3. Funding

Computer for Pupils 2006-08
Guidance for LAs and schools
Aims of the initiative
Educational outcomes
Home-School Agreement
Monitoring and evaluation
Further information and list of annexes
Formula and allocation
Good practice
Letter to local authorities
Minimum specification
Legal issues
Eligibility and special circumstances
Building local partnerships
Procurement options
Sources of further information and Case Study
Questions and answers (separate document)
This document provides guidance to local authorities (LAs) and schools in England
for the Computer for Pupils initiative in 2006-07 and 2007-08.
It sets out the main principles of the initiative, and provides LAs and schools with
information to help them deliver this initiative in their locality and to maximise the
impact on teaching and learning for their most disadvantaged pupils.
This guidance is based on the principle that schools and local authorities are best
placed to know the needs and circumstances of their pupils and communities.
Throughout this document, implementation options are discussed and links to further
information provided. A question and answer section is included at the end of the
CfP Guidance v2.0
In March 2005 the Chancellor announced £50 million (£25 million per annum
in 2006-07 and 2007-08) to put ICT into the homes of the most disadvantaged pupils.
A further £10 million (£5 million per annum in 2006-07 and 2007-08) of revenue
funding was announced in the March 2006 Budget specifically to ensure that pupils
targeted by this initiative have safe Internet access.
This funding is targeted at Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils resident in the 10% most
deprived areas in England based on a formula outlined at Annex 1. The funding will
be made available to LAs and schools as part of Standards Fund Grants 125
(revenue, connectivity) and 210 (capital, equipment) from September 2006.
This initiative places the emphasis on personal access to ICT at home.
Research shows that pupils’ use of ICT, including in the home:
raises standards
supports personalisation
improves their ICT skills
provides more options for what they learn and how they learn it
supports homework and revision
increases motivation
CfP Guidance v2.0
The aims of the initiative
By putting ICT into the homes of the most disadvantaged secondary pupils in
the most deprived areas we aim to:
give these pupils the same opportunities as their peers;
provide the conditions which can contribute towards raising educational
achievement, narrowing the attainment gap and supporting progress towards their
support personalised learning by providing access to ICT whenever or wherever
is most appropriate for learning
encourage the development of ICT skills appropriate to the 21st Century for the
pupils and their families.
Independent evidence tells us that ICT raises standards and that access to
ICT at home is an important contributory factor. All the data on ICT and Internet
access demonstrates a significant social divide. The ‘Young People and ICT 2002’
survey of homes with children of school age (age 5-16) found that higher social grade
households had significantly greater access to computers and levels of connectivity.
Links to sources for the evidence around ICT and home access are given at
Annex 10.
CfP Guidance v2.0
A total of £60 million has been made available for this initiative over the two
years 2006-07 and 2007-08 (£30 million per annum). This is split into £25m capital
and £5m revenue each year. The capital funding is for equipment and related
services and the revenue funding is to provide safe Internet connectivity.
Funding has been allocated to LAs by formula and it is for them to agree with
their schools how it should be delegated. Bidding by authorities and schools is not
required and, in line with this principle, we do not expect schools to have to bid for
funding from authorities or, for that matter, for parents to bid for funding from the
The funding is for pupils who are resident in the 10% most disadvantaged
areas as defined by Index of Multiple Deprivation (2004) and who are eligible for free
school meals. Further details of the Index and the formula are at Annex 1 (Formula
and allocation).
LAs will receive their allocation under Standards Fund Grants 210 and 125.
Some LAs will receive all their funding in one year while others will receive it over
both years. Allocations and rationale are explained in Annex 1. If an authority
wishes to manage the funding within its own internal accounts to deliver the initiative
over a different timescale to that indicated then it may do so. However, the funding
will be delivered as detailed in Annex 1 and procurement must be completed and
invoiced by 31st August 2008.
The formula assumes that a certain number of homes already have access to
ICT. Based on evidence from national surveys it is assumed that 30% of the
targeted pupils in deprived areas already have access to ICT at home. In order to
have maximum potential impact, the formula also sets a threshold of a minimum
number of eligible pupils at school level. This has been set at 30 pupils, which means
that only schools with 30 or more eligible pupils have been included in the
calculations. The funding allocated to each LA is a fixed amount per notional school £10,000 - plus a per pupil amount for schools with a minimum number of eligible
pupils. The initiative is cash limited and this approach spreads the available funding
as widely as possible.
The allocation of funding at local level needs to take into account known
computer access in the home and other existing or planned local initiatives to provide
home access. Funding should be allocated flexibly for KS3/4 pupils.
A percentage of the target group will require some form of assistive
technology (AT), such as a pointing device, tracker ball or specialist access software,
in order to be able to use the equipment. LAs and schools may use part of the
capital allocation for this purpose. The AT should be concerned with supporting
access to, or adapting the main technology provided and enabling those individuals
to use it as effectively as all others. This funding should complement, and not
replace, the provision made by schools and LAs in response to particular needs,
including the needs of children with special educational needs with or without
The funding should be allocated to schools in the same way as other ICT
CfP Guidance v2.0
grants have been allocated in the past. This means that all equipment bought under
this initiative is owned by the school.
LAs and schools should consider how best to invest this funding to
complement spend from other grants and initiatives, both from the DfES and wider
sources of funding, such as regeneration budgets.
3.10 None of the allocated Computers for Pupils funding may be retained by the
LA. LAs may use the funding they retain from the School Development Grant 101 for
ICT management purposes to support this initiative.
3.11 When deciding on the priorities and final allocation of the Computers for Pupils
funding, schools and local authorities should take into account their duty to promote
equality and also ensure they do not, either deliberately or unwittingly, discriminate
against any particular group on the grounds of race, gender or disability.
CfP Guidance v2.0
4. Educational Outcomes
In planning the implementation of this initiative, schools and local authorities
need to consider what educational outcomes they are seeking to achieve.
The target group is diverse, and specific targeted outcomes for individual
pupils will need to be matched to their personal needs. For example, having access
to ICT at home could support a school’s plans for raising the achievement of
particular pupils:
 who are at risk of not achieving level 5 in English, mathematics, science or ICT
at the end of Key Stage 3;
 who are at risk of not achieving a grade C in GCSE English or mathematics;
 whose homework and GCSE coursework could be improved;
 who are gifted and talented, by providing increased opportunities for stretch
and enrichment;
 who are at early stages in learning English;
 where ICT can help them to improve specific learning skills;
 where they are following an “ICT rich” course (e.g. Diploma in Digital
 where they have a particular interest or capability which is ICT related or
which is particularly well enable by further access to ICT
Home access to ICT can also support the development of key life skills and
improve the engagement and motivation of individual pupils. For example, providing
personal access to ICT at home could support a school’s plans to improve:
 attitudes to learning of particular groups of pupils;
 the attendance and behaviour of targeted pupils;
 communication between pupils and between home and school;
 the engagement of parents in learning, and development of parents’ skills
perhaps in collaboration with UK Online Centres.
Schools will want to try to ensure that they can support pupils effectively so
that the benefits of having personal access to ICT can be maximised. For example,
some schools will have access to a well-developed learning platform which targeted
pupils will be able to access from home. Teachers should be encouraged to include
opportunities for using ICT at home when planning programmes of work and setting
homework. This could involve using existing school-based resources or referring to a
previously vetted external website. Teachers could also utilise resources on a local
grid or those available from dedicated subscription services.
