Ground Water, March-April 2004 v42 i2 p243(15) Delineating and quantifying ground water discharge zones using streambed temperatures. Brewster Conant Jr.. Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 National Ground Water Association Introduction Understanding and accurately characterizing ground water/surface water interactions and ground water discharge is becoming an increasingly important activity for hydrogeological investigations of rivers and streams. In cases where ground water contaminant plumes are discharging to streams, determination of flowpaths and ground water fluxes are essential for evaluating the transport, fate, and potential impact of a plume (Conant Jr. 2000). At both contaminated and uncontaminated sites, ground water discharge and surface water exchange in streambeds can also affect the distribution and health of benthic and hyporheic zone aquatic life within the streambeds (Brunke and Gonser 1997; Williams 1993; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2000; Greenberg et al. 2002). To effectively monitor and assess flow conditions within the streambed one needs to have (1) an appreciation of the scale of variability, (2) the tools needed to easily and accurately measure the flow, and (3) a conceptual model that incorporates the various mechanisms that affect flow. Traditionally, entire reaches of streams have been conceptualized simply as gaining ground water, losing surface water, or flow-through where ground water enters the stream on one side of the stream channel and surface water exits the stream on the other side. Variation in ground water/surface water exchange can occur, however, within a reach on a scale of meters to centimeters (Brunke and Gonser 1997; Huggenberger et al. 1998; Baxter and Hauer 2000; Woessner 2000; Storey et al. 2003). Topographic changes in the top of a streambed and in the elevation of the water surface can both result in surface water entering the streambed at downwelling (recharge) zones and reemerging with ground water at upwelling (discharge) zones (Vaux 1968; Williams 1993; Boulton 1993; Harvey and Bencala 1993). Even very small bedforms, such as sand ripples, can result in convective bed transport (Thibodeaux and Boyle 1987; Savant et al. 1987) or pumping (Elliot and Brooks 1997a, 1997b) where surface water flows down through and beneath the bedform. Some of these flow mechanisms can result in a zone of interstitial water in the streambed and adjacent banks that contains surface water or a mixture of ground water and surface water that is referred to as the hyporheic zone (White 1993; Hendricks and White 1991; Triska et al. 1989; Williams 1989; Stanford and Ward 1988). From the aforementioned discussion, it is apparent that flow within a streambed can vary spatially as a result of many different flow mechanisms. A variety of techniques and types of equipment has been used to examine the ground water/surface water interface and quantify ground water discharge to surface water. These techniques include installing seepage meters (Lee 1977; Lee and Cherry 1978; Carr and Winter 1980; Shaw and Prepas 1990a, 1990b; Avery 1994; Duff et al. 2000; Paulsen et al. 2001), installing heat flowmeters (Kerfoot 1984; Ballard 1996), hydraulic testing of minipiezometers (Lee and Cherry 1978; Landon et al. 2001), use of piezometers in conjunction with seepage meters (Lee and Hynes 1977; Lee and Cherry 1978; Woessner and Sullivan 1984; Cruickshanks et al. 1988; Landon et al. 2001), modeling of vertical streambed temperature profiles (Lapham 1989; Constantz and Thomas 1996; Constantz 1998; Silliman et al. 1995; Bartolino and Niswonger 1999; Fryar et al. 2000), performing tracer tests (Harvey and Bencala 1993; Meigs and Bahr 1995; Lee et al. 1980), measuring differences in streamflow, and using flow and chemical hydrograph separation methods. Contrasts between the natural geochemistry of surface water and ground water have also been used to delineate the lateral and vertical extent of the hyporheic zone (Williams 1989; Hendricks and White 1991, 1995; Plenet et al. 1995). Applying these techniques or installing this equipment on a fine scale over a wide area can be expensive, may alter the natural flow in the stream, or may be unable to resolve the small-scale spatial distribution of flux through the streambed. Therefore, a need exists for a new approach for measuring ground water fluxes through a streambed that is simple, quantitative, unobtrusive (does not alter the system), inexpensive, and capable of characterizing the spatial variation. It was felt that a new integrated method based primarily on mapping differences in natural streambed temperatures had the greatest potential for achieving these monitoring objectives. The theory underlying use of streambed temperatures to determine ground water flux is based on the interaction between heat conduction processes and advection of water (Suzuki 1960; Stallman 1965; Lapham 1989). The vertical and horizontal distribution of temperature in a streambed is a function of these interacting processes. For example, during summer when surface water is warmer than ground water, shallow sediments in lowdischarge zones should be warmer than those in high-discharge zones. Figure 1 shows schematic vertical profiles of temperature that depict this situation. Differences in streambed temperatures have been used before to identify areas of ground water discharge into surface water or surface water infiltration into streambed deposits (White et al. 1987; Hendricks and White 1988; Evans et al. 1995; Silliman and Booth 1993; Maddock et al. 1995; Alexander and Caissie 2003; Storey et al. 2003). A few studies have mapped streambed temperatures in detail over a reach of a river (White et al. 1987; Lee 1985), but the author is not aware of any published studies that have used temperature to quantify fluxes in fine detail for an entire reach of a river. In this study, it was hypothesized that plan-view mapping of streambed temperatures could be empirically related to quantitative measurements of fluxes obtained by hydraulic testing of minipiezometers to provide a simple and quantitative method to characterize the spatial variability of the ground water discharge. It was also thought that by combining this new method with geochemical sampling of the interstitial water of the streambed that a conceptual model for ground water discharge could be developed. Most conceptualizations of flow in the streambed focus on describing flow direction, flowpath, or the degree to which ground water mixes with surface water in the streambed (i.e., hyporheic-zone mixing) and do not focus on characterizing the magnitude of the fluxes. Therefore, a need exists for a comprehensive conceptual model that is flux based (i.e., based primarily on the magnitude of the fluxes and not just the direction of flow). This type of model would provide a useful framework for designing and interpreting investigations of discharging ground water plumes where there is a need to calculate the total contaminant mass discharge, determine spatial distributions of flow velocities, and estimate travel times through streambed deposits. The model would also be useful for designing and interpreting ecological studies that address nutrient loading of surface water or the distribution of aquatic life or fish spawning areas. Description of Study Site Field investigations focused on a 60 m long section of the Pine River in Angus. Ontario, Canada, where a dissolved-phase tetrachloroethene (PCE) ground water plume