Teaching Practicum Form

Teacher Registration and Teacher Salary Application
1 – Complete these questions. 2 – Print this sheet out. 3 – Attach this to application
1. What age range/student level does this teaching qualification entitle you to teach in the
country the qualification was awarded?
2. Please list the school/s or places where you had your supervised teaching practicum/s.
Please give a brief profile of each school or place (ie: type of school, location, school
demographics, approximate roll, age range of students etc…).
3. How long (hours / days / weeks) did you spend at each school?
4. Please tell us the details about how the practicums were formed. Were these practicum
placements a block of time or were they a day or two per week over several months?
We’d also like to know if you did a teaching practicum in each year of your qualification.
If the requirements of your teaching practicum was to deliver a certain number of
lessons (or hours), please describe.
5. What age range/s and subjects did you teach during each teaching practicum?
6. Did you teach small groups, the whole class, a single class or a range of classes, or a
combination? Please describe.
7. Did you have any period when you were fully and singularly responsible for a class or
classes for a period of time – see ‘sole charge’ definition below. If so, please describe
what your responsibilities were and tell us how long this was for (total duration, number
of lessons / days / weeks).
*Sole charge means you had full responsibility of a familiar class or classes over
consecutive sequence of days when you were planning lessons, teaching and
assessing students learning full time each day. This may or may not have been
8. What were your other daily and weekly duties and responsibilities as the
student/trainee teacher during these practicum teaching experiences?
9. What was the role and position of the person (if any) who supervised you in the school
and how was this done? If your teaching practice was assessed, how were you given
10. How did the university/teaching training institution assess your teaching practice?
11. Any other information you feel relevant. You may like to describe a ‘typical’ day,
including not only your teaching duties, but any other responsibilities you undertook
(meetings, duty, extra-curricular involvement etc…)