For non-commercial resident use only HUNTERS RIDGE HOMES ASSOCIATION RESIDENT DIRECTORY June 2009 HUNTER’S RIDGE WEB SITE: WWW.HRHA.NET Check out the HRHA Web site for information on neighborhood activities, crime alerts, trash and recycling updates, services offered by neighbors and the current version of our deed restrictions. If you have any corrections or changes to this directory, please send an email to Page 1 of 12 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only 2009 Board President V.P. Grounds/Maint. V.P. Convenants Treasurer Secretary Pool Jen Carlsen Audrey Porsche Neil Spencer John Perry Brian Levinson Sarah Wheeler Brad Blood 2009 Block Captains Aberdeen Aberdeen 12302-12316 12320-12412 Susan Kastner Robbin Gardner Fairway 12301-12321 Candy Brown High Drive High Drive High Drive 12300-12309 12312-12345 12400-12409 Kathy Keller Charlotte McGahan Charlene Perry Pembroke 12320-12344 Paula Logan Sagamore Sagamore 12324-12340 12400-12425 Jen Carlsen Ruth Anderson 123rd Terr. 123rd Terr. 123rd Terr. 123rd Terr. 123rd Terr. 2200-2209 2304-2320 2321-2417 2940-2956 2957-2965 Kathy Keller Open Laura Timmons Shawna Shaw Open 124th Terr. 124th Terr. 2401-2901 2904-2919 Beth Migliazzo Nancy Bolig 124th St. 124th St. 124th St. 2204-2225 2228-2241 2404-2913 Polly Lamke Connie Moyes Shannon Everson Page 2 of 12 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only A B Adamo, Bob & Fran Hess 12320 Pembroke Lane Nathan, Amelia 5/90 498-1450 Block, Randy & Elyse 12320 Aberdeen St. Greg, Phil, Sam 491-1949 Adams, Bob & Debbie 12340 High Drive Libbie 469-5762 Blood, Brad & Janette 2960 W. 123rd Terrace 661-2950 Bodney, J. Victor & Mary 2220 W. 124th St. 469-6336 Alexander, Brian & Audrey Porsche 12304 High Drive 549-3231 Jason, Peter, Christian Bollig, Richard & Nancy 345-2581 th 2905 W. 124 Terrace Courtney, Eric & Michael Luschen Christopher 12/96, Daniel 6/99 Amrolia, Kurussh & Hilla 12305 High Drive 400-3744 Anderson, Ross & Ruthie 12404 Sagamore St. Libbie, Lexy 451-7306 Bracco, Brian & Sarah 12305 Aberdeen St. Adam, Nicholas Asel, Paul & Karen 2313 W. 123rd Terrace Holly 661-9915 Brockman, Maria & John Goldberg 12409 High Drive 469-9290 Elana 3/92, Daniel 10/94, Adena 10/97 B Banerjee, Tapan & Valerie 12301 Fairway Road 339-9488 Barleen, Rod & Angela 12412 Aberdeen 339-9365 Barrow, Ronald & Judith 2228 W. 124th St. 345-9322 Beckmon, O.L. & Cheri 2304 W. 123rd Terrace 345-9597 Brown, John & Cindy 491-9511 12309 Fairway Ben, Angela, Tony, Joey, Danny 2/92 Burns, Jill 12324 Sagamore 515-3012 C 602-8572 491-8951 Campbell, Carolyn 12337 High Drive Lauren, Maggie Bertolone, Tom & Bev 2948 W. 123rd Terrace 491-6413 Cannova, Mike & Cathy 12328 High Drive 338-2900 Bethel, Jeffrey & Cecilia 2915 W. 124th Terrace Jacob, Joshua 345-8882 Canyon, Tim 2241 W. 124th St. Blackburn, Thomas & Jane 491-3093 2324 W. 123rd Terrace Timothy, Terrance, Thomas, Tricia Page 3 of 12 816-718-9553 Carlsen, David & Jennifer 12328 Sagamore St. Grace 11/02, Nora 2/05 469-0407 Carty, Robert & Judy 2225 W. 124th St. 491-6601 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only C D