discharges to the river. The main reason for selecting this particular site was to determine the ground water discharge on a very fine scale for later use in quantifying the contaminant mass discharging through the streambed (Conant Jr. 2001). The hydrogeological instrumentation installed along this reach of river for this study is shown in Figure 2. Flow in the river at this location ranges from 1.4 to 2.0 [m.sup.3]/sec in the summer. This reach of river is relatively straight, ~11 to 14 m wide, and has an average depth of 0.5 m with a maximum depth of ~1.1 m in the summer. The surficial geology of the streambed is primarily fine sand with some areas of sand with gravel or cobbles. In many but not all areas, the surficial fluvial sands are underlain by semiconfining deposits consisting of up to 3.1 m of silts, clays, and peats. Below the semiconfining deposits are very fine to fine sands that are part of a confined aquifer found to the east of the river. PCE-contaminated ground water travels from beneath a dry cleaning facility 195 m away through this confined aquifer, which is overlain by a clay aquitard (Pitkin 1994; Writt 1996; Guilbeault 1999; Conant Jr. 2001) and discharges into the river where the aquitard is absent and semiconfining deposits or sandy streambed deposits are found in its place. Water levels in the confined aquifer near the river were artesian and generally observed to be 0.5 to 1.5 m higher than the river stage. The interstitial water samples from the streambed contained PCE and large amounts of PCE anaerobic degradation products. Field Methods Temperature Measurements Temperature measurements included monitoring of surface water temperatures, monitoring of aquifer ground water temperatures, plan-view mapping of shallow streambed temperatures in both winter and summer, and vertical profiling of streambed temperatures. The mapping of streambed temperatures was performed to determine the spatial distribution of temperatures, whereas the other types of measurements provided information on temporal changes in temperature that would aid in interpreting and evaluating the spatial streambed temperature data. Surface water temperatures were measured to within 0.1[degrees] to 0.2[degrees]C using waterproof StowAway[R] TidbiT[R] -5[degrees] to +37[degrees]C range temperature loggers (Onset Computer Corporation, Pocasset, Massachusetts). During the study, river water temperatures were recorded at 15-minute intervals. A second TidbiT was used to record ground water temperatures in the confined aquifer at one-hour intervals at a depth of 7.24 m below the ground surface at the bottom of drivepoint well AW1. The spatial distribution of streambed temperature was mapped once in the summer and once in the winter when the difference in temperature between the ground water and the surface water was the largest and patterns of discharge would be easiest to determine. Temperatures were measured to within 0.1[degrees]C using a Barnant Model 600-8525 Handheld Thermister Thermometer (Barnant Company, Barrington, Illinois) equipped with a stainless steel YSI Model 418 reusable temperature probe (YSI Incorporated. Yellow Springs. Ohio). Measurements were taken by temporarily inserting the probe to a depth of 0.2 m for approximately a halfminute. At a small number of locations, because of obstructions, measurements were taken at a depth of 0.15 m. The measurements were generally made on a 1 m spacing along transects located perpendicular to the river flow. The distance between each transect was ~2 m. Sampling points were identified by transect names and position. For example, location 6-6W 4.5 m indicates the transect is ~6 m downstream (north) of the King Street Bridge (shown in Figure 2) and the point is 4.5 m west of stake 6 (on the east bank) toward stake 6W (on the west bank). The summer mapping of streambed temperatures was performed on July 28 and 29, 1998, and consisted of ~383 measurements for the reach of river extending from transect -4 - -4W (under the King Street Bridge) downstream to transect 44-44W. Streambed temperature measurements were repeated along transects -4 - -4W, 10-10W, and 28-28W during the mapping to examine the reproducibility of the measurements over time. The winter mapping of streambed temperatures was performed between February 18 and 20, 1999, and consisted of 514 measurements for the reach of river extending from transect -4 - -2W (under the King Street Bridge) downstream to transect 56-56W. Streambed temperature measurements were repeated along transects 0-0W, 1010W, and 14-14W. Vertical profiles of temperature in the streambed were measured to assess changes in temperature at various depths in response to changing surface water temperatures. The profiles were obtained using the Barnant Thermister and a multilevel temperature probe driven to 0.5 to 0.6 m into the streambed. The probe consisted of six YSI model 401 temperature probes placed at a 0.1 m vertical spacing in milled slots along a 0.0254 m outside diameter (O.D.) solid aluminum rod (Conant Jr. 2001). A 0.01 m diameter space was milled around each thermometer tip to keep it from touching the aluminum and to improve its contact with streambed water and sediments. The multilevel probe was allowed to equilibrate for 10 to 15 minutes before readings were taken. Minipiezometer Installations, Slug Testing, and TDR Measurements A total of 34 streambed piezometers, designated SP4 to SP37, were installed to obtain hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic gradient information. Locations for the installations (Figure 2) were chosen to represent the range of temperatures observed during the summer streambed temperature mapping. Each piezometer consisted of a 0.75 m long, 0.019 m inside diameter (I.D.), schedule 80 PVC pipe, with a 120 [micro]m stainless steel mesh wrapped around a 0.1 m long perforated section of the pipe. Piezometers were pushed by hand or driven into the streambed to avoid creating an oversized borehole that would have to collapse or be sealed to prevent unwanted vertical flow along the installation. The centers of the piezometer screens were installed at depths ranging between 0.49 to 0.70 m below the surface of the streambed. Each piezometer was developed immediately after installation. Slug testing and hydraulic head measurements of all piezometers were performed between November 3 and 6, 1998, except for SP34 and SP35, which were tested on December 10, 1998. Prior to each slug test, the hydraulic head difference between the river and the piezometer was measured to within 0.001 m using a potentiomanometer similar to those described by Winter et al. (1988) and Lee and Cherry (1978). The slug test apparatus consisted of a 0.038 m I.D. clear Plexiglas[R] reservoir tube mounted on a tripod. Falling head slug tests were performed by attaching the water-filled reservoir to a piezometer and then instantaneously releasing water from the reservoir and measuring the water level decline using a Solinst Model 3001, M5 Levelogger[TM] (Solinst Limited Canada, Georgetown. Ontario, Canada). Since porosity is required to calculate average linear ground water flow velocities, a time domain reflectometry (TDR) survey was performed on December 10, 1998, to determine the in situ volumetric water content of the top 0.2 m of the streambed at each of the 34 piezometer locations and at 21 additional streambed locations. A Tektronix Model 1502B Metallic TDR cable tester (Tektronix Inc., Beaverton, Oregon) was used along with a waterproof TDR