PLK 1983 Board of Directors' College

Po Leung Kuk 1983 Board of Directors’ College
Syllabus Outline
Year: 2004-2005
Computer and Information Technology
No. of Periods/week: 3
Subject Teacher(s): KLS, LKT
Text Book/Books: Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE (Core Module, Module C: Data Communications and Networking, Module D: Multimedia Production and
Web Authoring)
Lesson Topic
Subject Matter
[Core Module]
Ch.1 The information
Applications of Information Technology
Information Technology
[Core Module]
Ch.2 Basic concepts
of information
[Core Module]
Ch.3 Data
representation within
the computer
[Core Module]
Ch.4 Integrated use
of common
application software
Difference between data and information
Data collection and preparation
Sources of error
Data validation and verification
Data structure
Processing data
Processing information
Batch processing
Real-time processing
Denary, binary and hexadecimal numbers
Numeric system conversion
Addition and subtraction
Bit and byte
Alphanumeric characters
Chinese characters
Application software
Word processors
Multimedia presentation software
Database programs
Specialised application software
Integrated used of application software
Learning Activities/Pupil's Assignment/
Teaching Aids/Common Mistakes
Forum: Ways of using IT in our school
Internet surf: E-commerce web site
Data collection: Characteristics of HK smart ID card
Small group discussion: adv. & disadv. Of
Forum: Ways to solve the Digital Divide problem
Exercise 1 & supplement exercises
Illustrate data validation with a daily life example,
e.g. filling information in student handbook
Student activity: Design a database for “F.4 interclasses basketball competition” event
Forum: Give examples of using batch processing and
real-time processing.
Compare sequential search and binary search
Exercise 2 & supplement exercises
Conversion of numbers among denary, binary and
hexadecimal number systems
Data collection: Examples of using bit and byte
Illustrate that a browser is capable to interpret
different coding schemes
Exercise 3 & supplement exercises
Data collection: List all the application software
available in our school
Student activity: Use a word processor to produce a
school time table
Student activity: Use a spreadsheet to produce a chart
showing how to spend your time in a week
Demonstrate the steps in creating a mail merge
Exercise 4 & supplement exercises
Po Leung Kuk 1983 Board of Directors’ College
Syllabus Outline
Year: 2004-2005
Computer and Information Technology
No. of Periods/week: 3
Subject Teacher(s): KLS, LKT
Text Book/Books: Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE (Core Module, Module C: Data Communications and Networking, Module D: Multimedia Production and
Web Authoring)
[Core Module]
Ch.5 Criteria for
effective presentation
of information
Different ways to present information
Using multimedia elements
Merits of using multimedia elements
Creating a presentation
[Core Module]
Ch.6 Computer
Components of a computer
Main memory
Input devices
Output devices
Secondary storage devices
Types of secondary storage devices
Interface cards
[Core Module]
Ch.7 System software
and application
System and application software, drivers
Basic features of operating system
Common OS and their differences
Cross-platform issues
Data collection: List all the utility programs bundled
with the OS in your computer
Student activity: Explore various O.S.
Exercise 7 & supplement exercises
[Core Module]
Ch.8 Basic concepts
of a computer
The need for a computer network
LANs and WANs
Connecting to a computer network
Services in a networked environment
[Core Module]
Ch.9 Internet and
Internet technology
Historical development
Making connections
Types of connections
Introduction of TCP/IP
IP address
Domain names and DNS
Forum: Advantages of using a LAN in school
Data collection: Collect photos of various network
connecting devices
Student activity: Design a network diagram of our
Small group activity: Find out the newest wireless
network technology.
Exercise 8 & supplement exercises
Data collection: ISP services in HK
Student activity: Find out the location of a computer
with known IP address.
Student activity: Find the information of the new Ipv6
Data collection: Procedures to register a domain
name in HK
Exercise 9 & supplement exercises
Demonstrate different ways to produce sound files
Demonstrate how to produce video and animation
Small group activity: Produce a multimedia
presentation (free topic)
Exercise 5 & supplement exercises
Student activity: Visit web sites or computer shops to
find brand named models of different input, output
and secondary storage devices
Forum: What are hardware components in my dream
personal computer?
Small group project: Choose a digital camera.
Exercise 6 & supplement exercises
First Exam
Po Leung Kuk 1983 Board of Directors’ College
Syllabus Outline
Year: 2004-2005
Computer and Information Technology
No. of Periods/week: 3
Subject Teacher(s): KLS, LKT
Text Book/Books: Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE (Core Module, Module C: Data Communications and Networking, Module D: Multimedia Production and
Web Authoring)
[Core Module]
Ch.10 Internet
Searching of information
Web browsing, file transfer, e-mail and
Public services accessible
Unethical Internet activities
[Core Module]
Ch. 11 Web
[Module D]
Part A Multimedia
Marking languages
Introduction of HTML
Constructing a simple web page
Incorporating multimedia elements
Incorporating hyperlinks
Use of multimedia elements
Production of multimedia elements
Common concepts among different
multimedia elements
Student activities: Try and compare different search
Demonstrate different Internet applications
Student activity: Communicate with a net meeting
Data collection: Find all the public services
accessible through the Internet in HK
Exercise 10 & supplement exercises
Student activity: Learn HTML with a HTML tutorial
web site
Data collection: List all common HTML editors
Exercise 11 & supplement exercises
This chapter
can be
integrated with
module D
Student activities: Produce different multimedia
elements including:
- Graphics
- Audio (WAV, MIDI, MP3)
- Video
- Animation (GIF, Flash)
Exercise Part A
Final Exam