UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI - CLERMONT COURSE SYLLABUS AND SCHEDULE OUTLINE FOR PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING I (34-MKTG-241) AUTUMN QUARTER 2008 MWF 10:00A – 10:50A (Section 002) PETERS-JONES BUILDING ROOM 202 MWF 1:00P – 1:50P (Section 003) EDUCATIONAL SERVICES BUILDING ROOM 135 Instructor Information Instructor: Office: Phone: Dr. Jeff Bauer, Associate Professor of Management and Marketing Snyder Building 252F Office: 732-5257 24-HR Voicemail Fax: 732-5304 Faculty Secretary: 732-5255 Home: 753-9081 E-Mail: Jeff.Bauer@UC.Edu Website: Office Hours: M and F 12:00P – 1:00P, W 12:00P – 1:00P (In the Learning Center), T and Th 9:00A – 9:30A, or by appointment. Text Information Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, William Perreault, Jr. & Jerome E. McCarthy, Irwin, 16th Edition, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-07-352980-6 Course Description Fundamentals of marketing structures, channels, and environments: buyer and seller behavior, marketing management of product planning, pricing, distribution, and promotion. Course Objectives 1. Understand the role of marketing in the Global Economy. 2. Understand target marketing and the functions of a marketing manager. 3. Know what market segmentation is and how to segment product-markets into submarkets. Know the seven-step approach to market segmentation. 4. Understand how difference kinds of competitive situations affect business strategy planning. 5. Research, prepare, and present marketing case studies. 6. Have an understanding of marketing information systems and how they are used. 7. Know the affect of population and income trends in the United States and in global markets. 8. Understand the behavioral dimensions of the consumer market. 9. Understand what branding is and how it is used. 10. Understand the product life cycle. Course Requirements Reading Assignments: The student is expected to read all assignments prior to the class in which they will be discussed. He/she should be ready to participate in class discussions and activities. Additional Resources: Group Cases: Cases detailing various marketing topics will be assigned. Groups will be formed during the second week of class. Business Game Simulation: Students will be assigned to a group. Each group will be a company competing against other companies to market a specific product. Decisions will be made on how to market the product and turned into the instructor. Results of decisions will returned to each group for review and revision. A detailed handout will be provided during the quarter. Exams: There will be three (3) exams during the quarter. Exam formats will be true-false, fill-inthe-blank, multiple choice, short essay, and case study. Exams will be given as indicted on the Course Schedule. Grading: The final grade will be determined as follows: Exam One (Chapters 1, 2, 3) Exam Two (Chapters 4, 5, 21) Final Exam (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Group Cases and Participation Business Game Simulation Total Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 150 Points 50 Points --------------500 Points The numerical average will be calculated by dividing total points by 5. GENERAL COURSE POLICIES Attendance and Make-Up Work Attendance is a requirement of the course. If for some reason you cannot attend a class, please let me know by using one of the phone numbers (or other means) listed above. Assignments Any assignments are due at the beginning of the class period as indicated on the Course Schedule. Late assignments will be reduced at least one letter grade per class day at the discretion of the instructor. Assignments will not be accepted one week after the due date has passed. Cell Phones, Pagers, etc. Consider this class to be a call-free, beep-free, vibrate mode-free zone of silence. Make-Up Exams Make-up exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor. The student must notify the instructor of the absence before the exam begins. If proper notification is given, a make-up exam will be administered which may be significantly more challenging than the examination given on the scheduled date. Cheating and Plagiarism The policy as stated in the University of Cincinnati Student Handbook will be strictly enforced. A copy of the Student Handbook is available in the Student Development Office. Withdrawals The current withdrawal policy of Clermont College will apply. The withdrawal policy for this term is available in the Registration Office. ADA Students with Disabilities: The policy of the University of Cincinnati Clermont College requires students to self-identify and provide proper documentation to the Academic Director of Disability Services, Student Services Building for appropriate academic assistance. Grading Scale The following plus/minus grading system will apply: 92 - 100% = A 91 - 89% = A- 78 – 77% = C+ 76 – 72% = C 88 - 87% = B+ 86 - 82% = B 81 - 79% = B- 71 – 69% = C- 68 – 67% = D+ 66 – 62% = D 61 – 59% = D - 58% and Under = F Note: The course schedule and procedures are tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class. COURSE SCHEDULE OUTLINE – PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING I Week of 09/24 Introduction to Course, Explanation of the Syllabus, and the Schedule Outline Chapter One – Marketing's Value to Consumers, Firms, and Society 09/29 Chapter Two – Marketing Strategy Planning Case One 10/06 Chapter Three – Focusing Marketing Strategy with Segmentation and Positioning Brief Discussion of Business Game Review for Exam One 10/13 Exam One - Chapters 1, 2, 3 Discussion of Business Game and Trial Decision Chapter Twenty-One – Developing Innovative Marketing Plans 10/20 Chapter Four – Evaluating Opportunities in the Changing Marketing Environment First Real Business Game Decision Case Two 10/27 Chapter Five - Demographic Dimensions of Global Consumer Markets Second Business Game Decision Review for Exam Two 11/03 Exam Two - Chapters 4, 5, 21 Third Business Game Decision Chapter Six – Final Consumers and Their Buying Behavior Case Three 11/10 Chapter Seven – Business and Organizational Customers and Their Buying Behavior Fourth Business Game Decision 11/17 Chapter Eight – Improving Decisions with Marketing Information Case Four 11/24 Chapter Nine – Elements of Product Planning for Goods and Services Case Five 12/01 Chapter Ten - Product Management and New-Product Development Review for Final Exam The Final Exam will cover Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 and be held as follows: Wednesday, December 10th from 9:00am – 10:00pm (Section 002, 10am class) Wednesday, December 10th from 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Section 003, 1pm class)