Case study overview for participants

Case study overview for participants
The key aims of this project are to develop a rich understanding of the issues, challenges, and
potential solutions associated with one or more of the following ICT implementation strategies:
 1 to 1 computing
 Moving to the cloud
 Responsible use policies
 Digital Leaders programmes
 Flipped classrooms
 Virtual tuition
Outcomes from the project will include:
 Individual case studies, one per school, which may be published in a range of formats (e.g. pdf,
eBook, web pages)
 Reporting of an analysis across all the case studies to summarise key findings about issues,
challenges and possible solutions associated with the ICT implementation strategies listed
above. This will also be published in one or more formats (e.g. pdf, eBook, web pages).
Overview of the case studies
Each case study will follow the same basic design, which involves:
A key researcher, who is the main point of contact with a case study school and has overall
responsibility for that case study.
A school facilitator, who helps to co-ordinate and facilitate the data collection within the case
study school and is the key researcher’s main point of contact. The school facilitator could be a
member of the school’s SLT or the ICT co-ordinator or a member of staff who is a key user (see
A member of the senior leadership team (SLT), who fills in one questionnaire and takes part
in one interview, either over the phone or face to face. This interview lasts approximately one
hour and explores issues surrounding <INSERT FOCUS> within the case study school.
The ICT co-ordinator, who completes two questionnaires and take part in a follow up
interview. Each of these take approximately one hour. The questionnaires explore the
technological infrastructure and resourcing within the school and the ICT co-ordinator’s
perspectives on the initiative. The interview clarifies any issues arising from the questionnaires
and probes more deeply into aspects of <INSERT FOCUS>.
Two adult key users, who would each:
o complete a questionnaire
o compile a portfolio of evidence demonstrating aspects of <INSERT FOCUS>;
o complete a diary over a period of approximately two weeks;
o are observed by the key researcher as they use or work with children who are involved in
o take part in two interviews each lasting approximately 1 hour.
Four pupil key users, who would each:
o compile a portfolio of evidence demonstrating aspects of <INSERT FOCUS>;
o complete a diary over a period of approximately two weeks;
o take part in a focus group lasting approximately 1 hour.
Copyright © by Twining and Henry. This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license
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The case studies will take place in the second half of the Autumn Term 2012.
This project is adhering to the British Educational Research Association’s ethical guidelines for
conducting educational research (which are available from
We recognise and value the experience and expertise that teachers and pupils bring to the case
studies and see our role as being to help them to make explicit their insights, and to document them.
As part of our data validation we will provide respondents with copies of our analysis of their data
so that they can comment on them and ensure that we have understood the data.
Where pupils are identified as key users permission for their involvement will be sought from the
pupil and their parent(s)/guardian(s).
Each case study will result in an individual report. The school, via the School Facilitator (see
below), will be provided with a copy of this individual case study report for approval and comment
before the 15th January 2013.
No individuals will be identified by name within either the individual case study report or the final
project report. Where schools give their permission the name of the case study school will be
identified in the individual case study reports. Names of schools will NOT be included in the final
project report which looks across all the case study schools.
Any individual has the right to withdraw from taking part in the case study at any point, and can ask
for their data not to be included in the data analysis. Initial data analysis will be taking place as the
data is collected (e.g. the researcher will be reading responses to the staff questionnaire before
conducting the staff interviews). The main period of data analysis will take place in January 2013.
Further information
If you would like additional information about any aspect of the project then contact the key
researcher (whose name and contact details are listed on the letter that accompanied this document),
or contact Peter Twining (the project director) at or on 01908 655078.
Copyright © by Twining and Henry. This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license
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