probe, and the data were analyzed using WATTDR (Redman 1998). Geochemical Indicators and Streambed Sampling Chloride and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (i.e., PCE and its seven anaerobic degradation products) were used as geochemical indicators to determine if interstitial water found within the streambed represented ground water, surface water, or a mixture of the two. The concentrations of chloride and PCE in the ground water of the confined aquifer immediately adjacent to the Pine River were characterized using the Waterloo Profiler method (Pitkin et al. 1999) and by installing and sampling bundled multilevel (BML) samplers similar to those described by Mackay et al. (1986) and Bianchi-Mosquera and Mackay (1992). The 12 BML samplers (Figure 2) were sampled in March 1999. ~106 ground water samples were analyzed at the University of Waterloo for PCE, trichloroethene, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, 1,1-dichloroethene, trans-1,2-dichloroethene, vinyl chloride, ethene, and ethane using either a Hewlett Packard Model 5890 Series II gas chromatograph equipped with either an electron capture detector or a photoionization detector, or using a Hewlett Packard Model 5790A gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. All BML samples were analyzed for chloride using an Orion Model 9617BN Combination Chloride electrode attached to an Orion Model 420A meter (Orion Research Inc., Boston, Massachusetts). Vertical profile measurements of chloride and VOC concentrations were performed to determine the origin of the interstitial water in the streambed. The profiles were determined using the Waterloo Profiler, miniprofiler, and drivable multilevel samplers. The miniprofiler was a 0.0064 m O.D., 0.003 m I.D. stainless steel tube, 1.8 m in length, having a 0.01 m long screen, located 0.025 m above the drive tip. The miniprofiler was used at 11 locations to vertically profile the water quality, and the samples were typically collected using a 0.15 m vertical interval down to a maximum depth of 2.1 m. The drivable MLS samplers consisted of a stainless steel type described by de Oliveira (1997) that was modified for driving into the ground and a new PVC type described by Conant Jr. (2001). A total of 20 drivable multilevel samplers were permanently installed at 10 locations. They had a maximum depth of 5.5 m and a vertical sample port spacing of 0.15 to 0.30 m. The Waterloo Profiler was used at eight locations in the river to vertically profile the water quality on an interval of 0.1 to 1.0 m down to a maximum depth of 8.5 m. See Figure 2 for locations of various installations. The miniprofiler was used to map the horizontal (planview) distribution of streambed concentrations of PCE and chloride (using EPA Method 325.1). Between August 4 and 12, 1998, water samples were collected at a depth of 0.3 m below the streambed at 80 locations using the miniprofiler. Samples were collected on about a 2 by 4 m grid starting at transect -4 - -4W and ending at transect 44-44W, with two additional samples collected on transect 52-52W. During this and other sampling times, surface water concentrations of chloride. PCE, and VOCs were generally determined from grab samples taken just above the top of the streambed. Results and Discussion Streambed Temperatures During the summer streambed temperature mapping in July 1998, river water temperatures varied diurnally, reaching a low of 16.5[degrees]C and a high of 20.5[degrees]C (Figure 3a), while the ground water temperature in the confined aquifer stayed constant at 9.8[degrees]C. Spatially, the streambed temperatures were observed to be between 10.0[degrees] and 19.0[degrees]C at a depth of 0.2 m in the streambed. Repeating streambed temperature measurements along three transects at different times during the mapping showed temperatures were mostly reproducible (i.e., spatially constant during mapping) to within ~0.3[degrees]C with a maximum difference of 0.6[degrees]C (except at one point where it was 1.7[degrees]C) even though surface water temperatures varied by 4.0[degrees]C, Figure 3b shows streambed temperatures vs. distance along transect -4 - 4W and shows the measurements to be reasonably reproducible after 8.5 hours have elapsed and surface water temperatures have changed from 16.6[degrees] to 19.3[degrees]C. During the winter streambed temperature mapping in February 1999, river water temperatures varied over a relatively small range (0[degrees] to 1.6[degrees]C) during the three days of mapping (Figure 4a), while ground water temperatures in the confined aquifer were constant at 10.7[degrees]C. Spatially, the streambed temperatures were observed to be between 0.4[degrees] and 9.3[degrees]C. Repeating streambed temperature measurements along three transects at different times during the mapping showed streambed temperatures were generally reproducible to within ~0.3[degrees]C with a maximum difference of ~1.1[degrees]C. Figure 4b shows streambed temperatures vs. distance along transect 10-10W and shows the measurements to be reasonably reproducible after 16.5 hours have elapsed and surface water temperatures have changed from 1.5[degrees] to 0[degrees]C. Figures 5a and 5b show the results of the summer and winter mapping of streambed temperatures. Both maps show streambed temperatures that vary spatially over a 9[degrees]C range and have locations where temperatures differed by 2[degrees]C or more over lateral distances of 1 m or less. Distinct areas of ground water discharge are visible as relatively cool areas (< 16[degrees]C) in the summer map and as warmer areas (> 3[degrees]C) in the winter map. Areas of higher ground water discharge (i.e., temperatures < 13[degrees]C in summer and > 6[degrees]C in winter) are very localized and range in size from ~0.5 to 8.8 [m.sup.2]. The locations and shapes of the temperature anomalies in the two maps are remarkably similar. Three main discharge areas are apparent: the eastern shore, west-central, and south-central discharge zones. In both maps, there is also a zone ~1.7 to 4 m wide and 20 m long referred to as the low-flow band that separates the eastern shore and west-central discharge zones, and connects with a larger area of inferred low flow located downstream of the 34-34W transect. Although the winter and summer maps have very similar patterns of temperature anomalies, the winter map shows more detail. For instance, the winter map shows slightly warmer streambed temperatures along nearly the entire western shore (indicating discharge) and a 1 m wide by 8 m long colder zone (low flow area) just downstream of the bridge and west of the south-central discharge zone. More details were apparent in the winter map because it was less subject to short-term and long-term transients in surface water temperatures. Not only did the stream temperature stay more constant during the winter mapping, but it also had been essentially constant for the two months prior to the mapping (ranging between 0[degrees] and 2.7[degrees]C). The concept of mapping streambed temperatures in plan-view to infer the magnitude of the ground water discharge seems to be straightforward; however, interpretation can be complicated by changes in river water temperatures during mapping that result in changing vertical profiles of temperature in the streambed. A main objective of the mapping was to obtain a set of streambed temperature measurements where differences in temperature could be attributed to spatial differences in discharge and not be a result of