In considering educational outcomes, schools and LAs will need to ensure that
the type(s) of equipment and the method of connectivity fully support the needs of the
individual target pupils. See section 7 for procurement options.
Schools should consider how to take full advantage of parents’ ICT access to
help them understand better how their child is getting on at school and what he or
she needs to do next to make progress. There is potential here for an ongoing flow
of information between school and parent; and certainly a channel for fulfilling the
forthcoming requirement signalled in the White Paper Higher Standards, Better
Schools for All that all schools should give information on progress to parents at least
three times a year.
CfP Guidance v2.0
LAs will need to consider how they can best facilitate and manage the wide
range of ICT support that will be required by schools. For example, there may be the
opportunity for schools to provide support to one another in developing suitable
Schools and local authorities participating in this initiative will be invited to a
national launch to take place in autumn 2006. Invitations will be sent to the
nominated contacts in LAs and through them to representatives of target schools. A
support pack including document templates, information on Internet safety and
security, and health and safety information will be distributed at the same time.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Decisions on eligibility are for schools and LAs. The needs of each pupil,
school, community and authority will be different and this initiative offers maximum
scope for flexibility and creativity taking into account the following conditions:
funding must be targeted at pupils in KS3-4 living in the 10% most deprived
funding is targeted at the homes of eligible pupils rather than at the institution.
The principle behind this initiative is to promote home access and, although
loan schemes are not ruled out, the expectation is that equipment is for the home for
as long as the eligible pupil remains in the school. This includes foster and care
homes located within the target areas. Schools and authorities will be aware that
some pupils may live outside the authority boundaries. However funding is
channelled to the authority in which the pupil is educated and we look to
neighbouring authorities to work together to deliver the best outcome for the pupil.
Special circumstances
Where there are two or more eligible pupils in the household, the
schools/authorities should decide which pupil should be designated as the target
pupil. Only one ‘Computers for Pupils package’ should be allocated per home.
Some target pupils may already have some form of access at home and in
these cases it is for the school/authority to agree whether to include these pupils
within scope of the initiative depending on the age and condition of the equipment,
whether the pupil(s) has effective access to the ICT or other relevant circumstances.
In some limited cases, parents might not wish to have ICT equipment in the
home. In these circumstances, it will be for the school/authority to reallocate the
available funding to other eligible pupils.
Further information and guidance regarding children in special circumstances
can be found at Annex 7 (Eligibility). This includes references to pupils educated in
Academies, CTCs, PRUs and Young Offenders Institutions, and pupils and parents
with particular needs.
CfP Guidance v2.0
6. Home-School Agreement
It is essential that a separate agreement on acceptable use, responsibilities
and conditions is drawn up and agreed between the school and the parent/carer of
eligible pupils. Schools should not rely on existing home-school agreements.
Agreements will be sensitive in nature and care should be taken to avoid overly
legalised language or terms, while still meeting the basic needs of a home-school
Where a school has a strong ICT policy it may be appropriate to make
reference to this in the Home School Agreement. It may be equally appropriate to
maintain a separate ICT Home-School Agreement. This will be at the discretion of
the school. New guidance on Home School Agreements is scheduled for Spring
Any equipment provided to a pupil under this initiative will be made available
on a long term loan basis for his or her own educational use and by the pupil’s
siblings and parents/carers. Depending on the equipment provided, it may be used
at a variety of locations.
LAs and schools should ensure that pupils and their families are aware of local
policies on computer use and should draw attention to:
The dangers of virus infection.
The Data Protection Act 1998: The Act requires, amongst other things, that all
personal data should be protected by appropriate security safeguards against
unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental
loss or destruction or damage.
Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988: All software must be used only in
accordance with the terms of the licence. Generally, the making of copies is
forbidden and is a criminal offence.
Computer Misuse Act 1989: Identifies three main offences concerning
unauthorised access to system, software or data. The punishment depends
upon whether the intent of the hacker was merely to gain access, to commit
further offences after gaining access or to make a modification to "computer
material" e.g. to inject a virus.
School and LA policies on the inappropriate use of computers.
Health and Safety issues.
Equipment is owned by the school.
UK Online Centres will offer parents training and support on how to use
computers, and sessions on the benefits of the Internet.
Sample agreements and templates will be provided to all participating LAs as
part of the Support Pack which will be issued at the autumn launch conference.
CfP Guidance v2.0
The funding must be used to purchase access devices, services and
connectivity for the homes of eligible pupils. It is important that schools choose the
ICT equipment that is most appropriate to the needs of the different pupils and is
most effective in supporting the different intended outcomes, including equipment
which may be needed for the individual pupils to access their computer.
Procurement of Equipment
For the procurement of ICT equipment the recommendation is that LAs use the
Infrastructure Services Framework Agreement (ISFA) which is being established by
Becta as part of the Strategic Technologies Programme. This framework will be in
place by August 2006. LAs may use their own procurement method if they can show
that it offers equivalent or better value for money.
The ISFA will provide LAs and schools with access to a list of approved ICT
suppliers whose products and services conform to Becta’s functional and technical
specification (these specifications can be viewed on the Becta website here
http://industry.becta.org.uk/display.cfm?resID=14615 ). By taking a functional
approach institutions can specify their requirements to meet their local needs
including the provision of Assistive Technology equipment (but excluding
telecommunications connectivity).
LAs can access the ISFA to run mini-competitions amongst suppliers on
behalf of their schools and will be able to access procurement templates and support
materials on the Becta website http://schools.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=pr ).
When ordering under the Becta ISFA, LAs must ensure they ask the suppliers
to quote against the Becta framework agreement to ensure the terms and conditions
are applied.
In addition, in order to provide aggregation across LAs and deliver VFM, Becta
will run a mini-competition (under the ISFA) on behalf of all those LAs and schools
who wish to take part. This will consist of a single mini-competition timed to run early
in 2007, and subject to review, two further mini-competitions in financial year 2007-8.
Becta will consult with participating LAs, after which they will be able to select from a
range of pre-specified packages. Becta will be writing to all LAs receiving CfP
funding prior to the autumn term to explain this service and confirm participation.
This service will be free of charge to participating LAs.
If the pupil moves from the school, they must return the equipment to the
school for re-allocation. In the event of loss or theft the school is not obliged to
replace the equipment.
Procurement of Safe Internet Connectivity
For the procurement of safe Internet connectivity the recommendation is that LAs use
existing RBC/LA contractual arrangements, or access OGC Catalist broadband
arrangements (http://www.ogcbuyingsolutions.gov.uk/broadband/default.asp ) or
access the arrangements provided by regional ADIT broadband provision
(http://www.adit.gov.uk/ ).
It will be for the LA and school to decide the most appropriate and effective
CfP Guidance v2.0
type and level of connectivity for their pupils, particularly since not all households
have landlines. The approach to connectivity for the home needs to be compatible
with the overall strategy of the LA for delivering connectivity both to its schools and to
the wider community across the authority. In particular, connectivity should be
delivered in a way that achieves best value for money, whether from existing
authority contracts or through new agreements. Recognising that this area of
technology is changing rapidly and connectivity options vary considerably from area
to area, it is appropriate that LAs and their schools have maximum flexibility to take
advantage of the most appropriate means of connectivity for their locality.
