ESC-20 Curriculum Communiqué: March 31, 2006 Volume #4 We are continuing the Curriculum Communiqué series as requested. Please continue to share the information with your staff. If there is additional information that you think would be helpful, please do not hesitate to let me know. ESC Contact: Ed Vara, or (210) 370-5465 1. TEA Correspondence New TEA Correspondence has been posted at Date: 03/02/2006 Subject: Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Campus Awards for May 2005 Examinations From: Standards and Programs Date: 03/10/2006 Subject: Designated Low-Income Schools and Designated Subject-Matter Teacher Shortage Areas for Texas, and Student Loan Forgiveness, Deferment, and Cancellation Opportunities for Teachers with Certain Types of Student Loans From: Commissioner's Office Date: 03/10/2006 Subject: Survey of Private Non-Profit Schools and Facilities for the Neglected or Delinquent to Identify Subject-Matter Teacher Shortage Areas and Low-Income Schools From: Commissioner's Office Date: 03/13/2006 Subject: Request for Application (RFA) Learn and Serve America: S.T.A.R.S. of Texas Grant Program From: Education Services and Waivers Date: 02/28/2006 Subject: Updated 2005-2006 Summary of Finances From: State Funding Date: 03/10/2006 Subject: Request for Application (RFA) #701-06-010 Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (T-STEM) Centers From: Planning, Grants & Evaluation Date: 03/22/2006 Subject: Master Reading Teacher Announcement From: Standards and Programs Date: 03/22/2006 Subject: Master Mathematics Teacher Announcement From: Standards and Programs 2. NCLB Update The Office of the Inspector General at USDE is currently conducting an audit of the HERA funding. This audit will include site visits to several districts and will last several weeks. NEW Small Rural Schools Achievement Program Fund Application Period Opens The U.S. Department of Education has notified the Texas Education Agency that Texas LEAs that need to apply for 2006-2007 Small Rural Schools Achievement (SRSA) funds may do so beginning Monday, March 13, 2006. Only LEAs that are eligible and have never applied before need to apply. LEAs do not need to wait for the Eligibility Spreadsheets to be posted to the Web in order to apply. To ensure that LEAs receive 2006-2007 allocations, eligible LEAs need to apply by June 2, 2006. USDE says it intends to provide a list of LEAs eligible for SRSA funds on its Web site at by May 1, 2006. The Web site will also indicate which of these eligible LEAs must submit a new application to receive their FY 2006 SRSA grant award, and which eligible LEAs are considered already to have met the application requirement. Eligible LEAs that must submit a new application in order to receive their 2006-2007 SRSA funding must do so electronically by the June 2, 2006, deadline. The electronic application for the SRSA Program can be accessed at: More information, including the Federal Register notice concerning the application deadline, is available at the USDE Web site at Bush Comments on NCLB at National Newspaper Association Meeting President Bush commented on the No Child Left Behind Act last Friday, March 10, at the National Newspaper Association Government Affairs Conference in Washington, D.C. During his speech to the conference, Bush was asked about complaints concerning NCLB, whether he considers the complaints to be weaknesses of the law, and how effective he believes the law has been in spite of the complaints against it. A copy of the president's response is available on the U.S. Department of Education's Web site at USDE Offers Crisis Response Plan Training The U.S. Department of Education's Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance Center is offering a pilot training session to assist school districts in developing and strengthening their crisis response plans. The session will be held Friday, March 31, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Washington, D.C., and will focus on the phases of crisis planning: (1) mitigation/prevention, (2) preparedness, (3) response, and (4) recovery. Additionally, participants will have an opportunity to learn about the agency's Safe and Drug- Free Schools Program and the ERCM Grant Initiative. More information on this training session is available at Justice Department Seeks Applicants for Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth The U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is soliciting applications for several components of its Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. The first program seeks applicants for programs that OJJDP will fund under its Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. This program supports the development and enhancement of mentoring programs for youth involved in the juvenile justice system, reentry and foster care. Application deadline is 8 p.m. Eastern Time on April 17, 2006. More information on this program is available at The second program seeks applicants to conduct an evaluation of the programs funded under the Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. The evaluation will assess the four mentoring sites receiving awards under OJJDP's Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth, which will provide funds to faith- and community-based, non-profit, and for-profit agencies to enhance and expand existing mentoring strategies; programs to develop, implement, and pilot test mentoring strategies and programs designed for youth involved in the juvenile justice system, reentry, or foster care. Information on the evaluation solicitation can be found at The third component for which OJJDP is seeking applicants is the Training and Technical Assistance Program for Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. This program will conduct technical assistance and training for OJJDP's Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth. More information on this component is available at Harvard Family Research Project