THE COMPLETE Microsoft Excel 2007 LEVEL 3 CompleteVISUALTM Step-by-step Series Computer Training Manual Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 Copyright Notice Copyright 2007 EBook Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in a database or retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of EBook Publishing. Disclaimer We take great care to ensure the accuracy of these materials; however, EBook Publishing makes no warranty, express or implies, including without limitation any warranty concerning the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of such information or material or the results to be obtained from using such information or material. EBook Publishing reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in its content at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL The CompleteVISUALTM step-by-step computer training manual is specially developed and organized based on the Instructional Design concepts, to ensure the effectiveness of the learning process. Most of the tasks in each chapter fit into a single page for easy reference. Most tasks are summarized to less than 10 key steps and accompanied by actual screen illustrations. Every step you go through is practical and relevant. All chapters are independent. No exercise files need to be installed prior to the training, so you can start training from the modules that best suit you or your trainees. However, the module sequence that we suggest is designed to optimize your computer learning process. Section name. Each section groups related chapters to make sure you learn all the related features and skills in complete details. Chapter name. Each chapter is an independent learning unit. No exercise files need to be installed prior to the training. This lets you start your training anywhere or anytime you like. Chapter introduction. Each chapter begins with a presentation and illustration to prepare you for the concepts you will learn. Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Instructions You are asked to Click the Office Button >> Open. Click the Office Button to expand the menu, and then, click the Open command. Hold down the Shift key while pressing the Tab key on the keyboard. Type the phrase Photo from Kevin Jeff. Press <Shift>+<Tab> Type Photo from Kevin Jeff. Handy summary. Each Task Name. Each task consists of a series of fully illustrated step-by-step instructions, which help you through the hands-on activities. task concludes with a summary that reinforces the key steps in the task. It also serves as a cue card for a specific task. Visual step-by-step instructions take you through hands-on activities to accomplish each task. These instructional actions appear in bold. The important commands or keywords are highlighted in this font and style. The text that you need to type in appears in this font and styles such. Detailed descriptions and explanations on each step help you to learn more about the step that you have just performed. Actual screen illustrations such as the dialog boxes and the result outcomes are displayed to show you how they appear on screen. This helps you to learn visually and effectively. Appropriate tips, tricks, and shortcuts that you may find useful are included to further enhance your skills. A rectangle or circle is used to draw your attention to the part of the illustration that you are dealing with. Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS WORKING WITH TABLES ............................................................................... 7 Creating Tables .......................................................................................................................... 8 How To Create A Table .................................................................................................... 10 How To Change The Style Of A Table.............................................................................. 11 How To Create A New Table Style ................................................................................... 12 How To Show Or Hide Table Elements ............................................................................ 13 How To Create A Calculation In A Table .......................................................................... 14 How To Insert And Delete A Table Row ........................................................................... 15 How To Resize A Table .................................................................................................... 16 How To Convert A Table To A Range .............................................................................. 17 How To Sort The Data In A Table ..................................................................................... 18 How To Perform Multiple Sort ........................................................................................... 19 How To Customize The Sort Order ................................................................................... 20 Using The AutoFilter ............................................................................................................... 21 How To Enable / Disable The AutoFilter ........................................................................... 21 How To Apply / Remove The Filter ................................................................................... 22 How To Customize The Filter ........................................................................................... 23 Using The Advanced Filter ..................................................................................................... 24 How To Define The Criteria Range ................................................................................... 25 How To Use The Advanced Filter ..................................................................................... 26 Using Simple Database Functions......................................................................................... 27 How To Find The Sum Of Specific Records Using The Insert Function Button ............... 29 How To Find The Average Of Specific Records ............................................................... 31 How To Find The Maximum / Minimum Value Of Specific Records ................................. 32 How To Find The Number Of Records ............................................................................. 33 Using The VLOOKUP Function .............................................................................................. 34 How To Use VLOOKUP To Find Data .............................................................................. 36 How To Limit The Lookup Value For An Exact Match ...................................................... 38 How To Use The Closest Match For The Lookup Value .................................................. 39 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA ................................ 40 Creating A PivotTable ............................................................................................................. 41 How To Create A PivotTable ............................................................................................ 42 Updating A PivotTable ............................................................................................................ 44 How To Update The Information In A PivotTable ............................................................. 45 How To Change The Layout Of A PivotTable ................................................................... 46 How To Add An Information Field To A PivotTable .......................................................... 47 How To Arrange Information In A PivotTable ................................................................... 48 How To Filter The Report In A PivotTable ........................................................................ 49 How To Filter Specific Records ......................................................................................... 50 Working With Calculated Fields In A PivotTable .................................................................. 51 How To Change The Calculated Field Value Settings ...................................................... 52 How To Insert A Calculated Field ..................................................................................... 53 How To Delete Calculated Fields ...................................................................................... 55 How To Change A PivotTable Options ............................................................................. 56 Creating A Chart From A PivotTable ..................................................................................... 57 How To Create A Chart From A PivotTable ...................................................................... 58 Exploring What-If Tables ........................................................................................................ 60 How To Create A One Variable What-If Table .................................................................. 61 2008 5 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS How To Create A Two Variables What-If Table ................................................................ 63 Using Scenarios ....................................................................................................................... 65 How To Create Scenarios ................................................................................................. 66 How To Apply A Scenario ................................................................................................. 69 Implementing Problem Solving .............................................................................................. 70 How To Use The Goal Seek Tool ..................................................................................... 72 How To Load Add-Ins ....................................................................................................... 74 How To Use The Solver Tools .......................................................................................... 76 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES ............................................................... 78 Using Comments ..................................................................................................................... 79 How To Add A Comment Into A Cell ................................................................................. 80 How To Show/Hide Comments Permanently ................................................................... 81 How To Show/Hide Comment Indicators .......................................................................... 82 How To Inspect A Workbook ............................................................................................ 84 How To Apply Password Protection To The Editable Cells .............................................. 87 Sharing Workbooks ................................................................................................................. 88 How To Enable Workbook Sharing ................................................................................... 89 How To Merge Copies Of Shared Workbooks .................................................................. 92 How To Accept Or Reject Changes In A Merged Workbook ............................................ 93 How To Protect A Shared Workbook ................................................................................ 94 How To Track Changes In The Same Workbook ............................................................. 95 How To Accept Or Reject Changes From Different Users ............................................... 97 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS ...................................... 98 Understanding Macros ............................................................................................................ 99 How To Record A New Macro ........................................................................................ 102 How To Run A Macro ...................................................................................................... 104 How To Create A Run Macro Button On The Quick Access Toolbar ............................. 105 How To Show The Developer Tab .................................................................................. 106 How To Create A Macro Command Button On A Worksheet ......................................... 107 How To Edit The Command Button ................................................................................ 108 Editing A Macro ..................................................................................................................... 109 How To Edit Macro Coding ............................................................................................. 109 How To Rename A Macro ............................................................................................... 110 How To Delete A Macro .................................................................................................. 111 Using A Relative Reference Macro ...................................................................................... 112 How To Record A Relative Reference Macro ................................................................. 113 How To Run A Relative Reference Macro ...................................................................... 115 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS ............................... 116 Importing / Exporting Data ................................................................................................... 117 How To Use The Text Import Wizard .............................................................................. 119 How To Export Data To Another File Type ..................................................................... 122 How To Copy Data From Other Applications .................................................................. 123 How To Insert An Object ................................................................................................. 125 Retrieving Data From A Database ........................................................................................ 127 How To Get Specific Information From Microsoft Query ................................................ 