7.10 We encourage schools and LAs to provide connectivity for the home as part of
existing or planned arrangements for connectivity within the locality. Although
revenue funding for connectivity is provided we recognise that this will probably only
be sufficient to provide connectivity for up to one year per household and we
encourage schools and LAs to explore other means of extending this. Funding for
connectivity has been calculated on the basis of a per pupil amount only (with no per
school allocation). The assumption is that funding will deliver connectivity for one
year for the home of each benefiting pupil. There is no additional funding for
connectivity and no funding will be available beyond 2008. This means that after
their first year of connectivity, alternative sources of funding will be needed to pay for
connectivity costs.
7.11 The Computers for Pupils initiative is being rolled out with developments in
broadband in schools and the wider e-strategy target to ensure that all learners in
schools in England have access to a personalised on-line learning space that can
support an e-portfolio, by 2007-2008, through the development, implementation and
use of learning platforms.
7.12 Connectivity should ideally be between the home and school, taking
advantage of the National Education Network, and giving access to the school’s
learning platform and content delivered through Regional Broadband Consortia
(RBCs). RBCs represent one way of aggregating demand for connectivity and
securing best value for money, or LAs and schools may consider procuring
connectivity through the OGC framework, ADIT or local contracts
7.13 A number of LAs have opted-out of the RBC structure and provide Broadband
connectivity to schools themselves. They aggregate demand from their schools and
work with suppliers in the same way as RBCs. Those opt-out LAs which receive
funding for CfP may choose to continue to provide connectivity services through their
own suppliers. Alternatively, they may feel that they can secure better value for
money by working with the local RBC who can aggregate their demand with that of
others LAs in the region to obtain cheaper connections. Similarly, an individual
school in an opt-out LA may prefer to go through the RBC rather than the LA. They
would first need to discuss the options with the RBC and secure the RBC’s
agreement to procure connectivity on its behalf.
7.14 LAs and schools should ensure that all connections to the Internet are safe
and have the appropriate safeguards and security measures in place. Filters do not
take the place of adult supervision so, in addition to this, Childnet International is
developing a safety resource aimed at parents and this will be distributed to LAs in
autumn 2006 to be allocated along with the equipment. Further advice on safety and
sources of information can be found in Annex 2.
CfP Guidance v2.0
7.15 Authorities that have an existing ICT managed service, or are procuring a
managed service through a Local Education Partnership or otherwise as part of their
Building Schools for the Future programme, can use this service as a vehicle to
deliver Home Access, provided that they can demonstrate that their approach
represents value for money and meets the functional specifications set out by Becta
as minimum requirements for the National Digital Infrastructure.
7.16 There may be instances where a pupil attends school in one LA and lives in
another. The LA providing the education will have received the funding allocation for
the pupil, but liaison will be needed between all parties on out-of-area connectivity. If
one of the LAs concerned is an opt-out then they may feel it is more appropriate for
the RBC to provide the connectivity.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Monitoring and Evaluation
As with all public funding, there will be checks and controls in place to ensure
that funds have been spent effectively and correctly. Information will also need to be
gathered for evaluation purposes. Becta will be monitoring spend on behalf of the
DfES against LAs’ allocations to ensure that LAs are getting best value for money.
As far as possible, we aim to keep this to a necessary minimum to reduce burdens.
LAs will be asked to gather information on the progress and implementation of
the initiative and report to Becta. A range of information will be required to include:
 Date of contract/order and reference number;
 Local authority area
 Supplier name
 Services/products provided
 Name of school(s)
 Expected end date for services
 Total value of invoiced contract
 Number of pupils/homes benefiting
 Number and type of assistive technologies provided.
In addition to this management information there will be a full evaluation of the
initiative that will involve a sample of schools, authorities and pupil homes with the
aim of reporting on whether initiatives of this kind are effective. Schools and
authorities which are likely to be involved in this evaluation will be contacted
Further Information
Further information about this initiative will be posted on the TeacherNet site
together with the FAQs (attached) which will be regularly updated.
For advice on issues not covered by the guidance, FAQs or online, please
email cfp.home@dfes.gsi.gov.uk.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Computer for Pupils 2006-08
Guidance for LAs and schools
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Annex 5
Annex 6
Annex 7
Annex 8
Annex 9
Annex 10
CfP Guidance v2.0
Formula and allocation
Good practice
Link to letter to DCSs and CEOs re allocations
Minimum specification
Legal issues
Eligibility (and special circumstances)
Building local partnerships
Sources of further information
Case Study
Annex 1: Formula and allocation
This Annex explains how the allocation of funding has been calculated. It
firstly identifies area or neighbourhoods throughout the country where there is
high deprivation and then seeks to identify the number of pupils within each of
these areas who may be eligible.
As the funding is targeted at the most deprived areas, the Index of Multiple
Deprivation 2004 (from the ODPM, now the Department for Communities and
Local Government) has been used to identify target areas at a neighbourhood
level (so called Super Output Area or SOA), each with around 200 households
or 1500 people. To focus this initiative, the target areas have been defined as
the 10% most deprived SOAs across England, around 3250 neighbourhoods.
The multiple deprivation index has been used, rather than any single domain
or section (e.g. health, income, employment, education and skills etc), as this
gives a broader view of deprivation, and balances pockets of extremes for any
one measure.
Using this data we have been able to identify the pupils who live in these
areas, their ages and the schools they currently attend. We have also been
able to calculate the number of these pupils who are also eligible for, as
opposed to claiming, free school meals. This then gives the total number of
target KS3 and KS4 pupils; more than 150,000.
It is noted also that more than 10% of these pupils attend schools in an
authority different to where they live.
Two different filters have then been applied. Firstly, using data from the Office
of National Statistics, Ofcom and elsewhere, including information from pilot
projects in similar areas, it has been estimated that, on average, some 30% of
these pupils will already have access to ICT from home. We recognise that in
reality the actual number of pupils which already have access will vary from
area to area, school to school, and between and across authorities. It will also
depend to a large extent on the situation, needs and priorities on the families
and carers.
Secondly, it is necessary to focus this funding where it is likely to have most
impact, and also to minimise the administration load at school and LA level.
Schools which have fewer than 30 of the target pupils have therefore been
excluded from the allocation.
Illustration: An 11 – 16 school with 910 pupils on roll has 430 of its students
living in the target 10% most deprived areas, and 229 are eligible for free
school meals. 147 pupils are resident in the target areas and eligible for free
school meals. The funding formula allocates
(a) a fixed capital amount for the notional school of £10,000,
(b) a capital amount based on the notional number of eligible pupils, less 30%
to take account of existing home ICT, in this case (147 x 70%) x £400 =
£41,200, and
(c) a revenue amount for safe Internet connectivity for the beneficiary pupils, in
this case rounded to a total of £15,000.
The notional allocations are then aggregated to local authority level, and
phased across the two years of the initiative. The phasing depends on several
CfP Guidance v2.0
factors such as the level of the authority’s total allocation, the implementation
of other programmes like Strategic Technologies and BSF, and the need to
balance the initiative’s limited funding resources.
As stated said in the main guidance document, these calculations give
notional numbers of schools and pupils in any authority which could benefit.
The numbers are notional, because it is for the schools and LA to agree the
actual allocation of funding, in line with the principles and conditions attached.