temporal changes during the finite time required to complete the mapping. The typical temperature vs. depth profiles shown in Figure 1 are intended to schematically represent quasi-steady-state summer conditions, but the very top part of these profiles can change diurnally (Lapham 1989). At each mapping location, a single measurement is taken at a single depth that is intended to uniquely describe the particular vertical temperature profile associated with a specific magnitude of discharge (e.g., the profiles in Figure 1). Vertical profiles of temperature were measured over time to help decide at what depth measurements should be taken to mitigate the effects of changing surface water temperatures on streambed measurements during mapping. For example, Figure 6 shows the temperature envelope (i.e., the range of temperatures over time) in the streambed for a five-hour period at PRP9 on August 14, 1997, in response to a 1.1[degrees]C change in surface water temperature. During this time, streambed temperatures changed 0.6[degrees]C at a depth of 0.1 m, but only ~0.2[degrees]C at a depth of 0.2 m. Performing mapping using a probe depth of 0.1 m was too shallow and subject to unacceptable diurnal variations, whereas a depth of 0.3 m was too difficult to attain everywhere without repeatedly destroying the probe; therefore, a probe depth of 0.2 m was used. As discussed previously, the 0.2 m depth provided reasonably good reproducibility of streambed temperature measurements along selected transects. Darcy's Law and Velocity Calculations The use of piezometers, slug tests, and water level measurements to calculate ground water discharge using Darcy's law is described in hydrogeology texts such as Freeze and Cherry (1979). Horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities ([K.sub.h] and [K.sub.v], respectively) were calculated using the Hvorslev (1951) case G. variable head equation. An anisotropic ratio ([K.sub.h]/[K.sub.v]) of 1.25, determined from 167 permeameter tests of streambed sands (Conant Jr. 2001), was used when calculating [K.sub.h] and [K.sub.v] values. The calculated values were corrected to 10[degrees]C and are summarized in Table 1. The slug tests resulted in average [K.sub.h] and [K.sub.v] values for streambed sands of 1.62 X [10.sup.-2] cm/sec and 1.24 X [10.sup.-2] cm/sec, respectively. The hydraulic conductivities for streambed sand were in a range similar to the average hydraulic conductivity value (i.e., the geometric mean value [K.sub.G]) of 1.35 X [10.sup.-2] cm/sec for the underlying aquifer (Conant Jr. 2001). The slug testing of the semiconfining deposits resulted in a mean [K.sub.v] value of 6.90 X [10.sup.-6] cm/sec. The semiconfining deposits have hydraulic conductivities that are considerably lower than the underlying and overlying sands and limit the amount of vertical ground water flow that can occur in an area. The hydraulic head differences ([DELTA]h) between the streambed and the river indicated upward flow of water at all 34 piezometer locations (Table 1). The median head difference was 0.01 m and the average was 0.023 m. The maximum head difference of 0.233 m occurred at SP34. At each location, [DELTA]h was divided by the distance between the center of the piezometer screen and the top of the streambed ([DELTA]l) to obtain vertical hydraulic gradients, which ranged from 0.003 to 0.405 m/m (see Table 1). River stage and ground water levels during the November and December potentiomanometer measurements were similar to those observed during the winter and summer streambed temperature mapping events and so the hydraulic gradients are considered to be representative of the conditions during those events. Vertical ground water flux ([q.sub.v]) was calculated at each piezometer location using Darcy's law (Equation 1). The results are summarized in Table 1. [q.sub.v] = -[K.sub.v] X ([DELTA]h/[DELTA]l) (1) Values of [q.sub.v] (at 10[degrees]C) ranged from 0.029 to 446 L/[m.sup.2]/day with the exception of SP34 that had a [q.sub.v] of 7060 L/[m.sup.2]/day. In general, the lowest flux values are associated with locations where clayey semiconfining deposits are believed to be present beneath the stream and where the low-flow band is indicated by the temperature mapping. The highest [q.sub.v] values are associated with the three main discharge areas indicated by the temperature mapping. The flux value at SP34 is much higher than any other value and is in the center of the eastern shore discharge area near a high discharge spring. It is likely that the SP34 piezometer screen intersected a spring conduit or sand layer within the silty-clay deposits, which would explain both the high gradient and high hydraulic conductivity observed. It is unclear if the value of flux calculated at SP34 represents the true flux or is an artifact of having low [K.sub.v] deposits overlying high [K.sub.v] deposits at the location. The average linear vertical ground water velocity ([v.sub.v]) for each piezometer location was calculated by dividing [q.sub.v] by the porosity (n) and results are shown in Table 1. Porosity measurements of streambed deposits made using TDR ranged between 42.1% and 71.7%. The average porosity for sand, silt, and clayey-silt were 44.5%, 47.5%, and 55.9%, respectively. For the purpose of the calculation, porosities from TDR data were assumed to equal the effective porosity. Velocities ranged from 5.1 X [10.sup.-5] to 1.0 m/day, with the exception of location SP34 that was 13.8 m/day. Assuming the deposits at each location to be uniform and 2 m thick, the time for water to travel vertically though the deposits would range from a maximum of ~107 years in the semiconfining deposits to 0.5 day in the sands, and would take only 3.5 hours using the [v.sub.v] for SP34. Calculating Flux by Combining Streambed Temperatures and Piezometer Data The purpose of combining the streambed temperature data with the flux estimates made at piezometer locations was to develop a simple mathematical relationship that could be used to calculate vertical flux where only temperature data were available. Using this relationship, the flux could be easily estimated at hundreds of temperature measurement locations without having to spend the time and money necessary to install and slug test hundreds of piezometers. To obtain this relationship, ground water flux values from Darcy's law calculations using the piezometer data were plotted against streambed temperatures determined for each piezometer location during the summer and winter mapping (Figures 7a and 7b, respectively). Streambed temperatures were not always measured exactly at the piezometer locations during the mapping, so in those instances, they were linearly interpolated from the nearest two measurements along the transects. The streambed temperatures were also used to temperature correct the hydraulic conductivity values from the slug test results in Table 1, by correcting for the temperature-dependent water viscosity conditions at the time of the temperature mapping. As expected, in summer the fluxes increase as streambed temperatures decrease and in winter the fluxes increase as streambed temperatures increase. The data in Figures 7a and 7b were fitted using a second order polynomial and the resulting equations and least squares value ([R.sup.2]) for each fit is shown in the figures. A second order polynomial was chosen because it provided a better fit to the observed data than linear, cubic, or exponential functions. Moreover, this type of equation could match much of the