128 2008 6 Working With Tables Objectives: When you have completed these lessons, you will be able to: Create A Table Change And Create Table Style Show Or Hide Table Elements Create A Calculation In A Table Insert And Delete A Table Row Resize A Table Convert A Table To A Range Sort The Data In A Table Customize The Sort Order Enable / Disable The AutoFilter Apply / Remove The Filter Customize The Filter Define The Criteria Range Use The Advanced Filter Find The Sum, Average, Maximum / Minimum Value Of Specific Records Find The Number Of Records Use VLOOKUP To Find Data Limit The Lookup Value For An Exact Match Use The Closest Match For The Lookup Value 2007 7 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES Creating Tables (Previously known as list) A database is a collection of organized information. Normally, a database uses a table to keep data in the form of fields and records. An Excel worksheet table can be used as a database because the worksheet columns serve as fields while rows serve as records. Some of the new or improved functionality for tables are listed as below. Table header rows Table header rows can be turned on or off. When table headers are displayed, they stay visible with the data in the table columns by replacing the worksheet headers when you move around in a long table. Calculated columns A calculated column uses a single formula that adjusts for each row. It automatically expands to include additional rows so that the formula is immediately extended to those rows. All that you have to do is enter a formula once—you don't need to use the Fill or Copy commands. Automatic AutoFiltering Helps you to sort and filter the data in the table. Structured references It allows you to use table column header names in formulas instead of cell references, such as A1 or R1C1. 2007 8 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES Total rows You can now use custom formulas and text entries in total rows but this is not supported in earlier versions of Excel. If you want the table to remain in earlier versions of Excel, you can remove the custom text and use only the formulas that are available in the total row. Table styles You can quickly format a table by applying a theme-based table style but this formatting cannot be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. You can also resize the table easily using the sizing handle in the lower-right corner of the table. However, you cannot create a table in a shared workbook. 2007 9 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [Creating Tables] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. How To Create A Table 1. Click any cell in the table. Type in the table or copy the table from the Level3 workbook. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Insert tab. In the Tables group, click the Table button. 3. Click the OK button. TIPS A table helps you to manage and analyze data easily. You can then sort the records, filter records, format the data and perform simple data analysis easily. 2. Click the Insert tab. In the Tables group, click the Table button. You can also press <Ctrl>+<T> to create the table. The table range is automatically entered in the Create Table dialog box. 3. Click the OK button. The table is created, as shown below. 2007 10 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Change The Style Of A Table 1. Click any cell in the table you want to format. You will not see the Design tab if you do not select any cell in the table. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Design tab. In the Table Styles group, click the style you want. 2. TIPS Click the Design tab. In the Table Styles group, click the style you want. The table styles shown on your computer may look different from those listed below. You can also clear the table style by clicking the more button, and then, click Clear. If you want to see more table styles, click the more button The new table style applies to the table, as shown below. . 2007 11 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Create A New Table Style 1. Click the Home tab. In the Styles group, click the Format as Table button. SUMMARY 1. Click the Home tab. 2. In the Styles group, click the Format as Table button. 3. Click New Table Style. 4. In the Name box, type the style name. 5. In the Table Element box, click the table element you want to format, and then click the Format button to specify the format. 6. Click the OK button. . 2. Click New Table Style. The New Table Quick Style dialog box appears. 3. In the Name box, type My New Style. In the Table Element box, click the table element you want to format, and then click the Format button to specify the format. After you have formatted the table element, it will be bold, as shown below. The Preview area lets you preview your new table style. TIPS The new style appears in the Custom area of the table style list. 4. Click the OK button. The new table style is created. 2007 12 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Show Or Hide Table Elements 1. Click any cell in the table which you want to show or hide the table elements. 2. Click the Design tab. In the Table Style Options group, click to select or clear the table element check boxes. The descriptions of the elements are shown in the table below. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Design tab. In the Table Style Options group, click to select or clear the table element check boxes. . Table Elements Description Header Row Show / hide the header row. Headers stay visible with the data by replacing the worksheet headers when you scroll your screen to move around in a large table. Totals Row Show / hide the totals row. They help you to use a single formula that adjusts for each row in a table. First Column Show / hide special formatting for the first column of the table. Last Column Show / hide special formatting for the last column of the table. Banded Rows Format odd and even rows differently for ease of reference. Banded Columns Format odd and even columns differently for ease of reference. 2007 13 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Create A Calculation In A Table 1. Click any cell in the table to which you want to create calculation. 2. Click the Design tab. In the Table Style Options group, click to select the Total Row check box. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Design tab. In the Table Style Options group, click to select the Total Row check box. 3. Click the cell in which you want to create the calculation. 4. Click the drop-down button. 5. Click the function you want. The total row appears below the table, as shown below. 3. Click the cell in which you want to create the calculation. Then, click the drop-down button. A list of functions appears, as shown below. Note: You can add calculation to each of the columns. 4. Click the function you want. The calculation is created. 2007 14 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Insert And Delete A Table Row 1. Click the cell C6. Click the Home tab. In the Cells group, click the Insert drop-down button. If you click the Insert Sheet Rows, a new row is inserted for the entire worksheet. SUMMARY To insert a new table row 1. Click the cell where you want to insert a new table row. 2. Click the Home tab. In the Cells group, click the Insert dropdown button. 3. Click Insert Table Rows Above. 2. Click Insert Table Rows Above. A new table row is inserted to the table. To delete a table row 1. Click the cell where you want to delete the table row. 2. Click the Home tab. In the Cells group, click the Delete dropdown button. 3. Click Delete Table Rows 3. In the Cells group, click the Delete drop-down button. If you click the Delete Sheet Rows, the entire row is removed from the entire worksheet. 4. Click the Delete Table Rows button. The table row is removed from the table. 2007 15 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Resize A Table 1. Move your mouse pointer over the small triangle at the lower-right corner of the table. The pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, as shown below. Note: For this exercise, simply add in a new Profit column, as shown below. SUMMARY 1. Move your mouse pointer over the small triangle at the lowerright corner of the table. 2. Click and drag to resize the table. 3. Release the mouse. 2. TIPS Click and drag to resize the table. Here, you drag to include the Profit column. You can also use the ribbon to resize the table. Click in the table. Then, click the Design tab. In the Properties group, click Resize Table. . 3. Release the mouse. The table is resized, as shown below. 2007 16 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Convert A Table To A Range 1. Click any cell in the table which you want to convert to a normal range. 2. Click the Design tab. In the Tools group, click the Convert to Range button. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Design tab. In the Tools group, click the Convert to Range button. 3. Click the Yes button. The Microsoft Office Excel dialog box appears, as shown below. 3. Click the Yes button. The table is converted to a range. Make sure you change the range back to a table for the next task. 2007 17 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Sort The Data In A Table 1. Click any cell in the column which you want to sort. Before you begin, delete the Total row if you have it created in the previous task. Here, you will sort the records by the Sales Values. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to sort the column. 2. Click Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the sort options you want. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort Larges to Smallest button. The table data is sorted. The highest profit is shown in the top row. TIPS You can sort the records in ascending or descending order using any field in the table. You are able to sort multiple fields too. The appears next to the Row Header to indicate that the records are sorted by that column. You can also sort by cell color, font color and cell icon. . 2007 18 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Perform Multiple Sort 1. Here, you will sort the records by the Product Name and then by the Sales Values. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort button. A Sort dialog box appears to help you sort the records by multiple columns or rows, according to your custom list, case-sensitive sorts and etc. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Data Tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort button. 3. Specify the sorting criteria. 4. Click the Add Level button. 5. Specify the second sorting criteria. 6. Click the OK button. Click any cell in the column which you want to sort. 3. Click the Sort by drop-down arrow, click Product, and then click the Order drop-down arrow, click A to Z option. A Sort dialog box appears to help you sort the records by multiple columns or rows, according to your custom TIPS To delete a sort level, click to select the sort level you want to delete, then, click the Delete Level button. 4. Click the Add Level button. Then, sort the second level by Sales Value in Largest to Smallest order. You have just set the two sorting criteria. First, Excel will sort the record by the Product Name in ascending order and then by Sales Value in Descending order. 5. Click the OK button. The database is sorted by the Product Name and then by the Sales Values, as shown below. 2007 19 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Customize The Sort Order 1. Click any cell in the column which you want to sort. Here, you will sort the records by the Month and then by the Sales Values. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort button. A Sort dialog box appears to help you sort the records by multiple columns or rows, according to your custom list, case-sensitive sorts and etc. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort button. 3. Click the Order dropdown arrow for the sort options you want to set. 4. Click the Custom List. 5. Click to select the custom list you want. 6. Click the OK button. 7. Click the next OK button. 3. For the first level sort, click the Order drop-down arrow. And then, click the Custom List. The Custom Lists dialog box appears. TIPS You can click the Options button to set more sorting options. 4. Click to select Jan, Feb,……from the list. And then, click the OK button. The sorting settings appear as shown below. Note: If you want to sort in another list order, click the Add button to add in a new custom list. 5. Click the OK button. The records are sorted by month, then by the sales values. 2007 20 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES Using The AutoFilter At times, you may want to show only the essential records. You can temporarily hide all the rows that you do not need to view. If you have defined the range as a table, you can filter the records using the drop-down arrows that appear on each header name. If you have not defined the range as a table, you can still use the built-in AutoFilter, a filtering mechanism that allows you to apply simple criteria to filter your records. How To Enable / Disable The AutoFilter 1. Click any cell in the table. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Filter button. The Filter button is a toggle button. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Filter button. Drop-down arrows appear at each column header, as displayed below. When you click the Filter button again, the drop-down arrows disappear. When you click the Filter button again, the drop-down arrows disappear. 2. Click the Filter button again. The drop-down arrows disappear. 2007 21 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Apply / Remove The Filter 1. Click any cell in the table. Make sure the drop-down arrow for the column headers are displayed. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the table. 2. To apply the filter click the table header drop-down arrow you want, and then specify the filter. 3. Click the OK button. 4. To remove the filter, click the table header drop-down arrow you want, and then click Clear Filter From “<HeaderName>” 2. Click the Month drop-down arrow and click at Feb to remove its check mark. And then, click the OK button. This means you want to display only the records for Mar. Only the records for Mar are displayed. 3. Click the Month drop-down arrow and click Clear Filter From “Month”. The table will be reset to show all the records. 2007 22 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Customize The Filter 1. Click the Sales Value drop-down arrow and click Number Filters >> Custom Filter. The Custom AutoFilter dialog box appears. Note: You can also click the preset options from the list to help you create your customized filter more easily. SUMMARY 1. Click the header drop-down arrow for the column you want to filter. 2. Click Number Filters >> Custom Filter. 3. Specify the criteria. 4. Click the OK button. TIPS If you want to include another set of criteria in the filter, click the And or Or option buttons, and then specify the criteria in the boxes below. 2. Specify the criteria Sales Value is greater than or equal to 4000, as shown below. You can use the asterisk (*) to represent any series of characters and the question mark (?) to represent any single character in your settings. 