Chapter 1

Chapter 1
1. Background of the study
Al Hedaya Alkhalifia is the first regular school be established in Bahrain, It's was
established in 1919. The education in Bahrain was limited to education in koranic
schools who are studying the Koran. However, Al Hedaya Alkhalifia was limited to
the teaching the children of rich people and the owners of the important centers
in the country and then become the public from the people.
It's a doubted by the ministry of education in Bahrain. as the time go the school
has improved it teaching system and the activates to make the studying more
effective for the student and now this school have been secondary school for
boys in Moharraq.
2. Company's Current Situation
Now, the school is using a manual grading system in which they are using papers,
files, cards and calculators to calculate the marks of each student.
This type of grading is very difficult and take along time in calculating the grad of
each student, and the school spends money every year for papers files and other
things, as well as there is big ability for losing or damaging the document.
3. Purpose of the Study
I choose this type of grading system because it's much easier and to reduce many
things such as:
 reducing the cost
 reducing the time that teachers spends in calculating grads
 reducing the ability for losing or damaging the documents
 to make it secure that only teachers can enter the system
4. Objectives of the study
General objectives:
Develop a computerized grading system for Al Hedaya Alkhalifia secondary school
that is reliable, fast and efficient use.
Specific objectives:
 to identify the existing system.
 to erumerate the problems that encounters
 to be able to develop a system that is:
*Fast and reliable
* Reducing cost
* Ensure that the information in secure place
5. Hypothesis of the Study
HA: There is significant difference between the existing and the proposed system
in terms of efficiency, effective and reliability.
HO: There is No significant difference between the existing and the proposed
system in terms of efficiency, effective and reliability.
6. Scope and Delimitation
The teacher login by entering the user name and password then he can insert the
students mark and the system will calculate the grad automatically.
The system has two models, midterm and finals. There are two quizzes in each
model that well be calculated in the class standing aside with home work and the
The total 100% will be distributed on the class standing 30%, the midterm exam 20%
and the final exam 50%.
The project aims to make the teachers work much easier and provid a
computerized system.
7. Definition of terms:
Visual Basic: programming language and environment developed by
Microsoft. Based on the BASIC language, Visual Basic was one of the
first products to provide a graphical programming environment and a
paint metaphor for developing user interfaces. Instead of worrying
about syntax details, the Visual Basic programmer can add a
substantial amount of code simply by dragging and dropping controls,
such as buttons and dialog boxes, and then defining their appearance
and behavior.
system: Is a collection of parts interacting or interdependent with one another forming
a unified whole towards a definite goal.
Users: are the people who want to access the system such as the students, teachers,
staffs and other persons who have access to software programs.
Windows based system: refers to those applications or services that are installed in a
computer that is accessible using a software program and is therefore accessible from
this specific computer only.
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies
1 .Theoretical Framework of the study:
The Figure {I} below shows the relationship between the input, process and output of
the manual system that the teachers are all ready using it now in schools.
As well as it shows the basic function of the existing system. The data input to the
existing manual system are brought from user name, password and student
information. In the grading process the teacher fill specific form (notebook) for the
student's grades and store them at shelves, so they will be found when they are
needed. The school will ask the parents to bring personal information of the students.
The teacher or the technician will enter this information into the database (access).
They can process this information in type of (adding, deleting and updating) using
database (access). As a result they can view and print out records of all the students.
The same process will be done manually each time a new student will enrol in the
If any student or parent has any complaint, he/she print out the form and goes directly
to the administration or management staff to talk to them.
1.1Theoretical Framework of the Study
Existing System
1- Teacher’s name
2- Class / Section
3- Student marks.
1- calculating &
filling student forms
on papers.
2- Storing the forms
on shelves.
3- Enter student
information in the
grade notebook.
4- Calculate the
grades manually.
5- Listen to
1- Student's
information updated.
2- Completed
student's grades.
Proposal System
1- User name.
2- Password.
3- Student
1- Filling student
information in the
2- Storing the
information in system.
