Library Media Program Requirements

Library Media Program Requirements: 902 License
There are checkpoints during the library media program as a student works toward the first stage of licensure (902
with stipulations) and then completes the 902 license.
Course Portfolio
In each course, each student will create an electronic portfolio based on competencies required for licensure. The set of
competencies addressed in the course should be documented at the end of the course. Documentation includes a
reflection on the competencies supported by evidence from the course. The evidence must document performance at
the Proficient level. Course grades are calibrated to indicate performance level. Any grade under a B for the entire
course is not proficient.
Admission to the Practicum
To enter the practicum, a student must demonstrate Proficient performance in all competencies and indication of ability
to progress from Proficient to Advanced Performance level. Indication of ability to progress to Advanced performance is
reflected by an overall GPA in library courses of 3.1. For admission to the practicum, the student will submit the
electronic portfolio and grades for each course. The portfolio and grades will be reviewed to ensure Proficient
performance and to identify areas for growth that will be addressed in the practicum. If a student received less than
Proficient for a course portfolio, they will not be permitted to enter the practicum without retaking that course.
Practicum Portfolio
During the two practicum experiences, each student will complete at least five projects in different areas of competency
(i.e., Instructional Leadership, Access, Collection Management and Use, Administration, Technology). Students who are
currently working as a teacher or librarian in a school are eligible for the combined 3-credit practicum course instead of
these two courses. The practicum portfolio will document and reflect on these projects, which must be completed at the
Proficient level as assessed by the university supervisor. To be granted licensure, the student must demonstrate
Proficient performance on the portfolio from each of the two practicum experiences.
Summary: Grade Point Average and Proficient Performance Required for Entry to Practicum
and for 902 with Stipulations License
To enter the practicum, a student must have a overall GPA of 3.1 in the 7 library courses for licensure AND Proficient
performance on all competencies.
See the portfolio webpage for more information:
902 License
After completing the 902 with stipulations license, a person has five years to take the remaining courses for the 902
license, removing the stipulations. In May 2015, this is reduced from five to three courses. These courses are at the
graduate level. In addition, a 902 portfolio must be submitted and approved demonstrating mastery of the course
competencies. The portfolio must include a reflection that articulates one’s philosophy of what it means to be a 21st
century school librarian.
Master’s Degree
While the degree is not required, one can earn a Master’s in Education – Professional Development with an emphasis in
Information, Technology, and Libraries in two different ways. If all coursework is taken at the graduate level, the only
additional course is EDFOUND 780 (Reading, Analyzing, and Evaluating Educational Research). If the 902 with
stipulations coursework is taken at the undergraduate level, 12 education credits plus some electives are required on
top of the last three 902 courses. Talk with an advisor for more information.
May 2015
902 with Stipulations Checklist
(1st level: non-renewable after 5 years)
Date Completed:
LIBMEDIA 350/550 Finding and Using Information
LIBMEDIA 434/634 Digital Tools
LIBMEDIA 440/ 650 Information Literacy
LIBMEDIA 451/651 Organizing Information
LIBMEDIA 454/654 Library Administration
ELEMMID 362/562 Children’s Literature
ENGLISH 310/ 510 or LIBMEDIA 543 Young Adult Literature
Course Portfolio
GPA in library course before practicum (3.1 or higher for 7 courses required)
LIBMEDIA 793c Combined Practicum
LIBMEDIA 793e Elementary Practicum AND
LIBMEDIA 793S Secondary Practicum
Practicum portfolio – elementary and secondary
902 Checklist
Once the 902 with stipulations courses are completed, you must complete the remaining 902 courses at the graduate
level to remove the stipulations. This license is renewable. Earning the MSE-PD is optional.
Date Completed:
LIBMEDIA 756 Information, Virtual Libraries and the Internet
LIBMEDIA 751 Leadership and Administration of Library & Technology
LIBMEDIA 641 Information Technology in Schools and Libraries
902 Capstone portfolio
MSE-PD in Information, Technology and Libraries Additional Courses
Option 1:
Date Completed:
EDFOUND 780 Reading, Analyzing, and Evaluating Educational Research
Option 2:
Date Completed:
EDFOUND / CIGENRL 723 Issues, Perspectives, and Directions A Professional Seminar in
EDFOUND 780 Reading, Analyzing, and Evaluating Educational Research
EDUINDP 724 (2 credits) Planning for Change: Seminar in Research, Practice and Voice
EDUINDP 726 (1 credit) Capstone Advising 1: Project Planning and Review of Literature
(taken concurrently with 726)
EDUINDP 727 (1 credit) Capstone Advising 2: Data Collection and Analysis (take between
726 and 789)
EDUINDP 789 (2 credits) Integrative Project Seminar (LAST CLASS IN DEGREE)
Electives so total coursework is 30 graduate credits
May 2015