3. Click the OK button. The table shows the records that meet the customized filter. 2007 23 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES Using The Advanced Filter At times, you may want to apply more than 2 criteria (AutoFilter is limited to 2 criteria). You can use the complex filter instead. Before you use the Advanced Filter command, you have to set up and define the criteria range on the worksheet. To Define The Criteria Range Use any cell on the worksheet to define the criteria. The criteria value is defined below the field name. Use a different row for OR criteria Use the same row but a different column for AND criteria Important: The field names and the criteria in the criteria range are NOT case sensitive but the spelling and the spacing must be an exact match with the records in the table. You can place the criteria range anywhere you want. You can define it on the same worksheet, another worksheet or even a different workbook. For example: 2007 24 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Define The Criteria Range 1. Type the following criteria range in the cells B12:B15 to find records that belong to John Smith OR Steve Brown OR Mary Davis. The field name is not case sensitive but the spelling and the spacing must be exact match with the field name in the database. Other examples: Use the following criteria range if you want to find records with the sales value more than 3000 AND less than or equal to 4000. Use the following criteria range if you want to find records that belong to Mary Davis OR any other sales person who has a sales value more than 4000. 2007 25 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Use The Advanced Filter 2. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Advanced button. The Advanced Filter dialog box appears SUMMARY 1. Define a criteria range on the worksheet. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Advanced button. 3. Specify the list range and the criteria range. 4. Click the OK button. 3. Click in the List range box, select range B2:F9. Click in the Criteria range box, select range B12:B15. B12:B15 is where you have defined your criteria. If you can’t see the list range or the criteria range, click the Select Range button. The Advanced Filter dialog box collapses to let you spot the range more easily. Make sure the field names in the range are selected as well. TIPS If you want to remove the filter and display all the records again, click the Clear button. In the Advanced Filter dialog box, click the Copy to another location option button if you want the filtered list to be copied to another location. 4. Click in the OK box. The database is filtered. The invoice A007 by John Cage disappears. 2007 26 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES Using Simple Database Functions Microsoft Excel provides powerful database functions that perform calculations specifically for records that appear in a list or a database. Each database function needs three arguments. Dfunction(Database,Field,Criteria) Arguments Description Database The range of cells that make up the table or database Field The cell, which contains the field name for the field you want to calculate in the function. Criteria The range of cells where the criteria / conditions for the function are stated. (To define the criteria, refer to the task How To Define The Criteria Range in The Advanced Filter lesson) Note: The criteria range could be placed anywhere on the current worksheet or on a different worksheet. However, try to avoid placing it below the database list, which will prevent the database from expanding its records. The criteria range should not overlap the database list. Database Field Criteria Range 2007 27 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES There are many functions in Excel that analyze data in a table or a database. The following table shows you some of the common database functions that are frequently used. Database Functions Description DSUM Sums up the total value for records that meet the criteria. DAVERAGE Calculates the average value for records that meet the criteria. DMAX Finds the maximum value for records that meet the criteria. DMIN Finds the minimum value for records that meet the criteria. DCOUNT Counts the occurrences of records that contain numbers in the specific field that meet the criteria. DCOUNTA Counts the occurrences of records that contain non-blank cell, in the specific fields that meet the criteria. 2007 28 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Find The Sum Of Specific Records Using The Insert Function Button Before you begin, create a new worksheet and enter the table, as shown below or copy the table that you have created in the previous lesson. You can also copy the [Database Functions] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. 1. Click the cell F11. This is where you want to place the total of the sales values for John Smith. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to place the formula. 2. Click . 3. In the select a category box, click the drop-down arrow and click Database. 4. In the Select a function box, scroll and click DSUM. 5. Click the OK button. 6. In the Database, Field and Criteria boxes, specify the appropriate cell ranges. 7. Click the OK button. 2. Click Insert function button on the Formula Bar. The Insert Function dialog appears. 3. In the select a category box, click the drop-down arrow and click Database from the list. In the Select a function box, scroll down and click the DSUM function. You will use the DSUM function to calculate the total sales values for John Smith. 2007 29 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES 4. Click the OK button. In the Database box, select the range B2:F9. In the Field box, select the cell F2. In the Criteria box, select the range I4:I5. The arguments for the function are shown below. 5. Click the OK button. The result is shown on the worksheet. Note that the following formula appears in the formula bar. 2007 30 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Find The Average Of Specific Records 1. Click the cell F12. This is where you will place the average sales values for John Smith. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to place the formula. 2. Type in the =DAVERAGE() function and specify its arguments. 3. Press <Enter>. 2. Enter the formula =DAVERAGE(B2:F9,F2,I4:I5). The formula appears as shown below. TIPS You can use the mouse to select the cells for the arguments instead of typing the cell references while creating the formula. 3. Press <Enter>. The average sales value appears as shown below. 2007 31 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Find The Maximum / Minimum Value Of Specific Records 1. Click the cell F13. This is where you will place the maximum sales value for John Smith in Feb. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to place the formula. 2. Type in the =DMAX() function and specify its arguments. 3. Press <Enter>. 2. Enter the formula =DMAX(B2:F9,F2,I4:J5). The formula appears as shown below. Note that the criteria range includes the cells J4 and J5, which adds the criteria for Feb. TIPS If you want to find the minimum sales value, use the DMIN() function. 3. Press <Enter>. The maximum sales value appears as shown below. 2007 32 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Find The Number Of Records 1. Click the cell F14. This is where you want to count the occurrences of records for John Smith in Feb. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to place the formula. 2. Type in the =DCOUNTA() function and specify its arguments. 3. Press <Enter>. 2. Enter the formula =DCOUNTA(B2:F9,B2,I4:J5). The formula appears as shown below. Note that the field range is changed to B2. You can use any field in the database because the function is counting the occurrences, not the values in the fields. TIPS If you are using the function DCOUNT(), you have to use fields that contain values. 3. Press <Enter>. The result appears as shown below. 2007 33 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES Using The VLOOKUP Function You use Lookup functions to search for a value in a database or list. The VLOOKUP function helps you to search the leftmost vertical column for a comparative value. Important: You must first sort your database list before you use the VLOOKUP function. Function Syntax: =VLOOKUP(Lookup Value,Database Range,Column Index Number,Range Lookup) Argument Description Lookup Value The value the function looks for in the left most column of the Database range. It can be a value, a reference or a text string. Database Range The range of cells where the details of the records are located. You can use a cell reference or a range name for this argument. Column Index Number The column number in the database range, which contains the details you want to retrieve. For example, use 2 if you want to retrieve the details from the second column of a database range. Range Lookup A logical value to indicate whether the exact or the closest match is retrieved. To find the closest match in the leftmost column (sorted in ascending order) of the database range, use TRUE or omitted. To find the exact match, use FALSE instead. 2007 34 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES The following example shows how the product description, stock available and unit price details in the product catalog are retrieved and shown in the table below if you enter the Product ID in cell C8 If you type A2 in the cell C8, the Product Description: Wooden Chair automatically appears in cell C9, which contains the VLOOKUP() function. Column Index Number = 1 Column Index Number = 2 Column Index Column Index Column Index Number = 3 Number = 4 Number = 5 Database Range Lookup Value VLOOKUP() function will retrieve product description from the database range using the Lookup value ProductID A2. When you type the Product ID A2 in the cell C8, the Product Description, the Stock Available and the Unit Price appear automatically, as shown below. If there is no value in the Lookup value cell (C8), #N/A appears. 2007 35 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Use VLOOKUP To Find Data Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [VLookup] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. 1. Click the cell C9. This is where you want to show the product description if the product ID is provided in cell C8. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to place the formula. 2. Enter the function =VLOOKUP() and specify its arguments. 3. Press <Enter>. 2. Enter the formula =VLOOKUP(C8,A3:E6,2). Cell C8 stores the lookup value. Number 2 indicates the product description is located in the second column of the database. Note: When selecting the database range, exclude the field name cells. 3. Press <Enter>. The result appears as #N/A because the lookup value Product ID in cell C8 does not contain any value. 2007 36 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES 4. In the cell C8, type the lookup value A2. This is to find the details for the record with the Product ID A2. The lookup value is not case sensitive, which means A2 or a2 will return the same result. 5. Press <Enter>. The product description for Product ID A2 is found and is displayed in the cell C9. 6. In the cell C10, enter the formula =VLOOKUP(C8,A3:E6,5) to find the stock available. Number 5 indicates the Stock Available information is located in the fifth column of the database. 7. In the cell C11, enter the formula =VLOOKUP(C8,A3:E6,4) to find the unit price. Number 4 indicates the Unit Price is located in the forth column of the database. If you apply the currency format to cell C11, the result appears as shown below. 2007 37 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Limit The Lookup Value For An Exact Match 1. In the cell C8, type A5. Press <Enter>. You want to find details for Product ID A5. Since the Product ID A5 does not exist, you will see that the last record’s details are being displayed. By default, Excel will take the closest match if the record is not found in the database. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to place the formula. 2. Enter the VLOOKUP() function and specify its arguments. Make sure you type in FALSE for the Range Lookup argument. 3. Press <Enter>. 2. Edit the old formula in the cell C8 from =VLOOKUP(C8,A3:E6,2) to =VLOOKUP(C8,A3:E6,2,FALSE). The Range Lookup argument is set to FALSE to find an exact match of the lookup value. The Range Lookup argument is set to TRUE by default if it is omitted. 3. Press <Enter>. The result appears as #N/A because the lookup value A5 does not match any Product ID in the database. You should edit the formulas in the cell C10 and C11 as well. 2007 38 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 WORKING WITH TABLES How To Use The Closest Match For The Lookup Value Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [VLookup2] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. 1. Click the cell G3. You will use this cell to display the grade for John. Here, you want to find the closest match of the records instead of an exact match. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to insert the formula. 2. Enter the =VLOOKUP() function and specify its arguments. 3. Press <Enter>. 2. Type =VLOOKUP(F3,B3:C7,2). The Range Lookup argument is set to TRUE by default if it is omitted. TIPS If you want to copy the formula down using AutoFill for Mary and Steve, you have to make the database range an absolute reference. The formula in the cell G3 should be edited to =VLOOKUP(F3,$B$3 :$C$7,2) before you copy the formula. 3. Press <Enter>. The grade appears as shown below. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to the cells G4 and G5. An alternative is to define a range name for the database and use the range name in the formula. 2007 39 Creating A PivotTable And Analyzing Data Objectives: When you have completed these lessons, you will be able to: Create A PivotTable Update The Information In A PivotTable Change The Layout Of A PivotTable Add An Information Field To A PivotTable Arrange Information In A PivotTable Filter The Report In A PivotTable Filter Specific Records Change The Calculated Field Value Settings Insert A Calculated Field Delete Calculated Fields Change A PivotTable Options Create A Chart From A PivotTable Create A One Variable What-If Table Create A Two Variables What-If Table Create Scenarios Apply A Scenario Use The Goal Seek Tool Load Add-Ins Use The Solver Tools 2007 40 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Creating A PivotTable Databases or data lists consist of many fields and records. These records are considered raw data. To convert the data into useful information, you need to organize the list and summarize specific details while excluding the irrelevant ones. At times, you may have several similar Microsoft Excel lists, which need to be consolidated to produce a single report. In this, PivotTable report can be used to accomplish the task. This is a raw data in a database that need to be summarized in order to produce an informative report. PivotTable helps to convert the raw data into a useful report. Filter Area You can select the criteria to filter the records you want. Row Area Show field details in row headings. Column Area Show field details in column headings. Data Area Show calculated field details. 