Produces Guide on Engaging Families In After-School Programs The Harvard Family Research Project, in partnership with BOSTnet and United Way of Massachusetts Bay, has released a new comprehensive, easy-to-read guide to understanding how to engage families in after-school programs. "Focus on Families! How to Build and Support Family-Centered Practices in After-School Programs" is a critical resource for after-school providers looking to create or expand an existing family engagement program. Program leaders, local decision makers, and others interested in promoting family involvement will also find the guide vital to their work. The guide provides a research base for why family engagement matters, concrete program strategies for engaging families, case studies of promising family engagement efforts, and an evaluation tool for improving family engagement practices. The guide can be read online or printed as a PDF file at: UPDATE Highly Qualified Teachers The U.S. Department of Education conducted a monitoring visit to Texas the week of February 14, 2006. USDE staff reviewed documentation of TEA and three local districts. The audit report is expected around the middle of April. This audit report will be a major component of the decision as to whether Texas qualifies for the one-year extension of the highly qualified teacher deadline. USDE expects to release information on the one-year extension decisions in late April. UPDATE Hurricane Education Recovery Act Funding The Texas Education Agency expects to receive notice of its allocation under the Temporary Emergency Impact Aid for Displaced Students under the Hurricane Education Recovery Act (HERA) from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) later this week. This notice will be the first installment of the payment for the first quarter of this year. After the notice is received, Part II of the application for HERA funding will be posted on the NCLB Program Coordination Web site. The Office of the Inspector General at USDE began an audit of the HERA funding at TEA last week. This audit will include site visits to several districts and last several weeks. NEW Governor's Division of Emergency Management Hosts "Texas Hurricane Conference 2006" May 23 - 25 The Governor's Division of Emergency Management will host the "Texas Hurricane Conference 2006" on May 23 -25, 2006, at the Ford Park Convention Center in Beaumont, Texas. This conference is a unique opportunity for local officials and first responders from coastal cities and towns to meet with their counterparts from the inland communities that will shelter hurricane evacuees. Volunteer organizations, emergency management professionals and first responders will join with local leaders to discuss key issues involved in evacuation, sheltering and the re-entry process after the storm. The goal is to share information and improve coordination among our communities in planning to respond to a catastrophic storm. Topics will include planning for special needs populations, hurricane debris management, National Weather Service hurricane products, issues for industry, computer modeling programs to help local officials make evacuation decisions, surge models, re-entry and short-term recovery, the Incident Command System short course and more. For more information, contact the Texas Education Agency's Division of Agency Infrastructure at 512-463-9095 or visit the Governor's Division of Emergency Management Web site at and look for the topic "Hurricane Conference 2006." NEW TETN Broadcast on March 31 Will Focus on Even Start Programs "Family Literacy Beyond Even Start," a TETN broadcast, will be conducted from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 31, 2006. This broadcast is intended to prepare existing Even Start programs whose federal Even Start funding will end in August 2006 and their host organizations for the transition to providing family literacy without Even Start funding. Even Start coordinators, federal programs administrators, and Title I coordinators are invited to attend. Attendees can register with their nearest Education Service Center. The TETN Event Number is 18832. NCLB NATIONAL NEWS Please note that this is national information and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Texas Education Agency. Spellings Says USDE Will Host National Math and Science Summit for Girls The U.S. Department of Education will host its first-ever national summit for girls on math and science later this year, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings announced last Tuesday, February 28. Spellings made the announcement while speaking to a Girl Scouts of the USA meeting in Orlando, Florida. Spellings said the purpose of the summit will be to develop a national strategy to help more girls and their parents become interested in math and science and related careers. She cited statistics showing that girls currently make up only a third of Advanced Placement physics classes, and only 15 percent of AP computer science classes. At the college level, she noted, less than 20 percent of engineering majors are women. The summit will feature women who are in prominent science and mathematics-related positions, such as former astronaut Sally Ride, the first American woman in space; Julie Gerberding, who heads the Centers for Disease Control; Kathie Olsen, a former chief scientist at NASA who is now with the National Science Foundation; and Carol Bartz, chairman and chief executive officer of Autodesk, Inc., one of the world's leading employers of engineers. USDE is expected to announce more details about the summit later this year. New Learning Resources Posted to FREE Web Site Eleven new learning resources have been posted to Federal Resources for Excellence in Education (FREE), the Web site that makes teaching resources from federal agencies easier to find. Among the topics of the 11 new resources are the chemistry of health, water ecology, the environment, "money math," saving and investing, the