Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document BTR490 – Team 10 Skor Culinary Concepts Requirements Document Team Members: Aditya Nanda Kuswanto Aeraj Rehman Melissa Peh Page 1 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document Requirements for Skor Culinary Concepts Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 4 1.1 Vision...................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Scope....................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Vision and Scope statements for each individual business area ....................... 4 1.3.1 Inventory Management ................................................................................... 4 1.3.2 Order Management ......................................................................................... 5 1.3.3 Production Management ................................................................................. 5 1.3.4 Accounting Management ................................................................................ 6 2 GENERAL DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ............................................................ 7 2.1 System Boundaries ................................................................................................ 7 2.1.1 Inventory Management Operating Environment ............................................ 7 2.1.2 Order Management Operating Environment .................................................. 7 2.1.3 Production Management Operating Environment .......................................... 7 2.1.4 Accounting Management Operating Environment ......................................... 7 2.2 User Profile ............................................................................................................ 8 2.2.1 Manager .......................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Purchasing Staff .............................................................................................. 8 2.2.3 Production Staff .............................................................................................. 8 2.2.4 Daily Operation Staff ...................................................................................... 8 2.2.5 Coffee Truck Drivers (Clients) ....................................................................... 8 2.3 3 Business Rules ....................................................................................................... 8 NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 9 3.1 Security Requirements ......................................................................................... 9 3.2 Safety Requirements ............................................................................................. 9 3.3 Legal Requirements .............................................................................................. 9 4 SYSTEM USE CASES ................................................................................ 10 Page 2 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 4.1 Use Case Diagram ............................................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Inventory Management Use Case Diagram .................................................. 10 4.1.2 Order Management Use Case Diagram ........................................................ 11 4.1.3 Production Management Use Case Diagram ................................................ 11 4.1.4 Accounting Management Use Case Diagram ............................................... 12 4.2 Skor Culinary Concepts Order System Case Specifications........................... 12 4.2.1 Inventory Management – Manage Inventory................................................ 12 4.2.2 Inventory Management – Check Expiry Dates ............................................. 14 4.2.3 Inventory Management – Check Stock Levels ............................................. 15 4.2.4 Order Management – Log into Website........................................................ 16 4.2.5 Order Management – Order Food Items ....................................................... 17 4.2.6 Order Management – Check Past Orders...................................................... 18 4.2.7 Accounting Management – Register Account .............................................. 20 4.2.8 Production Management – View Order Details ............................................ 20 Page 3 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 1 Introduction 1.1 Vision The Skor Culinary Concepts Order System covers two goals. The first one is to assist the manager in maintaining the supplies of food items to maximize efficiency, as well as keeping track of customer demands and demand trends in the various areas. The system will maintain statistical data on all orders throughout the GTA. The system will also alert the manager when the stock of food items is low, or when a certain supply is about to expire. The second goal is to provide a reliable and easy-to-use tool for coffee truck drivers to enter their orders ahead of time. The system has to be intuitive and practical to attract the drivers into using the system and away from ordering from restaurants, which is a more expensive alternative. The system will ensure that the finished goods are ready to be loaded into the trucks as soon as they arrive, in order to minimize delays between rounds. 1.2 Scope The Skor Culinary Concepts Order System is an inventory and order management system which is designed to maintain and track inventory status, as well as manage the scheduling of order processing. All food supply and preparation is done in order to fulfill scheduled orders only, thus avoiding storing day-old products. Reports can be generated at any specified time to include information such as buying patterns, low stock levels and more. The Skor Culinary Concepts Order System is intended to help with the day-to-day operation of the company. It is not designed to handle the company’s financial data or perform any financial reporting capability beyond printing client invoices. The system assumes that the company already has a financial system in place for that purpose. 