2007 41 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [PivotTable] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. How To Create A PivotTable 1. Click any cell in the range of cells from which you want to create a PivotTable. 2. Click the Insert tab. In the Tables group, click the PivotTable button. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in a range of data. 2. Click the Insert tab. In the Tables group, click the PivotTable button. 3. Specify the options in the Create PivotTable dialog box. 4. Click the OK button. 5. In the PivotTable Field List pane, select the fields you want to show in the PivotTable. Make sure you click the upper part of the PivotTable button. The Create PivotTable dialog box appears. TIPS You can also create a Pivot Table by clicking the PivotTable drop-down arrow, and then, click the PivotTable. 3. In the Location box, type B11. The table/range is automatically selected. Here, you will create a PivotTable at the cell B11 on the same sheet. 2007 42 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 4. Click the OK button. A PivotTable is created with no data in it. PivotTable Field List pane appears on the right, as shown below. 5. In the PivotTable Field List pane, click to select the Month, Sales Person and Sales Value fields you want to show in the PivotTable. The selected information appears in the PivotTable, as shown below. Note that the fields are automatically added to the Row Labels area and Values area in the PivotTable Field List pane. 2007 43 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Updating A PivotTable A PivotTable will not be updated automatically when you edit the source database. You have to manually update the PivotTable. In Office Excel 2007, PivotTables are much easier to use than in earlier versions of Excel. By using the new PivotTable user interface, the information that you want to view about your data is just a few clicks away. You no longer have to drag data to drop zones. Now, you can simply select the fields that you want to see in a new PivotTable field list. And after you create a PivotTable, you can take advantage of many other new or improved features to summarize, analyze, and format your PivotTable data. Using Undo in PivotTables You can now undo most actions that you take to create or rearrange a PivotTable. Plus and minus drill-down indicators are used to indicate whether you can expand or collapse parts of the PivotTable to see more or less information. Sorting is now a lot simpler than the previous version. You can also filter data by using PivotTable filters, such as Greater than, Equals, or Contains. You can also apply conditional formatting to an Office Excel 2007 Pivot Table. You can quickly apply a predefined or custom style to a PivotTable just like you can for Excel tables and charts. 2007 44 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Update The Information In A PivotTable 1. Click the cell E8, update the sales value to 5400. This will update the record from 5200 to 5400. Note that the information is not updated automatically in the PivotTable. SUMMARY 1. Edit the source database. 2. Click the PivotTable. 3. Click the Options tab. In the Data group, click the Refresh button. 2. Click the PivotTable. The PivotTable Tools ribbons appear, as shown below. TIPS You can also rightclick the PivotTable, then click Refresh from the shortcut menu. 3. Click the Options tab. In the Data group, click the Refresh button. Make sure you click the upper part of the Refresh button. The total for John Cage in Mar is now updated from 5200 to 5400. 2007 45 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Change The Layout Of A PivotTable 1. Click any cell in the PivotTable. The PivotTable Field List pane appears on the right. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the PivotTable. 2. Drag the field you want to appear as the column label and drop it to the Column Labels area. 3. Drag the field you want to appear as the row label and drop it to the Row Labels area. 2. Drag the Month field you want to appear as the column label and drop it to the Column Labels area. The product details appear as the column heading in the PivotTable, as shown below. You can also drag the Month field from the Row Labels area to the Column Labels area. Note that the Month field is automatically removed from the Row Labels area, as shown below. 2007 46 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Add An Information Field To A PivotTable 1. Click the PivotTable. The PivotTable Field List pane appears on the right. SUMMARY 1. Click the PivotTable. 2. Drag and drop the field from the PivotTable Field List to the Column Labels area, Row Labels area or Values area you want. 2. Drag and drop the Product field from the PivotTable Field List to the Column Labels area. Here, you will place the Product field below the Month field in the Column Labels area. 3. Release the mouse. The information is added into the PivotTable as shown below. 2007 47 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Arrange Information In A PivotTable 1. Click the PivotTable. The PivotTable Field List pane appears on the right. 2. Drag and drop the Month field from the Column Labels area to the Row Labels area. Here, you will drop the field below the Sales Person. SUMMARY 1. Click the PivotTable. 2. Drag and drop the field between the Column Labels area, Row Labels area and the Values area. TIPS You can also remove the field by dragging the field away from the area. 3. Release the mouse. The information is arranged into the PivotTable as shown below. 4. Click the Month field and then click Remove Field. The month details are removed from the PivotTable 2007 48 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Filter The Report In A PivotTable 1. Drag and drop the Month field to the Report Filter area in the PivotTable. Note: Before you begin, move the PivotTable to cell B13 so that when you create a filter, it will not overlap the source table above the PivotTable. SUMMARY 1. Click the PivotTable. 2. Drag and drop the field from the PivotTable Field List to the Report Filter area. The filter is added above the PivotTable. It shows all the records by default. 2. Click the Month drop-down arrow. A drop-down list showing all the criteria in the month field appears. 3. Click Feb from the list. Click the OK button. The records are filtered to show only Feb records, as shown below. 2007 49 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Filter Specific Records 1. In the PivotTable, click the Row Labels drop-down button. A drop-down list appears, as shown below. SUMMARY 1. In the PivotTable, click the Row Labels drop-down button. 2. Select the data you want to show. 3. Click the OK button. TIPS You can also use this Row Labels dropdown button to sort your data. To remove the filter, click the Clear Filter From <Field_Name> command. 2. Select only Mary Davis and Steve Brown. Here, you want to hide the records for John Cage and John Smith. 3. Click the OK button. The PivotTable does not show the records for John Cage and John Smith. Note: Make sure you show all the records for the next exercise. 2007 50 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Working With Calculated Fields In A PivotTable Besides using the Sum function to find the total for the number fields, you are able to use other functions such as Average, Maximum, and Minimum etc. PivotTable with that calculates the total sales PivotTable with that calculates the average sales Besides the existing summary functions, Excel lets you create your own formulas in calculated fields and calculated items . For instance, you can add a new calculated field that calculates the sales commission, as shown below. 2007 51 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Change The Calculated Field Value Settings 1. In the Values area, click the Sum of Sales field. The pull down menu appears, as show below. SUMMARY 1. In the Values area, click the field you want to change. 2. Click the Value Field Settings. 3. Click the type of function you want. 4. Click the OK button. 2. Click the Value Field Settings from the menu. The Value Field Settings dialog box appears, as shown below. 3. In the Summarize value field by box, click Average. And then, click the OK button. Here, you want to find the average sales instead of the total sales. Note that the text `Grand Total’ remains unchanged. You will have to change it to `Average’ manually. 2007 52 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Insert A Calculated Field 1. Click the Options tab. In the Tools group, click Formula >> Calculated Field. The Insert Calculated Field dialog box appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the PivotTable. 2. Click the Options tab. In the Tools group, click the Formula >> Calculated Field. 3. In the Name box, type the calculated field name you want. 4. In the Formula box, type the formula for the calculated field. 5. Click the Add button. 6. Click the OK button. 2. In the Name box, type Commission. In the Formula box, type =Sales Value*20%. The Insert Calculated Field dialog box appears as shown below. 2007 53 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 3. Click the Add button. The new calculated field (Commission) is added into the Fields box, as shown below. 4. Click the OK button. The new calculated field is shown in the PivotTable. 2007 54 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Delete Calculated Fields 1. Click the Options tab. In the Tools group, click Formulas >> Calculated Field. A drop-down menu appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the PivotTable. 2. Click the Options tab. In the Tools group, click the Formula >> Calculated Field. 3. Click the Name dropdown arrow. 4. Select the field you want to delete. 5. Click the Delete button. 6. Click the OK button. 2. Click the Name drop-down arrow and click Commission. The Add button changes to a Modify button when you select the Commission field from the list. 3. Click the Delete button, and then click the OK button. The Commission field is now deleted. 2007 55 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Change A PivotTable Options 1. Click any cell in the PivotTable. The PivotTable Tools tabs appear. 2. Click the Options tab. In the PivotTable group, click the Options button. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the PivotTable. 2. Click the Option tab. In the PivotTable group, click the Options button. 3. Make the changes. 4. Click the OK button. The PivotTable Options dialog box appears, as shown below. 3. Click the OK button. The PivotTable option is set. 2007 56 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Creating A Chart From A PivotTable You can create a Pivot Chart from the table or from an existing PivotTable. When you create a PivotChart, specific PivotChart Tools ribbons are available to help you work with the chart. You can change the layout, style, and format of the chart or its elements just like a regular chart easily. All of the filtering improvements are also available in the PivotChart Filter Pane. In Office Excel 2007, the chart formatting that you apply is preserved when you make changes to the PivotChart, which is an improvement from the earlier versions of Excel. 2007 57 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Create A Chart From A PivotTable 1. Click any cell in the PivotTable. The PivotTable Tools tabs appear. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell in the PivotTable. 2. Click the Options tab. In the Tools group, click the PivotChart button. 3. Select the chart type you want. 4. Click the Axis Field drop-down arrow. 5. Click to check or uncheck the items to show or hide the information you want. 6. Click the OK button. 2. Click the Options tab. In the Tools group, click the PivotChart button. The Insert Chart dialog box appears. TIPS If you want to create the chart from the source table instead of the PivotTable, click the table and then click the Insert tab. In the Tables group, click the PivotTable drop-drop down arrow. Then, click the PivotChart. 2007 58 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 3. Select the chart you want and then click the OK button. The chart is created and placed on the existing worksheet. 4. In the PivotChart Filter Pane, click the Sales Person drop-down arrow. Then click to specify which sales persons you want to show in the chart. Uncheck the boxes to hide the sales persons. You can also hide the information for the Legend and the Page. 5. Click the OK button. The chart shows only the records for John Smith and Steve Brown. 2007 59 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Exploring What-If Tables You can analyze data with a series of What-If questions and produce a table to show the results. Example: You want to find the Revenue and the Grand Total if the variables change in the table. One Variable What-If Table Your management wants you to produce a What-If analysis report from the source above. Here, you will find the Revenue and the Grand Total if a single variable like unit price increases to $630, $640, $650 and $660. The one variable What-If table is used here. Two Variables What-If Table Here you will find the total sales if the unit price changes to $630, $640, $650 and $660 while the projected number of units sold changes to 170000, 180000, 190000 and 200000. The two variables What-If table is used here. 2007 60 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [What-If (1var)] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. How To Create A One Variable What-If Table 1. In the cell B12, enter the formula =D5 in the What-If table column heading. Enter both the tables to do this exercise. B12 is the column heading for the Projected Revenue in the What-If table. SUMMARY 1. Create a What-If table. 2. Enter the formulas in the What-If table column headings. 3. Select the entire What-If table. 4. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click the WhatIf Analysis >> Data Table. 5. In the Row input cell or Column input cell box, enter the cell reference. 6. Click the OK button. 2. In the cell C12, enter the formula =D7 in the table column heading. Press <Enter>. C12 is the column heading for the Grand Total in the What-If table. 