Heat Conduction Lab

Heat Conduction Lab
Background Information:
Heat can be transferred through a variety of methods. In solids, heat moves as a
wave of energy traveling through the particles. Much like a set of dominoes, the particles
transfer their energy but do not change position. This method of heat transfer in solids is
known as conduction. In today’s lab we will compare the conductivity of a variety of metals.
Some substances conduct heat better and more rapidly than other substances.
Metals are generally good conductors. However, heat conductivity is a physical property
that varies from metal to metal. Although metals are generally good conductors, not all
metals conduct heat equally.
The conductometer is a spoke type instrument which is made of 5 different metals.
The five spokes are made of the following metals: Brass(B), Stainless Steel(SS), Iron(S),
Aluminum(A), Copper(C) or Nickel (N).
Objectives: Students will be able to
 Identify which metals conduct heat
most rapidly
 Demonstrate appropriate behavior and
lab safety techniques
 Conductometer Rod (Conduction Wheel)
 Tea-light candle or Bunsen burner
 Wax
 5 Pushpins
 Clock
Safety Precautions:
 Heating Glassware- wear goggles
 Hot Liquids- Goggles/gloves
 Hot Plates- will burn- be careful!
1. Insert wax in each indentation at the end of each spoke on the conductometer.
2. Place a pushpin in each of the wax balls.
3. Light candle or burner. Place the conductometer above the flame BUT NOT
TOUCHING IT! You want it to be about an inch or so above the flame.
4. Begin timing your trials now. You want to observe the pushpins as the wax is heatedrecord when they fall over for each metal rod.
Data Collection:
Metal Type
Start Time
End Time
Time to Melt Wax
1. Sequence your results from the least amount of time for the wax to melt to the most
amount of time for the wax to melt.
2. Draw a diagram that shows how heat travels from the middle of your conductivity wheel
to the end of one of the spokes.
3. Write a paragraph to explain your diagram. Use the terms kinetic energy, collide, direct
contact, hot, and cold in your paragraph.
4. Compare the metals that are pure to the ALLOY metals on the conductometer. Which
were better conductors?
Use your answer from # 3 to explain why one metal would be a better heat conductor than
another metal.