In some cases, a particular school and its pupils may already have benefited
from significant investment in home access to ICT through a different project
(e.g. ICT Test Beds), and it may be decided by the school(s) and local
authority that the Computers for Pupils funding should be channelled to other
target pupils at a different school.
A further reason for the use of notional numbers and maximum flexibility for
schools and LAs is that the actual numbers of pupils will vary from year to
year. In order to have a robust base for the funding allocation formula, verified
data have been used. Being 2005 data, this will not reflect the actual future
number of KS3 and KS4 pupils in schools in September 2006 to August 2008.
To arrive at figures for this period would require schools and authorities to bid
for funding, which would have placed an unacceptable burden on schools and
LAs, would have extended the timescale of the initiative, increased costs and
reduced impact.
The formula calculation takes no account of multiple KS3 and KS4 siblings in
the same household, and so authorities and schools should endeavour to
make sure that this provision benefits as many homes as possible by avoiding
double counting of need. In some cases, for example where siblings attend
different schools (which may be in different authorities), this will require liaison
between authorities and schools.
The nominated contact at each authority can be provided with details of the
calculation for their particular allocation to assist their planning and
discussions with schools.
Phasing the funding: Funding will be allocated and provided in line with the
table sent to all participating LAs on 26th May (copy available at
http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/docbank/index.cfm?id=9879 ). However, LAs
and schools may decide to use their own funding to adjust the timing of their
programmes to be more in line with local strategies and plans. For example,
where this initiative funding is provided in one year only (either 2006-7 or
2007-8) LAs, in consultation with their schools, may decide to spread the
deployment over two years, or delay it from year one to year two. This is
within the discretion of the LAs and school, provided that the amount of
funding available for this programme remains the same over the life of the
initiative, and that all procurement has been completed by August 2008.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 2: Safety Whilst ICT can offer many positive educational and social benefits to young people
unfortunately there are also risks. As in any other area of life, young people are
vulnerable and may expose themselves to danger – knowingly or unknowingly –
when using the Internet and other digital technologies. It is important that clear
guidelines are issued by LAs which will help both children and their parents and
carers understand these risks and the appropriate actions to take to reduce them.
Depending on the type of device issued to the pupils, guidelines may need to be
generic or tailored to the equipment.
E-Safety issues fall into 4 categories
Internet Safety and media literacy
Internet Security
Health and Safety
Internet safety: Guidance should include information for parents and carers on safe
use of the internet.
Adequate measures must be taken to ensure the filtering of content on any devices
supplied to pupils. This may be via the school or LA’s networks or by installing
appropriate software onto equipment before it is issued. Guidance on filtering
solutions should be supplied to ensure that parents understand the level of filtering
that must be applied. Parents must be informed not to remove or lower levels of
filtering from that recommended by the authority.
A parental/carer agreement form should include guidance which includes the
Who is allowed to use the equipment; parents?; other children in the family?;
visitors to the home?
What the equipment should be used for: study; games; communication
activities for example email, chat rooms, instant messenger, Skype etc; online
Policy on the addition of hardware and or software applications; for example
games, downloads, synchronisation of PDAs, Skype, other VOIP applications,
Web cams; music; storage of digital photos and video
Information for parents and carers should cover issues which include, for
example, safe use of moderated chat rooms, messenger services, cyber
bullying, web logs and social networking sites. Guidance should also be given
to ensure that children and parents and carers understand the importance of
safe search techniques, establishing the reliability and validity of websites and
copyright issues pertaining to downloading from the net.
Internet security: Guidance should include information for parents and carers on
secure use of the Internet.
Adequate measures must be taken to ensure that firewall and antivirus
software is installed on any devices supplied to pupils. This may be via the
school or authority networks or by installing appropriate software onto
equipment before it is issued. Guidance on security solutions should be
CfP Guidance v2.0
supplied to ensure that parents understand the importance of these measures
and how to maintain and update them. Parents must be informed not to
remove or lower levels of protection below that recommended by the LA.
Guidance should be issued on the importance of securing personal
information and access to applications via passwords. Security measures are
only as good as the security of the passwords used to access them.
Guidance should relate to measures designed to prevent threats from virus.
LAs should give thought to ensuring that parental/carer agreement forms
should clearly state deny liability if for example, a machine is hacked into,
there is loss of personal data, problems with data protection; home banking;
use of authority equipment for illegal purposes.
Health and safety: Guidance should include information for parents and carers on
health and safety aspects of using digital equipment within the home.
Parents and carers must understand the importance of ensuring that safe
working practices are essential to prevent accidents in the home. For example
the importance of checking safe electrical connections, looking for trailing
wires etc
Guidance relating to best practice in providing an ergonomic working area,
working practices which lower the risks of RSI, the importance of children
taking adequate breaks from working at the machine.
Pupils should be taught to lift and carry equipment safely where applicable.
Further information can be found at http://www.hse.gov.uk/
Security: Guidance should include information for parents and carers on security
aspects of using digital equipment within the home.
Some parents and carers may express concern about the security implications
of having expensive equipment within the home or the possibility of children
being targeted carrying equipment between home and school. It may be
possible to work with local police forces to provide guidance or consider local
initiatives in the area.
Providing Guidance to Parents and Carers
As part of the Computers for Pupils initiative, we have commissioned a
comprehensive internet safety education package for children and their
parents from Childnet International [www.childnet-int.org]. The package will
be available both online and as a CD-ROM and will be accompanied by a
small booklet in three languages (English, Punjabi and Bengali).
LAs may wish to consider various methods of distributing these CD-Roms. For
example: centrally installing onto machines prior to distribution; uploading onto
a school or authority website; a mixture of these methods. Opportunities for
face to face meetings with parents and carers are the most positive way to
encourage safe and secure use of digital equipment within the home and
schools should be encouraged to consider providing such meetings or
As with all authority documentation, consideration must be given to providing
guidance in appropriate target languages and formats.
LAs should refer to Becta’s E-Safety Advice and Guidance
CfP Guidance v2.0
For guidance written for parents they should refer to:
DfES Parentscentre http://www.parentscentre.gov.uk/usingcomputersandtheinternet/
Relevant publications can be ordered or downloaded from:
‘Safeguarding children in a digital world; Developing a strategic approach to e-safety’
This publication provided a strategic overview of e-safety issues for policy maker and
outlines a model for a co-ordinated approach by all of the key stakeholders. It
includes a series of recommendations by Becta’s Safe Use of ICT in Education
steering group.
Signposts to Safety is aimed at teachers of KS3 and KS4. It contains background
information, advice and guidance for teachers relating to safety issues and signposts
appropriate opportunities within the ICT, PSHE and Citizenship curricula where
internet safety messages can be taught. Additionally it signposts free online teaching
resources from a range of organisations to help support lessons.
e-Safety: Developing whole-school policies to support effective practice
This publication provides guidance for schools on developing appropriate policies
and procedures to ensure safe use of communications technologies by the children
and young people in their care.
'E-safety: the experience in English educational establishments'
Becta commissioned this research in August 2005 to audit the current level and
range of activity within English state maintained educational establishments to
ensure the safe and effective use of information and communication technologies
Safetynet Discussion Forum:
Safetynet is a mailing list for anyone who wants to discuss and share information to
support the development of e-safety good practice within educational organisations.
