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Resolutions Presented from Precincts
in Guilford County
for Consideration at the
Guilford County Democratic Party County Convention
April 20, 2013
As in years past, the resolutions are organized into 3 groups.
Group A are the resolutions that the Committee recommends be adopted.
Group B are the resolutions about which the Committee thought delegates may
wish to discuss. NOTE: There are no resolutions in Group B this year.
Group C are resolutions that the Committee recommends be sent back to the
precinct for clarification or redrafting. NOTE: There are no resolutions in Group
C this year.
Ralph Rodland
Michele G. Smith
Resolution in Support of Abolishment of the Death Penalty
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
Resolution in Opposition to State and Local Authorities Being Responsible for
Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws and in Support of Comprehensive
Immigration Reform
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
Resolution in Support of Reinstatement of the Rental Unit Certificate of Occupancy
(RUCO) in Greensboro
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
Resolution in Support of a Ban on Offshore Drilling in North Carolina
(Submitted from Precinct G12 and G42B)
Resolution in Support of Medicare Remaining a Government Program and in
Opposition to Medicare being Cut or Converted to a Voucher Program
(Submitted from Precinct 42B)
Resolution in Support of Medicaid Expansion in North Carolina
(Submitted from Precinct 42B and G18)
Resolution in Opposition to Hydraulic Fracturing (“Fracking”)
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
Resolution Opposing Voter Suppression Legislation
(Submitted by Precincts G42B and G12)
Resolution In Support of Providing an Opportunity for a Qualitative Public
Education for All Children in North Carolina
(Submitted by H02)
Resolution in Support of Funding of North Carolina Public Schools
(Submitted by G18)
Resolution in Support of State Legislation to Reduce Gun Violence in North
(Submitted by Precinct H24)
Resolution in Support of Federal Legislation to Strengthen Gun Laws
(Submitted by Precinct G42B)
Resolution in Support of Abolishment of the Death Penalty
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
WHEREAS, a large number of those sentenced to death have later been proven innocent; and
WHEREAS, objective analysis has shown that the death penalty has not been applied equally;
WHEREAS, the death penalty has been proven to be much more expensive than a sentence of
“life without parole”;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party strongly urges
the North Carolina Democratic Party to work to abolish the death penalty in North Carolina and
to replace it with a life sentence with no possibility of parole.
Resolution in Opposition to State and Local Authorities Being Responsible for
Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws and in Support of Comprehensive
Immigration Reform
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Democratic Party recognizes the inherent dignity and humanity
of North Carolina’s immigrant residents, regardless of their immigration status; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Democratic Party recognizes the importance of immigrants’
many contributions to our State’s rich and varied economic, cultural, social, political and
religious life; and
WHEREAS, programs that transfer federal immigration responsibilities to state and local
officials, with or without incentives, blur the line between civil and criminal law; and
WHEREAS, such programs may infringe on North Carolina laws and local ordinances; and
WHEREAS, such programs violate the civil and human rights of immigrants and citizens alike;
WHEREAS, such programs erode the relationship between immigrant communities and local
law enforcement authorities; and
WHEREAS, this erosion results in fewer people reporting crimes as either witnesses or victims,
seeking medical care for contagious diseases, alerting authorities to dangerous conditions or
obtaining the required training or licensure to meet basic safety standards; and
WHEREAS, such programs undermine the efforts of local law enforcement and pose a threat to
public health and public safety;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party strongly urges
the North Carolina Democratic Party to oppose any efforts to make state and local authorities
responsible for the enforcement of federal immigration laws and strongly urges the U.S. House
and the U.S. Senate to make comprehensive immigration reform a top priority again, including
the passage of the DREAM Act.
Resolution in Support of Reinstatement of the Rental Unit Certificate of Occupancy
(RUCO) in Greensboro
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
WHEREAS, in 2011, the North Carolina State Legislature prohibited local governments from
doing proactive inspection of rental housing for substandard violations;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party supports the
reinstatement of the Rental Unit Certificate of Occupancy (RUCO) ordinance in Greensboro and
urges that it be made available as a model statewide.
