Price College of Business: Information Technology Handbook:

Price College of Business
Information Technology
A Guide to the Technical Support Services and Resources in Price College
Center for Economic and Management Research
Price College of Business
University of Oklahoma
August, 2010
Price College of Business IT Handbook
I. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
A. Technical Support Mission.................................................................................................................................. 3
B. Purpose PCB IT Handbook ................................................................................................................................ 4
II. Faculty and Staff Computer Support ........................................................................................... 5
A. Summary of Services .......................................................................................................................................... 5
B. Price College Help Desk ..................................................................................................................................... 5
B.1. Help Request Process ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
B.1.1. Logon Instructions for the PCB Help Desk ........................................................................................................... 6
B.1.2. Instructions for Request Submission on the PCB Help Desk ............................................................................ 6
B.1.3. Logon Instructions for Checking Request Status ................................................................................................ 7
E. OU IT Computer Support .................................................................................................................................... 7
III. Price College Network ................................................................................................................... 8
A. Mission .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
B. PCB Network Technology Overview ................................................................................................................. 8
C. PCB Network Support Services ......................................................................................................................... 9
D. PCB Network File Storage.................................................................................................................................. 9
D.1. H:\\PCB-STORAGE\CBATRANS ................................................................................................................................... 9
D.2. I:\\PCB-STORAGE\CLASSFILES ................................................................................................................................. 10
D.3. U:\\ PCB-STORAGE\HOME\User Name ..................................................................................................................... 10
D.3.1.1. Instructions for Installing OU VPN on Your Home Computer ....................................................................... 10
D. 4. K:\\PCB-STORAGE\Group name ................................................................................................................................ 11
D.5. S:\\PCB-CENTRAL\APPS ............................................................................................................................................. 11
E. New Price College Faculty and Staff ............................................................................................................... 11
E.1. OUNet ID and Activating OUNet Account .................................................................................................................... 11
E.2. PCB Network Access ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
F. OU Faculty-Staff Web Server ........................................................................................................................... 12
IV. Price College Classrooms and Multimedia Technology ....................................................... 13
A. Mission ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
B. Classroom Technology Overview .................................................................................................................... 13
B.1. Standard Classroom Multimedia Equipment ............................................................................................................... 13
B.1.Standard Classroom Software Build.............................................................................................................................. 13
C. Classroom Technology Support ...................................................................................................................... 14
C.1. Logon Instructions for Classroom Computers ............................................................................................................. 14
D. Classroom Technology Training ...................................................................................................................... 15
E. Reporting Classroom Equipment Problems ................................................................................................... 15
F. Classroom Equipment Overview ...................................................................................................................... 15
G. Special Use Rooms .......................................................................................................................................... 16
G.1. Study Rooms ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
G.1.2. Price College Study Room Reservation System Logon Instructions: ............................................................. 16
G.2. Conference Rooms ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
G.3. Dean’s Conference Room ............................................................................................................................................. 17
G.4. Presentation Rooms ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
V. Price College Computer Labs ..................................................................................................... 18
A. Mission ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
B. Computer Lab Technology Overview .............................................................................................................. 18
B.1.Standard Computer Lab Software Build........................................................................................................................ 18
C. Computer Lab Operations ................................................................................................................................ 19
C.1. Computer Lab Hours ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
C.2. Computer Lab Logon Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 19
C.3. Computer Lab Printing ................................................................................................................................................... 19
D. Computer Lab Reservations ............................................................................................................................ 20
D.1.Price College Computer Lab Reservation System Logon Instructions: .................................................................... 20
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E. Multimedia Equipment Reservations ............................................................................................................... 20
E.1. Available multimedia equipment includes: ................................................................................................................... 20
F. Laptop Check-out Program ............................................................................................................................... 20
G. Computer Lab Hardware .................................................................................................................................. 21
G.1. Business Communication Center ................................................................................................................................. 21
G.2. Houchin, Adamson Learning Center ............................................................................................................................ 22
G.3. BP Excellence in Business Center ............................................................................................................................... 23
G.4. Associates Research Center......................................................................................................................................... 24
G.5. Interactive Learning Center I ......................................................................................................................................... 25
G.6. Interactive Learning Center II ........................................................................................................................................ 26
G.7. Scholars Technology Center ......................................................................................................................................... 27
G.7.1. Student Laptop Check-out Program ................................................................................................................... 28
G.8. Price College Graduate Computer Lab........................................................................................................................ 29
VI. Computer and Software Purchases and Installation ............................................................. 30
A. Recommended Computer Vendors ................................................................................................................. 30
B. New Computer Purchases ................................................................................................................................ 30
B.1. New Computer Setup Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 31
B.2 Standard Software Build for PCB Workstations ........................................................................................................... 31
D. Peripherals .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
E. Software and Database Acquisition and Support .......................................................................................... 32
E.1. Network Installed Software ............................................................................................................................................ 32
E.1.1. Compustat .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
E.1.2. Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) ................................................................................................ 32
E.1.3. Economic Literature Database (ELDB) ............................................................................................................... 32
E.1.4. Financial Accounting Research System (FARS) ............................................................................................... 32
E.1.5. Fixed Investment Securities Database (FISD) ................................................................................................... 33
E.1.6. Accounting and Auditing Literature (AICPAS) ................................................................................................... 33
E.1.7 SAS 9 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 33
E.1.8. SPSS 15/16 ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
E.1.9. Capital IQ ................................................................................................................................................................ 33
E.1.10 Telemet Orion ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
E.1.11. LISREL 8.8 ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
E.1.12. HLM 6 .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
E.1.13. MathType .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
E.1.14. Eventus ................................................................................................................................................................. 34
E.2. Workstation Installations ................................................................................................................................................ 34
E.2.1. Windows XP Pro .................................................................................................................................................... 34
E.2.2. Microsoft Office 2007 Professional ...................................................................................................................... 34
E.3. Internet Software ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
E.3.1 Mozilla Firefox ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
E.3.2 Internet Explorer...................................................................................................................................................... 34
E.3.3 WS_FTP................................................................................................................................................................... 34
E.3.4 QWS_3270 (Mainframe Access) .......................................................................................................................... 34
E.4. Additional Software ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
E.4.1 Symantec Antivirus ................................................................................................................................................. 34
E.4.2 Zip Central ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
E.5. Email ................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
E.5.1. Microsoft Outlook Mail ........................................................................................................................................... 35
E.5.2. OU Outlook ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
VII. Research Infrastructure Assistance for Faculty ................................................................... 36
A. Mission ................................................................................................................................................................ 36
B. Completed Programming Projects................................................................................................................... 36
VIII. Price College Web Support ...................................................................................................... 37
A. Mission ................................................................................................................................................................ 37
B. Summary of Services ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Appendix I. PCB IT Contacts ........................................................................................................... 38
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I. Introduction
A. Technical Support Mission
Information technologies have become mission critical to the success of classroom instruction,
research activity, and administrative operations within Price College. This dependence, in turn,
necessitates a technical support system capable of delivering the specialized services required
by the diverse technical needs of the faculty and staff.