3- Enter student
automatically in the
4-Calculate the grades
5- Save all
information into a
1- Updated student’s
2- Certificate of the
This proposed system will help the teachers to do the job faster, easier and more
secure than the manual system, having all personal information related to students
saved into specialized notebooks or written forms is so dangerous in terms of storing
the files, or deleting the wrong record to update it.
1.2. Conceptual Framework of the Study
Conceptual frameworks are a type of intermediate theory that has the potential to
connect to all aspects of query. It acts like maps that give consistency to practical
The Figure II illustrates the conceptual framework of the study. As it is shown, the
study will be about developing a Grading system for Al Hedaya Alkhalifia secondary
School in order to change the manual system into a computerized system that
provides high performance, efficiency, effectiveness and reliability in the future.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Al Hedaia
1- User name.
2- Password.
3- Student
4- Complaints.
1- Filling
student forms
in the system.
2- Storing the
forms in
3- Enter
in the system.
4-Calculate the
5- Save all
into a
6- Handle
An efficient
system where
teachers can
display easily
each student
and grades.
2.Related literature(published)
Foreign literature
According to Main article: Academic grading in the United States (May 15 2006):
“The most commonly used index in the U.S. educational system uses five letter
grades. Historically, the grades were A, B, C, D, and F—A being the highest and F,
denoting failure, the lowest. In the mid-twentieth century, many American
educational institutions—especially in the Midwest (particularly the State of
Michigan)—began to use the letters A, B, C, D, and E. The only difference here is
that failure is denoted by E instead of F, which is not used by these schools.
The A–F (A–E) quality index is typically quantified by correlation to a five-point
numerical scale as follows:
A = 4.0
B = 3.0
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F&E = 0.0
Chromatic variants, represented by + and −, are commonly used. They are most
commonly quantified as x.3 and y.7, e.g., B = 3.0, so B+ = 3.3 and B− = 2.7). The
grade A+ is a novelty in American education. The minority of institutions that use it
may quantify the grade as 4.3 or 4.5, but many of them quantify A+ as 4.0 on the
theory that a 4.0 scale cannot go higher than 4.0. By convention, quantitative scales
are called by the highest whole number, so there is—at least, conventionally—no such
scale based on 4.3 or 4.5, but it is still a 4.0 or 4-point scale because the fraction is
ignored in naming the scale. D- is also rarely found, under the assumption that
anything less than a D is by definition failure.
American high schools and universities sometimes weight their GPAs.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, many primary schools began to employ quasieccentric quality indices in which E, historically a failing grade, was recast to
represent "Excellent." Similarly, the graduate business school at the University of
Michigan awards the grade X to represent "Excellent."
American high schools typically require a 1.0 grade point average to qualify to take a
diploma. The industry standard for undergraduate institutions is a minimum 2.0
average. Most graduate schools have required a 3.0 grade point average since 1975,
but some schools still have 2.75 as their pass standard. Some doctoral programmes
do not have a formal pass standard. For example, the Michigan Doctorate, conferred
by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan, is awarded
solely on the basis of competence in research. It is unlikely however, that the
University of Michigan would retain a student who is doing work below 'B' quality,
notwithstanding the grade point average is technically irrelevant to conferral of the
American law schools are notoriously out of step with mainstream graduate-level
education. Most of them still require no more than a 2.0 grade point average to qualify
for the professional doctorate in law. A few require 2.3 or 2.5 for post-doctoral
degrees, such as the American LL.M. or S.J.D. degrees. Law schools also typically
continue to award the grade D whereas the industry standard is to eliminate it from
the graduate-level quality index.
There are many foreign literature related to developing Grading Systems and their
associated findings and consequences. A software system for grading student
computer programs.
According to Joe Smith Arthur (Feb24, 2009) states that:
“Unlike earlier, the students appearing in the Class will be awarded grades instead of marks in their
certificates. Till last year, the students used to get both marks and grades. But now, they will receive
their result in the form of grades and not aggregate marks.”
He is taking about how a new and a better system can make changes in the student’s grades format.
It’s related to our project because our project is about providing a new system that will ease the
grading process and by that the students and teachers will be able to distinguish between that existing
system and the proposed one.