expected behavior of the flux vs. temperature relationship by producing a smoothly increasing (or decreasing) curve that becomes asymptotic as temperatures become equal to either the ground water or surface water temperatures. Vertical lines on Figures 7a and 7b show the range of surface water and ground water temperatures observed during the mapping. The polynomial fits were derived without including the very high flux data from piezometer SP34. The empirical polynomial relationships seem to provide reasonable fits to the rest of the data between the temperature extremes. Some scatter in the data occurs for each curve, which may be an artifact of changes in streambed temperatures caused by surface water temperature variations occurring prior to or during mapping. The scatter may also be a result of having to interpolate streambed temperatures to get temperatures at piezometer locations. Changes in surface water temperature are thought to have caused the poorer polynomial fit for the summer data ([R.sup.2] = 0.66) vs. the winter data ([R.sup.2] = 0.81) because larger variations in surface water temperatures occurred prior to the summer mapping. The empirical relationships found in this study should be considered site- and time-specific and only the method of obtaining the equations (and not the actual equations in Figures 7a and 7b) should be used at other sites. Ground water fluxes for the summer and winter conditions (Figure 8a and 8b, respectively) were calculated using the equations shown in Figures 7a and 7b, and the streambed temperature measurements at each location in Figures 5a and 5b. The calculated fluxes for the summer data ranged between -25 and 577 L/[m.sup.2]/day and were between -10 and 587 L/[m.sup.2]/day for the winter data. The range of flux values and general pattern of flux is very similar for the winter and summer survey, but the overall discharge during the winter is lower as a consequence of having lower temperatures that result in lower hydraulic conductivities in the streambed. A drop in temperature from 16[degrees] to 1[degrees]C reduces the hydraulic conductivity by ~50% because the viscosity of water has increased. The median discharge in summer is 61.9 L/[m.sup.2]/day which is ~36% higher than the median discharge in winter of 45.5 L/[m.sup.2]/day when only the area mapped during the summer survey is compared (i.e., transect -4 - -4W through 44-44W). The average discharge in summer is 83.8 L/[m.sup.2]/day, which is only 12% higher than the 74.7 L/[m.sup.2]/day for the winter. The closer similarity between the average values compared to the median values is because the total discharge is dominated by highflux areas where temperatures remain relatively constant during the year. For example, in summer an estimated 7.0% (46 [m.sup.2]) of the total area of the streambed (i.e., the area enclosed by the 200 L/[m.sup.2]/day contour) was responsible for 23.5% (12.3 [m.sup.3]/day) of the total discharge (52.5 [m.sup.3]/day) for this 48 m long reach of river. In winter, an estimated 4.6% (32.4 [m.sup.2]) of the total area of the streambed (i.e., the area enclosed by the 200 L/[m.sup.2]/day contour) was responsible for 20.6% (9.1 [m.sup.3]/day) of the total discharge (44.0 [m.sup.3]/day) along the same reach of river. Figures 9a and 9b show (in cross section) the flux along transect 6-6W and the extent of agreement between Darcy's law fluxes at piezometers SP8, SP9, and SP10 and those calculated from the empirical relationship for summer and winter, respectively. The high-discharge zone that occurs at a distance of 5 to 6 m in both summer and winter corresponds well to the location of observed temperature anomalies in Figures 9a and 9b, and are in an area where the semiconfining deposits are absent at depth (Figure 9c). The application of this empirical approach to determine fluxes is subject to many limitations. For example, the empirical relationships resulted in the calculation of some negative fluxes (recharge) which is physically possible and reasonable. The empirical relationships may not provide, however, a very accurate estimate of the negative values because it is extrapolated beyond the range of the data used to derive the equation. An important limitation to the empirical relationships occurs when streambed temperatures are nearly equal to either the ground water or surface water temperature where ground water fluxes may become asymptotic and essentially nonunique. For example, at high-discharge areas, the shallow streambed temperatures may essentially equal the ground water temperature, but if the flux at that area is then doubled or tripled, the temperature will remain the same. The very high value of [q.sub.v] observed at SP34 may fall on this nonunique portion of the curve. The same type of nonunique behavior can also occur at high-recharge locations. Another limitation of the empirical approach is that it may not be completely applicable at very low flux locations immediately adjacent to very high flux locations because thermal diffusion away from the high-flux location may result in a halo of altered temperatures around it that are not solely a result of vertical flow at those surrounding locations. The empirical approach also may not be valid or applicable in areas where flow in the streambed is primarily horizontal (e.g., systems dominated by hyporheic flow), since an underlying assumption of the method is that flow is vertical. Other underlying assumptions or conditions necessary for this empirical approach include the following. (1) The ground water temperatures in the underlying aquifer are essentially constant. (2) The surface water temperatures are spatially uniform (although they may change temporally). (3) The difference between ground water and surface water temperatures is large. (4) The flow conditions have been constant for a considerable amount of time (i.e., have not been subject to changes or reversals in flow such as those associated with river stage fluctuations, bank storage effects, or induced infiltration from cyclic pumping). (5) The thermal properties of the shallow streambed deposits are essentially uniform. Geochemical Indicators in Interstitial Water Chloride was used as a geochemical indicator to distinguish areas where surface water was present in the streambed from areas where ground water was discharging. Concentrations in surface water were relatively constant and low, while average concentrations in ground water were higher and more variable. The average chloride concentration for 25 surface water samples collected between 1996 and 1999 was 14.1 mg/L and ranged from 12.8 to 17.4 mg/L. Analyses of samples collected from the BML installations indicated ground water concentrations ranged between 34 and 237 mg/L on the east side of the river, and between 17 and 280 mg/L on the west side of the river. Chloride concentrations in the streambed interstitial water at 76 locations at a depth of 0.3 m in August 1998 ranged from 14.5 to 177 mg/L. Streambed concentrations below the lowest observed ground water concentrations of 17 and 34 mg/L (for the west and east side of the river, respectively) can be inferred to contain some portion of surface water. Nine locations had concentrations indicative of surface water. At two locations, the samples were collected in an apparent recharge zone just upstream of a partially buried log. In three locations, the samples were collected from high hydraulic conductivity deposits conducive to topographically induced recharge and/or shallow horizontal