The Center for Economic and Management Research provides technical support for the
academic, research and administrative operations of Price College. The Center is responsible for
the planning, management and implementation of the technology initiatives necessary to provide
the college with a comprehensive and secure IT infrastructure, a dependable computing
environment and delivering of essential help-desk services for faculty and staff.
The technical support provided to the college by CEMR can be broken down into the principal
service categories listed below:
Network Infrastructure - Operation and maintenance of the Price College
Network (PCB Network) consisting of nine dedicated servers which link more than
150 personal workstations, 8 computer labs and 22 classrooms located in the
Faculty and Staff Computer Support Services - Designed and operates the
Price College Help Desk, an automated, online service request system which
received and processed 1,237 service requests last year.
Classroom Technology Support and Training - Provides routine and
emergency technical support for all computer and multimedia technology installed
in Price College classrooms and offers individualized training to faculty in the
operation and uses of the technology.
Computer Lab Operations and Maintenance - Designed and installed computer
system configurations tailored for use in a computer lab environment and retains
operational responsibility for the more than 170 computers and assorted
peripherals available for student and instructional use in eight Price College
computer labs.
Research Infrastructure Assistance for Faculty – Provides custom database
and web programming services to the faculty and staff. A total of 15 projects
representing almost 1,200 programming hours were complete for the faculty last
Price College Web Development and Maintenance - Responsibility for the
ongoing design, enhancement and maintenance of the Price College web site.
Each of these service categories generates an array of specialized operational, maintenance and
service delivery duties. These are carried out by the Price College of Business Information
Technology Team (PCB IT) a technical support team organized from CEMR staff. Although their
assigned duties are concentrated within a particular service category, team members routinely
draw upon one another’s expertise for specific problem resolution.
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We strive to maintain open lines of communication with faculty and staff so that we can quickly
identify and rectify any IT problems which arise and to expedite the dissemination of the latest
developments in computer technology and anticipate future technology needs of the college.
B. Purpose PCB IT Handbook
The PCB IT Handbook was developed in response to the recognition for the need to assemble
the procedures policies that guide our service delivery into a single source document for
reference. The Handbook also is also a valuable guide to the information and statistical resources
and other technical resources available in the college.
The will continue to evolve as our technical staff integrates new technologies into the College and
adapt to the ways these new technologies will be applied by our faculty and staff.
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II. Faculty and Staff Computer Support
A. Summary of Services
The Price IT is responsible for providing personal computing support to all Price College faculty
and staff. The Price College Help Desk is online service request system and serves as the
primary conduit through which faculty and staff request service, updates, and additions for their
personal computers.
Personal Computer Support Services
Acquisition, installation and maintenance of computer hardware
Installation of operating systems, security patches and appropriate drivers
Software installation, maintenance and troubleshooting
Individual and network printer configuration
Installation of antivirus software and virus removal
In addition, our technical staff assists divisions, centers and programs with the management of
their technology needs. This assistance takes many forms and includes the following:
Technology Management Services
Develop configuration specifications for computer purchases
Surplus obsolete computer hardware
Redistribution of replaced hardware
Personal computer upgrades
Maintain computer hardware and software inventory system
Evaluation of new technologies
B. Price College Help Desk
The Price College Help Desk (Help Desk) is an online service request system designed and
developed by CEMR programmers and is the principal conduit through which faculty staff request
and receive support. A central feature of the Help Desk is the automatic prioritization of each
request received by both the severity of the problem reported and the time the request was
received. The Help Desk is located at
Prioritizing help requests affords the following benefits:
1. Ensures that the most serious problems are addressed first
2. Provides a rational and efficient means to allocate support staff resources
3. Helps keep service response time down to a minimum
The Help Desk is accessed with an Internet browser at Links to the Help
Desk are also located the Price College web under “Computing Services”.
B.1. Help Request Process
The Help Request process consists of three steps:
Logon to the Help Desk
Submitting the request
Checking the status of the request
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B.1.1. Logon Instructions for the PCB Help Desk
To logon to the Price College Help Desk you must have an OU username (4 X 4) and password.
If you do not know your OU username and password, please visit and set
up your New User account or call the IT Call Center (405) 325-HELP for assistance.
Logon procedures for PCB Help Desk:
Open your web browser to
Select the "Submit Help Request" button
A window will pop up to prompt you for authentication
Enter "sooner\your 4X4" as your user name
Enter your password
Click “OK”
B.1.2. Instructions for Request Submission on the PCB Help Desk
Once you are logged onto the Help Desk, you'll be presented with a series of questions:
1. Next, you'll be presented with a drop down menu asking which machine needs service
2. After choosing the appropriate machine from the list, simply type in a description of the
problem. For example: "I am unable to print”
3. Finally, click the "Submit" button at the bottom
When submitting a help request, please provide as much detailed information as possible. This
helps in the accurate classification of requests and provides information needed by our staff to
successfully diagnose and solve your problem
Submission of the request initiates the following actions:
1. Once submitted, your request is classified as according to the seriousness of the
problem. Classification occurs within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt and you will receive
an automatically generated email confirming your submission.
2. Next, your help request is assigned a work order number and is placed in the Help Desk
queue. It is then assigned to one of our highly trained Student Computer Techs who is
dispatched to your office to fix the problem.
3. Upon successful resolution, the work order is closed and you are notified by email. Our
Team follows up with a brief email asking you to rate the service. This instrument is one
of the primary means by which we monitor the quality of our service and identify ways to
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B.1.3. Logon Instructions for Checking Request Status
Another feature of the Help Desk is the ability to check the status of your help request. The
procedure for checking your request status is similar to the logon.
Open your web browser to
Select the “Check Request Status” button
A window will pop up to prompt you for authentication
Enter "sooner\your 4X4" as your user name
Enter your password
Click “OK”
E. OU IT Computer Support
The University of Oklahoma also provides computer support services through the OU IT support
staff. While the majority of computer related problems that occur in Price College are properly
referred to the PCB IT Team, there are situations in which the OU IT staff should be contacted
Situations include:
1. Problems accessing your Internet provider (OU, IoNet, etc) from home
2. Problems with Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft Outlook mail resides on a Microsoft
Exchange server at IT, and the TSC has specialists trained to help specifically with
Outlook mail, tasks, calendar, etc.
For these problems, contact the OU Technology Services Center at 325-HELP.
The OU IT support staff also provides assistance to students with computer problems. Although
students who encounter problems with any PCB lab or classroom technology should direct their
help requests to the PCB IT Team, there are certain situations in which it is proper to contact OU
IT first.
Situations include:
1. Students having problems accessing their Internet provider (OU, IoNet, etc) from home
2. Students who experience problems with Microsoft Outlook - POP e-mail accounts reside
on the UNIX server controlled by OU IT. OU IT has staff specifically trained to help with
POP e-mail accounts.
For student problems such as these, contact the OU Information Services Center at 325-INFO.