3. Select the entire What-If table range A12:C16. When you select the table range, do not select the label above the column headings. 2007 61 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 4. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click the What-If Analysis >> Data Table. The Data Table dialog box appears. 5. In the Column input cell box, enter the cell reference $B$5. Use the mouse to click the column input cell and click the cell B5. If you type the cell reference manually, use absolute reference with a $ sign. 6. Click the OK button. The What-If table is created as shown below. Use cell formatting to format the Revenue and Grand Total value to currency in the What-If table. 2007 62 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [What-If (2var)] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. How To Create A Two Variables What-If Table 1. In the first cell of the What-If table, at the cell B11, enter the formula =D7. Press <Enter>. A11 is the formula to calculate the Grand Total for the What-If table. SUMMARY 1. Create a What-If table. 2. Enter the formulas in the What-If table column headings. 3. Select the entire What-If table. 4. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click the WhatIf Analysis >> Data Table. 5. In both the Row input cell and Column input cell boxes, enter the cell references. 6. Click the OK button. 2. Select the entire What-If table range B11:E15. When you select the table range, do not select the cells above the column headings. 3. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click the What-If Analysis >> Data Table. The Data Table dialog box appears. 2007 63 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 4. In the Row input cell box, enter the cell reference $B$5. In the Column input cell box, enter the cell reference $C$5. Use the mouse to click the row input cell and click the cell B5, then click the column input cell and click the cell C5. If you type the cell reference manually, use absolute reference with a $ sign. 5. Click the OK button. The What-If table is created as shown below. Use cell formatting to format the Grand Total value to currency in the What-If table. 2007 64 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Using Scenarios Data tables analyze data with 1 or 2 variables while the Scenario Manager enables you to create more than 2 input variables and save the values with a scenario name. Multiple scenarios allow you to perform a series of comparisons within a worksheet without having to update individual cell value. Example: You want to find the Revenues for each Product and their Grand Total. There are 2 different possible scenarios/projections for all the 4 variables (unit price for each product). If you apply a specific scenario to the table, it is updated instantly to display the new values. Scenario A For Scenario A, the table is updated as below: Scenario B For Scenario B, the table is updated as below: 2007 65 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [Scenario] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook How To Create Scenarios 1. SUMMARY 1. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis >> Scenario Manager. 2. Click the Add button. 3. In the Scenario name box, enter the scenario name. 4. In the Changing cells box, enter the range of cells that will change and click the OK button. 5. Type in the value for each changing cell. 6. Click the Add button and then enter the second scenario. 7. Click the OK button. 8. Click the Close button. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis >> Scenario Manager. The Scenario Manager dialog box appears. TIPS Use the Merge button to copy a scenario from another workbook. The workbook contains the scenario must be opened in order for you to merge. 2. Click the Add button. This is to add the first scenario to the workbook. The Edit Scenario dialog box appears. 2007 66 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 3. In the Scenario name box, type Scenario A. In the Changing cells box, type $B$3:$B$6. Comments are optional. You can click the Changing cells box and select the range B3:B6 instead of typing the cell reference. 4. Click the OK button. The Scenario Values dialog box appears. 5. In the $B$3 box, type 520. In the $B$4 box, type 340. In the $B$5 box, type 630. In the $B$6 box, type 270. This is to enter value for all the changing cells in Scenario A. 6. Click the Add button. This is to add the second scenario. The Edit Scenario dialog box appears. 2007 67 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 7. In the Scenario name box, type Scenario B. By default, the changing cells range uses the range specified in the previous scenario. Since the range remains unchanged in this new scenario, just leave it as it is. 8. In the $B$3 box, type 510. In the $B$4 box, type 350. In the $B$5 box, type 620. In the $B$6 box, type 280. This is to enter the values for all the changing cells in Scenario B. 9. Click the OK button. The Scenario Manager dialog box appears. Two scenarios now appear in the list. Click the close button if you do not want to apply any further scenarios. 2007 68 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Apply A Scenario 1. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis >> Senario Manager. The Scenario Manager dialog box appears. 2. In the Scenarios box, click Scenario B. You may double-click Scenario B to apply the values immediately. SUMMARY 1. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis >> Scenario Manager. 2. In the Scenarios box, select the scenario you want to apply. 3. Click the Show button. TIPS To Edit the existing scenario, click the scenario and then click the Edit button. To Delete the scenario, click the scenario and then click the Delete button. 3. Click the Show button. The Scenario B’s values are applied to the worksheet. 2007 69 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Implementing Problem Solving Goal Seek is a tool for you to find solutions to a problem. It helps you to find the best solution by analyzing single variable. Problem: You need to get a Total Income of $6,000.00. So you should increase the Sales. How much sales do you need to achieve? Solution: To calculate the new sales value, use goal seek to set cell B5 to value 6000 by changing cell B1. You will get the solution that your sales need to be increased to $40,000.00 in order to reach your goal of getting a total income of $6,000.00. Create the following data on a new worksheet. =B1*B2 =B3+B4 2007 70 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Solver is a tool for you to find solutions to a problem. It helps you to find the best solution by analyzing multiple variables. Problem: You need to find the maximum net income you can put into your savings for the month. You need to increase the sales and decrease your monthly expenses. However, there are certain limitations and constraints. For example, the constraints here might be 1) There is always a limit or maximum sales you can achieve within the month. 2) There is a minimum monthly expense you must spend within the month. Solution: To calculate the maximum Balance for Saving, use the Solver tool to set cell B7 to maximum. Define the following constraints: 1) Cell B1 (Sales) <= 50,000. 2) Cell B6 (Expenses) >= 3,500 You will get the solution that your maximum Balance for Saving is $3,000. Before you begin, create the following table on a new worksheet. =B1*B2 =B3+B4 =B3+B4 2007 71 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [Goal Seek] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. How To Use The Goal Seek Tool 1. This is where you will set the new goal value you want to achieve. B5 is used for the Set cell box automatically in the Goal Seek dialog box if you click the cell reference (see step 2 below). If not, you can still select the cell reference manually after the Goal Seek dialog box appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell for which you want to set the goal. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis >> Goal Seek. 3. In the To value box, enter the value. 4. In the By changing cell box, enter the cell. 5. Click the OK button. 6. Click the OK button. Click the cell B5. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Data Tools group, click What-If Analysis >> Goal Seek. The Goal Seek dialog box appears. 2007 72 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 3. In the To value box, type 6000. In the By changing cell box, type $B$1. You can click the By changing cell box and select B1 instead of typing in the cell reference $B$1. 4. Click the OK button. The Goal Seek Status dialog box displays the solution. Click the OK button to accept the solution or Cancel to reject it. 5. Click the OK button. Total Sales and Total Income are updated. 2007 73 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA How To Load Add-Ins 1. Click the Office button. Click the Excel Options button. The Excel Options dialog box appears 2. SUMMARY 1. Click the Office Button. Click the Excel Options button. 2. On the left pane, click Add-Ins. On the right pane, in the Manage box, click the Excel Add-Ins. 3. Click the Go button. 4. Select the add-ins you want. 5. Click the OK button. On the left pane, click Add-Ins. On the right pane, in the Manage box, click the Excel Add-ins. Click the Go button. The Excel Add-ins is selected by default. The Add-Ins dialog box appears. 2007 74 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 3. TIPS Click the Go button. Check the Solver Add-in check box. By default, not all the add-ins is loaded when you install Microsoft Excel. If Solver Add-in is not listed, click the Browse button to locate the add-in. If you are prompted that the Solver Add-in is not currently installed on your computer, click Yes to install it. 4. Click the OK button. The Solver command is now available in the Analysis group on the Data tab. 2007 75 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA Before you begin, create a new worksheet with the data as shown below or copy the [Solver] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. How To Use The Solver Tools 1. Click the cell B7. You will find the maximum balance you can achieve for your savings. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell you want to solve. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Analysis group, click the Solver button. 3. For Equal To, select the option you want. 4. In the By Changing Cells box, select the cells that you want to change. 5. Under Subject to The constraints, click the Add button. 6. Specify the constraints. 7. Click the OK button. 8. Click the Solve button. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Analysis group, click the Solver button. The Solver Parameters dialog box appears. 3. For Equal To, click Max. In the By Changing Cells box, select cell B1 and cell B6. You will find the maximum balance you can achieve. To select the changing cells, click in the By Changing Cells box, and then select the cells you want. To select multiple non-adjacent cells, hold down <Ctrl> while selecting the cells. The selected cells appear as absolute references (with a $ sign), as shown below. 4. Under Subject to the Constraints, click the Add button. Specify the constraint cell B1 <= 50000. This will set the maximum sales to 50000 as the first constraint.. 2007 76 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 CREATING A PIVOTTABLE AND ANALYZING DATA 5. Click the Add button. Specify the constraint cell B6 >= 3500. This set the minimum expenses to 3500 as the second constraint. 6. Click the OK button. The constraints are listed in the Subject to the Constraints box, as shown below. 7. Click the Solve button. The maximum Balance for Savings is 3,000. To replace the existing value with the new values, click the OK button. You can also save these values as a new scenario. 2007 77 Using Workgroup Features Objectives: When you have completed these lessons, you will be able to: Add A Comment Into A Cell Show/Hide Comments Permanently Show/Hide Comment Indicators Inspect A Workbook Apply Password Protection To The Editable Cells Enable Workbook Sharing Merge Copies Of Shared Workbooks Accept Or Reject Changes In A Merged Workbook Protect A Shared Workbook Track Changes In The Same Workbook Accept Or Reject Changes From Different Users 2007 78 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES Using Comments In order to explain the content/data in a cell, you can attach a note to the cell by adding a comment. Comments can be inserted in each cell and are displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the cell or view all comments. You can work with the comments using the Ribbon or the shortcut menu. If you sort data/items on a worksheet, the comments move to new positions with the items in the sorted rows or columns. Note: Comments in a PivotTable remain anchored to the cells where they are entered, not to the cell contents. When you pivot the table or make other changes to the layout format, the comments do not move. 2007 79 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES Before you begin, create a new worksheet, save it as Proposal and enter the table shown below or copy the [Workgroup] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. How To Add A Comment Into A Cell 1. Right-click the cell B2, to which you want to add a comment. The shortcut menu appears as illustrated. SUMMARY 1. Right click the cell, to which you want to add a comment. 2. Click Insert Comment. 3. Type the comment. 4. Click any other cell. TIPS You can also add a new comment using the Ribbon. Click the Review tab. In the Comments group, click the New Comment button. You can also press <SHIFT>+<F2> to add a comment. If you want to change the user name that appears in the comment, you can change the user name before you add the comment. Click the Office button. And then click the Excel Options button. On the left pane, click Popular. On the right pane, in the User Name box, change the User name information. 2. Click Insert Comment. Type in the comment: I think John is the best person to lead this project. The user name appears automatically in the comment box. 3. Click any other cell on the worksheet. The comment box is hidden and a comment indicator appears in the upper right corner of the cell B2. 2007 80 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Show/Hide Comments Permanently 1. Move the mouse pointer over the cell that has the comment indicator. The comment appears automatically as shown below. It will be hidden when the pointer is moved away from the cell. SUMMARY 1. Move the mouse pointer to the cell that has a comment indicator. 2. Right-click the cell where you what to show the comment permanently. Click Show / Hide Comments. 