This forum is for teachers and others who have an interest and or responsibility in
this area.
Home Office Guidance
Good Practice Models and Guidance for the Internet Industry On: Chat Services,
CfP Guidance v2.0
Instant Messaging, Web-based Services
Good practice guidance for the moderation of interactive services for children
Good practice guidance for search service providers and advice to the public on how
to search safely
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 3: Good Practice
Advice to Head Teachers
Managing stakeholders.
 KS3/4 pupils – sensitive handling will be required when notifying eligible
young people of the initiative. Ensure they understand their
responsibility in receiving the equipment and the purpose for which it is
 Teaching staff – encourage staff to take advantage of the increased
home access by providing suitable activities, homework suggestions
and urls for pupils, personalised to their specific learning needs. Can
the school website be used for support?
 Support staff/technical staff – what additional work processes will need
to be implemented? See point 3 below.
 Parents – may be fearful of accepting equipment which may incur a
cost or attract unwanted criminal activity.
 Governors – It will be important that your governors are supportive of
the project and fully understand its aims, objectives and implications.
In most cases individual or group presentations to these audiences will allow
everyone to understand the aims and objectives of the scheme and to ask
appropriate questions. The Support Pack will offer suggestions and templated
documents for these meetings.
Planning for rollout
Depending on the nature of the equipment to be supplied, careful planning will
be needed to allocate and deliver the equipment to the home. Home – school
agreements, connectivity agreements, acceptable use policies will all need to
be signed and connectivity arrangements made with the Internet service
provider. Simple clear installation instructions and a support pack will facilitate
the rollout, remembering minority language considerations. Consider peer
mentoring schemes or using pupils to support their families in understanding
and configuring the equipment. This may be done prior to or after rollout
through workshops. Workshops should also address e-safety and security
issues and possibly include some basic skills training. Your local UK Online
Centres (and possibly other agencies) will be able to provide support.
Try to best guess likely questions by preparing detailed FAQs in advance –
the support pack will be able to help with this.
Planning for ongoing support
Experience has shown the majority of problems are likely to be software
related. Maintenance, help desk contingency, uploading of software etc, and
licensing agreements are all issues that will need to be considered and
discussed with your technical support provider. What will be the process for
returning products under their warranty to manufacturers?
What will be the action taken should unsuitable materials be found on the
equipment – consider updating relevant school policies for such
contingencies. Copies of home school agreements and acceptable use
policies will be provided in the support pack.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Planning for sustainability
Consideration will need to be given to supporting the project outside of the
timescale of the funding in terms of connectivity and maintenance.
Consideration of widening participation to such home access arrangements
may be included within school development plans and alternative funding
partners, leasing schemes may be explored – see case study e-Learning
Foundation. Policies and procedures for return of equipment and termination
of connectivity should a child move out of the school catchment area.
The Support Pack for schools and LAs which will be issued at the autumn
launch conference will include further information and guidance including:
 Protecting equipment
 Acceptance procedures, including delivery and installation
 Parental involvement
 Examples of good practice of ICT in the home for educational use, and
 Further advice and information for parents/carers and families on safe
and effective use of ICT at home.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 4: Letter to local authorities
A letter confirming the allocation of funding was sent to Directors of Children’s
Services and Chief Education Officers in the participating 108 local authorities on 26 th
May 2006.
A copy of that letter can be viewed in the Computers for Pupils section at
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 5: Specification
See also the procurement section (7) in the main guidance document.
For the procurement of ICT equipment the recommendation is that LAs use the
Infrastructure Services Framework Agreement (ISFA) which is being established by
Becta as part of the Strategic Technologies Programme activities. This framework
will be in place by August 2006. LAs may use their own procurement method if they
can show that it offers equivalent or better value for money than using the ISFA.
The ISFA will provide LAs and schools with access to a list of approved ICT suppliers
whose products and services conform to a functional and technical specification
(these specifications can be viewed on the Becta website here
http://industry.becta.org.uk/display.cfm?resID=14615 ). By taking a functional
approach, institutions can specify their requirements to meet their particular local
needs including the provision of Assistive Technology equipment (but excluding
telecommunications connectivity).
Schools and authorities which decide to procure equipment which does not meet the
Becta functional and technical specification described will not be able to use the ISFA
for the purchasing nor to run mini-competitions. For example, refurbished computers
are extremely unlikely to meet the technical or functional specification and so schools
and authorities implementing this type of solution will need to ensure that they
negotiate all the safeguards and service level agreements necessary to protect
themselves and the pupils.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 6: Legal Issues
Evidence from previous home access programmes in deprived areas indicates that,
despite fears to the contrary, it is extremely rare for equipment to be stolen or for
pupils and their homes to become targets for theft/mugging etc because of the
equipment. However, it should be recognised that this fear will be a factor which
might prevent some families from taking part in the initiative. It is therefore suggested
that schools and LAs consider the following as part of their discussions for
Liaison with police and other agencies – these agencies should be made aware
that potentially valuable and attractive equipment will be going into some of the
most deprived areas. Advice can be sought from these agencies on how to
minimise the risk to people and property.
Security should be part of the detailed planning for deployment of the initiative,
including how the equipment gets to the homes, what records are kept and by
whom, how often the equipment is checked – and how, and what technological
and other controls should be in place.
Ensure that the Home-School agreement for this initiative and all communication
with pupils, parents/carers and others includes consideration of the safety and
security aspects.
Consideration should be given to tracking mechanisms for the equipment, as well
as monitoring equipment as it accesses the school’s learning platform etc.
The training provided by the school and LA should include elements on security
and safety, and what pupils and parents/carers can do to reduce risk.
It should be made clear that the school does not have to replace equipment which
is stolen or damaged, and this will have an impact on the pupil’s engagement.
Detailed consideration of insurance, maintenance and related aspects should be
part of the planning and implementation processes.
Schools and LAs should take expert advice from local agencies including the police
and others, and consider all aspects of security as part of their planning. Where risks
are too high, schools and LAs may consider reallocating equipment to other target
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 7: Eligibility and special circumstances.
A7.1 Which schools should benefit?
The funding formula calculation has been based on a detailed assessment of where
pupils live, their eligibility for free school meals and the schools they attend. For
each LA, it is therefore possible to identify the likely target schools. However, local
consideration may mean that these will not be the actual schools to benefit if, for
example, they have already had significant investment in home access equipment
and connectivity through other programmes (e.g. ICT Test Beds). There may also be
other considerations to be taken into account. For example, the identified ‘notional’
schools may be scheduled for restructuring or amalgamation, or programmes like
BSF and Academies could alter the pattern of schools in an area, and therefore
which will be serving the most deprived areas
The schools identified as part of the formula calculation do not necessarily have to
benefit under this initiative. However, LAs and schools together should agree which
schools will be funded and have a clear rationale, based on the best way to address
the needs of the neediest pupils living in the target areas.
Depending on local conditions and circumstances, there may be more or fewer
schools benefiting, but the allocation of funding cannot be altered. Therefore, if more
schools are to benefit in any LA area, then they would not necessarily receive the full
£10,000 capital amount. While it is possible for schools and LAs to agree that part of
the per pupil capital amount can be reassigned to cover the difference, this is not
recommended, as it would reduce the amount of the funding being used for home
access equipment in pupils’ homes, which is the main aim of the initiative. If fewer
schools are selected to benefit than the formula indicates, then the amount per
school should not, in most circumstances, be increased above £10,000. Any ‘saving’
gained by reducing the number of schools should be channelled into additional
packages for pupils’ homes.