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III. Price College Network
A. Mission
A stable, secure and efficient operating environment is the corner stone upon which all computer
applications in the College rely. The Price College of Business Network (PCB Network) links
office workstations, computer lab workstations, and classrooms to each other and provides
access to computer, communication and informational services both on and off campus.
B. PCB Network Technology Overview
The Price College computer network is housed, maintained and operated by the Center for
Economic and Management Research. To meet the College’s computer networking demands,
CEMR operates a total of 8 dedicated servers each with a different function.
PCB Network Servers and Functions
1. File Storage Server As the Primary File Server for Price College this server contains
personal network drives, technical staff drives, and special network shares, (e.g. Faculty
Evaluation folders, Strategic Planning folders). It also serves as the print server for faculty
staff and holds the network’s d primary file backup program.
2. Applications Server. Operates as the College’s primary applications and hosts various
network version software applications, is our on-site host for MSDN downloads, serves as a
testing server for CEMR programming projects. It provides for the storage and restoration of
Price Computer Lab images and helps to streamline the addition of new applications to the
labs, the college maintains a “Ghost” Server.
3. Print Manager Server Operates printing service for all Price College Computer Lab printers.
4. Web Server – This server hosts the Price College web site. It also acts as the Microsoft SQL
2005 server and hosts assorted databases.
5. Web Server Hosts both the ORIGINS, an online economic and demographic database
system. Also hosts a variety of student organization sites.
6. Student Server Functions as a Price College student web server for student projects SQL
server for student projects. It will also host automated computer hardware inventory software
for the College.
7. Backup and Data Server Ensures security for faculty and staff data files by providing file
backup and file restoration service to tape.
8. WIKI Server Linux based server which hosts Student Tech, Student Assistant and CEMR
Programmer project
9. Test Server This server is used extensively by the MIS Division to test new web server
development products.
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C. PCB Network Support Services
The PCB IT is responsible for the ongoing development, operation, and maintenance of the PCB
Networking services include:
Ensuring network operating systems are current and patched
Plans, implements and maintains the IT for Price College
Coordinates with University IT on technology issues as they affect Price College
Develop and disseminate computer policy to faculty and staff
Maintaining backup and recovery protocols for all PCB servers
Troubleshoot server hardware problems
Creating and maintaining computer accounts for all PCB users
D. PCB Network File Storage
The PCB Network offers several centrally-maintained file storage locations to provide:
Temporary and permanent file storage
Document management
Increased data security
Automated back-ups and file recovery
Remote access of data files
File sharing across the network
All faculty and staff have the following drive mappings on their personal computer. Some Price
faculty rights granting them access to other central file resources. If your access to shared files is
not what it was or needs to be then contact Shawn Lam at
This drive is for temporary file storage and document management and for transfers of large
documents between computers. More permanent file storage needs can be addressed on an
individual basis by submitting a request to the Help Desk.
To take full advantage of this directory, follow the steps listed below:
1. Create a directory underneath the H:\CBATRANS Directory and name it the same as
your login name. Example: John Smith would create a directory called:
2. Place files there that you want other PCB members to see
3. Inform those members via email that the files are in the directory
4. Delete the files after receiving confirmation they have been copied, or direct the receiving
member to delete them after copying is completed
At the end of each month a tape backup of the entire directory is produced. All files older than two
(2) weeks will be deleted. Any directory in H:\CBATRANS that does the name of a Price College
faculty, staff or graduate student will be deleted along with all files contained in the directory.
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Place power point presentations, spreadsheets, and other electronic materials needed for
classroom presentations and lectures in this directory
There are two methods to place and access files on the PCB Network from a classroom.
1. The first method utilizes the CLASSFILES NP (Non-Public) Directory located on the PCB
Network. This method restricts student access from outside Price College but students
are permitted access from any of the PCB Computer Labs. Students access files stored
in this directory by going to H:\ClassFiles\ClassFilesNP.
2. The second method utilizes the CLASSFILES Directory. This directory is designed for
remote access by students via the Internet. The address for this remote accessible
directory is http://pcblabs.ou.ed/ClassFiles. Students can also access files stored in this
directory from any of the PCB Computer labs by going to I:\ClassFiles\ClassFiles.
D.3. U:\\ PCB-STORAGE\HOME\User Name
This directory provides 2.0 GB of storage intended personal files, is backed up to tape on a biweekly basis and allows remote access. It may be accessed from Price College classrooms when
users logon with an OUNetID and password rather than the generic Instructor logon.
Remote access to the U: drive is also possible and is accomplished through the OU VPN (Virtual
Private Network). The OU VPN consists of dedicated hardware access point to the OU Network
and uses client software running on your home computer. Use of the VPN requires the installation
of client software on your computer.
D.3.1.1. Instructions for Installing OU VPN on Your Home Computer
Open your browser and go to
Logon to the IT Store with your username and 4 X 4
Click “OU VPN”
On “OU VPN Client” page
a. There are “Read Me” files and a “User Guide
b. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
c. Choose OU VPN Client 4.8 – Windows will be the choice.*
d. The next screen is Download Manager
Click “Begin Download”.
Save the file to your desktop
Install it
After installation, go to Start => Programs =>"The University of Oklahoma OU-VPN
Client" and click VPN-dialer.
Make sure "Cox to OU-Norman Campus" is selected and then click connect.
A second logon window appears.
a. Type in Username: Sooner\4x4 (4 X 4 is your OUNet ID or “username”) and your
password. After it is connected, a small yellow lock will appear in the bottom right
of your screen (taskbar).
Go to Start
Click OK
Another password box will appear. Again, type in Sooner\4x4 as the username.
Your network drive should appear after login
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D. 4. K:\\PCB-STORAGE\Group name
This central directory restricts access to a defined group of users. Only members of these groups
are granted access.
This directory archives common software applications available from the server.
Many faculty and staff have assigned rights to other central file resources. If your access to
shared files is not what it was or needs to be, contact Shawn Lam at
E. New Price College Faculty and Staff
In order to take advantage of any OU computing resource including email, a new employee must
first be assigned a personal OU UserID and then activate their OUNet account. Assignment of an
OUNet ID is a prerequisite for connection access to the PCB Network.
E.1. OUNet ID and Activating OUNet Account
The request for an OUNet is best initiated by the new employee’s respective departmental
secretary or department head by simply contacting OU IT either by phone or email to request
assignment of the new employee’s UserID (also referred to as a 4 X 4).
Once the OUNet ID is obtained, the next step is to activate the new employee’s OUNet account.
