Integrated FMS Scenario Definition Budget and Margin Analysis SCENARIO: DISPLAY ASSET MASTER RECORD Users can display asset master record through SAP. However, access will only be available to the users defined by management like Admin officers and department heads. Task 1 Responsible User Procedure Access SAP Asset Management Module: Display Asset Master Record. Type SAP Document TRANSACTION: DISPLAY ASSET MASTER RECORD Step 1 2 3 Procedure Notes Go to SAP Main Menu Go to Accounting > Financial Accounting > Fixed Assets > Asset > Display > Asset or enter transaction code AS03 on the command field. At Display Asset: Initial Screen, enter the asset number or asset sub-number (if asset component) and company code of the asset you want to access. Choose if you want to display master data, depreciation areas, or asset values by clicking on the icon. If you click on the master data icon, the system displays the following information about the asset: - General information (e.g. description, quantity, serial #, barcode # or asset ID, etc) - Account assignment information - Posting information (e.g. capitalization date, deactivation date, acquisition mo./yr., etc.) - Time-dependent allocations (e.g. cost center, plant, location, room, etc.) - Information for plant maintenance - Information for financial assets management - Real estate information - Leasing conditions - Investment support measures - Information on the origins of the asset (e.g. vendor, new or 2nd hand, etc.) - Physical inventory data - Insurance data (insurance company, base value, text, etc) - Evaluations groups If you can’t recall the asset number, sub-number or company code, put cursor on asset number, sub-number or company code field and click on the select button or you can use F4 help. You can choose if you want to search by company code & classes, account assignment/screen layout, asset under construction, investment measure, real estate, or group assets. Perform search by selecting the enter button (check). If you click on the depreciation areas icon, the system displays the following information about the asset: - Depreciation method - Useful life - Depreciation start date Display Asset Master record Created by Jacqueline Santos 1/2 date created:03/10/16 1:54 AM date printed: 03/10/16 1:54 AM Integrated FMS Scenario Definition Budget and Margin Analysis Step Procedure Notes If you click on the asset values icon, the system displays the following information about the asset: - Book depreciation - Special tax depreciation - Special reserves - Net worth valuation - Tax balance sheet - Cost accounting depreciation - Consolidated balance sheet in local currency - Consolidated balance sheet in group currency - Book depreciation in group currency Display Asset Master record Created by Jacqueline Santos 2/2 date created:03/10/16 1:54 AM date printed: 03/10/16 1:54 AM