industrial U.S. (1870-1900), the emergence of modern America (1890-1930), and the Great Depression are among the topics of 11 new resources at FREE, a website that makes teaching resources from federal agencies easier to find. These and other learning resources can be found at the FREE Web site at USDE Grant Application Opportunities Recent notices from the U.S. Department of Education include the following grant application opportunities: *National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) -- CFDA# 84.133N-1 *College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) -- CFDA# 84.149A *High School Equivalency Program (HEP) -- CFDA# 84.141A *Demonstration Grants for Indian Children -- CFDA# 84.299A *Indian Education Formula Grants to Local Education Agencies -- CFDA# 84.060A *Office of Indian Education -- Professional Development -- CFDA# 84.299B *Early Reading First - CFDA# 84.359A/B *Early Reading First (ERF) Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Competition -- CFDA# 84.359A/B *Carol M. White Physical Education Program -- CFDA# 84.215F *Model Demonstration Centers on Implementing Tertiary Level Behavioral Interventions -CFDA# 84.326M *Open Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Indian Education Teleconference Information on these and other grant application opportunities is available at the USDE web site at In addition, a listing of all USDE grant programs that are currently open can be found at TEA Source: Cory Green, Senior Director, Division of NCLB Program Coordination TEKS refinement surveys for grades 3-8 The TEKS refinement surveys for Grades 3-8 have been posted. We encourage you to take time to provide input on the proposed refinements. Please go to: to access the links to each grade level survey. We've enclosed a copy of the current posting below. Surveys of Proposed Refinements to English Language Arts and Reading TEKS Each of the following links will take you to a survey of the proposed refinements to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for the course listed. You may complete and submit any one survey, several or all surveys. The surveys are designed to capture public comment on proposed refinements to TEKS. Organizational changes are not reflected in the surveys, but will be available for review and comment when presented to the State Board of Education (SBOE) for first reading. Each survey question addresses either a portion of an introduction, a knowledge and skills statement, or a student expectation. The number and letter following the question number refer to the current student expectation. Red italics indicate additions and strike-throughs indicate deletions. The current TEKS should be used for reference when reviewing the refinements and a link to the TEKS can be found on each individual survey. The following surveys will be open until March 31, 2006: Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 (NEW!) The following surveys will be open until April 7, 2006: Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Access the surveys by going directly to and click on the hyper links to each grade level survey from that main page. We are happy that so many of you are providing input. TEA Source: Casey McCreary, Director of Reading, Science Resources TEACHERS' CONSERVATION INSTITUTE The Teachers' Conservation Institute (TCI) is a week-long workshop which uses the forest as a theme for environmental education. Activities are led by foresters, educators, natural resource conservationists and industry professionals. Come explore Texas forests from a variety of perspectives! Why Teachers Should Come to TCI * TCI trainers are scientists and provide experiences that help teachers to be “highly qualified” in science. *Teachers receive 45 hours of continuing education (SBEC) credit. *All materials are correlated to TEKS. TCI meets requirements of the Professional Development Appraisal System. *Teaching strategies utilized are research-based and proven to improve students' achievement. *TCI is field-based and provides opportunities for inquiry investigation. *TCI provides teachers with activities to meet the requirement that 40% of science be taught in a lab setting or in the field as stated by law. *Teachers receive certification in Project Learning Tree and Project WILD. *All activities are interdisciplinary. *Graduate credit is available. *Teachers receive lots of FREE stuff. *Participants learn how forests are managed for a variety of purposes, including wildlife habitat and the production of over 5000 items we use daily. *TCI is fun! Cost $100 - Includes all teaching materials and instruction, food, lodging and transportation during the workshop. Participants are responsible for travel to and from the Piney Woods Conservation Center near Broaddus, Texas Session 1: July 9 – 14, 2006 Session 2: July 16 – 21, 2006 To Register call (936) 632-TREE or email for a registration form. NSTA and Children's Book Council Release List of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12 Every year many good science trade books are published for children. But teachers and parents want to know which are the very best. NSTA and the Children's Book Council (CBC) answer that question with this year's list of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12. NSTA and CBC have refined the criteria for the highest quality, most engaging, and scientifically accurate publications for children. This year's list contains a variety of books, including informational texts and biographies, fiction, poetry, and even a book of songs. The full list appears in the March editions of Science & Children, Science Scope, and The Science Teacher. You can also view the 2006 list, and view previous years, by going to . National Wildlife Week 2006 (April 22 to 30) Newsletters -- websites -- web logs and other links will help tremendously. Here is the main link: Our main NWW projects this year are: Wildlife-related volunteer work in collaboration with National