To activate the account, follow these steps:
1. Go to and click on "New Users: Activate your account here"
2. Enter your OUNet ID (also known as your "4+4") and your birth date ( MM/DD/YYYY)
3. Answer five password questions (you will need to answer these questions if you forget
your password in the future and need to reset the password)
4. Create a new password
OU IT recommends the following protocols be followed when creating and managing passwords:
Length of the Password
Use a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 32 characters
Complexity of the Password
Create passwords that consist of 3 of the 4 items listed below:
At least one upper case letter. (A - Z)
At least one lower case letter. (a - z)
At least one number. (0 - 9)
At least one special character. The following special characters are not
allowed: Spaces @ ' ? +
Changing Password
Change your password every 180 days (6 months) to a new password
E.2. PCB Network Access
Upon receiving the OU UserID, the departmental representative next submits a request to the
Help Desk. Upon receipt of this request, the PCB IT will add this new member to the PCB
Network and:
Add them to appropriate departmental network groups
Create a personal U: drive on the PCB Network for file storage
Add the new member to the PCB Help System and
Ensure a working EXCHANGE email account has been created
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F. OU Faculty-Staff Web Server
There are two options for those Price College faculty and staff members who wish to publish
personal web pages:
1. The first option is to publish them on the OU faculty-staff web server. Instructions on how
to create web pages and publish them to this web server can be found at
This site contains a number of resources to help you build web pages, including
information on how to manage your web account and create, publish, and maintain web
2. A second option is to publish your personal web pages on the PCB- Web server. If you
choose this option, follow the steps listed below:
a. Submit a request to the Help Desk to have your web page “enabled”
b. Once the site is enable, you will receive an email notification that the site is ready
to be used
c. The web address for your home page will be:
John Smith’s web address would be:
Unfortunately, the PCB IT does not have the necessary resources to create or edit personal web
pages Price faculty and staff. We can, however, act as consultants to answer specific questions
you might have.
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IV. Price College Classrooms and Multimedia Technology
A. Mission
The integration of computing and audio-visual technologies into the instructional process has
become the norm in Price College rather than the exception. We recognize that it is critical that
our classroom technology always operates at 100 percent. The PCB IT aims to provide a problem
free instructional environment.
B. Classroom Technology Overview
Price College maintains general purpose classrooms, conference rooms, presentation rooms,
and study rooms. Price Hall classrooms employ the Crestron AV control system to manage
multimedia capabilities.
B.1. Standard Classroom Multimedia Equipment
Projection system
Desktop computer
Document camera
B.1.Standard Classroom Software Build
Microsoft Office 2007
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
SAS 9.1
Windows Media Player
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
Price College faculty may request installation of specific software applications to meet their
instructional needs. Requests should be submitted through the Help Desk prior to the start of a
semester. A valid copy of the software license is required prior to installation and remains on file.
Installation codes or other instructions for installation of specialized software are required.
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C. Classroom Technology Support
The PCB IT is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all technology installed in Price
College classrooms, special use rooms, presentation rooms, and conference rooms. Classroom
technology support is divided into two primary categories; routine support and maintenance and
emergency support.
Routine support and maintenance includes:
Creation and installation of computer image for all classroom computers
Disposition of classroom work orders submitted via the PCB Help Desk
Special classroom equipment set-up requests
Weekly, preventive troubleshooting of all computing and audio-visual technologies in all
Price College classrooms
On-site support staff ready to respond any time a class is in session
Ongoing technical education for support staff
Emergency classroom support includes:
Dedicated phone in each classroom direct to classroom support center
On-site support staff ready to respond any time a class is in session
All classroom equipment is housed in locked cabinets. Each assigned to a Price College
classroom must first obtain the appropriate key.
To obtain a key for Non-Price faculty, please contact Instructional Services at 325-4409.
To obtain a key for Price Faculty, please contact Sheila Casiano at 325-5376.
Students will not be given a key and must obtain a key from their instructor to use the equipment
for presentation. The PCB IT will not provide access to any equipment to those without a key.
C.1. Logon Instructions for Classroom Computers
There are two options when logging on to the computers in Price College classrooms:
The first and principal option is to logon using your OUNetID and OUNetID password with the
following procedure:
Username: USER#### (your OUNetID)
Password: (your OUNetID password)
Domain: Sooner
This option allows access to Class Files, Class Files NP (Non-Public), and your home
user (U: Drive) directory. The Domain is accessed through a drop-down box (click the
down-arrow, scroll-down and click Sooner. If the Domain drop-down box is not visible,
please click the Options button.
The second option is to log on to the local machine as INSTRUCTOR with the following
1. Username: Instructor
2. Password: (no password needed)
3. Domain: PCB-CLROOM-### (where ### is the room number)
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4. When you logon as Instructor you will not have access to the PCB network (i.e.
CLASSFILES) but you will have full access to the Internet and all applications locally
available on the computer.
If you have any questions or need additional information about the classroom computers are any
classroom technology contact Carmen Johnson at
D. Classroom Technology Training
In addition to support services, the PCB IT offers individualized training for all classroom
technology to any faculty assigned to a Price College classroom. Printed instructions are posted
at each station to provide an on-site user reference.
Individualized training can be scheduled by contacting Carmen Johnson by emailing her at or calling 325-5714.
E. Reporting Classroom Equipment Problems
Report any routine equipment problems by submitting a request to the Help Desk. Emergency
problems are handled by contacting the Student Assistant on duty in 312 for problems in Adams
Hall and the Student Assistant on duty in 1030 for Price Hall.
Equipment problems encountered in classrooms installed with a Crestron touch display may be
immediately reported by pressing the Help button on the touch panel and follow the displayed
F. Classroom Equipment Overview
Adams Hall classrooms 100, 101, 104, 112, 150, 255, 301, 304, 311, 315, 355 and 359 are
equipped with:
Desktop computer
VGA projector
Dedicated document camera
Laptop connect at podiums
Sound capabilities.
Price Hall classrooms 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 3010, 3020, 3030, 3040, and 3065, are equipped
Dedicated computer
Two VGA projectors
Dedicated document cameras
Laptop connect at podiums
Audio conferencing abilities
Sound capabilities
The multimedia equipment in Price Hall classrooms is controlled by the industry standard
Crestron AV control system.
Rooms 3010 and *3040 in Price Hall also has the ability to accommodate video conferencing
(equipped with two (2) video cameras and a plasma screen TV, *3040 is equipped with 2 plasma
screen TV’s). In Price Hall Room 3010, recording capabilities to either the hard drive or to a DVD
are available.
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G. Special Use Rooms
Price College provides special rooms designed to accommodate meetings, presentations, and
group study. These rooms are restricted to Price College related use only. Study, presentation,
and conference room reservations are submitted via their respective online reservation systems.
G.1. Study Rooms
Rooms 3036, 2036, 3047, and 2047 in Price Hall are designated as Study Rooms for use by
Price College students, faculty, and staff. These study rooms are available for two hour time
blocks and must be reserved in advance. Reservations are made online using the Price College
Study Room Reservation System developed by PCB IT programmers.
Price College faculty and staff who wish to reserve a Study Room should go to:
Price College students who wish to reserve a Study Room should go to
G.1.2. Price College Study Room Reservation System Logon Instructions:
Open your web browser and go to
Click on the “Faculty/Staff Logon” button at the top right corner
A window will pop up to prompt you for authentication
Enter "sooner\your 4X4" as your user name
Enter your password
If you receive an error while attempting to logon, please first check to see if the logon information
is typed in correctly and that the Caps Lock is not on. If the problem persists, please call PCB
Tech Center at 325-4476, or come to Price Hall Room 1030 for assistance.