Local literature
There are many local literature related to developing grading systems and their
associated findings and consequences.
According to Ali Mohammed (2007) the Principle of Al Hekma International School said:
“The school follows a cumulative Grading System over the two terms. Marking
student’s achievements enables parents and teachers to monitor the student’s progress
as well as address weak points to ensuring continual student success, promotes
communication between the school and home, also rectify any problems might
interfere with student success. “
This system will enable the school to communicate with the student’s parents and be able to monitor
the student’s performance; there will be reports about the student’s achievements. This system will
organize the grades for each student and will make the teacher’s work easier, that what our project is
all about.
“The KU uses grading system with letter representation. The grade is converted into
the letters system used for the GPA.”
Table1 and Table2 below summarize the Standard Grading System of KU.
Table1: Letter Grades
Table2: Grade letter description
A,AExcellent to very good: comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of subject matter; marked perception and/or
B+,B,B- Very Good to good: moderately broad knowledge and
understanding of subject matter; noticeable perception and/or
C+,C,C- Good to satisfactory: reasonable knowledge and understanding
of subject matter; some perception and/or originality.
Marginal: minimum of knowledge and understanding of subject
matter; limited perception and/or originality.
Failing: unacceptably low level of knowledge and
understanding of subject matter; severely limited perception
and/or originality. (No credit is awarded and student must
repeat course)
“Other grades may be assigned by the registration or the faculty members which has
no weight in the calculation of the GPA:
W (Withdraw), WF (Withdraw with Fail), I (Incomplete), S (Satisfactory) and U
3.Related Studies(unpublished):
Foreign Studies
There are many related studies related to developing grading systems and their
associated findings and consequences (orientation, NCEE National college Entrance
Examination 1977, How to get better grades, Pro Active Seminars For Student Thatcher)
Author: Saudi Aramco News
(orientation) Released 20 November 2009
“The event’s purpose was to give the new students an insight into the U.K. grading
system, university life in Britain and what is expected of them. Khalid Al-Safar, head
of the U.K. Career Development Office, said, “I hope the orientation evening has
excited the students as to what they can accomplish, provided them with the desire to
get involved and made them aware that they are not alone. We’re here to support each
individual, to enable them to reach their highest academic potential.”
“There is a significant truth to mention here that being successful is hard,” said Badr
Al-Rumiah, a third-year CDPNE student. “Don’t let your failures define you. You
have to let your failures teach you.”
An orientation was held to the new student to give an insight into the UK. Grading
system, university life in Britain and what is expected on them. Khaild al-Safar head
of the UK . carrier Development office said, “I hope the orientation evening has
exited the students as to what they can a accomplish, provided them with the desire to
get involved and made them with the desire to get involved and made them aware that
they are not alone. We are here to support each individual, to enable them to reach
their highest academic potential”.
They author showed success and hardness, the benefit of an orientation, the way of
connecting communications, pointing out the success, the determination for growing
and developing to became future leaders. I conclude that, every school should held an
Local Studies
There are many local studies related to developing grading systems and their
associated findings and consequences (Al Hedaya Al Khalefia secondary school
According to Al Hedaya secondary school Bahrain (November 10 2010)
The Al hedaya school for secondary students is on their long term of study in regards
of using a software computer program system for grading students. This study was
done with the help of Mrs. Ebtisam Sultan and the rest of her co teachers.
Data’s are still manually gathered and entered and saved in a software system.
Experiences to date for teachers are encouraging. The system is offering much faster
and more compare pensive making than was previous possible.
According to By Mosa Sanad Muharraq primary schoolBahrain (Jeanery 22 2010)
According to the grading system study done by Mosa Sanad, teacher for Muharraq
primary school, the system was designed for teachers and students provides them the
international exposure and a through grounding in the computer based assessment
strategies, techniques and inter nationally recognized begat practice.
Significance of the Studies:
Educational significance:
The grading system will help teachers to develop their skills and ability in new
technology. That will make them specialized in using this kind of system. Moreover,
they will keep track of all students' information.
