'the nuremberg trails' feature film

A Level History M. Nichols BWIC 2008
Hess & Goering
1. What nations made up the four prosecuting powers at Nuremberg?
2. Why were the trails held in Nuremberg?
3. How many Nazis were initially put on trail?
4. How did they choose the men to be tried?
5. Which Nazi committed suicide before the trail?
6. How did they deal with the language barrier?
7. Where, exactly, in Nuremberg were the trails held?
8. Who was Hans Frank? What did he come to believe?
9. What plea did the defendants all enter?
10. Who was the chief US prosecutor and the chief Nazi defendant?
11. What did Albert Speer feel?
12. How did the Nazis kill Jews in the Ukraine?
13. Who were produced to give evidence against the Nazis? What other
forms of evidence were used?
14. Which defendant admitted to having the idea for concentration camps?
15. What the basic defence of those on trial, especially the military officers?
16. What did Goering argue about the extermination of the Jews?
17. What gas was used to exterminate people and why?
18. How many people were probably murdered at Auschwitz?
19. Which three defendants at Nuremberg admitted their guilt?
20. Who committed suicide before he could be hanged?
A Level History M. Nichols BWIC 2008
Fill in the table on what happened to the defendants. Some have been done
for you.
Doenitz, Karl
German admiral who would
eventually command entire
navy. Chosen by Hitler to
succeed him as fuhrer.
Negotiated surrender following
Hitler's suicide.
Frank, Hans
Governor-general of Nazioccupied Poland, called the
"Jew butcher of Cracow."
Frick, Wilhelm
Minister of the Interior
Frick was one of eleven defendants
sentenced to death. He said, "Hanging--I
didn't expect anything different....Well, I
hope they get it over with fast." (10/1/46)
Frick was hanged on Oct. 16, 1946.
Fritzsche, Hans
Head of the Radio Division, one
of twelve departments in
Goebbel's Propoganda Ministry
Funk, Walther
Minister of Economics
Goering, Hermann
Reichsmarschall and Luftwaffe
(Air Force) Chief; President of
Reichstag; Director of "Four
Year Plan"
Goering committed suicide on the day
before his scheduled hanging by taking a
cyanide pill that was smuggled into his
cell. Goering wrote in his suicide note, "I
would have no objection to getting shot,"
but he thought hanging was inappropriate
for a man of his position.
A Level History M. Nichols BWIC 2008
Hess, Rudolf
Deputy to the Fuhrer and Nazi
Party Leader. Flew to GB in
1940 to arrange a peace.
Jodl, Alfred
Chief of Operations for the
German High Command
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
Chief of RSHA (an organization
which includes offices of the
Gestapo, the SD, and the
Criminal Police) and Chief of
Security Police
Keitel, Wilhelm
Chief of Staff of the German
High Command
Neurath, Konstantin von
Minister of Foreign Affairs (until
1938), then Reich Protector for
Bohemia and Moravia
Neurath was sentenced to fifteen years in
prison. He was released because of poor
health in 1954, and died two years later.
Papen, Franz von
Reich Chancellor prior to Hitler,
Vice Chancellor under Hitler,
Ambassador to Turkey
Raeder, Erich
Commander in Chief of the
German Navy
Ribbentrop, Joachim
Foreign Minister
Raeder was sentenced to life in prison. He
served nine years before his release in
1955. He died in 1960 at age 84.
A Level History M. Nichols BWIC 2008
Rosenberg, Alfred
Chief Nazi Philosopher and
Reichminister for the Eastern
Occupied Territories
Rosenberg was hanged on October 16,
Sauckel, Fritz
Chief of Slave Labor
Schacht, Hjalmar
Reichsbank President and
Minister of Economics before
the War
Schirach, Baldur von
Hitler Youth Leader
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur
Austrian Chancellor, then
Reich Commissioner for the
Netherlands. Responsible for
inviting the Anschluss.
Speer, Albert
Reichminister of Armaments
and Munitions. Thought of
assassinating Hitler.
Streicher, Julius
Anti-Semitic Editor of Der
Seyss-Inquart was hanged on October 16,