Will the Division Convention Be A Joke? An Informed Response

Will the Division Convention Be A Joke?
An Informed Response
Earlier today the cabal candidate for Division Commander released an email to the Division. It was yet
another warning about the “mean old Vindicators” and an alleged plot to make a joke of the Division
Convention in June. Per usual with the current regime, the candidate only mentioned half of the
story…and a quarter of the truth. This response is written in order to set the record straight.
While checking email a few weeks ago, I noticed a message from a director who is working with Netflix.
Netflix is an online streaming-video service that has around 60 million subscribers…mostly 40 years of
age and younger. This director mentioned that he was interested in learning more about us and wished
to film one of our re-enactments or other colorful events. After learning to find he was who he said he
was, I listened to what he had to say.
He stated he was filming a 4-part series on hidden history of Americana, with special focus on the
South. I explained to him that the SCV, while featuring re-enactors as members, isn’t really a re-enacting
organization. After explaining to him that we are heritage defense organization, he asked if we do any
living history scenes or other events featuring period costume. I stated that there was going to be a
Southern Ball, or Gala, at the end of the business day at our June Convention. He stated he was
interested in possibly coming down to film.
I immediately asked who would be hosting this show. When the director stated Chelsea Handler, I
initially was very skeptical. He assured me that this wasn’t going to be a hit piece, but instead would be
more in line with a modern version of 60 Minutes.
With this in mind, I weighed the options of Ms. Handler cracking jokes at our Gala, or missing out on the
chance to bring our message to tens of millions of new viewers and potential members. There was
certainly risk in the proposal, but the reward was far, far greater. The fact is nobody remembers the
jokes of a talk show host a month after they interview a guest. But they do remember who the guest
was, and more importantly, how he acted while in the spotlight.
Understanding this, I forwarded the director's information to Steve Wooley of the Host Camp of the
Convention, in Temple. A couple of days later, Mr. Wooley emailed me back, stating he didn’t want to
make the decision on whether to recommend the idea or not to his camp. He stated he would either
recommend or not based on what I had to say. Understanding that Mr. Wooley did not want to make a
decision, I recommended that he present the idea to his camp.
A few days later I received a response from Mr. Wooley, in which he told the director he was forwarding
the information to National, in order not to “piss them off.” Understanding that, I forwarded the Netflix
director the pertinent contact information for Commander in Chief Barrow. And that was it.
About three days later, I received a tersely-worded, copied email from our current Division Commander,
who stated that I “didn’t speak for the Division” and that there wouldn’t be any filming. During the same
day, I received word from a fellow compatriot that the Division Officers had told Commander Barrow
that I had “hired a film crew” to film the business portion of the Division Convention, presumably as a
means of embarrassing the current regime. This compatriot told me that Commander Barrow was quite
unhappy with the current regime's false accusations.
I immediately spoke with Commander Barrow, and explained the above. Specifically, that at no time did
I hire anybody to film anything, nor did I order the business section of the Convention filmed. I did
reiterate that the opportunity to deliver our message, from our own turf, to an audience of 60 million or
more, would not likely come back again. Commander Barrow ultimately stated that the decision would
be left to the Division Commander.
Respecting the chain of command, I stated I understood and would let the Division Commander’s
decision stand. And I did just that. It was only until today, when the cabal candidate attempted to use
this as political fodder, that I speak of it.
Today's email from the cabal candidate is unfortunate for several reasons. First, it betrays an
increasingly paranoid, bunker mentality on the part of the regime. The candidate for division
commander is growing increasingly unsure of his victory in June. And because of that, he is resorting to
desperation moves and obvious distortions of actual events.
This is best illustrated by the insinuation that there will be hired film crews present to “entrap” SCV
members on the way to the business portion of the convention. We find this bit of fantasy particularly
interesting. Namely because it is a blatant attempt at fear-mongering on the part of the cabal candidate.
Has this man become so desperate/delusional that he now must resort to making up conspiracies in
order to scare the membership to do his bidding? Is this what this man believes passes for true
Second, and equally as alarming, is the fear-based approach to leadership that the current regime
possesses. We dare not speak to the media, because we “might” embarrass the Texas Division. We dare
not fully connect with our communities, because someone “might” not like us. We dare not take any
risks because someone “might” make fun of us.
Can anyone point to this type of leadership being exhibited by men like President Davis, General Lee, or
General Jackson? Can you imagine the leaders of our precious Confederate States refusing to secede
because the idea “might” not have worked? Of General Lee not accepting command of the ANV because
he “might” not win? Of Stonewall Jackson not standing firm at Manassas because he “might” have
gotten shot?
This type of lukewarm behavior would make our ancestors cringe. And to be honest, it should make all
of us cringe. It's quite possible that you, dear reader, may like us or not based on our platform and
ideals. But I tell you the truth, like us or not, you're going to darn sure know where we stand on every
issue. And you know we will be there when the fight is on. We cannot say the same for the current
The third and perhaps most disturbing aspect of today's email is the question it asks. Will the Division
Convention be a joke? Ironically, that will be answered by the current regime itself. Will we have a
legitimate Convention that follows the Constitution? Or will this year's Reunion resemble last year's side
show of a sitting Commander being censured on the Division floor, of amendments without authors, and
games of Constitutional hopscotch?
A friend of mine, upon hearing of today's insanity, stated that desperate people commit desperate acts.
He suggested that the current regime wouldn't be beyond hiring their own film crew and blaming it on
the Vindicators. I reluctantly agreed, and lamented the fact that instead of debating facts and presenting
a solid plan to move the Texas Division forward, the cabal candidate has instead chosen to focus on
make-believe film crews and vast “Vindicator conspiracies”.
It's unfortunate that nothing can be ruled out concerning the current regime. They have, for all intents
and purposes, driven themselves right off the cliff. We at the Texas Vindicators encourage all camps and
delegates to consider the increasingly bizarre nature of the cabal, of their resistance to debating issues
and their refusal to admit violations of the Constitution. We ask you...is this the type of leadership that
you trust to lead the Texas Division?
Most Sincerely,
Kevin Newsom
Texas Sons of Confederate Veterans