The fact that a school may be a Specialist School or an Academy should not mean
that does not qualify for this funding, unless that school decides it does not wish to
In agreeing the allocation of funding between schools, LAs and schools should seek
to maximise the impact of the programme and reach as many of the target pupils as
Unless there are clear, defensible and robust reasons to the contrary, LAs and
schools should select schools which have been identified as part of the funding
formula. The capital ‘per school’ element of £10,000 may be reduced if more schools
are identified, but should not be increased where there are fewer.
A7.2 Which pupils?
The aim of this initiative is to benefit Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils who live in the 10%
most deprived areas of the country and who are also eligible for free school meals.
Once these criteria are met, schools and LAs can agree which specific pupils should
be provided with equipment and connectivity and there are many factors which will
need to be considered as part of this joint discussion.
CfP Guidance v2.0
For example, it may be that in a particular authority or school catchment area, more
than 30% of these target pupils already have effective access to ICT at home and to
a safe internet connection. In these circumstances, it may be agreed that target
pupils attending other schools (i.e. schools below the threshold of 30 eligible pupils
and therefore not included in the funding formula) should be included in the local
allocation. On the other hand, some schools and LAs may find that there are more
pupils requiring a package than the funding formula allows for, in which case the LA
and schools should agree on how to prioritise the need, bearing in mind the aims of
the Computers for Pupils initiative.
The phasing of the implementation is also a matter for local decision, so that certain
schools and their pupils may be earlier in the implementation than others. Factors
which could affect this timing would include any planned reorganisation (e.g.
Academies, BSF etc) of the school estate, and alignment with other strategic plans
such as for regeneration or connectivity.
Schools and LAs may wish to focus on the areas of greatest need first (e.g. most
deprived SOAs), or leave these areas until the later stages of implementation to build
on experience and allow more time for communication plans with parents and the
community to develop.
Connectivity options, such as the availability of landlines or wireless, will have impact
on which pupils and homes are selected, and when. It may take time to negotiate
suitable locations for connectivity infrastructure (wireless hubs etc), and to ensure
that effective support is in place. In many cases, this will include discussions with
training and support providers including the suppliers themselves, UK Online Centres
and community groups.
A7.3 Looked after children
Looked after children suffer from many disadvantages and as a consequence their
educational attainment is far below most other children. As far as this initiative is
concerned, schools and LAs will want to consider provision of equipment and
connectivity for children in foster or care homes. The formula calculation does
identify some looked after children, but local knowledge will be far more accurate.
The provision of this funding is focused on pupils living in certain areas, and this may
include the location of some foster or care homes. Alternatively, LAs and schools
may consider that provision for looked after children is a priority and adjust the
allocation of packages accordingly. This is permitted within the guidance, but should
be agreed by all schools involved and the decision documented.
It should also be remembered that some looked after children may be educated
within the LA/school area, but live in other authorities, in which case, close liaison will
be needed with other agencies.
A7.4 Special circumstances
In deciding the final allocation, schools and LAs are likely to have to consider a wide
variety of special circumstances. For example, some of the pupils identified in the
funding formula may be registered at a particular school, but actually attend a
different establishment, such as a Pupils Referral Unit or YOT. Provision for these
pupils will need detailed liaison with the school(s) and careful consideration of the
relative risks and potential benefits of providing ICT in their homes.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Pupils in temporary accommodation may also feature in the profile of pupils eligible
for support, and these may require a different type of provision, both for equipment
and connectivity.
Some children from disadvantaged families may be attending independent schools
on a full bursary, paid for by the school/LA. Schools and LAs are entitled to consider
these pupils for home ICT support provided they meet all the other eligibility criteria,
though there is no obligation to include them in the allocation. It is unlikely that any
boarders would qualify for support.
Some children from disadvantaged families may have statements of special
educational needs (SEN) and be placed by their LAs at non-maintained special
schools, or independent schools, which make provision for pupils with SEN. Schools
and LAs are entitled to consider these pupils for home ICT support provided they
meet all the other eligibility criteria, though there is no obligation to include them in
the allocation.
Specific cases can be decided by agreement between the school and the LA,
balancing the aim of the initiative to benefit pupils living in the most deprived areas
and delivering the educational outcomes against the requirement for effective use of
funding and securing value for money.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 8: Building local partnerships
A8.1 Joining up services
Many local and national services will be interested in, and potentially affected by the
fact that ICT equipment and connectivity is being provided to the neediest pupils in
the most deprived areas. For example, all local and national public services would
be available to these households through Direct.gov.uk. Social Services, Health and
Welfare professionals may want to exploit this new access provision, or at least be
aware of its existence. For education, the provision of Extended Services through
schools should take into account this initiative.
LAs and schools should consider which agencies and organisations should be made
aware of the plans for implementation, and which (if any) might be invited to
comment on the plans or be involved in the deployment and promotion of services.
A8.2 Linking with other initiatives
Wherever possible, schools and LAs should take into account other programmes and
initiatives and seek to complement these within the integrated strategic vision for
children’s services in the area. Related programmes may be focused on
regeneration, neighbourhood renewal, social integration, tackling exclusion,
community development and so on, and may be funded locally, by regional
organisations, nationally or through the European Union.
The evaluation of the programme will identify the extent to which this initiatives works
to support other programmes.
As part of the process for deciding the allocation of available funds, schools and LAs
working together should seek to maximise the additionality and value for money by
positioning this activity within the wider community and children’s services strategy.
A8.3 Building a local partnership
Given the potential of this initiative to positively impact several aspects of local
activity, it is worth LAs and school making appropriate organisations aware of the
plans for implementation, and perhaps seeking active support and involvement.
Organisations might include commercial organisations, community organisations
(e.g. Community Broadband networks etc), UK Online Centres and other similar
provision, and colleagues involved in developing responses to the Digital Challenge.
Networks and families of schools are likely to be part of the consideration in any
case, and local public administration, councils etc may see increased participation
and involvement in their programmes.
Involvement of local press will need to be handled carefully, as this might increase
the risk to homes with the equipment, but the investment in deprived areas could be
seen positively.
Schools and LAs will want to consider which organisations might be able to
contribute to or support the initiative, and which might be affected by the increased
provision of ICT at home.
A8.4 Working with the voluntary and community sector
There are many organisations operating at a local, regional and national level which
CfP Guidance v2.0
will have an interest in, and may be able to contribute towards the success of the
Computers for Pupils initiative. Community programmes, charities and other bodies
may be able to support schools and LAs with advice and services. An example –
how the e-Learning Foundation can help, is given below.
The e-Learning Foundation is an educational charity that can help a school develop a
sustainable approach to providing pupils with a computer for use at home. By inviting
less disadvantaged parents to make a small but regular donation to the school's elearning programme, and adding the Computers for Pupils funds, the school can
ensure that every pupil, and especially the target pupils, is fully included. The
Foundation can provide an administration service (normally at no cost) to schools for
the collection of donations, and schools can also apply for a grant from the
Foundation's Digital Divide fund if they meet the basic criteria set out in the grant
application details which can be found at www.e-learningfoundation.com.