Cascio, Marie 2961 W. 123rd Terrace No e-mail 491-9494 Decker, Jim & Lainie 2328 W. 123rd Terrace Isaac 02/02, Gabriel 09/05 491-9911 Charcut, Bill & Doretta 2941 W. 123rd Terrace Kevin, Bryan, Jason 469-8245 Denne, John & Tracey 12316 High Drive Hannah, Parker 814-9998 Charcut, Bryan & Bridget 2209 W. 124th St. 220-7172 Devorak, Eric & Albina 2904 W. 124th Terrace 345-2074 Chen, Reynold & Lena 12320 High Drive Lynne, Bing 338-2822 Doherty, Michael J. 2317 W. 123rd Terrace 451-6386 Clayton, Chad & Christy 12337 Pembroke Lane Mia, Austin 491-3820 Dollinger, Mark & Debbie 2940 W. 123rd Terrace Shan, Rachael, Dannielle, Aaron 345-1716 469-0255 Dorfman, Jeff & Beth 2412 W. 124th Terrace 345-1371 Clements, Eric & Lisa 12329 Pembroke Lane Madelynn 3/91, Collin 1/93 491-8922 Cockle, John & Lynn 12305 Fairway Road Elizabeth, Matthew 5/90 491-5366 Dougan, Joe & Judy 2204 W. 124th St. Dunn, Kipton & Amy 2216 W. 124th St. 549-4999 Cohen, Ken & Joy 12416 Sagamore St. 491-1241 Coleman, Dwight & Sarah 338-3213 12409 Sagamore St. Noah 11/98, Grace 4/01, Isabel 1/03 E Edelblute, Greg & Katie 12332 Sagamore St. Sara 1/94 491-0089 Edelman, Alan & Debbie Sosland 2913 W. 124th St. 345-1985 Alexander, Katja, Jonathan 1/92 Collins, Derrick 12412 Sagamore St. Unlisted Cox, Jackie 2205 W. 123rd Terrace Jared, Amanda 491-0731 Craig, Bill & Jody 2916 W. 124th Terrace John, Katy, Emily 491-6801 Page 4 of 12 Eisemann, Mark & Leslie Mark 12328 Pembroke Lane 345-1557 Emma, Noah, Josh Elmore, David & Amy Long 12336 Sagamore St. 927-4810 Emerson, Scott & Michelle 2900 W. 124th Terrace 491-2897 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only E Everson, John & Shannon 2905 W. 124th St. Piper ‘04, Natalie ‘06 G 314-443-0141 Gilgus, Steve & Jill 269-3411 rd 2956 W. 123 Terrace Bret 10/98, Jeff 2/02, Kelli 10/05 Gilpin, Gordon & Jackie 12317 High Drive F Ferguson, Ron & Tess 2316 W. 123rd Terrace Ashley 491-1176 Fitzpatrick, Jim & Suzanne 2321 W. 123rd Terrace 469-5356 Fortin, Tim & Jennifer 12312 Aberdeen St. Renee, Sofia, Caroline 491-4912 Fournier, Paul & Patti 12320 Fairway Daniel and Nathan Carroll 696-1938 Franklin, Larry & Janice 12332 Pembroke Lane 663-2379 G Gardner, Robert & Robbin 12328 Aberdeen St. Taylor, Jessica 6/91 491-6463 Garlich, Mary 2908 W. 124th St. Jeni, John 491-6847 Garofano, Dick & Linda 2405 W. 124th St. Steve, Elizabeth 491-1134 Geller, Kathryn 12405 Sagamore 338-1516 George, Robert & Lynn 2909 W. 124th St. Erin 491-6277 Ghearing, Mel & Kathy 12408 Sagamore St. Megan 338-4665 491-4554 Goldberg, John & Marla Brockman 12409 High Drive 469-9290 Elana 3/92, Daniel 10/94, Adena Goodman, Scott & Jennifer 12340 Pembroke Lane Hannah 10/98, Shelby 2/01 491-5136 Greenberg, Bob & Susie 12325 Pembroke Lane 345-9003 Groves, Mike & Jane 2909 W. 124th Terrace Mallory Cook 451-8556 H Haith, Steve & Delores 12324 Aberdeen St. Grace 03 327-5280 Hamilton, Jim & Denise 2205 W. 124th St. Jamie, Justine, J.C. 451-0346 Hattaway, Herman & Margaret 12308 High Drive 491-1402 Page 5 of 12 Haughey, Jeff & Helen Marie 12400 Sagamore St. Alex, Mark, Garvin 3/92 469-5165 Hedlund, Larry & Vicki 12341 