Economical significance:
The system will reduce costs that the government schools spend on papers, cards, files
and shelves for storing students' activities, attitudes, performances and grades reports
in order to speed up the work but actually there is no actual cost for the system
because it’s a student project not more.
Technological significance:
This system will be developed by using the Visual Basic , that is the third-generation
event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE)
from Microsoft. Moreover, VB is also considered relatively easy to learn and use
programming language.
5. Overview of the software
The software that we are using in this grading system is visual basic. First of all the
teachers login by inserting the user name and the password, then the system will open.
The software has two models midterm and finals.
The midterm model includes:
Class standing have 30% of 100 which is divided into three parts:
1. Behavior 10%
2. Quizzes10%
3. H.W 10%
Midterm Exam 20%
The final model include only the final exam grad 50%.
However, the system is so simple and divided in small parts which make the system
easy and fast to use. This system will calculate the grades automatically so the
teachers only have insert the ID number for the student and the marks after that the
system will complete the job.
In addition the program will add first the class standing 30% and add it to the midterm
exam, so the grad will be of 50%, after that will you press Total Mark automatically
the midterm model and finals model will be added and the final mark will be of 100.
Methods of Research used
The researchers made use of different research of methods which is
significant for this type of study and development. These methods can
include such manner of research used as will as:
Descriptive Method
It is a required research method which is a process of gathering,
storing and entering the data in the system. That provides practice of
skills and ability through the system for the user and also reduces time
spent on using the program. The method could be implied by using
observations, interview and review of performance data. The researchers
can easily find out whether the system for software project could be
accepted and useful in the market or not.
Prognostic Method
This method is going to help the researchers to predict the future
operations of the factors investigated, so if there is any problem that may
appear it can be controlled tangibly and accurately and also in a particular
In the existing system, most of the contents are outdated. It is not a
creative design and it provides a complex navigation process. also it is
more likely to make mistakes and spend along time and effort by using
manual process. Having reliable and fixable grading system will help the
user to save time and effort.
Library Method
The researchers used recourses materials such as books, articles,
magazines which could be published. It is written by both Local and
foreign authors which are related to the software project that provides a
general idea and knowledge in developing and designing software. The
research conducted has also involved the gathering of important
information from several materials.
Creative Method
This method is used to provide reflective thinking and to help the
researchers in utilizing their creativity in design and development.
In order to do business in creating a system that is available in the
schools , lot of research and innovative ideas are needed to attract school
administration, technician and the teachers who are going to use the
grading system. The system should be simple, reliable and have high
level of performs to gain the trust of the users. Thus with the help of
reliable software such as Microsoft tools.
The school is using report cards for first and second chapter. with
individual personal dates:
Name, class and section, number of absences, achieved progress and
comments. Students were graded according to their abilities performed.
Shows numerical figures equivalent to the letter figures of grading.
Report cards were fully written in Arabic with school stamp, teachers and
administrator signature on it.
After the systems have been used in the school we make an interview
with the teachers and the chief of the school to compare between the old
and new system and to take their opinion if the system is easier and
working toward their objectives.
Also we make a questionnaire forms for the teachers and the people in
other schools if they are using the grading system and if they are satisfied
with it or not and you will see it down.
Evaluation Form:
It is cambering between the Existing system and Proposed system of the
grading system and by the criteria with we bout it in the Evaluation Form.
1. Does new grading system already existing in your school?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
2. Are you implementing the system?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
3. Dose manual system sometimes cause problems related to school,
teachers, parents and students?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
4. Do you agree that modern system minimizes so much in terms of
money, efforts, and time?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
5. As a teacher, is there a must to implement new grading system in
your school?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
6. Is lack in use of technology cause affect to your professionalism?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
7. Are student happy with the present system?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
8. Are parents cooperating more, with the school than before
regarding grading?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
9. Does the ministry of education having proposals regarding new
grading system?
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
10.Do you believe that teaching needs more new techniques for
o Yes
o No
o I don’t know
Analytical Tools
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
The DFD shows the data process of the entire system. It depicts the
complete process of the system and its various functions. The diagram
consists of entity, flow of data, process and data store. Using this
diagram, the researchers were able to visualize how the data should flow
through the system.