After the reservation is made, keys to your study room may be checked out for the duration of the
reservation period from the Tech Support Center located in Room 1030 on the first floor of Price
G.2. Conference Rooms
Rooms 1046, 2005, 3046, and 2046 in Price Hall are designated as conference rooms. Rules
governing the use of these rooms are the same as for study rooms with the following exceptions:
1. Price College faculty and staff may override student reservations
2. Room 2005 in Price Hall must be reserved through the Dean’s Office Room
3. Room 1046 in Price Hall is dedicated solely for Price College faculty and staff use
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G.3. Dean’s Conference Room
Room 2065 is significantly larger than other conference rooms. Use of this room must be
approved through the Dean’s Office.
Equipment installed in the Dean’s Conference Room includes:
Dedicated desktop computer
VGA projectors
Plasma screen TV
Dedicated document camera
Laptop connections
Audio and video conferencing capabilities
G.4. Presentation Rooms
Price College has two (2) presentation rooms for student use. One of these presentation rooms is
contained within the Business Communications Center. Reservations for this room must be
approved through David Williams (325-5595).The second presentation room, room 2012, is
managed the PCB IT.
Each of these presentation Rooms includes:
Equipment in both Presentation Rooms includes:
Dedicated Desktop computer
VGA projector
Laptop connections
Audio and video conferencing capabilities
*Room 2012 has a dedicated document camera.
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V. Price College Computer Labs
A. Mission
Price College Computer Labs provide computing facilities intended for use by Price College
undergraduate and graduate students as well as for any university student enrolled in a Price
College course. The College operated a total of 9 labs consisting of:
4 general use computer labs
2 graduate student labs
Business Information Computation Laboratory
Business Communication Center multimedia lab
B. Computer Lab Technology Overview
Combined, the labs support a total of 170 desktop, 15 Laserjet printers, and 50 laptop computers
which are available for student check-out.
All lab computers are installed with the Microsoft Windows XP Pro operating system, are
connected to the PCB Network with 100 Mbit connections, Internet access, and have the
following standardized lab compliment of software applications installed:
B.1.Standard Computer Lab Software Build
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
SAS 9.1
Windows Media Player
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
The lab software compliment is reviewed prior to each semester; any software needed by the
faculty for instructional purposes should submit their request to the Help Desk or contact Carmen
Johnson directly at
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C. Computer Lab Operations
The PCB IT is responsible for the operation of all Price College Computer Labs and also provides
technical support,
Computer Lab Support
Installing, updating and maintaining relevant hardware and software in all labs
Providing one-on-one programming and software tutoring to Price College students
Providing a computer lab reservation system to accommodate instruction
Offer customized equipment set-up, training and support for portable computer and
instructional hardware for check-out by faculty and staff
Each lab is staffed during all hours of operation by a staff of Student Assistants (SA’s) who
provide one-on-one technical assistance lab users.
C.1. Computer Lab Hours
Lab hours are posted on the Price College web site under “Computer Services” at
Hours may be extended during the last two weeks of the fall and spring semester or adjusted for
the summer semester and intercession to meet the needs of the instructors and students.
C.2. Computer Lab Logon Procedure
Students logon to PCB lab computers by entering their OUNetID (first 4 letters of their last name
+ last 4 numbers of their student ID). New students may go to to activate a
new account, change account preferences, and change their OUNetID password.
Faculty members may logon to any of the instructor stations in the classrooms or labs with the
following information:
Password: (NO PASSWORD)
Log on to: PCB-XXXXXX (this computer)
C.3. Computer Lab Printing
Students enrolled in a Price College course are granted full access to both the laser printers and
the color printers located in all of the Price College labs.
The cost to students is 3 cents per page for black and white prints and 50 cents for color prints. At
the start of each semester, undergraduates are provided $7.50 worth of free pages and graduate
students are provided with $10.50. Once the allotted amounts are exceeded, charges will be
billed to the students’ Bursar accounts at the end of each semester. If the student has exhausted
the established balance, they will be billed for the additional prints on their Bursar statement at
the end of the semester.
Remaining balances do not carry over to the next semester
Click the $ icon on any lab screen to check your balance
Reimbursement is made for faulty prints due to printer error.
It is your responsibility to log off your account to prevent unauthorized use
Bring questions concerning print counts to Room 4K in Adams Hall or email the Computer Lab
Coordinator at within 1 working day to try to resolve the conflict.
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D. Computer Lab Reservations
Price College faculty and staff may reserve computer labs for instructional purposes.
Reservations are submitted through the Price College Computer Lab Reservation System
developed by PCB IT programmers. The system can be accessed at .
D.1.Price College Computer Lab Reservation System Logon Instructions:
Open your browser to
Click on the “Faculty/Staff Login” button at the top right corner
A window will pop up to prompt you for authentication
Enter "sooner\your 4X4" as your user name
Enter your password
If you receive an error while attempting to logon, first check to see if the logon information is
typed in correctly and that the Caps Lock is not on. If the problem persists, please call the PCB
Tech Center at 325-4476, or come to Price Hall Room 1030 for assistance.
E. Multimedia Equipment Reservations
The PCB labs provide portable multimedia equipment for presentations for use by students,
faculty, and staff. This equipment is intended for Price College related use only.
Reservations are submitted online at Once a
reservation has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation stating that the reservation has
been received.
The equipment may be retrieved from Lab 103 in Adams. Although media carts are available for
use within the College, they are not allowed to leave Adams Hall or Price Hall. Additional
questions should be emailed to
E.1. Available multimedia equipment includes:
Four Dell Pentium IV Laptops – 3.0 GHz – each equipped with a CD-RW/DVD, External
USB Zip drive (upon request), 1.5 GB of RAM, wireless internet card, sound capabilities,
and carrying bag.
Four portable VGA projectors – each with a carrying case
One portable projection screens
One Portable overhead projector
F. Laptop Check-out Program
The Price College Student Laptop Program provides laptops to students enrolled in a Price
College class. A total of 50 Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptop computers are available for checkout from Room 1030 in Price Hall.
Students enrolled in PCB class
Three hour increments
Restricted to Price and Adams Hall
Confirmation of Price College enrollment is made through the Price College Student ID Check, an
online application developed by PCB IT programmers. Students must leave their University ID
with the Student Assistant in Room 1030 of Price ID for the check out period.
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G. Computer Lab Hardware
Presented below are the technical specifications of the computer hardware, multimedia
equipment and peripherals for each computer labs in Price College.