1.3 Vision and Scope statements for each individual business area 1.3.1 Inventory Management Vision Statement In order to provide fresh food in a proficient manner, the Inventory Management module provides an efficient method to track and maintain the food and packaging inventory status. The module also keeps track of special handling instructions such as expiry date and storage temperature requirements. Page 4 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document Scope This module provides food and packaging inventory tracking, stock level threshold tracking, menu cataloging and expiry date tracking. The system assumes that the mechanism of replenishing stock is already in place. Features This module provides the following features: - Inventory tracking o Add, edit, delete food items o Add, edit, delete menu items o Add, edit, delete packaging items - Generate low stock level report - Expiry date tracking 1.3.2 Order Management Vision Statement In order to ensure adequate stock and preparation time to fulfill customer orders, the Order Management module is a reliable and easy-to-use online interface for our clients to make their orders ahead of time, as well as browse the general buying trends of other clients. Scope This module provides a web interface for our clients to browse and select their daily menu. Clients will then be able to pre-order their menu items and assign up to three different time slots for fulfillment. Features This module provides an online interface with the following features: - Provide a current list of all available menu items. - Add, modify and track online orders (some features may be restricted by time). Each order is required to have a selectable time and date slot for fulfillment. - Track buying patterns (by period, region, “daily favorites”) - View order by date 1.3.3 Production Management Vision Statement The Production Management module allows employees to manage and keep track of the order fulfillment process. Scope This module provides order processing such as viewing orders, creating production schedules as well as updating inventory status. The system assumes that the company Page 5 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document already has a system to ensure that food items are processed properly. The system only manages the schedules to ensure that the process is completed before the clients arrive to pick up their orders. Features This module provides the following features: - View order information - Create daily production schedule - Update inventory status: When ingredients are retrieved from the inventory, the stock levels must be adjusted accordingly. 1.3.4 Accounting Management Vision Statement Customers need a printout of their current order when they pick up the goods. This invoice should have the menu items with its prices and amount so they are able to verify their order before paying for it. Following that, they can proceed to a checkout counter to pay for their order. Scope This module is used to produce a detailed invoice for an order. The system will not incorporate any financial data storage and reporting, nor does it process payments. Operation staff can also use this module to create a new user account for clients to access the Order Management module. Features This module provides the following features: - Produce a customer invoice for an order. - Create user account (for Order Management module). Page 6 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 2 General Design Constraints 2.1 System Boundaries Skor Culinary Concept Order System Inventory Management EMPLOYEES CLIENTS Inventory Order Management Production Management Orders Accounting Management Users 2.1.1 Inventory Management Operating Environment Only the manager and purchasing staff has access to the Inventory Management module. All information used by this module is stored in the Inventory database. 2.1.2 Order Management Operating Environment The Order Management module is a web application that is accessible to anyone who has an account on the system created by the Accounting Management module. This module has read-only access to the Inventory database for retrieving menu information. All other information used by this module is stored in the Orders database. 2.1.3 Production Management Operating Environment Only the manager and production staff has access to the Production Management module. This module accesses and updates information from both Inventory and Orders database. 2.1.4 Accounting Management Operating Environment Both the manager and daily operation staff has access to the Accounting Management module. This module accesses information from both Inventory and Orders database. Page 7 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 2.2 User Profile The following list describes the categories and roles of the users who will be interacting with the system: 2.2.1 Manager - Oversees daily business operation. Has access to keep track of inventory (including information such as stock level and expiry dates). Has access to view and keep track of placed orders. Has access to view and keep track of order trends and buying patterns. 2.2.2 Purchasing Staff - Handles the purchasing of inventory items and managing the information thru the Inventory Management module. Has access to keep track of inventory (including information such as stock level and expiry dates). Has access to view placed orders. 2.2.3 Production Staff - Obtains a production schedule and prepares placed orders. Has access to view placed orders. Has access to update inventory stock levels. 2.2.4 Daily Operation Staff - May include clerks, salespeople, and cashiers. Oversees the daily on-site business operation. Has access to the Accounting Management and Order Management module. 2.2.5 Coffee Truck Drivers (Clients) - Must own a valid vending permit. Uses the Order Management module for managing their orders. 