A8.5 Cross-border considerations
As the formula calculation is based on where pupils live, but the funding is
channelled through the school which the pupils attend, a significant minority of pupils
will be living outside the LA/school area. Considerations here should include:
 Pupils living outside the LA/school area should not be discriminated against –
they are equally eligible for funding and support as pupils living and being
education within the LA.
 Support and other arrangements may only cover the LA/school area, and this
may need to be adjusted to take account of pupils’ home access from outside the
 Co-ordination between schools and LAs will be needed to agree allocation and
avoid double counting, for example where siblings attend different schools in
neighbouring authorities.
 It may be more difficult to liaise with parents/carers of pupils who live outside the
 Local agencies (e.g. Police) and other local partners may have a different
administrative profile in other areas.
A8.6 Engaging with parents
Parents and carers will be the key partners in this initiative and part of the success of
the programme will be dependent on an effective relationship between the home and
school. As this initiative is targeted at the neediest pupils in specific areas,
communications with the home will need to be treated sensitively to maximise take
up and involvement.
Analysis of the target group indicates that a higher proportion of families will be from
minority ethnic backgrounds and it is possible that community language support will
be required. Some families will have concerns about having relatively valuable
equipment in their homes, and in their ability to support the pupil in their learning.
Material to help schools and LAs in this will be provided in the Support Pack at the
autumn launch conference, including templates and examples of materials which can
be used. Specially developed material from Childnet for parents will also be
available at the same time.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 9: Procurement options
A9.1 Choosing the package
In selecting the most appropriate package, the needs and circumstances of the
individual pupil should be taken into account. This will need to be balanced against
the available funding and the need to secure value for money, as well as take into
account the strategic plans for the school and LA. Among the aspects to be
considered will be:
Scope of services
In order to provide access from the home to school resources and to Learning
Content; the following equipment and services will need to be procured.
Access devices e.g. Desktops, laptops, PDAs tablets….
Hardware to access the learning content must comply with Becta’s minimum
specification. Flexibility will be required in order to interface with local needs
otherwise the solution could be unworkable.
Operating software; Browser and relevant plug ins;
The operating software to access the learning content must meet a Becta minimum
specification and will be industry standard.
Modem (ADSL minimum)
Normally included as part of the connection package. Local projects may require
greater bandwidth and so may choose enhanced equipment.
Learning software and content
This must be relevant to the learners’ institution to allow continuity of learning. It
must also take account of special needs content.
Phone line installation, internet connection, rental and call charges
This will vary dependent upon local circumstances of the learner and the local
solution to achieve connectivity.
Single point of contact for technical support to cover the hardware; software; ISP and
Maintenance of equipment including access devices and modem.
Installation and Training
The installation of the hardware, software, telecommunications and access to the
institutions network, should not be left to the home user as it is unlikely to be
successful. This service may be provided by the local project e.g. LA or Community
Technician; or be procured from the service provider.
A9.2 Procurement route for equipment
There are several routes available to schools and LAs to procure the equipment,
once they have decided on need.
 LA run a procurement on behalf of all/most of its schools – this will require them
to run a mini competition against the IS Framework agreement.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Schools run procurement for their own needs - this will require them to run a mini
competition against the IS Framework agreement. However, without aggregated
demand, it is unlikely that best value for money will be achieved, which will reduce
the number of pupils benefiting.
LAs, or in exceptional circumstances individual schools, pass detailed needs to
Becta to aggregate demand.
LAs use existing contracts or managed services.
Schools or LAs buy from local supplier/retailer, though again this may not secure
best value for money nor maximise the benefit for pupils.
Unless there are good reasons to the contrary, such as better value for money or a
specific need not covered by the framework agreement, LAs and schools either
individually or working together should use the Infrastructure Services Framework for
the procurement of equipment. Better value for money and reduced administration
burdens on schools and LAs will be achieved if equipment requirements are passed
to Becta and aggregated as part of national competitions against the IS Framework.
Where the requirement is passed to Becta to run a mini-competition, the schools and
LAs involved will negotiate with Becta and agree the specifications, so that a single,
aggregated procurement can be held, pulling together the needs of many schools
and LAs. Schools and LAs will also need to consider whether the use of the Becta
service will fit with their implementation plans and timescales.
A9.3 Assistive technology
Equipment which is essential for a pupils to use the computer, for example tracker
ball or switch, can be funded as can software which is essential to enable the learner
to access the computer, such as predictive or symbol software. Specialist curriculum
software cannot be funded through this initiative.
In providing assistive technology, LAs and schools may be able to draw on their
recent experience of the Communication Aids Project (CAP), which came to an end
in March 2006. This DfES-funded initiative provided assistive technology to children
of school age who were experiencing significant communication difficulties. Some
detailed case studies on CAP remain available from the British Educational
Communications and Technology Agency (www.becta.org.uk/cap). These illustrate
the support provided to children with a range of communication difficulties.
When assessing the nature of individual needs and seeking to match equipment to
those needs, it is suggested that recourse is made to the specialist expertise of the
following centres, all of which took part in CAP:
Through advice, information, assessment and training, AbilityNet can support all
aspects of choosing and using IT for SEN students both at home and at school.
John Liddle, AbilityNet, Upper Pendrill Court, Papworth Everard, Cambs. CB3 8UY
Tel: 01480 839091 or 0800 269 545
e-mail: education@abilitynet.org.uk.
ACE Centres : Multi-professional assessment from teachers and therapists (speech
and language and occupational) to support local authority teams or provide direct
assessments of students to ensure appropriate access to relevant technology; and
CfP Guidance v2.0
training of the students, their families and school and local authority staff on how to
use the equipment. www.ace-centre.org.uk
ACE Centre North,:
Anna Rourke, The ACE Centre North, Units 11 & 12 Gatehead Business Park, Delph
New Road, Delph, Oldham. OL3 5DE
e-mail: arourke@ace-north.org.uk
Tel: 01457 829444 or fax: 01457829441
ACE Centre Advisory Trust,
Caroline Gray, ACE Centre Advisory Trust, 92, Windmill Road, Oxford OX3 7DR
Tel: 01865 759800 or 01865 759826
e-mail: gray@ace-centre.org.uk
Note that fees will be charged for services provided.
A9.4 Linking to Learning Platforms and the NEN
Personal computers or other devices (kit) deployed as part of the Computers for
Pupils scheme must be able to access school systems, where schools already have
out-of-hours and off-premises accessible learning platform provision. This includes
schools’ systems provided by the school, the LA or the Regional Broadband
Schools currently without learning platform provision should ensure that future
planning for pupils’ personalised learning spaces both in and out of school premises
and hours, takes into account the target group’s need to access the school’s system
from home.
Where school kit is normally purchased as part of a ‘managed service’, for example
through the BSF programme, then any additional funds provided under the
Computers for Pupils initiative may be used to enhance the service provision to
deliver the target group outcomes as appropriate.
Further advice about learning platform provision in schools can be found at
www.becta.org/schools and at www.teachernet.gov.uk/learningplatforms
A9.5 Choosing and loading software
The IS Framework Agreement will include options for operating systems, anti virus
protection and other software which should be considered, and discussed with Becta.
Schools and LAs can also use their eLC allocation and other existing agreements to
procure specific software.
