HONORS CHEMISTRY Signature School – 2015-2016 INSTRUCTOR – Mrs. Sudha Sankaran E-mail sudha.sankaran@signature.edu Phone 812-421-1820 Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________ I. Textbooks and Materials Needed Textbook: Chemistry: Matter and Change (Glencoe) A) A three ring binder with filler paper and 5 tabs. 1. Notes, 2. Handouts, 3. Labs, 4. Quizzes, and 5. Tests B) A college ruled notebook that can be kept in the binder for notes. C) Writing utensils – pencil, highlighter and red pen for corrections. D) Scientific electronic calculator II. Course Outline The following is a brief outline for this course. Introduction to Chemistry and Matter Matter, Energy, and Change Measurements and Solving Problems Organization of Matter Atomic Structure Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms The Periodic Law Chemical Bonding Organic Chemistry The Language of Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Compounds Chemical Equations and Reactions Stoichiometry Phases of Matter Physical Characteristics of Gases Quantitative Description of Gases Liquids Solids Kinetics and Equilibrium Reaction rates Determining Rate Laws Using Equilibrium Expressions Solutions and Their Behavior Mixtures and Solutions Ions in Aqueous Solutions Acids and Bases Acid-Base Titration and pH Electrochemistry Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Determining Cell Potential III. Grading A. Grading Scale: Each student's semester grade will be determined according to the following grading scale. A: 90%-100%, B: 80%-89%, C: 70%-79%, D: 60%-69% B. Grade Breakdown: Quarterly: 60% tests, 25% Labs, & 15% Homework, assignments and quizzes Semester: 1st semester 40%, 2nd semester 40%, & Finals 20% These grades will be based on scores received on homework, lab reports, projects, quizzes, tests, and the finals. B. Description of Grading Procedures: 1. Grade Opportunities Formative Evaluations: All chapter homework will be due on the assigned due date. Homework will be graded for completeness and accuracy, but keep in mind that the purpose of homework and other similar assignments is to practice as you prepare for the major evaluation (test). These assignments as well as an end of the quarter binder check will constitute approximately 10% of each student's semester grade. Please note some instructions and on occasion assignments may be sent by email, students who have issues with this need to see me in advance. I DID NOT CHECK MY E-MAIL IS NOT A VALID EXCUSE Major Evaluations: An test will be given at the end of each unit (about 100 points). Quizzes, both announced and unannounced, will be given periodically. Each semester will conclude with a cumulative final exam. These exams will constitute approximately 65% of each student's semester grade. Lab Reports: One of the most important aspects of this course is the lab portion of the course. Your reports will be graded for format, organization, accuracy, and neatness. Lab reports will constitute approximately 25% of each student’s semester grade. 2. Late Work: There will certainly be occasions when students are not able to hand in a particular assignment on the designated due date, therefore this is the plan for accepting late work. For each day an assignment is late you will lose 10% of the assignment's total point value, up to a maximum of 5 days at which time the maximum value for the assignment will be 50% of its original point total. After 5 days, the assignment will no longer be accepted except by special arrangements with me. Missed assignments due to an excused absence are due on the day the student returns. IV. Classroom Behavior Expectations I will strive to provide a congenial, safe, and supportive environment for everyone to make this a wonderful experience as we learn the various aspects of chemistry. Express yourself positively. No cruel teasing or put-downs, no rude noises or gestures, no foul or abusive language. Respect one another. When involved with small group or whole class discussion, pay attention to whoever has the floor. Follow instructions. Do your best to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of humor. We all must respect each person’s right to learn! NO cell phones, iPods, or other portable electronic devices in class!!!!! a. Cell phones must be put away in a backpack or purse and out of site throughout the class period. They must also either be turned off or on silent mode during class. NO iPods or CD players are allowed in the classroom! b. If there are circumstances or situations in which you will be expecting a very important call, please let me know and we will work something out. Extra Help/Tutoring/Parent Conferences: If you need extra help I am available after school or during lunch. Please send me an e-mail or stop by and ask for availability. I will make sure you get the help you need at the earliest. Parents can e-mail or call me with any concerns Student's Name_______________________________________________ Period_________ Students e-mail address _________________________________________________________ If parent/guardian would like to receive class work reminders via email, please write all pertinent email addresses in the space below and you will be added to Mrs. Sankaran’s email list.