2.3 Business Rules - No cancellation after an order is placed. New orders can be modified up until 11:59pm of the day before pickup date. Clients are restricted to a maximum of three different orders per day. Each order must have a pickup time-slot selected. All clients must have a valid vending permit in order to have an account in the Order Management module. Page 8 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 3 Nonfunctional Requirements 3.1 Security Requirements This section describes the security requirements as they pertain to the particular business areas in the Skor Culinary Concepts Order System. Inventory Management Access to this module is limited to manager and purchasing staff accounts. Any modifications to the inventory stock levels (additions or reductions) must be logged in the system along with the actor’s username. Order Management To ensure privacy and accuracy in tracking orders, all users must register for an account that is password-protected in order to access the system. New accounts must be made in person at the Skor Culinary Concepts office and a valid vending permit is required to authenticate the client’s status. The online order system should also employ the use of 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption for data transfer. Production Management Access to this module is limited to manager and production staff accounts. Any modifications to the inventory stock levels (use of ingredients) must be logged in the system along with the production staff’s username. Accounting Management Access to this module is limited to manager and daily operation staff accounts. At the end of every fiscal period, all financial data should be backed up and stored for safekeeping and audit purposes. 3.2 Safety Requirements The online order system (Order Management module) must employ the use of 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption for data transfer. The central server must be protected with firewalls and antivirus software to prevent damage and outside tampering. 3.3 Legal Requirements 1. All packaged food must have a nutrition label. 2. Durable life information should be declared either on the label of a product or on a poster next to the food and is generally expressed as a number of days. A “bestbefore” date is a different way of showing the durable life of a product. It indicates the date until which the unopened product will retain its durable life, and must be accompanied by proper storage instructions. 3. Egg storage and processing: Page 9 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document - Eggs must be kept at all times at a temperature of not more than 4°C. Liquid processed eggs that are to be frozen shall be cooled to at least -12°C within 60 hours after time of breaking. 4. Refrigeration of food must be at a temperature of 4° C or 40° F. 5. Frozen food must be stored at a temperature of -18°C or 0° F. 4 System Use Cases 4.1 Use Case Diagram 4.1.1 Inventory Management Use Case Diagram CheckExpiryDate Manager CheckStockLevels PurchasingStaff ManageInventory Page 10 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 4.1.2 Order Management Use Case Diagram LoginWebsite Manager ModifyOrder ViewBuyingPatterns OrderFoodItems Client CheckPastOrders 4.1.3 Production Management Use Case Diagram ViewOrderDetails Manager CreateSchedule ProductionStaff UpdateInventoryStatus Page 11 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 4.1.4 Accounting Management Use Case Diagram PrintInvoice DailyOperationStaff CreateAccount 4.2 Skor Culinary Concepts Order System Case Specifications 4.2.1 Inventory Management – Manage Inventory Brief Description: This use case describes how the user checks, adds, modifies, or removes items in the company inventory. Primary Actor: Inventory staff Precondition: The user is logged in. Postcondition: Inventory items are checked or modified. Report is printed. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Inventory screen. 1. The system displays the Inventory screen with buttons for Check Expiry Dates, Check Low Stock Levels, and Manage Inventory (E1). 2. The user clicks Manage Inventory. The system retrieves a list of ingredients from the database (E2) and displays it on the Inventory Detail. There are also Add, View, and Modify buttons. 3. If the user selects an ingredient and clicks View, the system handles the request through Subflow S1. If the user selects an ingredient and clicks Modify, the system commits Subflow S2. If the user clicks Add button, the system performs Subflow S3. Page 12 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 4. The user can print the displayed screen by clicking the Print button, handled by Subflow S43. The use case ends. Subflows: S1. View Ingredient Detail 1. The system retrieves selected ingredient data from the database (E2) and lists it on the screen as static labels. The system reverts back to Basic Flow 3. S2. Modify Ingredient Detail 1. The system retrieves selected ingredient data from the database (E2) and lists it on the screen, but in editable textboxes and form controls. 2. The user modifies the data content and clicks Submit button. The system validates the entries (E3), updates the database, and records an update entry into a log. The system then reverts back to Basic Flow 3. S3. Add New Ingredient 1. The system displays a screen with entries for the ingredient data. 2. The user fills in the data and clicks Submit. The system validates the entries (E3), adds the new ingredient into the database, and records an update entry into a log. The system then reverts back to Basic Flow 3. S4. Print Summary 1. The system sends the current page to the printer (E4) and then returns to Basic Flow 4. Exceptions: E1. Server error – Connection to main server not detected. 1. Display message “Page not found! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E2. Database error 1. Display message “Database error! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 2. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E3. Validation error 1. Display message “Error detected!” on the website and highlight the wrong entries, returning to Subflow S2-2 or S3-2. E4. Printer error 1. Display message “Printer error!” on the website and returns to Basic Flow 4. Page 13 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 4.2.2 Inventory Management – Check Expiry Dates Brief Description: This use case describes how the user inspects the inventory for ingredients with imminent expiry dates. Primary Actor: Inventory staff Precondition: The user is logged in. Postcondition: Inventory expiry dates are checked. Report is printed. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Inventory screen. 1. The system displays the Inventory screen with buttons for Check Expiry Dates, Check Low Stock Levels, and Manage Inventory (E1). 2. The user clicks Check Expiry Dates. The system retrieves a list of ingredients from the database (E2) and displays it on the Inventory Detail. If an item’s expiry date is imminent (within 1-2 days), the entry is highlighted in red. The list is sorted so that the red entries are on the top. There are also View and Print buttons. 3. If the user selects an ingredient and clicks View, the system handles the request through Subflow S1. 