G.1. Business Communication Center
Multimedia Lab
Price Hall
Room 2050
Phone: 405.325.5595
Workstations: 20
Instructor Stations: 0
Technical specifications for 20 workstations:
A. 20 Dell XPS Computers
2.8 ghz’s processor
Video camera
Wireless Internet
Internal sound
B. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows 7
C. Monitor:
 17" LCD flat panel display
D. Drives:
E. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Adobe Premiere Elements
Adobe Acrobat (Full Version)
Pinnacle Studio
Roxio Easy DVD/CD Creator
Windows Movie Maker
Sound Forge
Microsoft PowerPoint
Adobe Flash
Microsoft FrontPage
F. Audio-visual Equipment
Dedicated video editing workstations
DVD Recorders and players
Digital still camera
Mini DV digital camcorders
S-VHS camcorders
Videoconferencing cameras
Video digitizer/capture card - Firewire
G. Printers
 1 HP Color Laserjet 4600 printer
 1 HP LaserJet 9050 dn
 1 HP Epson 4490 flatbed scanner
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G.2. Houchin, Adamson Learning Center
Computer Lab
Adams Hall
Room 103
Phone: 405.325.6035
Workstations: 7
Instructor Stations: 0
Technical specifications for 7 workstations:
A. 7 Dell Pentium IV Computers
 3.0 ghz’s processor
 1.5 GB RAM
 Internal sound
B. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP 3
C. Monitor:
 17" LCD flat panel display
D. Drives:
 250 MB zip drive
E. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
Windows Media Player
SAS 9.1
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
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G.3. Business Information Computation Laboratory
Computer Lab
Adams Hall
Room 109
Phone: 405.325.3241
Workstations: 31
Instructor Stations: 1
Technical specifications for 31 workstations:
A. 31 Dell Pentium IV Computers
 Core i7 processor
 8.0 GB RAM
 Internal sound
B. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows 7
C. Monitor:
 24" LCD flat panel display
D. Drives:
 19-in-1 card reader
E. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
Windows Media Player
SAS 9.1
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
F. Printers
 1 HP Laserjet 9050 dn printer
 1 HP Color LaserJet 3800n printer
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G.4. Associates Research Center
Graduate Computer Lab
Adams Hall
Room 111
Phone: n/a
Workstations: 16
Instructor Stations: 1
Technical specifications for 16 workstations:
A. 16 Dell Pentium IV Computers
 3.0 ghz’s processor
 1.0 GB RAM
 Internal sound
B. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP 3
C. Monitor:
 17" LCD flat panel display
D. Drives:
 1.44MB 3.5" disk drive
 250 MB zip drive
E. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
Windows Media Player
SAS 9.1
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
F. Audio-visual Equipment
 1 Ceiling mounted projector
G. Printers
 2 HP Laserjet 4350N printers
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G.5. Interactive Learning Center I
Computer Lab
Adams Hall
Room 300
Phone: 405.325.3622
Workstations: 44
Instructor Stations: 1
Technical specifications for 44 workstations:
A. 44 Dell Dual Core Computers
 Core i5 Dual Core processor
 8 GB RAM
 Internal sound
B. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP 3
C. Monitor:
 23" LCD flat panel display
D. Drives:
 19-in- 1 media card reader
E. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
Windows Media Player
SAS 9.1
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
F. Audio-visual Equipment
 1 Ceiling mounted projector
 1 VCR
G. Printers
 1 HP Laserjet 800N printer
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G.6. Interactive Learning Center II
Computer Lab
Adams Hall
Room 312
Phone: 405.325.3622
Workstations: 40
Instructor Stations: 1
Technical specifications for 40 workstations:
A. 40 Dell Pentium IV Computers
 2.08 ghz processor
 1 GB RAM
 Internal sound
B. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP 3
C. Monitor:
 17" LCD flat panel display
D. Drives:
 1.44MB 3.5" disk drive
 250 MB zip drive
E. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
Windows Media Player
SAS 9.1
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
F. Audio-visual Equipment
 2 Ceiling mounted projectors
G. Printers
 1 HP Laserjet 9050 dN printers
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G.7. Scholars Technology Center
Student Resource Center
Price Hall
Room 1030
Phone: 405.325.4476
Workstations: 6
Instructor Stations: 0
Technical specifications for 6 workstations:
A. 6 Dell Pentium IV Computers
3.0 ghz processor
Internal sound
Wireless Internet
B. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP 3
C. Monitor:
 17" LCD flat panel display
D. Drives:
 1.44MB 3.5" disk drive
 250 MB zip drive
E. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
Windows Media Player
SAS 9.1
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
F. Printers
 2 HP LaserJet 4350N printer
 1 HP Scanjet G4010 scanner
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G.7.1. Student Laptop Check-out Program
Technical specifications for 50 laptop computers
A. 25 Dell Latitude E6410 laptop computers
 Core i5 processor
 4 GB RAM
 Wireless internet
 Internal sound
B. 16 Dell Latitude D530 laptop computers
 3.0 ghz processor
 Wireless internet
 Internal sound
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G.8. Price College Graduate Computer Lab
Price Hall
Room 3048
Phone: n/a
Computer Lab
Workstations: 13
Instructor Stations: 0
Technical specifications for 13 workstations:
A. 6 Gateway Pentium IV Computers
2.8 ghz processor
512 MB RAM
Internal sound
Wireless Internet
B. 7 Dell Core II Duo Computers
Core 2 duo processor
Internal sound
Wireless Internet
C. Operating System
 Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP 3
D. Monitor:
 17" LCD flat panel display
E. Drives:
F. Software
Microsoft Office 2007
Internet Explorer
Adobe Reader
Risk Pool
Windows Media Player
SAS 9.1
SPSS 14.0
Visible Analyst
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
NetBeans 6.1
G. Printers
 1 HP LaserJet 4515x printer
 Laptop working stations
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VI. Computer and Software Purchases and Installation
A. Recommended Computer Vendors
The PCB IT has had ample opportunity over the years to observe the operations of several
computer companies and formulate informed opinions of their respective strengths and
Based on these observations we recommend computer purchases be made from the following
B. New Computer Purchases
The PCB IT attempts to stay informed on current and emerging technologies and is qualified to
advise faculty and staff regarding hardware purchases and are trained to install the computing
There are two approaches to the purchase of new computer hardware.
The first approach is to develop the system configuration personally. If you choose this option, we
ask that you submit the system configuration for PCB IT review so that we can rule out potential
compatibility or connectivity issues between the computer and PCB systems and software.
Individuals choosing this option should take advantage of the Dell Personal Purchase Program
which provides substantial discounts as part of a "Premier" contract between The University of
Oklahoma and Dell Computers.
The second option is to work with the technical staff of the PCB IT and jointly develop a system
configuration fitted to your particular computing needs. To begin this process, submit a
consultation request to the Help Desk.
When the system configuration is complete, submit a finalized request to the Help Desk
requesting a specification worksheet along with pricing information
Please include the following information in your request:
Name of the person the computer will serve
Primary purpose of the computer
Location at which the computer will reside
Amount allocated for the purchase
Any required peripherals, i.e. DVD drives, printers, etc.
Once the configuration is finalized, the requesting department or individual must forward these to
the individual responsible for processing the purchase order.
