?
ANSWER: Olive Oyl from Popeye
3. Also seen as Principal Figgins on Glee, what actor plays Abed’s father, falafel pioneer Gobi Nadir?
ANSWER: Iqbal Theba
4.”The darkest timeline,” in which Troy leaves to get the pizza, is created when the die rolls what
5.When Shirley beat Jeff all the way to Tinkle Town at foosball as a child, what was her nickname?
ANSWER: Big Cheddar
Level Six
1. As seen on brochures and posters, what is the slogan for Greendale Community College, referring to
its lax entry requirements?
ANSWER: You’re Accepted Already! (accept other close approximations.)
2. The Dean collaborates with Chang, Magnitude, Leonard and Starburns on a credits tag featuring what
seasonal Mykola Leontovych composition?
ANSWER: Carol of the Bells
3. In Paradigms of Human Memory, the Dean dresses up as Scarlett O’Hara to announce a cotillion
celebrating what recent upgrades to Greendale?
ANSWER: New energy efficient windows (It’s a “Gone with the Wind…ows” cotillion)
4. Like his mother, Pierce holds what rank at his neo-Buddhist cult/church which entitles him to
reincarnation in a lava lamp?
ANSWER: Level 5 Laser Lotus
5. What is the theme of the 20th and final anthropology diorama made by the Greendale Seven?
ANSWER: The group making the 19th diorama