It should be remembered that the license requirement may be different for home use,
and schools should not assume that existing licenses cover home use. Advice can
be sought from Becta in all cases this should be checked with the software
A9.6 Connectivity and related services
To allow for the huge variety of potential solutions at local level, decisions on the type
of connectivity are for schools and LAs, and connectivity is not covered by the ISFA.
CfP Guidance v2.0
LAs and schools must ensure that a safe internet connection is provided, preferably
at broadband levels. RBCs and other organisations will assist schools and LAs,
whether or not LAs have ‘opted out’ of RBC service provision. Local commercial
arrangements and suppliers should be considered, and LAs and schools also have
the option of procuring services through the OGC or ADIT arrangements.
The selection of the best connectivity option(s) will also depend on the development
of the school’s and LA’s Learning Platform, and consideration of which services will
be needed by the pupils now and in the near future.
CfP Guidance v2.0
Annex 10: Sources of further information
Statistics and references
Information and background statistics are available from a variety of sources, and
some links have been provided below. Care should be taken in using these surveys
and studies, as the age range, geographical coverage, sample size and definitions
(of ICT, ‘home-use’ etc) will differ from one to another.
In social grade AB households with children of school age, computer ownership goes
virtually hand in hand with Internet access (93% have a computer and 92% have
connectivity) but in DE households the position is very different (60% have a
computer and only 43% have connectivity).
Although this data is from 2002, the most recent report from the Ofcom Media
Literacy Audit (May 2006) suggests that the gap between AB and DE households is
not closing. That survey found that access to the internet at home was significantly
lower for children in low income households (42%) than for all pupils aged 8-15
(64%). The Computers for Pupils initiative begins to redress the balance of access
by specifically targeting those pupils who do not currently have access to ICT at
home and, by doing so, help to improve their achievement.
Further information and background is available from:
Becta research information
DfES research publications
UK Children Go Online (LSE)
National Launch Conference
This will take place in the autumn term and all participating LAs will be invited,
through their nominated contact person. Selected schools will also have the
opportunity to attend, and further details will be circulated in July 2006. A Support
Pack (see below) with further guidance and information will be available at the time of
the conference.
Support Pack
A Support Pack is being prepared and it is intended that the contents will minimise
the additional preparation required by LAs and schools by providing exemplar
documents and templates drawn from best practice guidance from existing schemes.
The pack will contain for example:
For LAs:
 background guidance for schools including information on:
Background & aims
Identifying children & desirable educational outcomes
LA procurement procedures, inc. connectivity
Distribution procedures
School management issues: person responsible for scheme; role and
responsibilities; site/user licences…
Legal issues
CfP Guidance v2.0
Technical & educational support available to schools inc. helplines
Support for parents
Evaluation & monitoring
suggested templates – e.g. letters to headteachers, suggested timelines
presentation templates e.g. for school briefings
For Schools (may be adapted and distributed by LAs):
 Parents’ leaflet
 Letter templates
 Support and help for parents/learners
 Presentation templates for e.g. parents briefing, staff briefing
CD –Rom containing all of above
Internet Safety CD Rom by Childnet International
CfP Guidance v2.0
Case study – e-Learning Foundation
St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School, Elephant & Castle, Southwark, South East
Head Teacher: Dr Irene Bishop
Project Manager: Sue Long
School category: Church of England Voluntary aided
School status: Girl’s Comprehensive – secondary school and sixth form
Number of pupils: 732, with 104 in Sixth form
Pupils aged: 11 - 18
How many with specialist needs: 25%
Languages spoken: 50
Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals: 39%
St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School is a Comprehensive, voluntary aided Church of
England school for girls aged 11-18 sited in a disadvantaged area near Elephant and
Castle, in the London Borough of Southwark.
The school is extremely popular but follows a conscious policy of admitting girls from
less affluent backgrounds; many are from single-parent or low-earning families. The
majority are of ethnic minority heritage, with some fifty languages spoken by pupils at
the school. There is a high proportion of pupils with special educational needs, or
who are entitled to free school meals.
The school has the full backing of parents and works with a wide range of partners to
improve provision for its own pupils, to give support to other schools and to act as a
beacon in a wider sense, as an example of what an inner-city school, serving a
disadvantaged community, can achieve.
The school has been working hard to close the digital divide in the area and give
pupils the opportunity to hone their IT skills. “We are extremely aware of the way
computer technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and we want to make
absolutely sure our girls have the IT skills necessary for their chosen careers and
everyday lives,” explained Sue Long, Project Manager at St Saviour’s and St Olave’s.
At Key Stage 3, pupils have one 50 minute lesson per week in ICT. In Year 10,
students also have one lesson a week, geared towards taking the European
Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) qualification. The school currently has pupils
taking a GCSE in ICT, and girls are working towards AS and A2 level in the Sixth
“We are extremely lucky that our staff are very enthusiastic about ICT and are very
aware of the digital divide and the importance of providing all young people with
equal access to IT,” added Long. “ICT is a very important part of our curriculum and
an area we are looking to develop rapidly”. The school has recently set up a Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE), and as the school expands the use of its VLE, it is
looking at ways it can provide all its pupils with home Internet access.
“We are fully aware of the importance of home Internet access as an extension of a
pupil’s study time and hope to eventually be able to provide this service for all our
pupils,” Long explained.
St Saviour’s & St Olave’s believes the e-Learning Foundation has been invaluable in
underpinning its e-learning strategy. The school successfully applied for a grant from
CfP Guidance v2.0
the e-Learning Foundation in 2006 and has used the grant to set up a home laptop
scheme for its sixth form pupils.
“The e-Learning Foundation, which has assisted us in providing a laptop leasing
scheme for our sixth form has had a huge impact on addressing the digital divide,”
Long said. “It ensures that wherever our sixth formers are they can now log in and
get on with their studies”.
Under the terms of the school’s laptop leasing scheme parents are asked to pay a
deposit of £100 if their daughter is in Lower Sixth and committed to a two year course
and £150 is she is in Upper Sixth. The girls have use of the laptops for a maximum of
two years and can, if they wish, take them on to University, thereby forfeiting their
deposit. Where families may have difficulties in finding the deposit, the school will
“The scheme only started this year, so it is impossible as yet to judge the impact but
we expect this scheme to be a key driver in the raising of achievement levels for our
pupils”, said Long.
The pupils are extremely enthusiastic about the scheme and Long said it has been a
great morale booster. The pupils have noted a dramatic difference in their level of IT
access. “We are not fighting for computers anymore,” said Laura Sefton, a Sixth
former. “You get more work done,” added Shireen Ibrahim, also a Sixth former.
Teachers have also been fast to recognise the benefits of the e-learning scheme. “It
enables girls to do enhanced coursework” commented Mrs Sue Holland, Travel and
Tourism Teacher.
“Having an association with the e-Learning Foundation benefits us also by providing
us with additional networking and somewhere else to go when we need advice”,
added Long. To insure the long term success of the scheme, Long said the School
will now look to funding from Livery Companies in the City of London it has links with,
as well as its own Foundation.
St Saviour’s and St Olave’s is now engaged in talks regarding ‘Building Schools for
the Future’ and actively developing its ICT plans. Its aim is for pupils to graduate
having the self-confidence to apply their knowledge of technology to adult and
working life.
CfP Guidance v2.0