Youth Service Day (by: Youth Service America) on April 22 (Earth Day) and April 23. We are calling it "Rebuild Places for Wildlife" A nationwide week-long literacy and reading program we are calling "Read with Ranger Rick" A nationwide event to monitor and record spring wildlife species (April 29 and April 30) called "National Wildlife Watch" Directions to download Cycle 1 Year 4 Continuation Funding Application for Texas Reading First The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is pleased to provide continuation funding to Cycle 1 Texas Reading First Initiative (TRFI) grantees during the 2006-2007 school year. The Texas Reading First Continuation Application for Cycle 2 Year 3 will be published at a later date. The instructions for completing the application and the SAS schedules can be downloaded from the TEA Discretionary Grants website at . Please note that the majority of the program description forms have changed to better organize and collect pertinent information related to the grantee's Reading First program. These changes to the schedules may require additional time to complete, so the grantee should plan adequate time to complete the continuation application. Three copies of the application with original signatures (in blue ink), on Schedule #1 General Information, must be received in the Texas Education Agency by April 4, 2006. A new addition to Schedule #1 General Information is that original signature of the business manager, certifying that budgeted costs have been assigned to the proper class/object codes according to the Financial and Reporting (FAR) guide, is required. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is announcing the extension of the 2006-07 Cycle 1 Year 4 Texas Reading First Initiative Application. The current due date is April 4, 2006. The date has been extended to April 25, 2006. The instructions for completing the application and the SAS schedules can be downloaded from the TEA Discretionary Grants website at . Three copies of the application with original signatures (in blue ink), on Schedule #1 General Information, must be received in the Texas Education Agency by April 25, 2006. A new addition to Schedule #1 General Information is that original signature of the business manager, certifying that budgeted costs have been assigned to the proper class/object codes according to the Financial and Reporting (FAR) guide, is required. TEA Contact: Jana Bland Judkins, Ph.D., Director, Reading First Initiative Tools for Transition Online Description Resources for Educators Helping Students Displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This training will provide participants with information, experiences, and resources that will: -Increase educators' understandings of the range of possible effects of traumatic displacement on students and their families. -Increase educators' awareness of similarities and differences in Texas and Louisiana instructional standards, and of the implications of those similarities and differences for students' academic skills and instructional needs. -Provide educators with strategies and resources to help address the needs of students displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This training includes a strand for trainers who will be working with teachers and a strand for individual participants. The URL for this online training is: . AFTER REGISTERING IN ILEARNING, ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST CONTACT DAVID PTASNIK AT DAVID.PTASNIK@ESC20.NET TO OBTAIN A USERNAME AND PASSWORD. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, SCHOOL AFFILIATION, AND PREFERRED EMAIL ADDRESS. ESC Contact: Susan Altgelt, Coordinator, Distance Learning Services, Student Loan Forgiveness and Cancellation Opportunities for Teachers Every year TEA produces a list of subject-matter teacher shortage areas and a list of designated low-income schools that are submitted to the USDOE. Eligible teachers with certain types of student loans may qualify for partial loan forgiveness, deferment, or cancellation benefits. Eligibility requirements can be found on the Quick Reference Chart and 7-page Fact Sheet at Designated low-income schools are those with greater than 30% of enrolled students from low-income families, in districts that are eligible for Title I funds. The following are the Texas designated subject-matter teacher shortage areas for the 2004-2005 school year: Special Education Bilingual/ESL Foreign Language Mathematics Science Technology Applications For more information contact Maria Huth, Manager of the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program, at 512-264-3939 or by email at TEA PRESS RELEASE March 10, 2006 Hurricanes disrupt school year but reading performance continues to improve AUSTIN - Despite an academic year disrupted by hurricanes and evacuations, passing rates on the fifth-grade Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills reading exam rose substantially this year, Commissioner of Education Shirley J. Neeley said today. Third-grade students posted a six percent increase in the percentage of youngsters who are reaching the Commended Performance level. Students who earned commended status missed very few questions on the test. Passing rates on the Spanish version of the third-grade TAKS also improved this year, while overall performance on the English exam remained stable at thirdgrade. "This has been a stressful year for Texas students and teachers, but they have obviously stayed focused on education. We continue to see more and more students who are reading at or above grade level and that is good news. I particularly want to thank the teachers for their hard work. An analysis of these results also confirms what classroom teachers have been telling us. We have a lot of work to do with our Katrina students whose performance lags behind that of Texas students," Neeley said. Statewide, 89 percent of the 284,634 students who took the third-grade reading TAKS passed