4. The user can print the displayed screen by clicking the Print button, handled by Subflow S2. The use case ends. Subflows: S1. View Ingredient Detail 1. The system retrieves selected ingredient data from the database (E2) and lists it on the screen. The system reverts back to Basic Flow 3. S2. Print Summary 1. The system sends the current page to the printer (E4) and then returns to Basic Flow 4. Exceptions: E1. Server error – Connection to main server not detected. 1. Display message “Page not found! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E2. Database error Page 14 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 1. Display message “Database error! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 2. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E3. Printer error 1. Display message “Printer error!” on the website and returns to Basic Flow 4. 4.2.3 Inventory Management – Check Stock Levels Brief Description: This use case describes how the user inspects the inventory for ingredients with low stock levels (i.e. below the preset thresholds). Primary Actor: Inventory staff Precondition: The user is logged in. Postcondition: Inventory stock levels are checked. Report is printed. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Inventory screen. 1. The system displays the Inventory screen with buttons for Check Expiry Dates, Check Low Stock Levels, and Manage Inventory (E1). 2. The user clicks Check Low Stock Levels. The system retrieves a list of ingredients from the database (E2) and displays it on the Inventory Detail. If an item’s stock level is below the threshold, the entry is highlighted in red. The list is sorted so that the red entries are on the top. There are also View and Print buttons. 3. If the user selects an ingredient and clicks View, the system handles the request through Subflow S1. 4. The user can print the displayed screen by clicking the Print button, handled by Subflow S2. The use case ends. Subflows: S1. View Ingredient Detail 1. The system retrieves selected ingredient data from the database (E2) and lists it on the screen. The system reverts back to Basic Flow 3. S2. Print Summary 1. The system sends the current page to the printer (E4) and then returns to Basic Flow 4. Page 15 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document Exceptions: E1. Server error – Connection to main server not detected. 1. Display message “Page not found! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E2. Database error 1. Display message “Database error! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 2. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E3. Printer error 1. Display message “Printer error!” on the website and returns to Basic Flow 4. 4.2.4 Order Management – Log into Website Brief Description: This use case describes how the user logs into the system. Primary Actor: Coffee truck drivers Precondition: The user is on the company website, Login screen. Postcondition: The user is logged in. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Login screen. 1. The system displays login screen with entries for username and password, as well as New Account and Forget Password links (E1). If the user clicks Forget Password link, the system initiates Subflow S1. 2. The user enters username and password and click Login. The system validates the username and password with information from the database (E2). 3. If the username and password are invalid, the system displays “Login not successful” message on the website and allow the user to try again. If the username and password are valid, the system assigns session ID to the user and display “Login successful” message on the website and display the Main screen. The use case ends. Subflows: S1. Retrieve password 1. The system asks for the username and the e-mail address the user used to register, as well as Retrieve button. Page 16 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 2. The user provides both pieces of information and click Retrieve. The system checks whether the username and e-mail address are valid. 3. If they are invalid, the system displays “Invalid user information!” on the website and allows the user to try again. If they are valid, the system sends an e-mail to the user’s address with the password, and then reverts back to Basic Flow 1. Exceptions: E1. Server error – Connection to main server not detected. 1. Display message “Page not found! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E2. Database error 1. Display message “Database error! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 2. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. 4.2.5 Order Management – Order Food Items Brief Description: This use case describes how the user orders food items from the company website. Primary Actor: Coffee truck drivers Precondition: The user is logged in. Postcondition: The food items are ordered. Summary is printed. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Main screen. 1. The system displays main screen with buttons for Order Food Items and Check Past Orders (E1). 2. The user clicks Order Food Items. The system displays the order screen with Add Food Item button and Submit button. The user fills in the entries. 3. The user then keeps on adding new food items by clicking Add Food Item, which the system handles through Subflow S1. The user can also modify an existing food item entry by clicking Modify button on each entry. 4. Once satisfied with the order the user clicks Submit button. The system records the order into the database (E2) and display a Summary page with the summary of the order, equipped with a Print button. Page 17 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 5. The user can print the summary by clicking the Print button, handled by Subflow S3. The use case ends. Subflows: S1. Add Food Item Entry 1. The system displays a list of available food items, as well as entries for quantity and time of day, with OK and Cancel button. The user selects a food item, enters quantity and time, and clicks OK. 2. The system validates the entries (E3). If validated, the system adds the food item entry to the Order screen, computes total, and returns to Basic Flow 3. S2. Modify Food Item Entry 1. The system displays the entry detail, as well as quantity and time, with OK and Cancel button. The user modifies the entries and clicks OK. 2. The system validates the entries (E3). If validated, the system modifies the food item entry with the new data, recalculates total, and returns to Basic Flow 3. S3. Print Order Summary 1. The system sends the summary page to the printer (E4) and then returns to Basic Flow 5. Exceptions: E1. Server error – Connection to main server not detected. 