3910-FM-WM0464 10/2006 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION NON-COMPLIANCE DISCHARGE REPORT FORM Report episodes of non-compliance (including manure discharges) orally to the Department within 24 hours following discovery of the non-compliance. Use this form to document the episode and submit to the Department within two weeks, in accordance with the permit. 1. Did the discharge occur through or because of a man-made ditch, flushing system, water supply overflow or similar man-made device (i.e., man-made shaping or grading, or man-made alteration to property, trough)? Yes No Explain how and why the discharge occurred: 2. Is liquid being discharged from the leak detection system or subsurface drain? Yes No 3. Was PADEP notified of the discharge? (If No, why not?) Yes No 4. Was a sample collected of the discharge? (Attach all analyses) Yes No 5. Indicate the type of water body receiving the discharge (ditch, stream, river, dry streambed, etc.). 6. List any other discharges which have occurred at the facility and describe how and why the discharges occurred (e.g., failure of manure storage facility, 25-year 24-hour storm) and identify what actions have been taken to prevent future discharges: CERTIFICATION AND SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I certify under penalty of law that this report and associated documents were prepared under my direction or that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information herein submitted. Based on my personal knowledge and inquiry of the person or persons responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Print Name and Title of Person Signing Signature of Operator/Owner Telephone Number of Person Signing Date Signed