The Scarlet Letter

Chapter I: “The Prison Door”
Why is it significant that the novel opens with a door?
What is ironic about the establishment of a Utopia?
What metaphor is used to describe the prison?
What is significant about the rose bush?
Who was Ann Hutchinson?
Chapter II: “The Market Place”
1. How does Hawthorne portray the Puritans?
2. Note the setting.
3. Based on the expressions of the people waiting outside the
jail, what would one expect they were waiting for?
4. What is your opinion of the conversation among the women
standing outside the jail?
5. How is Hester described? What does Hawthorne reveal about
her personality? What does she hold? What does she initially
try to hide?
6. What has Hester done to the token on her breast? Why might
she have done this?
7. To whom might a Papist (Catholic) compare Hester?
8. What does Hester think about as she stands upon the
scaffold? Who do you think the scholar (very important) she
remembers is?
9. How is Hester being punished? Can you guess for what crime?
Chapter III: ”The Recognition”
1. Who does Hester notice in the crowd? Describe him. Who
does he resemble? What is his reaction to seeing Hester?
How does Hester respond to seeing him?
2. What is Hester’s crime? What does Hester refuse to reveal?
3. What is Hester’s punishment? Do you think it is too strict or
too lenient? Why?
4. What bothers the stranger?
5. How is Dimmesdale described?
6. How does Dimmesdale try to reason with Hester? What
argument does he use?
7. What is your impression of Hester’s refusal to speak? Of
Dimmesdale’s reaction to it?
8. How does Hester cope with her ordeal?
Chapter IV: “The Interview”
1. Why is the physician called to the prison?
2. Who is the physician? What is his name? How does Hester
react to him?
3. Why is Hester hesitant to let the physician treat the baby?
4. Why does Hester think the physician is going to kill her?
5. What relationship does the physician share with Hester? How
does he describe himself?
6. What information does Chillingworth request?
7. What observation can you make about Chillingworth’s name?
8. What is your response to the interview between Hester and
Chillingworth? How would you feel if you were Roger? Why?
Chapter V: “Hester at Her Needle”
1. How does the sunshine affect Hester? Why?
2. What kind of energy does Hester’s character have?
3. What vision does Hester have of her future?
4. Why does Hester choose not to flee Boston?
5. What skill does Hester have?
6. What double standard do high ranking Puritans have? How is
Hawthorne critical of this?
7. How does Hester dress her child? What might this show?
8. How does Hester feel about her needlework?
9. How is Hester treated by the community?
10. When does Hester feel the burden of her brand lifted?
11. What new sense does Hester feel she has?
12. Why has Hester lost her faith?
Chapter VI: “Pearl”
1. Describe Pearl.
2. Why is Pearl’s name important?
3. Why does Hester fear her daughter?
4. Describe Pearl’s personality.
5. How is Hawthorne critical of the Puritan children? What
games do they play?
6. How does Pearl cope with her lack of human playmates?
7. What was the first object Pearl became aware of?
8. What conclusion had the townspeople come to regarding the
identity of Pearl’s father?
Chapter VII: “The Governor’s Hall”
1. Why does Hester go to see the governor? What rumors has
she heard?
2. How is Pearl dressed? How does her clothing mirror her
3. Comment on the description of Governor Bellingham’s mansion.
4. How is the scarlet letter reflected in the breastplate of
Note: leech=physician
Chapter VIII: “The Elf-Child and the Minister”
1. Note Bellingham’s hypocrisy.
2. What two individuals have become friends? Why might this be
3. Who is in poor health? Why?
4. What observations do the men make about Pearl? What do
they call her?
5. How does Pearl explain her origin?
6. What changes does Hester notice in Chillingworth? Why are
these changes significant?
7. Note Hester’s plea to Dimmesdale.
8. Note Dimmesdale’s description.
9. How does Pearl react to Dimmesdale’s presence?
10. Who is Mistress Hibbins? What eventually happens to her?
Chapter IX: “The Leech”
What would you have done in Chillingworth’s place? Why?
Comment on the medical care of the age.
Why do people think Dimmesdale is not long for this world?
What has become Dimmesdale’s “constant habit”? Why is this
Why do you think Chillingworth has taken such an interest in
Dimmesdale? What does he closely examine?
Why do you think Dimmesdale initially refuses Chillingworth’s
Why does Dimmesdale enjoy Chillingworth’s company? What
does it expose him to?
What was Chillingworth hoping to hear?
9. How do the people feel about Chillingworth? Why?
Chapter X: “The Leech and His Patient”
How has Chillingworth changed?
What does Chillingworth observe about Dimmesdale’s nature?
What suspicion does Dimmesdale have regarding Chillingworth?
How does Chillingworth try to manipulate Dimmesdale into
How does Dimmesdale respond? What do his responses
Who does Pearl refer to as “The Black Man”? Why is this
What does Chillingworth imply about Dimmesdale’s ailments?
What do you think Chillingworth saw at the end of the
chapter? Why?
Chapter XI: “The Interior of a Heart”
1. How does the relationship between Dimmesdale and
Chillingworth change?
2. What revenge does Chillingworth plot?
3. What qualities make Dimmesdale such an accomplished and
popular minister?
4. Why won’t Dimmesdale confess? What reasons does he give?
Is he a weak or strong character? Why do you think so?