High Drive 469-5743 Herman, Joan 12304 Aberdeen St. Kelsey, Brian, Kaley 5/92 491-9210 Hess, Fran & Bob Adamo 12320 Pembroke Lane Nathan, Amelia 498-1450 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only H J Hoadley, Roger & Kyla 2404 W. 124th Terrace Ryan 3/01 451-3790 Johnson, Jim & Marlo 491-4005 rd 2964 W. 123 Terrace Jordan 6/93, Benjamin 9/95, Brogan Hogan, John & Karen 12336 High Drive Lindsey 491-9276 Jones, Doug & Jennifer 12345 High Drive Andrew, William 3/93 Holk, Dan & D’Ann 2409 W. 123rd Terrace Zachary, Spencer 491-0770 Holtmann, John & Rachael 2325 W. 123rd Terrace Andrew 498-1397 Hoopes, Gayle 2945 W. 123rd Terrace Jared and Jacob 9/91 696-1502 Hron, Fred & Janine 12413 Sagamore St. Nathan 12/93, Nicholas 1/98 339-6555 Hubbard, Dirk & Karen 2409 W. 124th St. Logan 663-3107 Huber, Lou & Joan 2912 W. 124th St. Liz, Amy 491-1642 Hultz, Jewell & Dorothy 2204 W. 123rd Terrace 498-0785 Humenik, Jeffrey & Jeanne 12324 High Drive Justin 345-9638 451-1588 K Kapka, Sandy 2965 W. 123rd Terrace Jane, Hank, Reg 345-8656 Kastner, Rick & Susan 12309 Aberdeen St. Katie, Grant 4/91 338-0453 Keller, Dwight & Kathy 2200 W. 123rd Terrace 469-9879 Klein, Jeff & Deb 2908 W. 124th Terrace Rachael Aryn 345-0605 Klein, Randy 2912 W. 124th Terrace Eric, Pamela 491-1220 Klimek, Stanley & Jo Ann 2232 W. 124th St. 338-4016 Kratty, Ed & Angie 2401 W. 124th Terrace Elisha, Eric 491-3815 Kywe, Myo & Ma Myat 12332 High Drive 549-4815 J L Jacob, Ken & Dale 12308 Aberdeen St. Alissa, David 491-8935 Jeffries, Kevin & Laura 2919 W. 124th Terrace Adam 2/91, Christy 2/94 491-1224 Page 6 of 12 Lamke, Polly 2211 W. 124th St. Emma 12/01, Braden 1/03 498-0149 Landes, Margi 2201 W. 123rd Terrace 491-1923 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only L Leese, Philip & Tricia 2413 W. 124th Terrace Elisha, Jake, John M 491-6439 McGahan, Tom & Charlotte 12321 High Drive Houston 491-4543 Levinson, Brian & Julie 400-3159 12307 Aberdeen St. Joshua 7/95, Emily 5/97, Drew 4/02 McLerran, David & Carol 2904 W. 124th St. Jeff, Laura 491-1710 Lile, David & Rhonda 12425 Sagamore St. Brandon 12/92, Jessica 7/95 491-9753 Migliazzo, Carl & Beth 2405 W. 124th Terrace Megan, Nicholas 491-6719 Logan, Emmett & Paula 12321 Pembroke Lane Amy, Nick 6/93 491-1332 Miller, Audra 2229 W. 124th St. Doug, Jessica, Jennifer 491-0720 Lohr, Duke & Jill 12340 Sagamore St. Kristin, Mitch 8/92 338-4151 Miller, Chuck & Chris 2404 W. 124th St. Jeff, Kelly 491-4123 Minea, Todd & Margaret 12316 Aberdeen St. Allison, Samantha 2/93 491-9650 Morgan, Steve 12324 Pembroke Lane 491-2868 Moyes, David & Connie 2236 W. 124th St. Michael, Alyson 491-4675 Mullen, Gary & Yvonne 2901 W. 124th Terrace 661-0015 Mark, Leslie & Mark Eisemann 12328 Pembroke Lane 345-1557 Emma, Noah, Josh Munson, Jerry & Carol 12321 Fairway St. 338-4563 Marshall, Mary Patricia 2221 W. 124th St. 491-2867 Myers, Joe & Christine 661-9060 12400 High Drive Katie, Ann, Mary, Sarah, Teresa 11/95 Maxfield, Anne 2224 W. 124th St. Kit, Allie 345-8907 Maxwell, Donald & Delores 12401 High Drive 345-0272 Long, Amy and David Elmore 12336 Sagamore St. 927-4810 