Resolution in Support of a Ban on Offshore Drilling in North Carolina
(Submitted from Precinct G12 and G42B)
WHEREAS, the scenic coastline of North Carolina has some of the most beautiful and pristine
beaches in the U.S and is a sanctuary for a wide diversity of migratory birds, turtles, whales, fish,
and other forms of wild life; and
WHEREAS, these natural attractions bring millions of tourists, fisherman, and other visitors to
North Carolina each year, providing a major source of income for towns and cities on the coast
and adding tens of millions of dollars to the local and state economy; and
WHEREAS, it is essential that our seacoast, which is a national treasure, be protected for the
benefit of current and future generations of citizens who live there, and throughout the state and
the nation; and
WHEREAS, it is known that the current rate of oil spills from offshore wells occur, on average,
once a year; and
WHEREAS, the probability of an oil spill off the North Carolina coast over a period of ten to
twenty years is substantial; and
WHEREAS, such a spill would be devastating to the tourist industry, would cause massive
destruction of wildlife and would cripple the economy of the coastal region; and
WHEREAS, offshore drilling would barely make a dent in our dependence on oil from foreign
countries; and
WHEREAS, clean, green energy sources are already available; and
WHEREAS, offshore drilling would further contribute to the emission of carbon into the
atmosphere, and thus to global warming.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party encourages the
North Carolina Democratic Party and our elected officials to work to implement a ban on offshore oil drilling in North Carolina.
Resolution in Support of Medicare Remaining a Government Program and in
Opposition to Medicare being Cut or Converted to a Voucher Program
(Submitted from Precinct 42B)
WHEREAS, Medicare provides health care insurance to more than 47 million seniors and to
younger persons with disabilities; and
WHEREAS, because Medicare is funded by those it insures, the Program will be solvent for
years to come; and
WHEREAS, half of all Medicare beneficiaries have incomes below $20,000 per year and
already pay sizable portions of their income for health care and cannot afford to pay more; and
WHEREAS, “…short–term cuts in Medicare are not urgently needed. Medicare spending per
enrollee is projected to increase more slowly than per capita gross domestic product or private
insurance spending per enrollee over the next decade…”(New York Times editorial 11/29/12; and
WHEREAS, in the following years, cost controls may have to come into play as the population
ages and medical costs continue to rise; and
WHEREAS, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) strengthens Medicare by protecting and improving
benefits and by cracking down on waste and fraud; and
WHEREAS, ACA also identifies savings that will keep Medicare financially stable for at least a
decade longer than if the law had not been passed by taking such action as gradually closing the
prescription drug coverage gap — “donut hole”; and
WHEREAS, Medicare has not contributed a dime to the federal debt.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the
North Carolina Democratic Party and our Congressional delegation to support maintaining
Medicare as a government program and to oppose efforts to cut Medicare or to convert it to a
voucher program.
Resolution in Support of Medicaid Expansion in North Carolina
(Submitted from Precinct 42B and G18)
WHEREAS, Medicaid has been, a joint state–federal insurance program for the poor; and
WHEREAS, Medicaid is funded with taxpayer money and is much cheaper than private
insurance, due to the federal government’s bargaining power and lower administrative costs due,
in part, to the fact that the Program does not advertise or spend money trying to not insure
people; and
WHEREAS, although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) required states to expand their Medicaid
programs to cover millions of uninsured, the Supreme Court “opened a loophole” by allowing
states to choose not to expand the program; and
WHEREAS, expansion of Medicaid in North Carolina would extend health insurance coverage
to about 500,000 North Carolinians and would improve the health of our citizens; and
WHEREAS, improved access to health care insurance would allow medical problems to be
handled earlier and less expensively, in that covered individuals would have access to primary
care physicians rather than being forced to resort to urgent care through hospital emergency
rooms; and
WHEREAS, the federal government would pay 100% of the costs of Medicaid expansion for
2014through2016 and 90% of the cost after 2016, which would pump millions of dollars into the
North Carolina economy and would create a large number of jobs; and
WHEREAS, North Carolina’s General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory have said North
Carolina will not participate in the expansion of Medicaid, preventing the neediest of our citizens
from having access to health care; and
WHEREAS, many states, because of the large financial incentives, are now reversing earlier
decisions not to participate in Medicaid expansion; and
WHEREAS, some states are trying to get the federal government to allow them to participate by
running Medicaid through private insurance companies, which would only increase costs and
waste taxpayer money; and
WHEREAS, for the welfare of our State and our residents, North Carolina should be part of the
Medicaid expansion; and
WHEREAS, North Carolina cannot afford to reject the generous three-year “gift” from the
federal government; and
WHEREAS, Medicaid expansion will not only help individuals and families, it will help our
state; and
WHEREAS, healthy workers will be more productive; and
WHEREAS, healthy children will be in school, eager to learn.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the
North Carolina Democratic Party and our state legislators to work to make Medicaid expansion
happen in North Carolina as outlined under the Affordable Care Act, by 2014, with no private
insurance involvement.
