UNIT I : COMPOUND WORDS General Instructional Objective: the students understand the way to form and the meanings of compound words. Specific Instructional Objectives: The students are able to a. explain what is compound word b. identify the parts of compound words c. form compound words d. write the plural forms of compound words e. give the meanings of compound words f. use compound words in sentences The way of forming a new word, besides by means of derivational and inflectional affixes, is by the technique of word formation which is commonly called compounding. Compound words are words formed by combining two or more words into one unit. Study the words below: compound words part 1 part 2 meanings campfire greenhouse pigtail earning grasshopper camp green pig ear grass fire house tail ring hopper api unggun rumah kaca rambut kucir anting-anting belalang Each of words above consists of two parts. These two parts make up one meaningful unit. The two parts can be as follows: 1. noun + noun : classroom 2. adjective + noun : greenhouse 3. preposition + preposition : upon, into, without 4. verb + preposition : takeover, lookout 5. noun + verb : sunbathe, earthquake Compound words are sometimes written as one word (basketball, ashtray, cowboy), as separate words (filing cabinet, walking stick, hot dog), and sometimes hyphenated (cigarette-case, egg-cup, clothes-basket). Unfortunately, there is no rule for this. So you may need to check in a dictionary. Compound words which are written as one word, ordinarily take the /-s/ or /-es/ ending in the plural. For example: landlady-landladies, sunflower-sunflowers. While in the hyphenated compound word, /-s/, or /es/ is given to the main word. For example: brother-in-law (brothers-in-law), passer-by (passers-by), commander-in-chief (commanders-in-chief). Compound words can be as compound nouns or compound adjectives. 1. Compound nouns A compound noun is formed from two nouns, or an adjective and a noun. Here are some common examples: alarm clock credit card table tennis T-shirt earring sunglasses traffic lights tin opener first aid pedestrian crossing dining room (room where you eat meal) film star (e.g. Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster) brother-in-law (your sister's husband) income tax (the tax you pay on your salary) writing paper (paper for writing letters) washing machine (the machine for washing clothes) baby-sitter (he/she looks after children when parents are out) mother tongue (your first language) science fiction (stories about the future) box office (where you buy tickets in cinemas or theatres) Quite often, one part of compound forms the basis for a number of compound nouns: post/ticket/box office traffic lights/warden/jam brother/sister/father/mother-in-law film/pop/rock star dining/sitting/waiting room Note: A traffic jam is a long line cars which are moving slowly because the road is busy; and traffic wardens patrol the streets to make sure you are not packed in the wrong place illegally. You buy the theatre thickets at the box office and train tickets at the ticket office. 2. Compound adjectives A compound adjective is formed from two different words, and occasionally three. They are usually written with a hyphen (e.g. good-looking, well-known). Many compound adjectives describe a person's appearance, character, and situation. Example: This is William. He isn't well-known (famous), he isn't well-off (rich), and I've never heard anyone say he was good-looking (handsome/attractive). But he's a very nice man - kind, friendly, and very easy-going (relaxed). He likes wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a brand-new (completely new) hat. Adverbs "well" and "badly" are combined with many past participles to form compound adjectives. You can use "well" or "badly" in front of the adjective. Examples: a well-directed film a well-made pair of shoes a well-written story a badly-paid job (a low salary) a badly-behaved child (acting in a bad way) a badly-dressed young man (wearing horrible clothes) It is common to combine a number and a singular noun to form a compound adjective. Examples: It's a fifteen-minute drive to the centre, (a drive of fifteen minutes) He works in a four-star hotel, (a hotel with a rating of four stars) I give her a five-pound note. (a note with a value of five pounds) The winner was a ten-year-old girl. (a girl who is ten years old) There was a two-hour delay on our flight, (the plane was two hours' late) 3. List of compound words doghouse horseshoe nightstick skylight countryside lifetime breakfast toothpaste afternoon bookstore toothache otherwise without necklace anywhere fireman peacetime fingertip riverbank aircraft railroad shipyard chessboard classmate thanksgiving sunglasses grandson daughter-in-law father-in-law pre-war lighthouse windproof salesman cat-sleep money lender laundry man midnight son-in-law nightmare downpour graveyard waterproof sunstroke green eyed street-walker pickpocket teenager baseball flagpole northwest notebook broadcast airport toothpick raincoat barefoot forefather kidnap somebody drugstore mother-in-law foreman outcast full-time doormat hotdog second-hand