the test. That passing rate matches the rate achieved on the comparable test in 2005. The 2006 passing rates were 81 percent for African-American students; 86 percent for Hispanics and 95 percent for white students. The percentage of all students reaching the prestigious Commended Performance level rose from 37 percent last year to 43 percent this year. Among the 28,768 third-grade students who took the reading test in Spanish, the passing rate was 76 percent, up from 74 percent in 2005. The percentage achieving Commended Performance was 16 percent this year, compared to 17 percent last year. When the performance of 2,414 Katrina or Rita evacuees in third-grade is examined, the data show that 59 percent passed the exam and 17 percent achieved Commended Performance. Almost all these children took the test in English and the vast majority of these students are Katrina evacuees. "It is critical that all students, including the Katrina children, who failed this test receive additional intensive reading instruction. Whether students are in Texas schools for 30 days or until graduation, our goal is to make them better, stronger students," Neeley said. Students must pass the reading TAKS at third and fifth-grades to be promoted to the next grade. Fifth-grade students must also pass the TAKS math test to be promoted to sixth grade. Those who did not pass the reading test they took on February 21 will have two other testing opportunities on April 19 and June 28. Parents can appeal the retention of their children. Fifth-grade results The percentage of fifth-grade students who met the passing standards improved across the board this year. The passing rate for the 291,723 students who took the English-language exam was 80 percent, up from 75 percent in 2005. The 2006 passing rates for the student groups were: 69 percent for African-American students; 73 percent for Hispanics and 91 percent for whites. Twenty-two percent of the students achieved Commended Performance status this year, compared to 23 percent last year. Of the 7,881 students who took the reading test in Spanish, 65 percent passed, compared to 60 percent last year. The percentage achieving Commended Performance rose dramatically from 10 percent in 2005 to 19 percent in 2006. Among the 2,548 Katrina or Rita evacuees, the passing rate was 47 percent and 6 percent reached the commended standard. "Students cannot succeed in school if they cannot read. We will do all we can do at school to help any child who is a struggling reader. We encourage parents to read with their children at home," Neeley said. Please contact your local district or charter school for scores for your local schools. The Texas Education Agency only has statewide results at this point. And from the TEA Bilingual/ESL Staff…. Both 3rd and 5th grade Spanish Reading TAKS passing rates have increased as compared to last year. Congratulations to each and every one of you that has been working together to make our English Language Learners’ successful. TEA Source: Georgina K. González, Bilingual/ESL Director Reminders about TEXAS AP FEE REDUCTIONS: All Texas public school students are eligible for the Texas State Fee Reduction of $30 per test. There are two steps to receive this fee reduction. On section 1 of the student answer sheets in the section marked “School Use Only” you must fill in OPTION 2. Then when generating your invoice to be included with materials shipped to College Board – ETS at the conclusion of testing, you must include the same number of OPTION 2 CREDITS on your invoice as marked on the student answer sheets. Students with financial need are eligible for the Texas Federal Fee Reduction and Texas State Fee Reduction for a total of $47 for each test. You must mark OPTION 1 on the student exam in the section marked “School Use Only” to receive this credit. Then when generating your invoice to be included with materials shipped to College Board – ETS at the conclusion of testing, you must include the same number of OPTION 1 CREDITS on your invoice as marked on the student answer sheets. College Board will waive the $22 administration fee for these students and the district is expected to waive the $8 rebate which will bring the cost of each exam down to $5 for students with financial need. Option 1 OR Option 2 must be marked on the exam; do not mark both. State reductions can only be awarded to a district through the College Board – ETS invoicing process. You must send a signed copy of your invoice to College Board. Do not send paperwork to the Texas Education Agency. The following is provided to you for informational purposes only. For further information, please contact the College Board. MARCH CHECKLIST FOR AP COORDINATORS (Information from College Board) MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND THE AP ORDERING ONLINE EVENT Join us for an AP Central(R) Online Event, "Ordering AP Exams -- A Refresher on Using the Online Ordering System" on March 23, 2006, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit the Online Events homepage on AP Central for more information. ORDER AP EXAMS To avoid late fees and ensure timely processing and delivery of your exam materials, make sure to submit your AP Exam order prior to the following deadlines: For Schools in the United States, U.S. Territories, and Canada * March 31: Priority deadline. Submit orders by this date to ensure timely processing and delivery. * April 5: Deadline for ordering pre-administration materials, which can only be placed with the initial exam order. Orders placed by March 15 will be delivered by April 7. Orders placed between March 16 and April 5 will be delivered by April 14. * April 14: Extension deadline. Each order received after this date incurs a $50 late fee. * April 21: Final deadline. No orders will be accepted after this date. * May 5 (Canada), May 12 (U.S. states and territories): Deadline for ordering alternate exams for late testing. Coordinators should call AP Services if an emergency