Resolution in Opposition to Hydraulic Fracturing (“Fracking”)
(Submitted from Precinct G12)
WHEREAS, hydraulic fracturing could ruin North Carolina’s aquifer forever; and
WHEREAS, there is a strong likelihood that hydraulic fracturing pollutes groundwater and
drinking water; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party strongly
rejects the use of hydraulic fracturing in North Carolina and urges the North Carolina
Democratic Party and all members of the Guilford County Delegation of the North Carolina
General Assembly to oppose any legislation which allows hydraulic fracking in North Carolina.
Resolution Opposing Voter Suppression Legislation
(Submitted by Precincts G42B and G12)
WHEREAS, voter fraud in Guilford County and in the state of North Carolina has not been a
problem; and
WHEREAS, when residents register to vote, they are required to demonstrate that they are who
they say they are, by either providing the last four digits of their social security number or the
number on their state issued identification card or state issued driver’s license; and
WHEREAS, legislation already requires first time voters are already required to show
appropriate ID the first time they vote, but does not require them to do so after the initial
verification; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Assembly has previously tried unsuccessfully to require photo
ID and has now introduced a new bill that will require photo ID for each election; and
WHEREAS, this type of requirement is similar to a poll tax, will prevent a large number of
citizens from voting and will place an undue barrier between the voter and the ballot box; and
WHEREAS, some states have passed such requirements only to have them rejected by the
courts; and
WHEREAS, such requirements only increase costs, waste taxpayer money and make voting
very difficult for some voters; and
WHEREAS, based on a review of the available data, this legislation disproportionately affects
voters who are registered Democrat, voters who intend to register as Democrats, and voters who
intend to vote for Democratic candidates;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the
North Carolina Democratic Party to oppose all efforts to suppress voting, particularly voting by
poorer citizens and those without state issued identification, by educating the citizenry and our
elected representatives about the disenfranchisement of voters by requiring photo ID.
Resolution In Support of Providing an Opportunity for a Qualitative Public
Education for All Children in North Carolina
(Submitted by H02)
WHEREAS, it has been a longstanding principle in the United States and in North Carolina that
it is in the best interest of our communities, families and nation that every child be offered a free,
public school education; and
WHEREAS, given both the growing level of poverty among children in our state and country
and the competitive world environment into which students will graduate, it becomes ever more
important that each student be offered a high quality educational experience; and
WHEREAS, the percentage of State funding for K-12 public education has declined steadily in
recent years, with the onset of increasing numbers of charter schools further diminishing funds
available for traditional public schools; and
WHEREAS, the threat of vouchers, tuition tax credits and other privatization strategies which
use public tax dollars for payment of tuition to private profit and non-profit schools and for home
schooling looms large and would further eviscerate funding for public schools which must be
open for all who wish to enroll in them;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the North
Carolina Democratic Party and legislators of the North Carolina General Assembly to oppose
those privatization measures which would provide public tax dollars to fund K-12 private school
education and unlimited numbers of charter schools.
Resolution in Support of Funding of North Carolina Public Schools
(Submitted by G18)
WHEREAS, a strong public education system provides well-educated citizens to vote, pay
taxes, support local industry, establish infrastructure, and promote community health and safety;
WHEREAS, a strong public education system contributes to good quality of life in our state,
draws new residents and industry, and reduces criminal activity; and
WHEREAS, students in our community and state must compete with students from across the
globe for 21st Century jobs; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Supreme Court twice ruled (first in 1997, then in 2004) that
every child in North Carolina has a Constitutional right to “an equal opportunity to receive a
sound basic education” and achieving this requires that every school must have the resources
necessary to provide every student with an equal opportunity to receive a sound basic education
(Leandro v. State of North Carolina, 95 CVS 1158 [Apr. 2002]); and
WHEREAS, Judge Howard Manning has ruled that providing developmentally appropriate
school readiness experiences are necessary so that every child enters school ready to be
successful to receive a sound basic education; and
WHEREAS, there are numerous factors that impact the quality of public education, sufficient
funding to support our teachers and administrators is a critical factor; and
WHEREAS, the national average of Sate revenue supporting public education is 45.5% of a
state’s budget, and in 2012-13 it was 38.5% in North Carolina with a ranking of 11th in the
Nation and 2nd in the Southeast for the percentage of funds from State revenue invested in public
education; and
WHEREAS, the 2012-2013 State Budget allocated 11% less to public education than spent in
the 2007-2008 even as enrollment has increased each year; and
WHEREAS, in terms of total per pupil expenditures in 2012, according to the 2013 Report of
the National Education Association (NEA), the state is 48th in the nation, and in 2012 North
Carolina was ranked 48th in teacher pay with an average public school teacher salary of $46,605,
compared to the national average of $55,623; and
WHEREAS, in Guilford County our Guilford County Schools administration has implemented
cuts in operations and administration over the past four years equivalent to $38.4 million in state
funding and redirected $36 million in funds from school operations to cover growth in student
enrollment, cost increases, losses in private funding and implementation of strategic plan
initiatives; and
WHEREAS, the Guilford County Board of County Commissioners has maintained a flat
funding base for our public schools over the past five years, and based on the 2012 Public School
of NC Local Finance Study, Guilford County is ranked 17th in the state for per pupil expenditure
at the local level; and
WHEREAS, the future of our state and nation depends upon the education of our young people,
particularly in the increasingly challenging Global Economy in which our students will compete;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party supports
funding of North Carolina’s public schools to provide the Constitutionally required sound basic
education so that every child has the opportunity to reach his or her educational potential and
hereby petitions the North Carolina legislature and the Governor to provide funding to fully
support our public schools in order to restore public education to the priority it previously had
and continues to deserve.
