Directions: As you watch the movie, complete the following questions.
1. What is Charlie Babbitt’s (Tom Cruise’s character) attitude toward his brother at the
beginning of the film? Support your answer with an example.
2. Why do you think Charlie was never told he had a brother? What purpose did this
3. What is Raymond’s disorder? What is the name for the “special abilities” Raymond
possesses? Describe what his abilities are.
4. Who was “Rainman” and what led to him getting this name?
5. Why was Raymond institutionalized?
6. What do Raymond and Charlie do in LasVegas?
7. Where do you think Raymond belongs? Explain your answer.
8. The doctor from Wallbrook says that Raymond is incapable of having a relationship
with Charlie. Do you think this is true? Why or Why not.
9. If you do think Raymond can have a relationship, who benefits most from their
relationship? Raymond or Charlie? Explain.
Bonus: What 2 things did Charlie get in the will? (+ 1 point)