wardrobe landlady lady-killer facecloth eyeball bus-stop handcuff lifejacket bathtub armchair stowaway part-time grandchild landlord skydive northwest policeman battledress editor-in-chief right-handed playboy machinegun lunchbox typewriter left-handed knapsack EXERCISES: A. What is compound word? B. Mention the part of the following compound words. Example: catwalk - cat and walk 1. aircraft 2 .birthday 3. lunchbox 4. horseshoe 5. riverbank 6. necklace 7. barefoot 8. skydive 9. classmate 10. without C. Take one word (the first part or the second part) from each compound -word and create a new compound word. Use your dictionary to help you if necessary. Example: table tennis - table leg 1.dining room 2.film star 3.toothpaste 4.post office 5. traffic lights 6. credit card 7. sunglasses 8. hairdryer D. Write the plural forms of the following compound words. 1. landlady 2. laundry man 3. lady-killer 4. stowaway 5. snake bean 6. editor-in-chief 7. street-walker 8. eyeball 9. by-pass 10. stop-watch 11. grandchild 12. playboy 13. state man 14. bus-stop 15. checkroom 16. aircraft carrier 17. ladybug 18. lunchbox 19. shoemaker 20. greengrocer E. Read the text carefully, then substitute the phrases in brackets -with compound words. One (time between morning and afternoon), my (mother's father) fell asleep in his (chair with supports for the arms). Later he told me he dreamed that he was in (a soldier's uniform for battle). He had (a canvas bag for carrying clothes and food) on his back and (a gun that fires continuously when the trigger is pressed) in his hands. A man with (cuffs around his wrist) was standing in front of him. F. Find one of the compound words from the list below that suits the blank space of each statement. wardrobe lifetime newspaper birthday anytime downpour toothache pickpocket black eye lady-killer moonlight basketball eyesight sunlight everyone eardrums nightmare waterproof skylight campfire 1. John's keen ............protected him from falling. 2. In the cemetery, the corpse was clearly seen in the bright................ 3. A sunny day is full of............... and warm breezes. 4. ...................agrees that friendship is important for all of us. 5. The .................player was exhibiting his skill. 6. I got a very nice present on my ..................... 7. I don't want to do ....................... I am free today. 8. Did you read my article in the school................... 9. The boy scouts were sitting around the .................. while singing. 10. The hard rock music was so loud that I thought it would ruin my ................ 11. There are about five jeans in his ......................... 12. Be careful with the .................. in the city bus. A lot of people reported lost their wallet. 13. She was screaming in her dream. After she woke up she said that she had a ........... 14. Yesterday they could not go home from school because they were caught in a ....... 15. Don't be afraid to wear that shoes in that water. They won't be damaged. They are 16. This house is very dark, it needs .................to get the sunlight. 17. He had to go to the dentist. He had a terrible ........................ 18....................is a man who likes to have fun with prostitute. 19. They don't want to divorce because they think that getting married is just once in their 20. He has ....................because he has just hit a lamppost. G. Complete these sentences with suitable compound nouns. 1. I'm late because there was a terrible ..................in the center of town. 2. Christine Hakim is a famous .................. 3. My ..............didn't ring this morning and I didn't wake up until 9.30. 4. When I got to the surgery, I had to sit in the .............for forty minutes before I could see the dentist. 5. Mary really wanted to see the film but she couldn't find a ....................for the children, so she had to stay at home. 6. When I'm driving I always wear ....................if it's very bright and sunny. 7. You have to pay ............on your salary in Britain; the amount depends on how much you earn. 8. In some countries, you have to have a .................box in your car for minor injuries and illness. 9. My brother loves .............. but I prefer true stories about the present or the past. 10. They were both wearing short...............shirts. 11. We stayed in a five-............ hotel. 12. There is a shop in London which sells things for left-..........people. 13. He's just bought a brand.............car. 14. The airport is about ten miles south-............of the city center. 15. One little girl was very badly-......,.........; she kept shouting during lunch and then threw food all over the floor. 16. She's just got a ............... -time job; she works three hours a day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 17.I had a nice time with my cousin-he's a good friend and very easy............. 18. Have you ever met a well-..........actor or politician? 19.1 was astonished when the man at the next table gave the waiter a ten-...... ..note as a tip. 20. When I saw her last night, she was dancing with a very good-............ young man in a white suit.