Loughner, John Jr. & Nancy 491-0343 2911 W. 124th Terrace Jimmy Hayes, Katie Hayes 3/83 Lurz, Neal & Beth 469-8081 2409 W. 124th Terrace Nathan, Ryan 5/91, Megan 9/93 M N Nigro, Mike & Maggie 2209 W. 123rd Terrace Page 7 of 12 469-0437 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only P R Padley, Rick & Joy 12408 Aberdeen St. Drew 491-2889 Parker, Mark & Janelle 2309 W. 123rd Terrace 469-3650 Pascarella, John & Lisa 12404 High Drive 703-851-4408 Patterson, Patrick & Barbie 2233 W. 124th St. 451-9019 Perowsky, Eric & Susan 12312 Fairway Joel 8/94 685-1712 Perry, John & Charlene 12405 High Drive Alison 11/95, Charlene 2/98 345-1731 Peshoff, Bruce & Veronica 2401 W. 123rd Terrace Melina 4/01 491-9989 Petro, Soren & Lyn 2901 W. 124th St. 451-1750 Pint, Steve & Ann 12421 Sagamore St. Alex 12/91, Samuel 12/96 338-1690 Robertson, Tyler & Kelly McKee 2237 W. 124th St. (816) 522-0417 549-4108 Roemmele, Carl & Barbara 12333 Pembroke Lane 491-0624 Rosen, Jeff & Robbie 2949 W. 123rd Terrace Leigh, Kate, Maggie, Stephanie 345-9943 S Porsche, Audrey & Brian Alexander 12304 High Drive 549-3231 Jason, Peter, Christian Preuss, Craig & Suzanne 2400 W. 123rd Terrace Rodrick, Steve & Heidi 2217 W. 124th St. Mac, Clara 345-9926 R Reazin, Troy & Nancy 12316 Fairway Road Michael, Patrick, Danny 5/93, Elizabeth 4/95 491-8025 Richman, Marty & Lisa 2417 W. 123rd Terrace 491-4946 Page 8 of 12 Schloerb, Paul & Louise 12344 Pembroke Lane 451-8998 Seigel, Steve & JoAnn 2320 W. 123rd Terrace 491-8996 Shahlari, Ken & Mina 12404 Aberdeen St. Nooshin, Nasrin 696-9974 Shannahan, Julia 12313 High Drive Robby Phillips 491-1472 Shaw, Ben & Shawna 2953 W. 123rd Terrace Eden 11/00, Emery 1/04 491-4914 Shaw, John & Cynthia 12305 Aberdeen St. Sara, Katie, Amy 491-9332 Sherriff, Bill & Julie 12336 Pembroke Lane Matthew, Monica 491-5516 Skare, Sam & Linda 2312 W. 123rd Terrace Travis, Steven 469-5595 Skikne, Barry & Marge 2413 W. 124th St. Sarah 491-9287 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only S Skomal, Daniel & Erin 2408 W. 124th Terrace Ainsley 3/03, Emery 2/06 W 339-9785 Waldorf, Debra 12312 High Drive Tyler, Paige, Fritz 451-9527 Sosland, Debbie & Alan Edelman 2913 W. 124th St. 345-1985 Alex, Katja, Jonathan 9/92 Walsh, Terry & Peggy 12310 Aberdeen St. Christopher, Eddie, Megan 498-8970 Spencer, Neil & Nichole 2944 W. 123rd Terrace Brandie, Price, Tiffany, Jimmy 338-3884 Walter, John & Austyn 2957 W. 123rd Terrace Hudson 3/07 499-6957 Stafford, Wilson & Diane 2408 W. 124th St. Ted, Ben 491-5121 Wheeler, Cole & Sarah 12325 High Drive Miles 12/06 766-6719 Stoddart, William & Nancy 2413 W. 123rd Terrace Angus Edward 3/98 451-9510 Whittaker, Ted & Mary 12302 Aberdeen St. Lauren, Todd, Beth 339-6625 Wiggins, Kip & Mary Beth 12333 High Drive Molly, Matthew 491-5147 Williams, Jarvis (Skip) 12408 High Drive 491-3554 Williams, Jim & Kathy 12329 High Drive 498-0932 T Tahiliani, Mohan & Shobna 12309 High Drive Vikesh, Anjna 491-5395 Thompson, Mike & Mary 12400 Aberdeen St. 345-9505 Timmons, Gary & Laura 2332 W. 123rd Terrace Chelsea, Rachel 3/94 345-2038 Tobin, Rob & Lisa 12408 Sagamore 339-6523 