Visual Table of Contents (VTOC)
VTOC chart shows the hierarchy of the system, from the top level to the
bottom. This chart provides a map that helps to locate the program
module within the system.
Program Flowchart.
It is used to describe the flow of data through a particular computer
program, showing the exact sequence of operations performed by the
program in order to process data. Different graphic symbols are used to
represent data input and output, decisions, branches, and subroutines.
Input Process Output (IPO)
There are three very common terms that are linked to each other. They
describe particular stages in information handling. These are the basic
functions of a system. Data must be feed into the system (input), which is
then analyzed and reorganized (process), and then it is displayed (output).
Methods used in Developing the Software
Software engineering is the practice of using selected process
techniques to improve the quality of a software development
effort. The correct choice of methodology plays a key role for having
reliable and correct software products. The waterfall model is a
sequential software development process. According to Winston W.
Royce, The researcher has used the “Water Fall” model during the
development of this software.
Figure 1.0 Waterfall Model
Functional Analysis:
DFD or Data Flow Diagram is a versatile analysis tool for process modeling, even we
can analyze it with Use-Case Diagram which, Object Oriented method but the DFD is
the famous and acceptable methods and understood by most IT specialist.
The below diagram represents context diagram or 0-level diagram in DFD which
shows the entities or actors in the system each with its function applied on the system.
Context Diagram
Data Design Ship Diagram (ERD):
The whole process must be well planned. A software project plan
is produced at the culmination of the initial planning and provides a
baseline cost and scheduling information that will be used throughout
the software engineering process.
Requirements specification
This part plays a key role in the software development process. It is used
to gather information needed to give an insight into the product, its
functionality, its design and its implementation procedure. In this stage,
the requirements which the software is going to satisfy are specified. The
software applications and the required specifications should adhere to the
developing process. This is essential to develop a correct system.
Design can be divided into architectural (preliminary) design & detailed
design. In the architectural design phase, the overall design for the
software is developed, allocating all of the requirements to software
components. In the detailed design, the architectural design is expanded
to the unit level. Constraints and system
resource limits are re-estimated and analyzed, and staffing and test
resources are validated.
In this phase the designs are translated into code. Computer programs
are written using a Conventional programming language or an application
generator Programming tools are used to generate the code. Different
high level programming languages like Java which is used for coding in
our system. All the works should be checked for accuracy, completeness,
and traceability to main page source.
In this part the system is tested. The separate modules are brought
together and tested as a complete system. The system is tested to
ensure that interfaces between modules work and with the expected
volume of data and that the system does what the user requires.
Inevitably the system will need maintenance. Maintenance
operation takes place after the system has been designed and
developed completely. The software is checked to see if it meets the
objectives for which it was developed. The software should be
developed to accommodate changes that could happen during the post
implementation period.
Justification of the Method Used
Chosen waterfall model was due to having easy process to explain
to the use, also the stage and activities of the method are well defined.
Moreover this type of method helps to plan and schedule the project. It
updates the data and utilizes it in the development of proposed system.
This method shows a systematic approach towards the software
development and easier method to the main the quality of the software
from the functionality process to the maintenance process.
Methods used for Product Evaluation:
Three types of feasibility tested were conducted by the researchers
this project, which are follows:
Technical Feasibility:
The grading system will help teachers to develop their skills and ability in
new technology. That will make them specialized in using this kind of
system. Moreover, they will keep track of all students' information and
will reduces the danger such as losing or damaging the document.
However each teacher will have a training course to be will informed in
using the grading system.
Operational Feasibility:
This new system will be much better then the manual one and it will
affect positively in the educational process because it will be flexible and
easy to use by every teacher also because of the high security of the
system, it has the ability to work in most operational Environments and
the information saved in linked database to protect them.
Economic Feasibility:
The new grading system will save money by reducing the costs which
spent on all tangible tools that school used to record and monitor grades
like papers, pens, sheets, files and Etc. In addition this system will save
the teacher’s time which spent in manual recordings and calculations.