hyporheic flow. The four other water samples were collected above, or just within the top of, the low hydraulic conductivity semiconfining deposits where the interstitial water was likely isolated from discharging ground water. Based on all the sampling at this site, there is little definitive evidence of hyporheic zone mixing at a depth of 0.3 m below the streambed. Hyporheic zone mixing might be occurring at that depth, but interpreting concentrations higher than 34 mg/L is problematic. For example, a chloride concentration of 59.4 mg/L in the streambed could represent pure ground water or be a mixture of two parts 14.1 mg/L surface water and one part 150 mg/L ground water. One clear example of surface water penetrating to a depth of 0.6 m below the top of the streambed was observed in sands above the semiconfining deposits at 18-18W 4.35 m (PRP7). Waterloo Profiler data from location PRP7 showed the 0.6 m of sand overlying the semiconfining deposits contained no VOCs and had less than 17.3 mg/L chloride at depths of 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 m, and only 29.6 mg/L at a depth of 0.6 m. The water in the streambed may have originated as recharging surface water with subsequent horizontal hyporheic flow downstream within these sands, which are geologically isolated from the underlying aquifer by clayey semiconfining deposits. Alternately, the water might have been entrapped surface water or socalled turnover water described by Elliot and Brooks (1997a) contained in newly deposited sands. PCE and its degradation products (i.e., VOCs) were used as good qualitative tracers to identify ground water originating from the east side of the river. Based on geochemical analyses, it was determined that hyporheic zone mixing occurred at two locations (32-32W 10.9 m and 36-36W 13.5 m) where interstitial water contained low concentrations of both chloride and VOCs. Use of an end-member mixing model to estimate the relative percentages of ground water and surface water in the interstitial water of the streambed was precluded because of the large range in both chloride and VOC concentrations (0 to 5529 [micro]g/L) in ground water. The outline of the VOC plume observed in the streambed in August 1998 is shown in Figure 2. Streambed Topography The horizontal and vertical spacing of measurements in this study could detect larger scale recharge and discharge areas associated with topographic effects, but it was not intended to detect very small (e.g., 0.01 to 0.10 m deep) types of flowpaths as described by Thibodeaux and Boyle (1987). Savant et al. (1987), and Elliot and Brooks (1997b). Temperature mapping and flux calculations did indicate a larger area of recharge downstream of transect 34-34W, which is consistent with a small drop in streambed and river stage associated with a 16 m long riffle. The chloride analyses also indicated two localized recharge areas caused by buried logs or other obstructions. In general, topographic effects at this site do not result in very much recharge or hyporheic zone mixing, at least not to a depth of 0.3 m. Streambed topography also did not seem to influence where discharge occurred. Strong discharge of ground water is usually expected to occur at the base of deep pools. At this site, there were no particularly deep pools, and a comparison of the flux in Figures 8a and 8b vs. stream depth showed no correlation. The flux also did not correlate well with the observed surficial geology of the streambed. Therefore, discharge at this site is primarily controlled by the low hydraulic conductivity deposits at depth and not by streambed topographic features or the surficial geology. Conceptual Model for Ground Water Discharge Once detailed ground water flow and flux information had been obtained, the next step in this study was to try to categorize the wide range of observed conditions by developing a simple generalized conceptual model for discharge that goes beyond specifying just the direction of the flow (i.e., is a flux-based model). Five basic types of discharge behavior have been identified and are shown schematically in cross section view in Figure 10. The five types are also shown for the site in a plan-view in Figure 11. Table 2 summarizes the characteristics for each type and includes flow directions, flux ranges, velocity ranges, residence times, and percent contribution to the overall discharge for the reach. The importance of categorizing flow in a flux-based manner is that it can be very useful when (1) calculating ground water contaminant mass or nutrient mass fluxes to surface water, (2) interpreting the distribution of benthic or hyporheic aquatic life in the streambed, (3) interpreting geochemical conditions occurring within the streambed, and (4) examining other flux or travel-time sensitive discharge situations. For example, other investigations at this site found that the degree of reducing conditions and extent of anaerobic degradation of PCE in the streambed was strongly related to which of these five types of flow was occurring at that location (Conant Jr. 2001). Type 1: Short Circuit Discharge Type 1 discharge behavior, or short circuit discharge zones, are very localized points of high discharge such as artesian springs and pipe flow. At these locations, natural or manmade conduits exist in the subsurface deposits that represent shortcuts that allow ground water from depth to rapidly reach the surface water and essentially short-circuit the slower flowpaths through the porous media. The springs at the Angus site are thought to be the result of artesian flow along small-scale geological heterogeneities in the low hydraulic conductivity semiconfining deposits such as sand stringers, fractures, or former root holes. At spring locations, dancing or boiling sand can be seen. Three springs were found at the site (Figure 11); the largest of these was Spring A located 0.5 m south of 30-30W 1.85 m. Flows from these short circuits can be orders of magnitude greater than those from the other types of discharge. For example, artesian flow from a temporary casing that pierced through the semiconfining deposits near the spring was estimated to be ~31.8 L/min (45.850 L/day). High fluxes result in high flow velocities and short ground water residence times in the streambed deposits on the order of minutes to hours. The temperatures of the springs were between 9.9[degrees] and 10.2[degrees]C and nearly identical to the temperature of the ground water in the underlying aquifer. Further information regarding the hydrogeology, biological significance, and discharge of springs can be found in Todd (1980), Meinzer (1927), van der Kamp (1995), Duff et al. (2000), and Rosenberry et al. (2000). Type 2: High Discharge Type 2 discharge behavior or high-discharge zones are areas of preferred ground water flow where high hydraulic conductivity deposits in the streambed connect the underlying high hydraulic conductivity aquifer deposits directly to the river. Channel lag deposits or sand and gravel deposits associated with prior river channel deposition can also be preferential flowpaths, or serve as geological windows through surrounding lower hydraulic conductivity fluvial deposits. High discharges can be caused by large topographic changes in the streambed or river surface (e.g., at deep pools located at the ends of riffles). For high-discharge areas, the shallow streambed temperatures will correspond more closely to ground water temperatures than to the surface water temperatures. At this site, high-discharge