1. Display message “Page not found! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E2. Database error 1. Display message “Database error! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 4. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E3. Validation error 1. Display message “Error detected!” on the website and highlight the wrong entries, returning to Subflow S1-2 or S2-2. E4. Printer error 1. Display message “Printer error!” on the website and returns to Basic Flow 5. 4.2.6 Order Management – Check Past Orders Brief Description: This use case describes how the user checks past orders (by date or monthly) from the company website. Page 18 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document Primary Actor: Coffee truck drivers Precondition: The user is logged in. Postcondition: Past orders are checked. Summary is printed. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Main screen. 1. The system displays main screen with buttons for Order Food Items and Check Past Orders (E1). 2. The user clicks Check Past Orders. The system displays the order screen with filter selections for the order information (either by month or by individual date), as well as View button and Print button. 3. If the user selects a month and clicks View, the system handles the request through Subflow S1. If the user clicks a date on the calendar, the system performs Subflow S2. 4. The user can print the displayed screen by clicking the Print button, handled by Subflow S3. The use case ends. Subflows: S1. View Monthly Summary 1. The system searches the database (E2) and lists all orders in the selected month and year. If the user selects an order and clicks View, the system performs Subflow S2. S2. View Order Summary 2. The system searches the database (E2) and displays the order details on a given date, listing all ordered food items. The system returns to Basic Flow 4. S3. Print Summary 3. The system sends the current page to the printer (E4) and then returns to Basic Flow 4. Exceptions: E1. Server error – Connection to main server not detected. 1. Display message “Page not found! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E2. Database error 1. Display message “Database error! Please try again later!” on the website and return to Basic Flow 3. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E3. Printer error 1. Display message “Printer error!” on the website and returns to Basic Flow 4. Page 19 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 4.2.7 Accounting Management – Register Account Brief Description: This use case describes how a staff member registers an account for access to the Order Management module, which is required by coffee truck drivers for ordering food items. Primary Actor: Daily operation staff Precondition: The user is logged in. Postcondition: A new user account is registered into the system. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Main screen. 1. The system displays main screen with buttons for Register New Account. 2. The user clicks on Register New Account to create a new account. The systems display a registration window with Submit button at the bottom. 3. The user fills in all entries and clicks Submit. The system validates the information (E1). 4. If the information passes validation, the system records the new user account into the database (E2), displays “Registration successful” on screen, and provides a button to return to Main screen. The use case ends. Subflows: None Exceptions: E1. Validation error 1. Display message “Error detected!” on the website and highlight the wrong entries, returning to Basic Flow 3. E2. Database error 1. Display message “Database connection error! Please try again later!” on the screen and return to Basic Flow 4. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. 4.2.8 Production Management – View Order Details Brief Description: Page 20 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document This use case describes how a production staff inspects outstanding orders for the day to make sure all food items are created and ready for shipping when the trucks arrive. Think of the order listings for restaurant kitchens. Primary Actor: Production staff Precondition: The production system is active (no login necessary). Postcondition: Order details are inspected. Basic Flow: Before the use case starts, the user is on the Production Main screen. 1. The system searches the database (E2) and retrieves all orders for the day. The system displays a daily schedule screen divided into 30-minute intervals (similar to Microsoft Outlook daily calendar view) (E1). The current time cell is bordered. The cells with outstanding orders are marked with different colors based on urgency (closer to deadline, number of accumulated orders). 2. If the user clicks a time cell, the system displays a list of all orders that are due in the next 30 minutes, sorted by due time. Each entry contains a list of ordered items, as well as their ingredients and a Complete button. If an order has been completed (food preparation is finished), the user can click the Complete button on the corresponding entry and the system performs S1. If the user clicks the Print button at the bottom of the page, the system performs S2. This use case ends. Subflows: S1. Mark Order as Complete 1. The system searches the database and marks the corresponding order as complete. The system returns to Basic Flow step 2. S2. Print Page 1. The system sends the current page to the printer (E4) and then returns to Basic Flow 2. Exceptions: E1. Server error – Connection to main server not detected. 1. Display message “Page not found! Please try again later!” on the application and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E2. Database error 1. Display message “Database error! Please try again later!” on the application and return to Basic Flow 1. The system sends a notification e-mail to the System Administrator. E3. Printer error Page 21 of 22 Skor Culinary Concepts – Requirements Document 1. Display message “Printer error!” on the application and returns to Basic Flow 2. Page 22 of 22