occurs after this date. VISIT AP CENTRAL FOR UPDATED FEE REDUCTION INFORMATION The Federal and State AP Exam Fee Assistance page on AP Central has been updated to include information relating to the 2006 AP Exam administration. As some states have not yet finalized their fee assistance policies for this year, you should check back often for updates. In addition, you can also find the 2006 Fee Reduction Policy online at AP Central. Federal and State AP Exam Fee Assistance 2006 Fee Reduction Policy (.pdf/56K) Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Latest version recommended. VISIT AP CENTRAL FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND RESOURCES FOR RECORDING DIGITAL STUDENT RESPONSES If you plan to administer portions of the world language or Music Theory exams using a digital or computer lab, visit the Coordinator's home page on AP Central after March 15th to download specific exam instructions. There, you will find information on administering the exams using this equipment and how to record, save, and return student responses. CONTINUE PREPARATIONS FOR THE 2006 AP EXAM ADMINISTRATION As you begin to identify testing spaces, remember that in order to be in compliance with AP's exam security guidelines, you must allow no less than 5 feet (approximately 1.5 meters) between students. Do you have enough rooms in your school to conduct the administration or will you need to arrange for off-site testing? Will you need extra rooms to test students with disabilities who have been granted accommodations by the College Board? Download a template from AP Central to help you organize exam rooms. Finding and Evaluating Off-Site Testing Facilities Room Organization spreadsheet (.xls/24K) And don't forget that new resources are available on the Coordinator's homepage to help you train AP proctors and conduct a preadministration session. AP Proctor Training AP Pre-administration Session Presentation . IMPORTANT LINKS: * AP Central Home Page for Coordinators * AP Coordinator's Manual (.pdf/2.7MB) * AP Program Guide (.pdf/722K) * AP Course Audit * Coordinator Electronic Discussion Group * Contact AP Services * AP Coordinator Planning Calendar (.rtf/321K) TEA Contact: Dalissa Brandenburg, Director of AP/IB Initiatives Hurricanes Katrina/Rita Relocated Students The Louisiana Department of Education is offering the Graduation Exit Examination (GEE) online to assist students who were displaced to other states because of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita but would like to earn a Louisiana diploma in 2005-2006 or 2006-2007 and still need to retake all or part of the GEE. On Monday, March 6, 2006, the Louisiana Department of Education began accepting online student registrations for eligible students. Online testing is from March 27 - 31, 2006. School administrators can register Louisiana students to take the GEE Online at their new school out of state. If students registered for the January 2005 online GEE administration, it is not necessary for them to register again. To be eligible for the test, students must be residing in a state other than Louisiana. A User Guide is located at 06.pdf. Obtain additional eligibility requirements at Contact the Louisiana Department of Education at 1-877-453-2721 with questions about the online GEE administration or Louisiana graduation requirements. Grant Opportunities Grant Title: MetLife Foundation Bridge Builders Grant Program Organization: MetLife Foundation and the National Association of Secondary School Principals Eligibility: Public middle and high school principals Value: 25 awards of $5,000 each Deadline: April 17, 2006 Contact: $50,000 and newspaper recognition for outstanding K-12 educators Grant Title: 2006 All-USA Teacher Team Organization: USA Today Eligibility: K-12 teachers Value: 20 awards of up to $2,500 each Deadline: April 29, 2006 Contact: Grant Title: Award for Global Understanding Organization: National Council for the Social Studies Eligibility: PreK-12 Social Studies educators Value: One award of up to $2,700 Deadline: May 15, 2006 Contact: Call for Publishers to Submit Diagnostic Instruments for K-3 The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is notifying publishers of a second opportunity to submit early reading diagnostic instruments for Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2 for review. The original notice was published in the Texas Register on December 30, 2005 (30 TexReg 9035). Publishers who submitted instruments under the December 2005 notice do not need to resubmit materials. Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.006, authorizes the commissioner of education to develop recommendations for school districts to administer early reading instruments to diagnose student reading skill and comprehension development. (For more details, see In addition, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is notifying publishers of a second opportunity to submit for review early reading diagnostic instruments for the List of Grade 3 Early Reading Instruments . The original notice was published in the Texas Register on December 30, 2005, (30 TexReg 9036). Publishers who submitted instruments under the December 2005 notice do not need to resubmit materials. P.L. 107-110, Title I, Part B, Subpart 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, CFDA #84.357, authorizes the commissioner of education to develop recommendations for school districts to administer early reading instruments to diagnose student reading skill and comprehension development. (For more details, see TEA Source: Jana Bland Judkins, Ph.D., Director, Reading First Initiative ESC-20 is proud to announce that the Leadership Academy for Social Studies (LASS) (Attachment) brochure is currently in print. We are very excited about offering an opportunity to bring secondary educators together with post-secondary educators to create a social studies staff development module. The academy is a three-year commitment - billed