2. Right-click the cell B2. Click Show / Hide Comments. The comment appears permanently on the screen. TIPS If you want to hide the permanent comment on screen, right-click the cell and from the shortcut menu, click Hide Comment. You can also edit, delete and show/hide a comment using the shortcut menu, as shown above. Instead of the shortcut menu, you can also use the Ribbon. Click the Review tab. In the Comments group, click the button you want. 2007 81 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Show/Hide Comment Indicators 1. Click the Office Button. And then, click the Excel Options button. The Excel Options dialog box appears. 2. On the left pane, click Advanced. On the right pane, click the No comments or indicators. This will hide the comment indicators that appear on the worksheet. SUMMARY 1. Click the Office Button. And then, click the Excel Options button. 2. On the left pane, click Advanced. On the right pane, click the No comments or indicators. 3. Click the OK button. 3. Click the OK button. The comment indicator is hidden. Options Description No comments or indicators Hides all comments and comment indicators. Indicators only, and comments on hover Displays the comment when the pointer is moved to the cell that has the comment indicator. Comments & indicators Displays comments and indicators permanently. 2007 82 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES Using The Security Features Inspecting Your Workbook If you are going to share your Office Excel workbook with other people but do not wish to reveal any hidden data or personal information (such as details about your organization) that might be stored in the workbook itself, you should inspect and review the workbook to remove the hidden information before you share the workbook with other people. Using Password Protection For The Editable Cells When you share a workbook with other users, you may want to protect data in specific worksheet or workbook elements to prevent it from being changed. You can also specify a password that users need to enter to modify specific workbook and worksheet elements that are protected. Note: Workbook and worksheet element protection should not be confused with workbook-level password security. Element protection cannot protect a workbook from users who have malicious intent. When you protect a worksheet, all cells on the worksheet are locked by default, and users cannot make any changes to a locked cell. 2007 83 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Inspect A Workbook 1. Click the Office Button >> Prepare >> Inspect Document. Excel will prompt you to save the workbook if you have not saved it before you inspect the workbook. The Document Inspector dialog box appears, as shown below. SUMMARY 1. Click the Office Button >> Prepare >> Inspect Document. 2. Select the elements you want to inspect. 3. Click the Inspect button. 4. Click the Remove All button for the elements you want to remove. 5. Click the Close button. TIPS You might not be able to undo or restore the information you have removed. Make sure you keep a copy of the original workbook before you remove the information from the inspection. 2007 84 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES 2. Select the elements you want to inspect. The descriptions of the elements are listed in the table below. 3. Options Description Comments and ink annotations The information such as comments or ink annotations, which reveal the names of people who worked on the workbook, their comments, and changes that were made to the workbook. Document properties and personal information Include details such as author, subject, title, the name of the person who most recently saved the workbook and the date when the workbook was created etc. Headers and footers Information in headers and footers. Hidden rows, columns, and worksheets If a workbook contains hidden rows, columns, or worksheets, other people might unhide them. Document server properties The information related to the server location or a library where the workbook was saved to. Custom XML data Find and remove the custom XML data that is not visible in the workbook itself. Excel Add-In (.xlam) The Excel 2007 XML-based and macroenabled Add-In that run additional code. Click the Inspect button. The Document Inspector dialog box appears to show you the elements found in your workbook, as shown below. 2007 85 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES 4. Click the Remove All button for the Document Properties and Personal Information. Note that the Remove All button for the Document Properties and Personal Information disappears, as shown below. 5. Click the Close button. The Document Inspector dialog box closes. 2007 86 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Apply Password Protection To The Editable Cells SUMMARY 1. You will make this range editable with password protection. You can also select non-adjacent cell ranges if you want. 2. 1. Select the cells which you want to make editable with password protection. 2. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click the Allow the Allow Users to Edit Ranges button. 3. Click the New button. 4. In the Range password box, type in your password. 5. Click the OK button. 6. Type in the password again. Then, click the OK button. 7. Click the OK button again. The worksheet need to be protected in order for this password protection to take effect. To protect the worksheet, click the Review tab. Then, in the Changes group, click the Protect Sheet command. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click the Allow Users to Edit Ranges button. The Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box appears, as shown below. 3. TIPS Select the cells B2:B5. Click the New button. In the Range password box, type in your password. Click the OK button. Type in the password again and click the OK button again. Here, you type in the password twice to verify the password you use. The newly created range appears in The Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box. Click the OK button to close the dialog box. 2007 87 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES Sharing Workbooks Excel provides workgroup useful facilities to let you share your workbook with multiple users. If you want multiple users to access and share the same workbook simultaneously, you need to enable the sharing feature. Excel displays the word [Shared] on the workbook’s title bar if the workbook is shared. After the workbook is shared, you can 1. Work with the single original workbook, which could be stored on the network drive for multiple users to access simultaneously. If you want to review the changes, you can review the history and accept or reject individual changes in the workbook. 2. Work with multiple copies of the workbook. You can use the Save As command to create copies of the workbook and distribute copies to the users for them to update. Then you could merge their copies into your original file. During the process of merging, you can review the changes and accept or reject individual changes found in the workbook. 2007 88 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Enable Workbook Sharing 1. Open the Proposal workbook, which you want to share with other users. Proposal workbook was created in the previous lesson. 2. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click the Share Workbook button. The Share Workbook dialog box appears. SUMMARY 1. Open the workbook that you want to share. 2. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click the Share Workbook button. 3. Click the Editing tab. 4. Click Allow changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows workbook merging. 5. Click the Advanced tab. 6. Select the options you want. 7. Click the OK button. 8. Click the next OK button. 3. Click the Allow Changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows workbook merging check box. If this is not selected, the options in the Advanced tab are disabled. TIPS To disable the workbook sharing, just uncheck the Allow Changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows workbook merging check box. In the Share Workbook dialog box. 2007 89 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES 4. Click the Advanced tab. Select the options you want. Increase the number of days in the Keep change history for option if you want to allow ample time to complete changes. You can’t keep track of changes or merge copies of workbook if you exceed the number of days specified. 5. Click the OK button. In order to enable the workbook for sharing, Excel will prompt you to save the workbook. 6. Click the OK button. This is to save the workbook and enable sharing. From the Title bar, you can see that this workbook is now shared. 2007 90 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES Comparing And Merging Shared Workbooks When a shared workbook is updated by other users, and you want to compare the changes that they have made before you update the workbook with those changes, you can use the Compare and Merge Workbooks command. (This command is not available in the Review tab, you can, however, add it to the Quick Access Toolbar.) Important: 1. You can only merge a shared workbook with copies of that workbook that were made from the same shared workbook. 2. You cannot use the Compare and Merge Workbooks command to merge workbooks that are not shared. 3. To use the Compare and Merge Workbooks command, all the shared workbook users must save a copy of the shared workbook that contains their changes and use a unique file name that differs from the original workbook. 4. All copies of a shared workbook should be located in the same folder as the shared workbook. Before you begin, create the following workbook, Proposal.xlsx. (You can use the workbook from the previous lesson or copy the [Workgroup] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. Make sure you have enabled the workbook sharing, and then, create the new copy of the workbook, Proposal Review.xlsx. Use the Save As command to create the Proposal Review.xlsx workbook and edit it, as shown below. Close Proposal Review.xlsx (the new copy of the workbook), before you merge it to the original copy. Proposal.xlsx - the original shared workbook Proposal Review.xlsx - make a copy of the Proposal workbook and save it with the name Proposal Review. Send it to another user to update its details as shown on the right. 2007 91 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES Before you begins, add the Compare and Merge Workbooks button on the Quick Access Toolbar. Click the Office Button, and then click the Excel Options button. On the left pane, click Customize, click the Choose commands from drop-down arrow, then click All Commands. Click Compare and Merge Workbooks, click the Add button, and then click the OK button. How To Merge Copies Of Shared Workbooks SUMMARY 1. Open the original workbook. 2. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Compare and Merge Workbooks button. 3. Select the workbook you want to merge. 4. Click the OK button. 1. Open the original workbook Proposal. Make sure the Proposal Review workbook is not open. 2. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Compare and Merge Workbooks button. The Select Files to Merge Into Current Workbook dialog box appears. TIPS Use the Save As command to create new copies of the shared workbook. Make sure all the copies of the shared workbook you want to merge (copies of the proposal workbook) are closed when you merge them. You can also select multiple workbooks to merge. Hold down <Ctrl>, and then click the workbooks. 3. Locate and click the file Proposal Review from the list. Click the OK button. The workbook is merged into the current original workbook. Updates indicators appear on the upper left of the cells, which have been updated. When you move the mouse pointer over a cell containing one of these indicators, a comment appears to show the details. 2007 92 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Accept Or Reject Changes In A Merged Workbook 1. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click Track Changes >> Accept or Reject Changes. The Select Changes to Accept or Reject dialog appears. 2. Click the When drop-down arrow, and select the options you want. By default, the `Not yet reviewed’ option is selected. SUMMARY 1. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click Track Changes >> Accept or Reject Changes. 2. Click the When list arrow, select the options you want. 3. Click the OK button. 4. Click the suitable button to accept or reject the changes. 3. Click the OK button. The cursor moves to the first cell which has changes. A dialog box displays the details of the changes and prompts you to accept or reject them. 4. Click the appropriate button to accept or reject the changes. The options available are: Button Description Accept Accepts the change in the cell. Reject Rejects the change in the cell. Accept All Accepts all remaining changes. Reject All Rejects all remaining changes. Close Close the dialog box without viewing the rest of the changes 2007 93 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Protect A Shared Workbook 1. You can use the existing Proposal workbook or create a new workbook. By protecting the shared workbook, you can prevents the change history from being removed. 2. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click the Protect Shared Workbook button. If you open a workbook that is not shared, it has Protect and Share Workbook button instead. SUMMARY 1. Open the shared workbook that you want to protect. 2. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click the Protect Shared Workbook button. 3. Under Protect workbook for, select the Sharing with track changes option. 4. Click the OK button. Open the shared workbook that you want to protect. 3. Under Protect workbook for, select the Sharing with track changes option. You are not able to protect a shared workbook if this option is not selected. You can also assign a password to protect the workbook, so that unauthorized users are not able to unprotect the workbook. 4. Click the OK button. The workbook is now protected. 2007 94 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Track Changes In The Same Workbook SUMMARY 1. Open the workbook which has been merged with the updated workbook copy. 2. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click Track Changes >> Highlight Changes. 3. Under the Highlight which changes area, click the When dropdown arrow and click the options you want. 4. Click the OK button. You can store the workbook on you server and let users access and edit the same workbook. Then, you can open the workbook to review the changes from different users. Work on the same workbook. Before each time you edit the workbook, change the user name, so that it looks like different users have edited the workbook. To change the user name, click The Office button, then click the Excel Options button. In the User Name box, type a new name. 1. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click Track Changes >> Highlight Changes. The Highlight Changes dialog appears. 2. Under the Highlight Which Changes area, click the When drop-down arrow and click the options you want. The descriptions for the other options are shown on the following page. Note: Click the Highlight changes on screen check box if it is not selected. 3. Click the OK button. Update indicators appear on the upper left of the cells, which have been updated. When you move the mouse pointer over a cell containing one of these indicators, a comment appears to show the details. 2007 95 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES The options available in the Highlight Changes dialog box are. Options Description Track changes while editing Workbook sharing is disabled if this is not selected. It also enables the change history feature. When Displays the changes for a designated time period. Who Displays the changes made by the selected users. Where Displays the changes in the specified cell ranges. Highlight changes on screen Displays the changes on the worksheet. List changes on a new sheet Lists all the details of changes on the History worksheet 2007 96 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 USING WORKGROUP FEATURES How To Accept Or Reject Changes From Different Users 1. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click Track Changes >> Accept or Reject Changes. The Select Changes to Accept or Reject dialog box appears. 2. Click the When drop-down arrow and select Not yet reviewed from the list. Click the Who drop-down arrow and select Everyone from the list. You will review the changes from all the users. SUMMARY 1. Click the Review tab. In the Changes group, click Track Changes >> Accept or Reject Changes. 2. Click the When dropdown arrow and select the options you want. 3. Click the Who dropdown arrow and select the option you want. 4. Click the OK button. 5. Click the new value you want from the list and click the Accept button to accept or click the Reject to reject the change. 3. Click the OK button. The Accept or Reject Changes dialog box appears, showing the details of the changes made by different users. If there is only a single user has changed the cell, the following dialog box appears. If there are changes made by more than two different users to the same cell, the following dialog box appears in order for you to pick the value from the list before accepting or rejecting it. 4. Click the value you want from the list and click the Accept button to accept the new value. Excel moves on to show the next change that has been made. 2007 97 Automating Routine Tasks With Macros Objectives: When you have completed these lessons, you will be able to: Record A New Macro Run A Macro Create A Run Macro Button On The Quick Access Toolbar Show The Developer Tab Create A Macro Command Button On A Worksheet Edit The Command Button Edit Macro Coding Rename A Macro Delete A Macro Record A Relative Reference Macro Run A Relative Reference Macro 2007 98 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS Understanding Macros If you repeat some routine tasks in Excel, you should use macros to automate the tasks for you. A macro consists of a series of Excel commands that are replayed with a single keystroke or a mouse click. Although some macros are simply a recording of your keystrokes or mouse clicks, more powerful VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros are written by developers to run many commands on your computer. Hence, they pose a potential security risk, where a hacker can potentially spread a virus on your computer. For this reason, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 will detect if there is a problem with the macros and disable them by default. The Message Bar as shown below appears to notify you of a potentially unsafe macro when you open a workbook. To enable the macro, click the Options button on the Message Bar. A security dialog box opens, giving you the option to enable the macro. There are two ways to create a macro. Using the macro recorder. This tool helps you get started easily without having to know visual basic programming. When you record a macro, you can use the keyboard to type and use the mouse to click commands and all the instructions will be recorded and automatically transformed to visual basic programming. Using the Visual Basic Editor. Use the Visual Basic Editor to create a macro manually. It is more flexible and powerful as it can include Visual Basic instructions that cannot be recorded. However, you need to have sufficient knowledge in Visual Basic programming. 2007 99 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS Storing Macros You have an option to store the macro in the current workbook, a new workbook, or in the personal macro workbook (Personal.xlsb). In Office Excel 2007, you can only save the macro in a macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm) or the personal macro workbook (Personal.xlsb). You cannot save macros in an ordinary workbook (.xlsx). Macros stored in other workbooks can only be used if the workbooks are open. If you want a macro to be always available whenever you use Excel, save the macro in the Personal Macro Workbook. Excel will then create a hidden personal macro workbook if it doesn't already exist, and saves the macro in it. The personal macro workbook is saved in For Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLStart folder For Windows Vista C:\Users\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLStart folder Using Absolute and Relative References Sometimes you may want to record a macro using absolute references, which means the exact cell references/locations are recorded the macro. On the other hand, a relative reference refers to the cell position relative to the active cell instead of the exact cell reference. The following example uses absolute references. This means the macro may be run anytime without having to position the active cell on the worksheet. 2007 100 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS When you click the Calculate Jan Profit button, the macro will copy the Jan data from the table above (cell B1 to cell B3) and paste it into the Profit Analysis table (cell B7 to cell B9) When you click the Calculate Feb Profit button, the macro will copy the Feb data from the table above (cell C1 to cell C3) and paste it into the Profit Analysis table (cell B7 to cell B9). Before you begin, create the following table in a new workbook or copy the [Macro] worksheet from the `Level3’ workbook. Make sure you have enter the formula =B8-B9 in the cell B10. =B8-B9 2007 101 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Record A New Macro 1. Click the View tab. In the Macros group, click Macros >> Record Macro. In the Macro name box, type CalculateJanProfit. Click in the Shortcut key box and press <Shift>+<J> as the shortcut key. <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<J> will be used as the shortcut to run the macro. This new shortcut key you specify will override any existing Microsoft Excel shortcut keys while this workbook is open. If you want to include a description of the macro, type it in the Description box. SUMMARY 1. Click the View tab. In the Macro group, click Macro >> Record Macro. 2. In the Macro name box, type the macro name. 3. In the Shortcut key box, press the keys on the keyboard to create the shortcut. 4. Click the OK button. 5. Perform the tasks you want to record. 6. Click the Stop Recording button on the Status Bar when you finish. TIPS Spaces are not allowed in the Macro name. The shortcut key letter you use to run the macro cannot be a number or special character such as @ or #. 2. Click the OK button. The recording procedure has started. All the actions from now onwards are being recorded into the Macro. The Stop Recording toolbar appears to let you select a relative/absolute reference and to stop the recording. Make sure the relative reference is NOT selected for this macro (button not pressed in). Relative reference button is NOT pressed in. This means the exact cell references will be recorded. Relative reference button is pressed in. We will see when to use the relative reference button later. When the recording is in progress, the status bar shows the following Stop Recording button. 2007 102 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS 3. Click the range B1:B3. Click the Copy button. This is to copy the content of cell B1 to the clipboard. 4. Click cell B7. Click the Home tab, In the Clipboard group, click Paste >> Paste Values. This is to paste the data as values into the cell B7. 5. Click the OK button. The Jan data is pasted into cells B7, B8 and B9 as shown below. You will see that the format of the destination cells remains unchanged because you have pasted only the values from the source cells, not the format. 6. Click the Stop Recording button on the Status Bar. This macro recording process stops. You can then try to create another new macro with the name CalculateFebProfit to copy and paste Feb data into the Profit Analysis table. 2007 103 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS Before you run this macro, delete the contents of cells B7, B8 and B9. How To Run A Macro 1. Click the View tab. In the Macros group, click Macros >> View Macros. The Macro dialog box appears. The macros (all the macros from the workbooks, which are currently open and the macros you stored in the Personal Macro Workbook) are listed in the Macro name: box. If you want to use any macro that is stored in another workbook, you have to open that workbook in order to run the macro in this workbook. SUMMARY 1. Click the View tab. In the Macros group, click Macros >> View Macros. 2. In the Macro name box, click the macro you want to run. 3. Click the Run button. TIPS You can also run the macro using the shortcut keys that you specified for this macro in the previous lesson. Press <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<J> to run the macro. When you use the shortcut keys to run the macro, you do not need to open the Macro dialog box. If you want to stop a macro before it completes its actions, press <ESC>. 2. In the Macro name box, click CalculateJanProfit. Click the Run button. You can also double-click the macro name to run the macro. When you run the macro, the Jan data is copied into the Profit Analysis table as shown below. Note: The CalculateFebProfit macro is only available if you have recorded the new macro for the Feb data as mentioned in the tips box on the previous page. 2007 104 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Create A Run Macro Button On The Quick Access Toolbar 1. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button. And then, click More Commands. The Excel Options dialog box appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button. And then, click More Commands. 2. In the Choose commands from box, click Macros. Click the macro you want from the list. 3. Click the Add button 4. Click the OK button. 2. In the Choose commands from box, click Macros. Click CalculateJanProfit from the list. And then, click the Add button. The new macro is added to the list on the right, as shown below. 3. Click the OK button. The macro button is added to the Quick Access Toolbar. You can now click the button to run the CalculateJanProfit macro. 2007 105 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Show The Developer Tab 1. Click the Office Button , and then click the Excel Options button. The Excel Options dialog box appears. 2. SUMMARY On the left pane, click Popular. On the right pane, under the Top options for working with Excel area, select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon check box. By default, the Developer tab is hidden. 1. Click the Office Button, and then click the Excel Options button. 2. On the left pane, click Popular. On the right pane, under the Top options for working with Excel area, select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon check box 3. Click the OK button. 3. Click the OK button. The Developer tab appears in the Ribbon. 2007 106 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Create A Macro Command Button On A Worksheet 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Controls group, click the Insert >> Button. The mouse pointer changes to a crosshair pointer, which enables you to draw a button on the worksheet. SUMMARY 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Controls group, click the Insert >> Button. 2. Click and drag to draw the button on the worksheet. 3. In the Macro name box, click the macro you want to assign to the button. 4. Click the OK button. 5. Right-click the button. 6. Click Edit Text. 7. Type the new label for the button. 2. Click and drag to draw a button on the worksheet. The Assign Macro dialog box appears, as shown below. TIPS Instead of using the command button, you can also assign a macro to a shape. To assign a macro to a shape, draw a shape, then, rightclick the shape and click assign macro command. 3. Click the macro CalculateJanuaryProfit. And then, click the OK button. The Macro is assigned to the command button. 2007 107 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Edit The Command Button 1. Right-click at the command button. A shortcut menu appears, as shown below SUMMARY 1. Right-click at the command button. 2. Click Edit Text. 3. Type in the new label. 4. Click outside of the button. 2. Click Edit Text and edit the label to Calculate Jan Profit. To reassign a new macro, click the Assign Macro command from the menu. 2007 108 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS Editing A Macro After you have recorded the macro, you are able to edit and make changes to the macro. However, in order to edit a macro effectively, you must have sufficient knowledge of Visual Basic Programming. The Visual Basic Editor can be used to write and edit macros attached to Microsoft Excel workbooks. How To Edit Macro Coding 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click the Macros button. The Macro dialog appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click Macros. 2. In the Macro name box, click the macro you want to edit. 3. Click the Edit button. 4. Edit the programming code. 5. Close the Microsoft Visual Basic window when finished. 2. In the Macro name box, click CalculateJanProfit and click the Edit button. The Microsoft Visual Basic window appears to display the coding for the macro. 3. Edit the programming code and close the Microsoft Visual Basic windows when finished. Make any necessary changes. You need to understand the Visual Basic programming code if you want to edit your macro.. 