5. How does Dimmesdale punish himself?
6. What types of visions does he have during his vigils? Why are
these significant?
Chapter XII: “The Minister’s Vigil”
1. How many years have passed since Hester first stood upon the
2. What is Dimmesdale tortured by?
3. What does Dimmesdale do while standing upon the scaffold?
What does he both fear and hope for?
4. What scene does Dimmesdale imagine?
5. Why was Hester out so late at night?
6. What does Pearl request? Why is it significant?
7. What seems to appear in the sky?
8. Who sees the three standing on the scaffold?
9. How does Pearl criticize the minister?
Chapter XIII: “Another View of Hester”
1. Why is Hester shocked? What does she feel responsibility
for? Does Hester, in your opinion, owe Dimmesdale anything?
Why or why not?
2. How has the meaning of the scarlet A changed? Why?
3. How have the attitudes of the people changed toward Hester?
4. How has Hester changed over the years? What types of
things does she think about?
5. Why had the scarlet letter not “done its office”?
Chapter XIV: “Hester and the Physician”
What had been debated in the council?
What change has come over Chillingworth? Why?
What is Hester’s conflict?
What would have happened to Dimmesdale had Chillingworth
made an accusation against him?
5. How has Dimmesdale suffered?
6. What does Hester resolve to do?
7. How does Hester try to reason with Chillingworth?
8. What does Hester feel responsible for?
9. What is the “black blossom”?
Chapter XV: “Hester and Pearl”
How does Hester feel about Chillingworth?
What wrong does Hester feel Chillingworth had done?
What warning does Hawthorne give to men?
What does Pearl do with the eel-grass?
What remarkable insight does Pearl have?
Describe Pearl’s character and personality- use quotes from
the text.
Chapter XVI: “A Forest Walk”
Take note of the setting. Describe it.
Why does the sunshine flee from Hester?
What stories has Pearl heard about the Black Man?
How are Pearl and the brook the same?
Find an example of foreshadowing.
Whom does Hester see in the forest?
Chapter XVII: “The Pastor and His Parishioner”
1. Why is the setting for the meeting between Hester and
Dimmesdale important?
2. What does Dimmesdale say about penance and penitence?
3. In your opinion, who has suffered most: Chillingworth, Hester,
or Dimmesdale? Why? Think carefully about this question- it will
probably be an in class writing response prompt.
4. What does Hester fully realize?
5. How does Hester feel about Dimmesdale?
6. What is your reaction to Dimmesdale’s response to Hester’s
revelation? Why?
7. How does Dimmesdale demonstrate his weakness in this
8. What does Hester propose? How does Dimmesdale react?
Chapter VXIII: “A Flood of Sunshine”
1. What is significant about the title of this chapter?
2. Comment on the state of Hester’s mind. What has she been
thinking about? What has made her strong?
3. What conflict does Dimmesdale experience?
4. What does Hester do to the scarlet letter?
5. What is not subjugated by human law?
6. Why is Pearl so at home in the forest?
Chapter XIX: “The Child at the Brookside”
What is Pearl the embodiment of?
Why is Pearl reluctant to approach her mother?
Note an example of foreshadowing.
What happens to Hester as she puts on the scarlet letter?
What significant question does Pearl ask?
What does Pearl do when Dimmesdale kisses her? Why?
Chapter XX: “The Minister in a Maze”
1. What plan did Hester and Dimmesdale come up with?
2. What kind of “maze” is Dimmesdale in?
3. What temptations does Dimmesdale face? Why? How does he
handle them?
4. What does Mistress Hibbins think Dimmesdale has been doing?
5. What is odd about the encounter between Chillingworth and
6. How is Dimmesdale careless in concealing his plan from
7. What sermon is Dimmesdale supposed to deliver?
Chapter XXI: “The New England Holiday”
Describe Hester’s expression. What does it conceal?
What significant insights does Pearl have about Dimmesdale?
What strangers attend the Election Day festivities?
To whom does Chillingworth speak?
Why can Hester speak to the commander with relative
6. What does the commander reveal? What is your response to
7. What does Chillingworth do at the chapter’s end?
Chapter XXII: “The Procession”
1. What observations were made about Dimmesdale?
2. How does Hester feel as she gazes at Dimmesdale? What
doubts does she have?
3. What observation does Pearl make?
4. What observation does Mistress Hibbins make? What does it
unnerve Hester? Is there any foreshadowing in her words?
5. Why was Dimmesdale’s sermon so powerful?
6. What news does Pearl bring Hester from the seaman?
7. What is ironic about the Indian’s perception of the
significance of the scarlet letter?
Chapter XXIII: “The Revelation of the Scarlet Letter”
Why do the people think of Dimmesdale as an angel?
How does Dimmesdale appear after the sermon?
What does Dimmesdale do? Why?
How does Chillingworth react? Why?
Is this better than what the two dreamed of in the forest?
Why or why not?
6. What does Dimmesdale reveal?
7. What happens to Chillingworth’s face? Why?
8. Will Hester and Dimmesdale meet in the afterlife?
Conclusion XXIV: “Conclusion”
1. What different accounts were there of what transpired upon
the scaffold? Which do you believe? Why?
2. What happened to Chillingworth? Why? What was his last
good deed?
3. What happened to Pearl?
4. Why do you think Hester returned?
5. Why does Hester decide she is not a destined prophetess?
6. Where was Hester buried?