once each of the three years - for a social studies leader or leadership team. Astronomy Day at the McDonald Observatory Day: May 4, 2006 Grade Levels: 5th - 8th Description: In celebration of Astronomy Day, join Marc Wetzel as he takes you on an interactive tour of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. If the weather cooperates, he will show us live video of our star, the sun! Times: 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. If you are interested in participating in this live, interactive videoconference, please contact Susan Altgelt at (210) 370-5639 or This is a statewide videoconference and slots will fill quickly! Availability of Pre-kindergarten Expansion Grant ListServ TEA is pleased to announce the installation of the TEA Prekindergarten ListServ. This ListServ is primarily for recipients of the Cycle 11 Prekindergarten Expansion Grant. Recipients are encouraged to sign onto the Prekindergarten ListServ as it will serve as a method of communicating current and important information on programmatic and funding matters related to the grant. Information will include: training opportunities on integration plans to be incorporated in Cycle 12, information regarding the Cycle 11 reconciliation and refund process, TEA’s online Expenditure Reporting (ER) system, final expenditure report (FER), and program compliance report due dates. The information will benefit grantees during this process of creating integration plans to coordinate resources. To sign up for the ListServ email Include the text below in the BODY of the email (not in the subject line), replacing Jane Doe with an appropriate first and last name. A confirmation email will be sent. subscribe prekindergarten_programs Jane Doe A TEA funding information sheet was mailed with the Prekindergarten Expansion Grant ListServ announcement on March 21, 2006. This funding information sheet provides notices on the Cycle 11 fiscal timeline, draws down from the Expenditure Reporting (ER) system, and the loss of any remaining Cycle 11 funds that are not drawn down (there is no rolling forward of Cycle 11 funds into the Cycle 12 school year). If you have not received this letter, contact Karyn Gukeisen, Lori Leija, or Sandy Senn in the Division of Formula Funding, TEA at (512) 4638525. TEA Press Release March 24, 2006 Approximately $20 million available for intensive reading and math programs for qualifying schools AUSTIN - About $20 million in Intensive Reading and Math Instruction grant funds will soon be available to Texas schools to be used to improve reading and math achievement for students in grades 4-6, the Texas Education Agency announced today. Campus eligibility is based on 2005 student passing rates on the fifth-grade reading and math Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) tests. “Students cannot succeed in school if they cannot perform well in math and reading. It is critical that all students who failed either the math or reading test receive additional intensive instruction,” Commissioner of Education Shirley J. Neeley said. Funding for the Intensive Reading Instruction and Math Instruction programs was established through Rider 48(a), passed by the 79th Legislature in 2005. This non-competitive funding is to be used to provide immediate, targeted instruction programs for students who are struggling in reading and/or mathematics so those students will be able to meet the grade advancement requirements of the Student Success Initiative and master grade level curriculum expectations. Schools can choose from 8 different math programs and 10 different reading programs to provide the targeted instruction. The Intensive Reading and Math Instruction grant program will be expanded for the 2006-2007 school year to include students in grades 4-7. Programs were evaluated on the quality of the technical component, the quality of the management component, the quality of the activity plan, and the quality of the program evaluation plan. Necessary components of the comprehensive math and reading programs included, but were not limited to: • comprehensive researched-base instruction for reading and mathematics; • assessment and performance outcome measures; • data-driven instructional systems; and • professional development in the implementation and use of comprehensive research-based reading and mathematics program • A program may include the use of technology to help achieve these elements. To see the list of the final applicant pool of eligible campuses, go to Funding for the intensive math and reading programs is available through the 2007 school year. The list of approved math and reading program providers follows. Intensive Math Initiative Program Providers: CompassLearning Harcourt School Publishers Pearson Digital Learning PLATO Learning Regional Education Service Center IV River Deep Tom Snyder Productions, Inc. Voyager Expanded Learning Intensive Reading Initiative Program Providers: CompassLearning Harcourt Achieve/ Steck Vaughn / Renaissance Harcourt School Publishers Pearson Digital Learning PLATO Learning Regional Education Service Center IV River Deep Scholastic Scientific Learning Voyager Expanded Learning 2006 Advanced Placement Summer Institutes information is now available. The APSI list is available on the College Board website under the Regional section, the Southwestern Region home page The APSI list can be accessed by contact Information or by subject. Please contact the institute directly for information about registering for an AP Summer Institute. ------------------------------------------------Eligibility requirements for 2006 AP/IB Teacher Training Reimbursements are listed below. Districts may be reimbursed for applicants who attend a College Board endorsed AP Summer Institute only if all of the following apply: The teacher attends the entire training and receives a Certificate of Completion as verification; The teacher teaches a 6 -12th grade Pre-AP or PEIMS designated AP® course at a Texas