2007 109 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Rename A Macro 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click Macros. The Macro dialog appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click Macros. 2. In the Macro name box, click the macro for which you want to change the name. 3. Click the Edit button. 4. Edit the macro name in the Microsoft Visual Basic window. 5. Close the Microsoft Visual Basic window when finished. 2. In the Macro name box, click CalculateJanProfit and click the Edit button. The Microsoft Visual Basic windows appear to display the programming code for the macro. 3. Highlight the word Jan in the command line: Sub CalculateJanProfit(). Type January. The Macro name is renamed to CalculateJanuaryProfit. 4. Close the Microsoft Visual Basic windows when finished. You return to Excel. You have to reassign the macro to your button as the name has changed. 2007 110 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Delete A Macro 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click Macros. The Macro dialog box appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click Macros. 2. In the Macro name box, click the macro you want to delete. 3. Click the Delete button. 4. Click the Yes button. 2. In the Macro name box, click CalculateJanuaryProfit and click the Delete button. The Microsoft Office Excel dialog box appears to get your confirmation before deleting the macro. 3. Click the No button. You do not want to delete this macro now. 2007 111 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS Using A Relative Reference Macro If you want a macro to perform an action on cells relative to the active cell, you must select the Use Relative References while you are recording the macro. This means that the exact cell reference will not be recorded into your macro. To record a macro with relative references, make sure the Use Relative References button is pressed highlighted. To record a macro with absolute references, make sure the Use Relative References button is NOT highlighted. However, you can mix the use of relative and absolute references when you record the macro. This may be helpful if you want a macro to select a specific cell, perform an action, and then select another cell relative to the active cell. 2007 112 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Record A Relative Reference Macro 1. You can place your cursor at any cell. The exact cell reference of the active cell is not important because the cell reference is not recorded when using relative referencing. Once the recording starts, all the relative movements or actions are recorded. 2. SUMMARY 1. Click any cell. 2. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click the Record Macro button. 3. In the Macro name box, type the macro name. 4. Click the OK button. 5. Click the Relative Reference button if it is not highlighted. 6. Perform the actions you want to be recorded into the macro. 7. On the status bar, click the Stop Recording button. On a new worksheet, click cell B2. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click Record Macro. The Record Macro dialog box appears. 3. In the Macro name box, type ListAllProducts. Click in the Shortcut key box and press <Shift>+<P> as the shortcut key. The shortcut key is to assign a new shortcut to run the macro. If the shortcut key has already been used. This new shortcut key will overwrite it. 4. Click the OK button. The recording process is started. All actions are going to be captured into the Macro. The Stop Recording toolbar appears when you click the OK button. 2007 113 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS 5. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click Use Relative Reference if it is not highlighted. The relative reference button should be highlighted, as shown below. 6. Type Product Name and press <Enter> Type Wooden Chair and press <Enter> Type Wooden Desk and press <Enter> Type Metal Chair and press<Enter> Type Metal Desk and press <Enter> Type Plastic Chair and press<Enter> Type Plastic Desk and press <Enter> Click cell B2 and format the text in the cell to Bold and Red. Your screen should now look like the following. 7. On the status bar, click the Stop Recording button. This is to end the recording of the macro. 2007 114 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 AUTOMATING ROUTINE TASKS WITH MACROS How To Run A Relative Reference Macro 1. Click cell D4. You need to place the cursor at the position where you want to run the macro, which will then enter the list of product names. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to run the relative reference. 2. Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click the Macros button. 3. In the Macro name box, click the macro you want to run. 4. Click the Run button. 2. TIPS Click the Developer tab. In the Code group, click the Macros button. The Macro dialog box appears. You can use the shortcut when you want to run this macro. Press the shortcut <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<P>. If you want to stop a macro before it completes its actions, press <ESC>. 3. In the Macro name box, click ListAllProducts. Click the Run button. The product list is entered starting at the cell D4 as shown below. This list is displayed relatively to the active cell (cell D4 in this case). 2007 115 Integrating Data With Other Applications Objectives: When you have completed these lessons, you will be able to: Use The Text Import Wizard Export Data To Another File Type Copy Data From Other Applications Insert An Object Get Specific Information From Microsoft Query 2007 116 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS Importing / Exporting Data There are times that you may want to get information from or send information to other applications. For example, you may want to import / export the data from the text file Employee.txt into an Excel worksheet or vice versa. Delimited Text File (delimiter: comma) Fixed Width Text File 2007 117 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS When you want to import only part of the data from the source file, you may just copy and paste the data into the Excel Worksheets. Source file Destination file You can also create a new object or insert an existing object into the worksheet as shown below. 2007 118 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS How To Use The Text Import Wizard SUMMARY 1. Click the Office Button >> Open. 2. In the Files of type box, click Text Files. 3. Select the file name from the list. 4. Click the Open button. 5. Click the Next button. 6. Under Delimiters, select the appropriate delimiters. 7. Click the Next button. 8. Click the Finish button. 9. Save the file. Before you begin, use Notepad to create the following text file and save it as Employee.txt. 1. Click the Office Button >> Open. The Open dialog box appears. To follow these steps, you need to create the text file as seen on the previous page using notepad and name it Employee. 2. In the Files of type box, click Text Files. Locate the Employee text file that you have just created. By default, only the Excel files are displayed in the list. 3. Click the Open button. The Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3 dialog box appears. By default, Delimited text is selected. Select the Fixed width option button if you are importing a fixed width text. Increase the `Start import at row’ number if the text is not located at the beginning of the text file. 2007 119 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS 4. Click the Next button. 5. Under Delimiters, click the Comma check box. Text Import Wizard – Step 2 of 3 dialog box appears. By default, the Tab delimiter is selected. The Data preview area shows how Excel arranges the data into columns. If you wish to treat two or more delimiters as only one delimiter rather than as separate delimiters, which will leave empty cells between them, select the Treat consecutive delimiters as one check box. 6. Click the Next button. The Text Import Wizard – Step 3 of 3 dialog box appears. By default, General Column data format is selected. This will convert all the data to the right format. However, if you want to custom define the data format for individual columns, select the column and change the column data format options. You can also skip a column that you do not want to import. 2007 120 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS 7. Click the Finish button. The data from the text file is converted and displayed in Excel. 8. Click the Office Button >> Save As >> Excel Workbook. Change the File name if necessary. If you do not change the file type, by default, the data is saved into the original text file 9. Click the OK button. The employee workbook is created. 2007 121 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS How To Export Data To Another File Type 1. Open the workbook you want to export. The workbook needs to be active before you convert it to another file format. 2. Click the Office Button >> Save As >> Other Formats. The Save As dialog box appears. 3. SUMMARY In the Save as type box, click the format you want. Change the file name if necessary. You can use the scroll bar to look for the appropriate file format. 1. Open the workbook. 2. Click the Office Button >> Save As >> Other Formats. 3. In the Save as type box, select the format you want. 4. Click the Save button. 4. Click the Save button. The data is converted and saved into the selected format file. 2007 122 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS How To Copy Data From Other Applications Before you begin, create a Word document, as shown below. 1. Open the file which contains the source data using the application in which the file was created. You open and view the file in its application. SUMMARY 1. Open the source file. 2. Select the data to be copied. 3. Click the Copy button. 4. Switch to Excel worksheet. 5. Click the Home tab, In the Clipboard group, click Paste >> Paste Link. 6. Click the Paste Link option button. 7. Click the OK button. 2. Select the data to be copied into the Excel worksheet. Click the Copy button. Only the selected data is copied onto the clipboard. 2007 123 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS 3. You can use <Alt>+<Tab> to switch application or click the Excel button on the task bar. TIPS If you use normal paste command to paste the selected text, the copied text is automatically converted and inserted as the contents of the cells. Switch to the Excel worksheet and click the cell B2 where you will place the copied data. 4. Click the Home tab. In the Clipboard group, click Paste >>Paste Link. Make sure you click the Paste drop-down arrow to display the list of command for you to select the Paste Link. Here, you use the paste link to paste the selected text from the document to the worksheet. Whenever you update the details in the document, the worksheet will be updated automatically. The linked object appears as shown below. into the worksheet as a Word document object, which you can edit by double-clicking the object. 2007 124 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS How To Insert An Object 1. Click the cell B2. You will insert a logo here. 2. Click the Insert tab. In the Text group, click the Object button. The Object dialog box appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the cell where you want to insert an object. 2. Click the Insert tab. In the Text group, click the Object button. 3. Click the Create New tab. 4. In the Object type box, select the object type you want. 5. Click the OK button. 6. Draw the object. 7. Click outside of the object window when finished. TIPS If you want to insert an existing object, click Create from File tab and select the object file name. 3. Click the Create New tab. In the Object type box, click Bitmap Image. Click the OK button. The object is created on the worksheet in an outline. 2007 125 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS 4. Draw the object in the object area. Use the drawing tools on the left to draw and format the image. 5. Click outside the object when finished. If you want to edit the object, double-click the object. 2007 126 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS Retrieving Data From A Database Most companies keep their records in databases. For example, the Human Resource department keeps and updates information on their employees using a particular database. With Microsoft Excel, you can retrieve records from any existing database. You can also specify and filter the records you want to appear as an external data range on your worksheet. The records found in a Microsoft Access table. Excel retrieves the customer information and presents it on a worksheet. 2007 127 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS How To Get Specific Information From Microsoft Query 1. Click the cell A1. Click the Data tab. In the Get External Data group, click From Other Sources >> From Microsoft Query. The Choose Data Source dialog box appears. SUMMARY 1. Click the where you want to place the data. 2. Click the Data tab. In the Get External Data group, click From Other Sources >> From Microsoft Query. 3. Click the Database tab. Click MS Access Database from the list. Click the OK button. 4. Select the database you want and then click the OK button. 5. Select the fields in the table, which you want to show. 6. Click the Next buttons until you come to the Finish button to end the wizard. 7. Click the OK button. 2. Click the Database tab. Click MS Access Database from the list. Click the OK button. You will get information from an Access database. 3. Select the Northwind.accdb database. Click the OK button. You need to navigate to the folder where the database is stored. If you do not have the Northwind database, create it from the Access template. 2007 128 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS 4. Under Available tables and columns, double-click Employees from the list. The Employees table expands to show the fields in the table. 5. Click EmployeeID, and then click the right arrow button. Send both the LastName and FirstName fields into your query box as well. The three fields now appear in the Columns in your query box. 6. Click the Next button. This dialog box allows you to filter your data. 2007 129 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS 7. Click the Next button. This dialog box allows you to sort your data. 8. Click the Finish button. The final step asks if you want to return the data to Microsoft Excel. 2007 130 Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 3 INTEGRATING DATA WITH OTHER APPLICATIONS 9. Click the OK button. By default, the Database Query places the external data range in cell A1 on the existing worksheet. You can, however, change the destination if you want. Only the selected Employee information appears on your worksheet. 2007 131