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B.1. New Computer Setup Procedure
The New Computer Setup Protocol developed by the PCB IT is the first step in assuring that
every new computer workstation meets standardized performance criteria
1. Back-up the entire C drive of computer that is being replaced to:
a. \\pcb-storage\pcb_moving or external hard drive
b. Use the back-up utility wizard; do not cut and paste
2. Verify that a complete and accurate back-up has occurred
3. Installation of Windows XP Pro SPC
4. Define computer name and domain as follows:
a. PCB-(first 4 letters of last name)(last two digits of year)
b. Domain:
5. User setup for primary operator
6. Installation of appropriate drivers
7. Installation of PCB Standard Faculty Software
8. Installation of special request software
a. Confirm all standard and requested software installed
b. Confirm successful installation of each application
9. Delivery and on-site installation
B.2 Standard Software Build for PCB Workstations
The PCB IT has developed a standard software build for personal workstations. This standard
build is installed on each new computer received into Price College.
Microsoft Office 2007
Microsoft Office 2003 with compatibility pack
Adobe Reader
Zip Central
Java Virtual Machine
Ad Aware
Roxio CD Creator (only for Dell machines)
Real Player
Most Requested Additional Software
SPSS 15/16
Visual Studio 2005/2008
SQL Client Tools
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D. Peripherals
The most frequently purchased peripherals are:
Zip drives
CD-ROM drives
It is very important to purchase only those peripherals that are compatible with the current
hardware installed in Price College.
The PCB IT has dealt with many manufacturers and is positioned to provide expert
recommendations on what peripherals to obtain for a given situation.
E. Software and Database Acquisition and Support
This section summarizes the major database and software applications maintained and
supported by Price College. Price College has database and software licensing agreements for a
variety of applications available for use the Price College faculty and staff.
E.1. Network Installed Databases
The following database packages are run partially or wholly from our network.
Other software applications, often referred to as “shareware” are available in the public domain
while still other applications are licensed for sale through the OU IT Store at discounted prices.
E.1.1. Compustat
Compustat provides annual and quarterly Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash
Flows, and supplemental data items on more than 10,000 active companies and 7,700 inactive
companies covering a 20 year period.
E.1.2. Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP)
The Center for Research in Security Prices files cover common stocks listed on the NYSE, AMEX
and NASDAQ Stock Markets, US Government Treasury issues, and US Mutual Funds. The
Center has a wide variety of financial and economic indices and other statistics used to gauge the
performance of the broader market and economy in general. CRSP also provides proxy graphs
for 10K SEC filing, monthly cap-based reports and custom data sets and extractions.
E.1.3. Economic Literature Database (ELDB)
ELDB contains 250,000 bibliographic references from 465 leading journals of economics, finance,
accounting, insurance and real estate. Author, keyword in title, journal or year, can rapidly search
ELDB’s exact bibliographic references. Search, narrow and delete routines allow for Boolean
logic searches.
E.1.4. Financial Accounting Research System (FARS)
FARS provides efficient and effective access to all the necessary accounting literature. FARS has
been proven to provide a significant reduction in research time and is used by accounting firms of
all sizes, by corporate offices, and by academic institutions.
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E.1.5. Fixed Investment Securities Database (FISD)
FISD is the most comprehensive collection of publicly offered U.S. corporate bond data available.
With the FISD database, you can obtain up-to-the-minute changes that affect bond pricing. Uses
of FISD include: Research, Corporate Finance, Back Office / Compliance, and Trading Desk.
E.1.6. Accounting and Auditing Literature (AICPAS)
This valuable research tool is distributed with Folio Views for search and retrieval capabilities.
InfoBase’s included in this software are: Professional Standards, Technical Practice Aids, and
Audit and Accounting Guides (including Audit Risk Alerts).
E.1.7 SAS 9
SAS provides data analysis, report generation, and enterprise-wide information delivery. To have
SAS installed on your office computer, submit a request to the Help Desk. User agreement must
be singed prior to installation. To install SAS on your home computer borrow the CDs from
E.1.8. SPSS 15/16
Features include an in-depth data access and preparation, analytical reporting, segmentation and
predictive modeling. Submit a request for installation on OU owned computers to the Help Desk.
Installation on privately owned computers is available only to FTE University of Oklahoma faculty
and staff.
E.1.9. Capital IQ
Capital IQ delivers comprehensive fundamental and quantitative research and analysis solutions
to over 4,200 investment managers, investment banks, private equity funds, advisory firms,
corporations, and universities worldwide. Capital IQ may be accessed from any machine in the
Business Information Computational Laboratory.
E.1.10 Telemet Orion
Telemet Orion is combines real-time and historical financial information, investment research,
portfolio analytics and professional customer support. Telemet Orion may be accessed from five
designated machines in the Business Information Computational Laboratory.
E.1.11. LISREL 8.8
LISREL is a statistical software package designed for structural equation modeling of complex
survey data. The package includes not only the structural equation model component, but
additional facets for data manipulations, basic statistical analysis, hierarchical linear and nonlinear modeling, generalized linear modeling, categorical response variable analysis and
inference-based recursive modeling. Up to five concurrent sessions can be conducted on the
network. Manuals are available for check-out from CEMR.
E.1.12. HLM 6
HLM 6 is a hierarchical data modeling package which includes an improved interface, various
data display options, and new statistical features. Among these new features are cross-classified
random effects for linear and multinomial models. It is also available on the PCB network and
manuals are available for check out from CEMR.
E.1.13. MathType
Interactive tool for Windows and Macintosh personal computers that lets you to create
mathematical notation for word processing documents, web pages, desktop publishing, and
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E.1.14. Eventus
A financial research, education and consulting software, Eventus performs state-of-the-art event
study estimation and testing using the CRSP stock database or other stock return data and
provides fast event-oriented data retrieval from the CRSP stock database.
E.2. Workstation Installations
The following is a list of the most commonly installed software applications of the Price College
faculty and staff.
E.2.1. Windows XP Pro
Windows XP Pro is he default Operating System installed on all personal workstations Price
College. It is compatible with all the popular software packages.
E.2.2. Microsoft Office 2007 Professional
Microsoft Office ‘2007 PRO is a suit of productivity applications, and includes the following:
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Infopath
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office Publisher
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Project
Microsoft OneNote
E.3. Internet Software
Price College has a direct connection to the Internet via Ethernet and all workstations in both
Adams and Price Hall are connected. The following software applications used to interface with
the Internet are available:
E.3.1 Mozilla Firefox
Firefox is a robust web browser which has an intuitive interface and blocks viruses, spyware, and
popup ads. It is packed with useful features like tabbed browsing, Live Bookmarks, and an
integrated Search bar.
E.3.2 Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer is a web browser by Microsoft. If is installed automatically with all Windows XP
E.3.3 WS_FTP
WS_FTP is an application that can be used to transfer files between machines using the Internet.
E.3.4 QWS_3270 (Mainframe Access)
QWS_3270 is an IBM 3270 emulation program that allows you to use the Internet to connect to
IBM and compatible mainframes. CICS, TSO and OLIN can be accessed using QWS_3270. The
University’s IBM mainframe is called (UOKMVSA).