zones (i.e., > 200 L/[m.sup.2]/day) were identified within the eastern shore, west-central, and south-central discharge zones shown in Figures 5a and 5b. In winter, the zones make up only ~3.8% of the area of the streambed, yet account for ~20% of the total discharge between transects -4 - -4W and 56-56W. In these zones, the observed fluxes and velocities (0.5 to 13.8 m/day) were equal to, or higher than, the values for ground water flowing horizontally through the confined aquifer toward the river. High-discharge zones have also been observed in portions of other streambeds at values that are similar to those found in this study (Lee and Hynes 1977; Fryar et al. 2000; Duff et al. 2000) and exceeded 34,000 L/[m.sup.2]/day in one study (Baxter and Hauer 2000). Type 3: Low to Moderate Discharge Type 3 is the low to moderate-discharge zone, which is caused by low to medium hydraulic conductivity deposits (relative to the aquifer deposits), or low hydraulic gradients, or both. Low-flux areas may be caused by thin silt layers within or below otherwise high hydraulic conductivity sand deposits, or sands underlain by semiconfining deposits, or fining upward sequences of sedimentary deposits. Low to moderate-discharge zones dominate the site and make up ~85% of the area of the streambed and account for ~76% of the ground water discharge of the reach. Ground water discharge in these areas is between 0 and 200 L/[m.sup.2]/day, and most of this zone has fluxes between 0 and 50 L/[m.sup.2]/day. Vertical ground water flow velocities range from ~5 X [10.sup.-5] to 0.5 m/day in this zone, so ground water has a longer residence time in these areas than in Type 1 or 2 areas. Temperatures in the streambed at this type of discharge zone were between those observed for ground water and surface water. Other studies of streams with numerous low to moderate-discharge areas include Lee and Hynes (1977), Cruickshanks et al. (1988), and Alexander and Caissie (2003). Type 4: No Discharge Type 4 no-discharge zones occur when the vertical hydraulic gradient between the streambed and river is zero, meaning there is no driving force making the water in the streambed move vertically up or down. Neutral reaches (Silliman and Booth 1993) and zero-exchange or parallel-flow reaches (Woessner 2000) are examples of Type 4 areas where either surface water or ground water may be flowing within the streambed parallel to the river, but has no upward (or downward) flow component. Horizontal hyporheic flow also falls into this category. Type 4 flow also can occur where sandy streambed deposits are geologically isolated from the underlying ground water system by very low hydraulic conductivity deposits that essentially prevent ground water discharge. At this site. Type 4 behavior was observed at location PRP7 as previously described. Other smallscale horizontal flow zones were caused by small-scale topographically induced convective bed transport. Type 4 zones were inferred primarily from low chloride concentrations in streambed deposits since streambed temperatures at those zones may be influenced by transient temperature effects, and the duration and depth of horizontal migration of surface water through the deposits. In general, the temperatures in the streambed at this type of discharge zone are expected to be close to surface water temperatures as was observed to be the case in Silliman and Booth (1993). Stream studies that have found locations with zero vertical flux include Valett et al. (1994), Duff et al. (2000), Cruick-shanks et al. (1988), and Storey et al. (2003). Type 5: Recharge Type 5 recharge behavior occurs when hydraulic gradients between the river and the streambed are downward (i.e., the river water is recharging, or flowing into, the subsurface deposits). The downward flow means that streambed temperatures are essentially equal to surface water temperatures at these locations. Recharge can occur over entire reaches or large portions of reaches (in the case of flow-through conditions), but several other processes can cause recharge on a small scale, including topographically induced recharge, substream flow, and convective bed transport. Recharge behavior was not directly observed at the site (i.e., all streambed piezometers showed upward flow), but it can be inferred. For example, small areas of recharge likely occurred upgradient of Type 4 areas (but are not shown in Figure 11) in order for surface water to be present in the subsurface. Calculated ground water fluxes (Figures 8a and 8b) indicated recharge occurred over a large area of the riffle downstream of transect 40-40W, but because of a lack of geochemical and hydraulic measurements in the area, the behavior could not be confirmed. Therefore, the Type 5 areas in Figure 11 could also include (or be) Type 4 areas. Recharge behavior has been observed at other streams (Valett et al. 1994; Lee and Hynes 1977; Baxter and Hauer 2000; Alexander and Caissie 2003; Storey et al. 2003). Applicability of the Conceptual Model This conceptual model provides a framework for categorizing and evaluating discharges that is applicable to all sites, but because geologic and hydraulic conditions differ from site to site, the spatial proportions of these five types will differ from those listed in Table 2. For example, some reaches of streams in sand and gravel deposits may consist almost entirely of Type 2 areas with only small amounts of Types 4 and 5. In sites where much of the discharge may exceed 200 L/[m.sup.2]/day, it may be useful to subdivide the Type 2 high-discharge zone into high and very high types if it better describes site-specific conditions. Likewise, at some sites there may be a need to subdivide Type 5 behavior into both low- and high-recharge zones. Because geochemical conditions, contaminant and nutrient mass fluxes, and the occurrence of benthic and hyporheic aquatic life are related to the magnitude and direction of water flow in the streambed, a map showing the five different types of behavior could be used to design more representative, targeted, and efficient streambed sampling and monitoring programs. Conclusions Measurements of streambed temperatures were used successfully to map a complex pattern of ground water discharge in a streambed. To obtain an accurate depiction of the discharge patterns, it was necessary to make measurements at a depth of 0.2 m in the deposits to reduce the influence of diurnal and other transient variations in surface water temperatures on the spatial distribution of streambed temperatures. Mapping of streambed temperatures in the winter revealed finer scale variations in discharge than mapping performed in the summer because transient effects were smaller. As expected, high-discharge locations were associated with relatively cool areas of the streambed in summer and with relatively warm areas of the streambed in winter. Vertical ground water flux estimates calculated using minipiezometers and Darcy's law confirmed the patterns of discharge that were inferred from the temperature measurements. A simple empirical relationship was developed that related piezometer flux data to measured streambed temperatures that then allowed large amounts of low-cost and easily measured streambed temperature data to be converted into flux data to create detailed maps of the discharge. The empirical relationship is based on several assumptions and has the main limitation that the relation-ship becomes nonunique when streambed temperatures are essentially equal to either the surface