Resolution in Support of State Legislation to Reduce Gun Violence in North
(Submitted by Precinct H24)
WHEREAS, with tragedy after tragedy repeating itself from Newtown, Connecticut to
Aurora, Colorado to Blacksburg, Virginia to the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, to Tucson, Arizona,
and to too many other places to list, it is necessary to establish and enforce common sense gun
regulations that provide safety for our children and our communities in North Carolina; and
WHEREAS, far more Americans have been killed with guns in the U.S. than have died in all
our wars combined; and
WHEREAS, America’s schools and colleges remain vulnerable without our focus on enhanced
school safety; and
WHEREAS, the Supreme Court has held that the Second Amendment is consistent with a
variety of Common Sense Gun Laws, including those proposed by President Obama;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the
North Carolina General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory to support President Obama’s
proposals to curb gun violence by enacting those proposals as laws in North Carolina; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the North
Carolina General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory to renew the ban on high-grade,
military-style assault weapons that was first signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994; a
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the North
Carolina General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory to limit high-capacity ammunition
magazines to no more than ten (10) bullets; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the North
Carolina General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory to require background checks for all gun
buyers including purchases made at gun-shows and over the internet; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the North
Carolina General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory to require state agencies to make
relevant data available to the federal background check system; and
FINALLY, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges
the North Carolina General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory to support additional common
sense laws that prevent gun trafficking including requiring firearm owners to report lost or stolen
firearms to law enforcement and requiring law enforcement to inspect firearms dealers.
Resolution in Support of Federal Legislation to Strengthen Gun Laws
(Submitted by Precinct G42B)
WHEREAS, President Obama and Vice President Biden have proposed a gun control plan that
includes requiring background checks on gun purchasers, making it illegal to purchase guns from
unlicensed dealers, limiting firing magazines to ten (10) rounds, and banning assault weapons;
WHEREAS, according to an article published in the Charlotte Observer on March 17, 2013, it is
unlikely that these actions will be passed into law by Republican-controlled legislative bodies;
WHEREAS, the majority (approximately 60%) of non-accidental violent deaths in the U.S. are
committed by individuals using a gun as the weapon of choice; and
WHEREAS, scores of children and adults have been massacred using automatic weapons with a
large firing capacity, examples being the recent slaughter of first grade children in Newtown,
Connecticut; the theatre killings in Aurora, Colorado on July 21, 2012; the shooting of
Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords and others in Tucson, Arizona on January 8, 2011; the
Virginia Tech. massacre on April 16, 2007; and the Columbine High School killings near
Denver, Colorado on April 20, 1999; and countless other shootings involving the loss of life; and
WHEREAS, mass shootings tend to be perpetrated by individuals who are emotionally
disturbed (legally defined as “temporarily insane”), or who have a history of treatment for mental
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Guilford County Democratic Party urges the
United States Congress to vigorously press for legislation (1) requiring background checks on all
individuals seeking to buy a gun, (2) penalizing unlicensed dealers and individuals who buy guns
from them, (3) limiting ammunition trays to 10 rounds or less, (4) requiring gun dealers to renew
their licenses at least every five years, (5) requiring a waiting period of at least two weeks before
a gun can be delivered to a prospective buyer, (6) banning assault weapons designed for military
use during times of war and for law enforcement officers who protect the public; and (7)
requiring that all internet gun purchases be subject to these regulations.