E.4. Additional Software
E.4.1 Symantec Antivirus
Having virus protection on your workstation is essential to the continued health of your
workstation, our networks, and the safeguarding of your data. If you do not have Symantec
Antivirus on your workstation submit a request to the Help Desk as soon as possible.
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E.4.2 Zip Central
Zip Central is a free, easy to use zip file manager that lets you create new, open existing, add to
and extract from zip files. It can also create Self-Extracting archives and archives spanned across
multiple floppy disks. Zip Central supports Drag & Drop to and from Windows Explorer or File
Manager and includes a Shell Extension.
E.5. Email
All Price College faculty and staff are provided with an OU email account with a 2 GB quota. You
must first obtain an OU NetID then activate your OU Net account prior to accessing your OU
email the first time.
E.5.1. Microsoft Outlook Mail
Microsoft Outlook is widely considered to be the industry standard email application. Outlook is
often used as a stand-alone email application but it offers a range of other useful features such as
shared calendar, task and contact manager and web browsing.
E.5.2. OU Outlook
Webmail enjoys a world-wide reputation as an email system, with proven reliability, improved
security, and seamless integration with campus technology. Users may check mail anywhere in
the world without the necessity of installing and configuring an email client.
Using an Internet Service Provider (ISP), such as AOL, MSN, Netscape, or Cox Cable, users can
connect to OU Web Mail by following the instructions below:
1. Open your browser to
2. From this page you will be taken to a login. Your mailbox name is the first four letters
of your last name and the last four numbers of your OU ID. (For example, if your
name was John Smith and your OUID# was 123-45-6789, then your mailbox name
would be smit6789).
3. Type your mailbox name in and select “Proceed”
4. Once in Outlook Web Access page:
5. Enter “sooner\OU ID (4 X 4) in the Domain\user name field
6. Enter your OUNet password in the password field
7. Select the ‘Log On’ button
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VII. Research Infrastructure Assistance for Faculty
A. Mission
Faculty conducted research often necessitates the design, development and implementation of
customized data gathering. The PCB IT programmers offer to the Price College faculty in their
research efforts by:
Develop customized database applications
Designing custom user interface
Constructing online survey instruments
B. Completed Programming Projects
Listed below is a list of programming projects completed for member of Price College in 2009.
J C Penny Alumni Directory
Rath Scholarship Application for High school students
Rath Scholarship Application for Transfer Student
Classroom Scheduling System
Upgrade Honor College Enrollment Site
Upgrade University College Enrollment Site
J C Penny Event Sign Up Application
Upgrade J C Penny Alumni Directory Site
Professional Development Database
Upgrade Entrepreneurship Minor
Lab Reservation Site
Upgrade PCB Help desk
Upgrade Bloomberg Reservation System
Upgrade Faculty Evaluation System
Degree Candidacy System
JC Penney Leadership, Price College
Undergraduate Career Development
Undergraduate Career Development
Undergraduate Division
Honor College, OU
University College, OU
JC Penney Leadership, Price College
JC Penney Leadership, Price College
Undergraduate Career Development
Management and Entrepreneurship
Division of Finance, Professor
Undergraduate Division
Center for Economic and Management Research, Price College of Business
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Price College of Business IT Handbook
VIII. Price College Web Support
A. Mission
The Price College web is often the first contact point for prospective students and is a highly
visible information conduit to alumni and the general public.
B. Summary of Services
All development, enhancement, and maintenance for the Price College web site are performed by
the PCB IT.
Our staff aims to:
Design, enhance, implement and maintain web content, interface and multimedia
Design, construct and implement web database applications in support of Price College
Ensure Price College web compliance with University of Oklahoma web policies
Center for Economic and Management Research, Price College of Business
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Price College of Business IT Handbook
Appendix I. PCB IT Contacts
John McCraw
Assistant Director, CEMR
John directly manages the IT support for Price College providing oversight to the queue of service
orders, following up on the adequacy of our response to your needs, works with the tech staff to
learn of problems and insure smooth delivery of services, and is the person to see if you have
comments about delivery of that support.
He monitors special programming and database application requests from the faculty and staff
and is the person to see if you have such a project. John is also the College contact for questions
about Desire2Learn.
Sai-Siu (Shawn) Lam
Coordinator, Departmental Computing Systems, CEMR
Shawn is "go to" person for faculty and staff computer support. If you have a personal computer
service need or problem, please submit a service request through the Help Desk.
We carefully monitor and prioritize service orders to ensure the efficient allocation of support staff
resources and keep response time to a minimum. Of course, in a true emergency, feel free to
contact Shawn directly.
Carmen Johnson
Microcomputer and Lab Coordinator, CEMR
Carmen is Coordinator for the computer labs and is responsible for all classroom technology in
both Adams and Price Hall and provides individualized training for that technology. If anything
appears amiss in classroom technology, please do not hesitate to file a service order or email
Carmen directly. We need early warning of any developing problems.
Patricia A. Wickham
Publications Specialist, CEMR
Pat is our publications and layout specialist and also helps maintain the Price College web
content. She has excellent skills in use of the Macintosh computer environment for design of
brochures and publications. Feel free to contact Pat with basic content updates you have for the
Price College web.
Center for Economic and Management Research, Price College of Business
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Price College of Business IT Handbook
Yingcui (Iris) Qu
Price College Web Manager, CEMR
Iris is responsible for the design, enhancement and maintenance of the Price College web site. In
addition, she develops and implements various web application components, and troubleshoots
errors and functionality problems on the site. She provides consultation services on web page
design and recommendations for navigation architecture improvements. She also serves as the
College liaison to the OU Web Development Office.
Junjie (David) Wu
Chief Programmer, CEMR
David handles custom database and programming requests submitted by the faculty and staff. He
also works closely with Iris in the development of online web database applications and
contributes to the development special features for the Price College web site. As Chief
Programmer for CEMR, he supervises our GRA Programmers.
Keith LeBaron
Information technology Specialist I
As the newest member of our IT Team, Keith’s duties include the installation, maintenance and
trouble-shooting for the Price College classroom technology. Keith also works with other
members of our team to ensure the smooth operation of the student computer labs in Price
David Williams
Director, Business Communication Center, CEMR
See David and his assistants in the Business Communication Center (Price Hall 2050) to learn
how to scan images and text, create PDF files, create or edit digital audio and video, and create
multimedia-enhanced PowerPoint presentations. Visit the BCC whenever you need to check out
a camera or camcorder. And be sure to send your students to see David for help improving their
presentation design and delivery skills. David will coach them through a videotaped practice
presentation and give them detailed individual written feedback. David will also gladly visit your
classroom to speak to your students about effective presentation skills, meeting skills, teambuilding and problem-solving skills, and emerging digital technologies.
Steve Wilson
Westheimer Communication Mentor, Business Communication Center, CEMR
Steve helps students sharpen their business writing skills, administers the Business
Communication Center’s library of soft skills training videos, and helps the center’s director coach
student practice presentations.
Center for Economic and Management Research, Price College of Business
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