water or ground water temperatures (i.e., at very high and very low fluxes). Until further investigations and testing can be performed, the empirical relationships used in this study should be considered site- and time-specific, and the application of this technique to other sites will require new empirical fits be made using site-specific temperature and flux data. The temperature data were not as useful a tool for accurately determining small-scale recharge and hyporheic flow areas of the streambed, and so geochemical data were necessary to delineate those areas. A generalized flux-based conceptual model consisting of five different categories of flow through a streambed was developed for the site. Using these categories, springs and high ground water discharge areas were found to account for 3.8% and 20% to 24% of the total discharge for this reach of river, respectively, even though they collectively accounted for only ~5% to 7% of the area. Both the conceptual model and empirical approach to calculating fluxes are useful tools that can be applied to characterize and interpret other sites. Table 1 Hydraulic Conductivity Determined from Slug Testing of MiniPiezometers and Calculations of Vertical Flux and Average Linear Ground Water Velocity Name Material at Screen Horizontal Conductivty [K.sub.h] (a) cm/sec SP4 SP5 SP6 SP7 SP8 SP9 SP10 SP11 SP12 SP13 SP14 SP15 SP16 SP17 SP18 SP19 SP20 SP21 SP22 SP23 SP24 SP25 SP26 SP27 SP28 SP29 SP30 SP31 SP32 SP33 SP34 SP35 SP36 SP37 Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Sand Sand Sand Sand Silt Silt Sand Sand Silt Silt Silt Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand 7.66 1.14 1.20 2.15 6.70 2.01 1.22 1.33 1.11 6.55 2.52 1.33 6.92 1.87 1.84 2.02 7.85 1.83 1.96 8.92 2.48 1.22 2.48 1.26 2.15 2.10 5.80 9.02 2.51 4.88 2.63 4.99 1.23 7.10 Name Porosity (c) (n) % SP4 SP5 SP6 SP7 SP8 SP9 SP10 SP11 SP12 SP13 SP14 SP15 SP16 SP17 SP18 SP19 and silt and silt and silt and silt and clay and silt and clay and clay and silt and clay and clay and silt and silt and silt 44.5 42.1 45.0 44.5 44.1 52.2 47.5 47.5 47.4 46.1 42.9 47.5 47.5 42.9 43.0 44.3 (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] (b) [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-6] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-6] [10.sup.-6] [10.sup.-2] (b) [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] (b) [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-4] Head Dif. (e) ([DELTA]h) cm Vertical Hydraulic Gradient (-) 2.7 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.0 1.5 2.5 2.7 0.3 0.4 0.8 2.3 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.047 0.034 0.033 0.031 0.016 0.024 0.039 0.041 0.005 0.007 0.013 0.036 0.006 0.003 0.010 0.010 Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity [K.sub.v] (a) cm/sec 5.86 8.76 9.22 1.65 5.12 1.54 9.30 1.02 8.46 5.01 1.93 1.02 5.29 1.43 1.41 1.54 6.01 1.40 1.50 6.83 1.90 9.34 1.90 9.64 1.64 1.61 4.44 6.90 1.92 3.73 2.02 3.82 9.42 5.43 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] (b) [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-6] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-6] [10.sup.-6] [10.sup.-2] (b) [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-2] (b) [10.sup.-4] [10.sup.-3] [10.sup.-3] Vertical Flux ([q.sub.v]) L/[m.sup.2]/day 239.9 256.8 263.3 445.7 69.2 321.6 31.2 36.0 33.7 28.4 221.8 31.6 27.7 37.0 117.8 135.3 Velocity ([v.sub.v]) m/day 0.54 0.61 0.59 1.00 0.16 0.62 0.066 0.076 0.071 0.062 0.52 0.067 0.058 0.086 0.27 0.31 SP20 SP21 SP22 SP23 SP24 SP25 SP26 SP27 SP28 SP29 SP30 SP31 SP32 SP33 SP34 SP35 SP36 SP37 51.4 45.2 43.9 43.3 47.5 55.9 55.9 45.1 44.6 47.5 55.9 55.9 44.4 47.5 51.1 47.5 43.9 71.7 (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) 5.0 0.6 0.2 0.5 2.6 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 4.3 6.8 0.3 1.2 1.9 23.3 5.4 0.6 1.0 0.079 0.009 0.003 0.010 0.044 0.011 0.012 0.007 0.007 0.069 0.108 0.005 0.020 0.031 0.405 0.084 0.010 0.016 0.41 103.9 41.2 60.2 7.3 8.7 1.9 56.5 96.3 96.2 0.41 0.029 329.1 98.8 7059.8 27.8 78.8 7.5 0.00080 0.23 0.094 0.14 0.015 0.016 0.0035 0.13 0.22 0.20 0.00074 0.000051 0.74 0.21 13.81 0.059 0.18 0.010 (a) Hydraulic conductivity values corrected to 10[degrees]C (b) Hydraulic conductivity value above reliable limit for testing equipment, actual value could be higher (c) Porosity determined using TDR measurements made immediately adjacent to the piezometer (d) Porosity not measured or not representative of screened material, so assigned an average value (e) Head difference measured between center of piezometer screen and top of streambed Table 2 Summary of Flow Characteristics for the Five Different Types of Discharge Behaviors of the Conceptual Flow Model Flow Type Origin of Water (a) Temperature of Streambed Deposits 1. Short-circuit discharge GW Same as GW 2. High discharge 3. Low-to-moderate discharge 4. No discharge GW GW Close to GW Between GW and SW Close to SW 5. Recharge GW, SW, or a mixture SW Flow Type Vertical Velocity Range (m/day) 1. Short-circuit discharge 2. High discharge 3. Low-to-moderate discharge 4. No discharge >10 0.5 to 13.8 0.00005 to 0.5 0 (d) Same as SW 5. Recharge Flow Type - (e) Percent of Streambed Area (b) Vertical Flux Range (L/[m.sup.2]/ day) >1 (g) (L/min) >200 >0 to 200 0 <0 Residence Time of Water in Streambed Minutes to hours 5 hours to 6 days 6 days to 8 years Depends on length of flowpath Depends on length of flowpath Percent of Total GW Discharge (c) 1. Short-circuit discharge 2. High discharge 3. Low-to-moderate discharge 4. No discharge 5. Recharge ~0.0002 3.8 84.6 3 (f) 8.6 (f) 3.8 20 76.2 0 -0.5 (a) GW = ground water and SW = surface water (b) Percent relative to total area of river between transects -4 - -4W and 56-56W in winter (c) The percent discharges calculated using winter flux data (d) No vertical flow but there still could be horizontal flow (e) Vertical velocities were not determined for this type of flow but are negative and likely quite low (f) Type 4 and 5 areas are not exact and may include portions of the other type of area (g) The "flux" from a spring is expressed in liters per minute Acknowledgments The author wishes to thank his dissertation supervisors, Drs. J.A. Cherry and R.W. Gillham, for their support while undertaking this research; T. Praamsma, B. Gunn, and M. Bogaart for assisting in the field work; J. Constantz, F.E. Harvey, and J.F. Ayers for their helpful comments regarding the manuscript; and M. McMaster and his family for allowing access to the field site. Funding for this research was provided by the University Consortium Solvents-In-Groundwater Research Program, the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council, and an Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology. Received August 2002, accepted May 2003. Copyright [c] 2004 by the National Ground Water Association. Editor's Note: The use of brand names in peer-reviewed papers is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the authors, their employers, or the National Ground Water Association. References Alexander, M.D., and D. Caissie. 2003. Variability and comparison of hyporheic water temperatures and seepage fluxes in a small Atlantic salmon stream. Ground Water 41, no. 1: 72-92. Avery, C. 1994. Interaction of ground water with the Rock River near Byron, Illinois, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4034. Ballard, S. 1996. The in situ permeable flow sensor: A ground water flow velocity meter. 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