Wilson, Nick & Jessica 12341 Pembroke Lane Turner, Jennifer 2208 W. 124th St. Erica 10/91 219-1012 Wood, Brooks & Margie 2212 W. 124 St. Wilson, Chris & Katie 2305 W. 123rd Terrace 766-0498 451-0722 X V Van Haften, John & Boo 12300 High Drive 491-8964 Vicklund, Cathy 2308 W. 123rd Terrace Sarah, Matt 663-3681 Xie, Ting & Xiaoging Song 2952 W. 123rd Terrace Kevin 1/97, Gerald 10/99 Page 9 of 12 451-3808 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only Y Young, Connie 2208 W. 123rd Terrace Brad, Andrew, Josh Yeretsky 345-1636 Yu, Congrong & Limei Ma 2405 W. 123rd Terrace 906-9981 Page 10 of 12 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only CROSS REFERENCE ABERDEEN 12302 Whitaker 12303 Bracco 12304 Herman 12305 Shaw 12307 Levinson HIGH DRIVE 12300 VanHaften 12304 Porsche 12305 Amrolia 12308 Hattaway 12309 Tahiliani PEMBROKE 12320 Adamo/Hess 12321 Logan 12324 Morgan for sale 12325 Greenberg 12328 Eisemann/Mark 12308 12309 12310 12312 12316 Jacob Kastner Walsh Fortin Minea 12312 12313 12316 12317 12320 Waldorf Shanahan Denne Gilpin Chen 12329 12332 12333 12336 12337 12320 12324 12328 Block Haith Gardner Thompson Shalari Padley Barleen McGahan Humenik Wheeler Canova Williams 12340 Goodman for sale 12341 Wilson 12344 Schloerb 12400 12404 12408 12412 12321 12324 12325 12328 12329 12332 12333 12336 12337 12340 Kywe Wiggins Hogan Campbell Adams FAIRWAY 12301 Bannerjee 12305 Cockle 12309 Brown 12312 Perowsky 12316 12320 12321 Reazin Fournier Munson 12341 Hedlund 12345 Jones 12400 12401 12404 12405 12408 12409 Myers Maxwell Pascarella Perry Williams Goldberg/ Brockman Page 11 of 12 Clements Franklin Roemmele Sherriff Clayton SAGAMORE 12324 Burns 12325 Unlisted 12328 Carlsen 12332 Edelblute 12336 Elmore/Long 12340 Lohr 12400 12404 12405 12408 12409 Haughey Anderson Gellar Tobin Coleman 12412 12413 12416 12417 12421 12425 Collins Hron Cohen Unlisted Pint Lile 3/10/2016 For non-commercial resident use only W. 123rd TERRACE 2200 Keller 2201 Landes 2204 Hultz 2205 Cox 2208 Young 2209 Nigro 2304 2305 2308 2309 2312 Beckmon Wilson Vicklund Parker Skare 2313 2316 2317 2320 2321 Asel Ferguson Doherty Seigel Fitzpatrick 2324 2325 2328 2332 Blackburn Holtmann Decker Timmons 2400 2401 2405 2409 2413 2417 Preuss Peshoff Yu Holk Stoddart Richman 2940 2941 2944 2945 2948 Dollinger Charcut Spencer Hoopes Bertolone 2949 2952 2953 2956 2957 2960 2961 2964 2965 Rosen Xie Shaw Gilgus Walter Blood Cascio Johnson Kapka W. 124th STREET 2204 Dougan 2205 Hamilton 2208 Turner 2209 Charcut 2211 Lamke 2212 2216 2217 2220 2221 Wood Dunn Rodrick Bodney Marshall 2224 2225 2228 2229 2232 Maxfield Carty Barrow Miller Klimek 2233 2236 2237 2241 Patterson Moyes Robertson Canyon 2404 2405 2408 2409 2413 Miller Garofano Stafford Hubbard Skikne 2901 2904 2905 2908 2909 2912 2913 Petro McLerran Everson Garlich George Huber Edelman/Sosland Page 12 of 12 W. 124th TERRACE 2401 Kratty 2404 Hoadley 2405 Migliazzo 2408 Skormal 2409 Lurz 2412 Dorfman 2413 Leese 2900 2901 2904 2905 2908 Emerson Mullen Devorak Bollig Klein 2909 2911 2912 2915 2916 2919 Groves Loughner Klein Bethel Craig Jeffries 3/10/2016