public school during the 2006-07 school year; The teacher attends the specific course training for the first or second time only, OR the district has not received reimbursement from the TEA for that teacher’s specific course training in either of the past two years; The teacher completes and submits the electronic application form; and The teacher verifies the electronic submission by providing the TEA with the required Certificate of Completion and Statement of Verification by the deadline posted. Notification to districts about this and other 2006 AP/IB incentives is posted on the TEA website in the Correspondence to Districts section at (Please reference the letter dated 1/13/06.) AP Summer Institute directors will provide participants with the directions for completing the online applications and application process. (No hard copy application form is available.) The application will become available in June 2006 and remain available until September 29, 2006. TEA Source: Dalissa Brandenburg, Director of AP/IB Initiatives Texas Connects: Edison Day Solving Real Life Problems with Math Monday, May 8 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (schools may participate at anytime during the day) Grades 7-12 Hosted by The University of Texas at Austin Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and TETN Texas Connects: Edison Day is a videoconference event for middle and high school students. It is an opportunity for students to learn and demonstrate how science and mathematics are used to solve real life problems. Students will conduct videoconference presentations and activities focused on inventors, new technologies, how high tech devices work, how technology plays a role in our life and how the world has been changed by inventions. UT will also be making four presentations throughout the day. Examples of student presentation topics: -kitchen appliances that require circuitry to operate -machinery or products that have microprocessors -interviews with an electrical engineer in the community -computers or PDA's -video game systems -cell phones -iPods or other MP3 devices -anything else related to math and real-life situations! What should presentations look like? -"show and tell" activities -computer modeling -interviews -scientific demonstration -other activities that allow for the exchange of ideas and information! Those of you who have participated in previous Texas Connects programs know how exciting they are. Please distribute the promotional flyer to teachers on your campus: If you are interested in submitting a presentation proposal or participating as a view-only site, please contact Susan Altgelt at or (210) 370-5639. Proposals are due APRIL 10! SOUTHWEST VISTAS: THE BORDER IN AMERICAN HISTORY The story of United States history generally advances westward from the establishment of the original British colonies. But the Spanish colonial experience also shaped our history, just as its legacy continues to influence American life and culture. How does our understanding of U.S. history and Texas history expand when seen through the broader perspective of the western hemisphere? How does the U.S.-Mexico border, where cultures meet, represent a key to our past as well as our future? In June 2006, Humanities Texas will partner with the University of Houston and the University of Texas at El Paso to hold "Southwest Vistas: The Border in American History," a pair of residential teacher institutes in Houston (June 4-7) and El Paso (June 11-14). Designed for teachers of U.S. history, Texas history, and world history, the institutes will explore the U.S.Mexico border, comparing the histories of the Americas on either side. BENEFITS "Southwest Vistas" will offer teachers the opportunity to: * work with leading scholars of U.S. and Latin American history on TEKS-specific topics * share innovative strategies for teaching with primary sources * explore Houston’s and El Paso’s rich cultural resources as a model for using their own communities in teaching local, state, national, and international history Participating teachers will receive a $300 stipend and continuing professional development credit in addition to a travel allowance, housing, and most meals. SCHEDULE Each day will feature engaging lectures as well as dynamic, interdisciplinary seminars exploring U.S., Texas, and Latin American history. Seminars will be centered on the use and interpretation of primary sources and aligned with the TEKS for Social Studies. Topics include the indigenous peoples of the Americas, the era of European colonization, immigration history, the arts in British and Latin America, and the development of border culture. HOW TO APPLY Teachers are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as priority consideration will be given to applications received by April 15, 2006. Applications are available at SPONSORS As the state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Texas supports public programs that provide opportunities for people to deepen their understanding of ideas, values, and human experience. The University of Houston and the University of Texas at El Paso are national leaders in the study of Latin American and U.S. Hispanic history, literature, and culture. "Southwest Vistas" is made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities We the People initiative. QUESTIONS Please direct questions regarding Southwest Vistas to Dr. Eric Lupfer, Director of Grants and Education, Humanities Texas, (512) 440-1991 ext. 120, or The Spring 2006 Interpreting Assessment Reports Guide has been posted to the TEA Student Assessment Division website. Please note that the sample reports in this guide are for illustration only. They are provided to show the basic layout of the reports and the information they include. This guide may be accessed from the What's New box on the Student Assessment home page: 22. Important Dates… March 31 – Deadline to submit ePlan (district technology plans) Page 22 of 22